TlliLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 15. 1910 hood and liis God. It gives uotb- ASSEMBLY OPPOSITION IS (ing in return. DYING. took lhe liquor traffic is unfair to the business man. It gets the first Only a Few Republican Papera ton. Fighting the Party. grab at the workman's wages, by trapping him Saturday and Sunday men. Polk County Observer. iwn, with just after he lias been paid hie It is a fact worthy of mention that yreekly wage. It shows its greed y around the number of Republican news­ len spots by keeping open long after other papers in Oregon fighting the stores are closed. It plays upon Hh all your assembly is steadily growing less. . ■ get along its patron’s weakness and passions Prior to the holding of the assembly, \ ■ to debauch and unfits them f< r legitimate busi­ a few Republican papers were hos- ! -' I your boys. j ness. It strips men of their money tile to the plan. This condition no k»ooey. i j and precludes the possibility of ■ wired of the their paying other legitimate bills. louger exists. Perusal of our ex­ How much is I The liquor traffic is unfair to changes each week discloses a keone answer 1 labor. It uses up raw material, steadily diminishing opposition, employing a less number of men until today, out of a total of more I>WD. process than any other busi- than 100 Republican papers in the Innes. AVhat in state, scarcely a half dozen are fight­ ¡Answer, 2OX). , —ft employs a far 'mailer ing the assembly candidates. number of men for the money in ­ fa little light-' The cause of this change of atti­ ■ d resu ned: vested than any other activity. It tude is evident to any thinking makes life for the laborer, in these ked up to you | mind. In the first place, the editors ¡.let us damn . days of machinery, exceedingly je you JU 40 a dangerous. It unfits the man who, who opposed the assembly at the outset, in tlie fear that an effort was f “Say, what without it, is a very capable work­ being made to set aside tile primary I pound hog i man. It spends for the laborer all law, have found that this gathering ■0. 'So,' said I hia money, and makes it impossible of Republicans did not take away I piece, and for him to use liquor and buy a from the voters of Oregon a single Everything that makes lay, brother, home. right or privilege. They further kere a hog? against the laborer also is a damage see these assembly candidates lamily would to the employers. going quietly about their business The liquor is unfair to those seek­ luy a sucking affairs, leaving their candidacy in ing the bettermentof the community. iuiu of $ .40 a the hands of the people and willing .ur boys to tie Schools are not so well attended to submit to the popular verdict on from the homes of drinking men. l of mothers the 24th day of September, while a town ruined— Children of drinking parents are miscellaneous horde of disgruntled cheap. But I not as clear headed to do intellect­ politicians and professional pie- a are worth, ual labor. Churches find the sa­ huntess, posing as anti-assembly loon the greatest obstacle in their candidates, are running around out There is work of evangelizing the land. All over the state, engaged in the most it signed that reforms expend most of their unseemly and disgusting scramble those saloons strength against the saloon, and for office it has ever been the lot of leserves every every kind of crime makes a breast­ the Oregon voter to witness. ur home shall work of the liquor traffic behind The greater part of this pretended rave, and your which to hide. opposition to the assembly is noth­ lhe embraces of ing more iu reality than a well-laid . What did you The New Oregon State School Fot plan to defeat the Republican party The Deaf. l did not want in the state. Awaking to a realiza­ or your da lighter The fall session of the new State tion of this fact, these editors are jrd, what did you School for the Deaf will open Sept. unwilling to lend their influence to up on your feet 28th. The new buildings, for which the game. Even this early in the ou surely did not the last legislature appropriated campaign, opposition to the assem­ your boy would seventy five thousand dollars, have bly candidates among Republican I it your neighbor’s been completed and are being made newspapers has almost entirely dis­ I m’t you Bay, ‘To ready for occupancy. Those form­ appeared, and it may lie confidently I ighty’s truth, I did erly occupied have been transferred predicted that tietween now and If the devil don't to the State Sanitarium for the ■ieptemlier 24 the list of pa|»ers I is just because he Treatment of Tuberculosis, fighting the assembly will dwindle u, and every man The new School plant is modern down to a few Democratic sheets that petition—the in every respect, and is most con­ and that precious pair of twins—the e last man of you— veniently located in the snberbs of Portland Journal and Hofer's Jour­ he won’t get much, Salem, on a track of fifty two acres, nal. lat signed that pe- on tne line of the Oregon Electric TRIP TO BAYOCRAN PARK. 1 like a dog, you And almut half a mile west of the »1, that’s all.” State Fair Grounds. Washington and Polk County ■ The object of this school is to Riads Bad for Autos. i on The Saloon. educate the deaf children who come To Tillamook, Bayocean and the aristocracy of any to it without language into useful, ocean was the trip taken last week xiaed to aristocrac- intelligent, self-supporting citizens. by Vice-President W. J. Clemens, oaed to aristocracies This is accomplished by means ol of the Portland Automobile Club, I opposed to pluto- both ¡literary and industrial train­ and accompanying him on his little friends, if I had to ing. jaunt were A. G. Dunnagan, with 1 rather have a plut- Seven literary and five industrial the Gorham Rubber Company, ey, or a plutocracy teachers are employed. All the agentsforGoodrich tires, and Amos plutocracy of blood literary teachershave received spe­ T. Higgins, of the Fleisclirter-Mayer der a plutocracy of cial technical training for their Company. The party made the trip Ik about fairness in work, principally at the training on Saturday and stayed over Sun­ IM. If you will read schools in Washington, D. C., day and returned on Monday, Labor of the saloonkeeper Northampton, MasB. and Philadel­ Day. words that do not phia. Great attention is devoted to Great improvements are being as and justice. There the development of speech and made at Bayocean, reported the and justice there, and speech-reading among the deaf in motering party on its return to well understand that addition to the necessary instruction Portland. They predict a brilliant in not be used by the in written language. future for the Tillamook Bay resort. Trades teaching is an exceedingly IS. A saloon is at While there they saw and inter­ :e and never tolerated ini|Mjrtant part of the work, and this viewed W. E. Coman. one of the of­ :essary. Notaxly de- feature has been greatly strengthen­ ficials of the United Railways and x>n. They apologize ed in the last few years. The girls other Hill lines in Oregon. lie told tr defend it. You can­ are given ample time and skilled them the road into Tillamook would | te in this union, or a instruction by special teachers in be completed by next Season. le where the people cooking, sewing and dressmaking ; “The commissioners of Tillamook I saloon ever urge it while boys are taught printing, County deserve a pat on tlie back Iter and educational woodwork, leather work, and for for their good work, ’’saidMr. Clem­ i economic asset, those interested, considerable at­ ents. Under their direction mile that the saloon is tention is given to general farm and after mile of road in that county is Go and visit the garden work. being macadamized. Workmen are The recent progress of the school even-where improving ii|M>n the r great liquor dealers, and see if they are is shown by tlie winning of the roads. When their extenstive cam­ Go with a petition gold medal for general excellence paign is finished Tillamook County to join you in putting of work shown at the Alaska Yukon can boast of the finest roads col­ their residence and Exposition, in connection with the lectively, of any county in the state. last to do it. They state schools of Washington, Cali­ “We found some bad roads on non near the house of fornia and Utah. our trip, the worse being in Wash­ A majority of the pupils enter ington and PolkCounties. In Yam­ md not only deprive of value, Imt will ruin school not knowing a word of lang hill County the roads sre lietter. he sal am and they do uage. not even their own names, Through the Grund Ronde Indian ■r their own homes, and the transformation of these Reservation the roads are in fright­ place the police officer pupils into intelligent young men ful condition, almost as l>ad as in ! is looking for a crim- and women and skilled workers, Washington County.” I the first place closed caimble of inde|>endenL useful and Mr Cl«ments and |>srty was on» happy citizenship, is trnly marve­ of several spending tlie week-end I > on in the town.” lous. A number of graduates are at Tillamook and Bayocean last Unfair. successfully pursuing courses at week. One of the cars; a Franklin, the National College for the Deaf driven by D. S. Du Hois, of the ie Stainless Flag, i traffic is unfair to the in Washington, D. C- Menzies-Du llois Automobile Com­ Through ignorance of the exis­ pany, and carrying C. H. Williams, es tlie saloon a city in- ita impurity and crime tence of the school, or misconcep­ also of that firm, made a try for a iritv and crime. What- tion of its purpose and character, record from Portland and succeded ■e of the traffic pro­ there are deaf children in many in breaking it. That machine low­ les the disgrace of the commuuities who are not sent at ered the former record held by Mr. f it. The citizens are the proper time, and others are Clemens' tour-cylinder machine by rs in the criminality of >1 lowed to grow up to manhood and 17 minutes. The car, driven by womanhood, ignorant, helpless, de­ Du Bois, was a six-cylieor traffic is unfair to (hat of seeing that there sa few They Take the Kiahs Oat. It takes hie mower, if ¿sees as possible. Especially so '*1 have need Dr King's New IJfe Jrength, it takes Ma rep as the state provides free every fa­ Pilla for many yearn, with iocreus They take tlie taken his character, it cility for the prevention of w h I ■ nic aatiafa« I hhi . Full informs-! ktnka out of atomach. liver ami >e irness of Mair, it takes disastrous result« l-rwels. without fwa- or friction,' tion regarding the school can tie'------ —. ,,. , c. ’ hand, it lakes his satis hid bv addressing the Superin says N H. Brown, of I ittsfie if, , V L life, sad hie hope of tewdeirt State School for Deaf. <.i» ran teed autrafsetury »» I has. I- Clough's drug stole Zh. . It takes away hia iuao- Salem. Oregon T BO1T3 A ttorney - at -L aw . S/Í H • Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for non­ g Bosenberg Bros., J AGENTS FOR PURE WHITE AND EVERETT FLOUR. Residents. Office opposite Post Office. BEST /z» Best on the Market. STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES. >©> We carry a Full Line of Feeds. Grass Seed a Specialty. (©)) GIVE US A TRIAL. t CARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, £>eut«chcr ^bvolint. .X Office across the street and north lr»»m the Poet Office. (J^EORGE WILLETT, Steamer a A ttorn ky - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook County Hauk, T illamook - O regon Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT I». SCHRADER) T MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH H. GOYNE, A ttornev - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court, (CAP. T. LATHAM). T illamook , O regon H<'ALS, A'.D., Tillamook & Portland PHYSICIAN Ä SURGEON, TllxLAMuOK. Ottico < ll-on Huiliiiiia. Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday. Residriiu* : Nr*. Wei»»’ houx», w««l of Uri Mnlkcr'i Couch St. Wharf, Portland. < < That’s g All.” KER RON, M. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, C oncrete B uilding . Tillatncok, HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. Next Door to Tillamook County Bunk PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Otllce over J. A. A/ Co. TÜI miikmj I i , Ore. hawk , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, -- BAY CITY, OREGON. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, • J. P. ALiLiBN, Proprietor K. BEALS, J REAL ESTATE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. F inancial A gent , Special Atteution paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Oregon H. I. M. SMITH, ’^^7’ W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Tillamook, Oregon Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. R. A. D. l’ERKINH, RESIDENT DENTIST, r f Roth phon««. I A. K. CASE. FVOPNIKTON / ill Hturnvaia's Buihiing. AU Work Guaranteed. Tillamook Iron Works IÌLLAMOOK. General Machinists & Blacksmiths OREGON. J-JR. P. J. SHARP, Boiler Work. Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging Fine Machine Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK I I tib e RESIDENT DE.4T1ST, Office aero« the street iron* the Court House. Dr. Wise's office. OREGON 8ARC1UCT, The Fashionable Tailor. C.ea'jing, I’rtHxitig and Repair ing a Sjiecially. I « I I I i GOLDEN Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. GATE L an » O fficn H i - wnmn A »FBCIALTV. pUWiNti A < OWING LAWYERS. heaves Tillamook for KOMM 3H4 WoiCirrm HviLfNBv. T win » asp O am *»•••*• Room Neat U) U m Ul Lami Oft'* PORI LAND. OREGON. Astorie and Portland, THURSDAY of S WHITEHOUSE & • SON. INSURANCE. FIRE. MARINE, ACCIDENT, BONDS, Etc. T illamook O rkgo «. Both Phon*a. Each Week Freight and Passengers RS. ALICIA PH KU’S, t ! I FOR RATES ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN. Arent. i GRADUATE NURSE. MRS. PAGE'S TILLAMOOK, HOUSE, ORB