TllxLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 15. 1910 I The late Geo. Bennett, who cc m milted suicide in this city, had a policy in the Northwestern Mutual Lite for i2,(*i0. which the company first declined to pay, as the time had not expired covering the suicide clause, lacking five days of the two years. It seems that Bennett gave gave up his insurance in a fraternal order to take out a policy in the Northwestern, and when he did so had no intention whatever of cotti- mittirig suicide. W. S. Raker, the district agent, took tlie matter up and recommended that thecompany pay the claim, and he received a telegram on Saturday advising him thut it would be paid. This shows a generous disposition on the part of the Northwestern Mutual Life, for it could have avoided paying the claim had it wished to do so, but after considering the matter agreed to pay Mrs. Bennett the42,10», which our readers will be glad to hear, and to commend the company for its tuir eunsideratiun and liberality. Mr. Raker received the draft this morning to pay Mrs. Bennett. Removed to Opp. Dawson’s Barn. WJVL CURTISS, The Grain Man » & SCHOOL CHILDREN. Your eyes are worth more to you than any book. Your safety and your success in life depend on your . eyes; therefore, take care of them. Always hold your head up when you read. Hold your book fourteen inches from your face. Be sure that the litflit is clear and good. Never read with the sun shining directly on the book. Never face the light in reading. Let the light come from behind or over your left shoulder. Avoid books or papers printed indistinctly or in small type. Rest your eyes by looking away from the books every few moments. II in doubt about your eyes consult me. 1 will tell you tin- truth about them and the information will cost you nothing and you will not be asked to buy. Dr. HENRY E. MORRIS, Eye Specialist, Tillamook, Or. A Paid Up Policy The man with a paid up policy has the satis­ faction of knowing that premiums thereafter will nut pester him. When you have ZACIIMANN install your limbing you can rest assured that your job is paid up when finished, and does not like any other jobs call for premiums in the shape of constant repairs. Remember our reputation where workman­ ship is considered ZACIIMANN always gets the job. Petitions Filed. Auto For Sale. For Sale.-22 Horse power 5 pass- ■ nger Auto, 5 lamp Generator, and op complete. All in first class con­ dition. Cheap it sold at once. H. B. C'AUBY. Fann for S..le, - • For Sale, a Farm, containing 20 acres of second bottom ___ land, 31/* miles south of Tillamook City, on main roHtl, with three cows, one yearling heifer, five calves, 85 head of chicken, 28 ducks, farm imple­ ments, house with four rootns, barn with about 10 tons hay, and two stands of bees. Price $4.000 ; $l,5U0 or *2,1**1 down, balance three years at 7 per cent interest. Enquire at the Headlight office. Singer Sewing Machines. Now is your opportunity to get machine that will lust you a lite time, on easy monthly, payments that you will scarcely I1II8H and no interest. I personal? ly guarantee every nin- chine and wil ill keep it in repair free of charge. Your old machine will be taken as part payment. Machines delivered at your home, on free demonstration trial. Call in and see the New Singer 66. B irijett S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. Wlialem’a Jewelry Store. ii Do Not Delay Your Fall Planting Salem, Ore «al importati«»« bar« rlrm! fra FRABC1. W0LLAKD. JAPAE w»d th« AZORES m.d <• me trulli or noi al au. Along ins asrtul snore ns ran A simple pre-r-eiaagian. 21 J A mina primeval, uniirlllsd. tìlraigniluraaid as a ¡Hile child. I'nlll one morn ns made a grad And reualu a it,ra,,sole crab. Then mid the tribe at close ot day A Iiigger one had got away: «AKlHe POWDER cracks, as it JJj ot tha tooth crumble, ,„,r^ From him nave ■prune tl own a olas To wave me cull ot nal and tly nasi All hanermen—and Ananias: - Punch. T,«itgg Hnms said that I ablest writer that evw\2j self trletf ti, w the Roman hixturUg. How ths Candidata Loot Out. “They told me." wii<1 the Billvllle candidate. that apllltln' rails for pre lltlcsl fences was k < hh I exercise, sud I Absolutely Pure whirled In with a will. Bill there h a The only baking powder difference 'twlxl that Mild plowin' for. I plowed two days for one made from Royal Grape voles. man and plowed so well tluil It give Cream of Tartar me a big repuititlou In the selllemeut. No Alum, No Lime Phosphate I and I'm blest If n committee of farm­ ers didn't wall on me and advise me tn gli out o' politics and stick tn the Registration Closed. ¡ soil, ns It was their ununImoue verd ict I that I d la- more ot n success at guidin' The registration closed on Wed­ the destiny ot a Georgia mule than I nesday with the following result : would al sortin' seels as a cougresa- R. D. P. S M. TL muu!"— Atlanta Constitution. 8’ 3 3 6 81 Bay.................... 61 6 3 54 Beaver 33 11 r We've Got to Fieh. 4 0 0 23 2 Blaine ........... 17 This IB the heel time or the year 1 0 0 43 8 Barnagat .... 34 for fi*»h to bite. 9 2 25 1 3 f'-irnaltan . . .. 10 An Feller*« they are waitin’ near 3 0 0 0 0 3 D ilph............... Koi fi*»h to bite. 0 1 0 73 rairview .... 52 20 They've left rhe office, shop an’ store. 3 0 0 . 1 11 7 holey ............. Don’t care for bun ness any more. 0 7 1 40 Gribaldi........... 28 4 Jest waitin on or off the shore for fish io bite. 0 45 4 1 3 Hebo ............... 37 1 4 188 Hoquartun .. 138 35 10 They is a reelin' In our bones 4 1 9 1 62 I.. Neatucca. 47 V\ e vr got to hsh: Nehalem .... 79 4 0 3 5 91 This ain't nut in uncertain tones— 7 2 0 0 0 Netarts ........... 9 We’ve got to fish! Sand Lake 14 1 25 2 3 5 The world may take us for a slob. 1 But even if we lose our lob South Prairie 48 14 6 4 73 We’ve got to lest git out an bob— Tillamook ... 153 41 3 6 5 208 We ve got to fish Union............... 37 1 1 46 5 2 To Color The naturili <-»tur „ It is too light may he plying a mlxiure romp«,, gallon of waler, touron^*1 and two oum-es uf huu,. |¿' ply while imi. W Ml« g «"J the grain alih hl** Oew lUUbogutiy quit, tp, Jj old. Rica. ’ 1 Rice ha 8 been rhe tiaf g J more than hulf the | xh IU|« u J world since tievood th, isa recorded time. ™ -------------- — 1 Ths Town of MotM, I The town of Leonberg, lt d berg, is known u, lhe '1 mi J ers.” for there the murbt-md / and Kepler lived. Oatlieqd old castle where the Mapa J Württemberg libtrtles wuj Ulrii b. the well belovM, rUMt] been placed In honor uf * J ot the poet uud the aatruogg,J — Boston Herald. 172 28 61 34 1100 years ago were Democrats, 1GG » ; socialists, 76 total, J,040. Th» One of the teeth is that "‘Ml« it you take " coffee the emolisi ?, «I tm i in 1 “ 11 "*I««« <*111/1 av J 8 I causes It tu ettmrmt' -■ ITU. J expansion ami -r drink of w hisky. He was told that It Candidate Hofer and the Direct could not be sold to any one uu letta Dismal Swamp. Primary. bitten by a rattlesnake. 0|Hm Inqulr* The Dismal stvautp b a Mt ing whether there were any rartle- dise. It bouses every vvocriUM E. Hofer, direct primary candi­ date for the Republican nomination Hiinkea In town he was given the name and they nil slug, pifw w mJ for Governor, fought the primary of a man who had one. •'But.'1 said the time at the lop of tbeirM law through his Salem paper when bls Informant, •'there's no use In your m«t SDd. for Ihm niHtier. K wimc J pending before the people only Six Poor Jack has lost nia heart?*' years ago: »re h II closel.v allled tancuaml 1 wooed her. and I won her hand. U'Ren admits thatJhe bill is his bers of Ilie < eitle group HnJ And then I heard it said: own handiwork and as such lie de- Weislt are veu' tuttcb tllke I ••Now, am t it sad'.' Poor lad. poor lad! serves credit for all that is good in Poor Jacs nas tost his head?* | ' ---------------------- it. It is a patchwork front other -Cleveland ueader. The Art of Dywn|. I states and its weak points are that D.veing was pnirtletJ in Sa it seeks to abolish conventions and So Lika a Family. puts the expense of holding another far back hm :«»*• B (1. and Da “Denr." said Mrs Xew<-es and lone* The •*«' bosses a monoply of nominations, of a chime of 1*0* »odh« wipe all other political parties out Naturally Qualified. of existence and destroy indepen­ "I am afraid I haven't any Idcn rtf clear h nd musical The dent voting and secrecy of the " the value of money." said lhe luiru to be a iieeuliar variety