TllxLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER )5^19ia_ w. C. HAWLE' RAILROADGRADE INCLATSOP IS SOLD. would issue saloon licenses to others butt in amt endeavor to blind pigs or throw whose aim supersede them. It was so in Aatori., Seaside 8c Tillamook would lie to run well conducted the ease of Senator Fulton, who Company Acquires Reed stood high in the estimation of places.” We don’t know, but it Properties in Sale. may be that this is already fig­ leading men at Washington, but the people of Oregon did ured Out. Time will tell, i et A storia , Or., Sept. 12.-A deal ' not know enough for the State s ^ilkiinoob tjrubliqbt, it would not surprise us much good to keep him there, for the was closed this morning whereby to find that the blind pigs will the Astoria, Seaside A Tillamook monopolize the saloon business | Republicans were carried away Railway Company acquires po*®«“- for a time by J. F. Henev s '■ _ “/ the county' city directly Editorial Snap Shots. in this wet. heartless insinuations. lake sion of what is known as the Reed Put this away in I ■41 your hat and see whether the I for instance the Eastern States Railroad grade, extending from a connection with the Astoria A Col Tillamook County is getting a snap shot man’s predictions and they know enough to keep great many compliments for its does uot come true. sending the same persons to uinbia River Railroad, at Clatsop congress, even after they are City, up the I.ewis A Clark River to good roads._______ old and beyond usefulness. the tunnel in Saddle Mountain, a We hear a great deal, and es ­ We are glad that we have no Has a good clean record of effective service and has faithfully lived 1 distance of about 21 miles. The up to his motto adopted four years ago : I •litical bees buzzing around pecially from Democrats, about purchase als«i includes ’ 80 acres of Rollie W. Watson some four our bonnet. The snapshot man the primary nominating elec­ years ago «lid Iiis level tiest to i is well content with his position tion, yet it will tie noticed that make Oak Nolan county judge, lan«l at Clatsop City. This grade was started and much the Republicans tire openly and in the political arena. squarely placing their names but which ended up in a politi­ of it was complete«! in 1889 by the cal frost, much to the dismay of Why, certainly, vote “No” I before the voters, while no Rollie, who was then editor of Pacific Construction tympany, or­ ■ Democrat in this county and ganized by Wm. Reed, for the As­ Some of the things accomplished at the last session of Congress : on all the initiative anil referen-1 the Herald. For some reason toria A South Oast Railway Com­ Secured over $880,000 for river and harbor improvement in this ■ dum measures. That is the! but few in the state have done the snap shot man was singled pany, which company constructed district. so. Watch Out and see if we are ■ only, and we think the proper t out for attack and abuse, and Secured over $630,000 for public building and other purposes in thia I advice to give to the voters of not correct. A few Democrats column after column in that the railroad from Seaside to the district, including Oregon’s Civil War Claim. 1 will get together, make up a middle of Young’s Bay. ' this county._______ Defeated the Lafean Apple Boz Bill. I slate and then give the word newspaper painted us as the In 1892, the grade was taken over Multnomah County is setting out that so-and-so is to be voted most wicked, bad man in Tilla­ Aided miners and settleis on public domain, including Siletz I by the Astoria A Portland Railroad the pace for «lirty politics and for at the primary nominating mook. We took it all in good settlers. 1 Company, which was financed by dirty, personal mud slinging, « lection. Anti yet the Demo­ part, smiled at the cannonade, Goss A Co. This company extend­ Secured passage of many bills of interest to localities and for tie and, from present indications, crats have been shouting the and ignored the silly, personal ed the grade some distance and relief of veterans. the Republican party in i tops of their heads off because abuse. Rollie was nonplussed! Has been an active supporter of the administration in redeeming also started to construct a tunnel at that county, and probably ill the the Republicans belt! a meeting and ready to crawl into a hole! Saddle Mountain, before financial platform pledges and assisted in passage of Railroad Rate Act, Postal State, will lie ripped wide open composed of over 1200 members when the votes were counted,for difficulties compelled the firm to Savings Bank Act. Bureaus of Mines Act, Reclamation Certificates Act, again if factional and personal of that party arnl recommended it showed most conclusively! stop work. A few years ago the and many other acts of great national importance. i-trife continues. a ticket for Republicans to sup­ that the influence of the Herald ! Oregon Seacoast Railroad, organiz­ was like small potatoes. We j He has won the hearty commendation of ex- port. Now which party is most Bro. Trombley evidently does consistant and living up to the simply mention this as one of ed by William Reed and Los Ange­ President Roosevet tor upholding progressive not like the snap shots. W ell,he letter of the primary election the many amusing incidents we i les parties, acquired an interest in measures urged by him while president of the have figured in. Having failed I the property, but did not begin act­ doesn't have to read them if law. to make Oak Nolan county ual construction work. Tlie new United States. they happen to up set his apple Bro. Trombley had better From ttie New York Tribune, May 30, 1908. judge, Rollie W. Watson has1 company however, started a numb­ cart. And if “Subscriber’s” Here in announced himself a candidate er of condemnation suits for rights liver is out of whack because of look up the figures. Washington. May 29.—President Roosevelt today issued a statement them, we certainly feel sorry Tillamook two years ago 752 for that position, with the ex- 1 of way, which are still pending in commending the Oregon members of the House for their support of policies and wishing them success iu the coming elec­ for him. But you know, Bro. persons registered and took an pectation, of course, that he will the courts and can be revived at administration tions in that state. The statement follows: Trombley, that a person who is affidavit that they were Repub­ poll more votes than his brother- any time. Tlie President said goodby to the two Oregon Congressmen, Messrs. Likewise 167 Demo­ in-law. We knew there would Since Mr. Bennett came here as Hawley and Ellis, and stated publicly that he took the occasion to ashamed oi his own name don't licans. crats did the same thing. Yet come a time when we would chief engineer of the Astoria, Sea thank them for the'attitude they hud consistently maintained in the umount to anything. when it came to voting tor the have Rollie W. Watson over the side A Tillamook Railway Company support of the administration’s policies, and to Wish them success in the election which is to take place on Monday next. Don’t worry, Bro. Turner, the highest political office in the political barrel, and that time he has had surveyors in the field The President stated that tie wished publicly to express his appre­ south part of the county will be state the Republican candidate bus now arrived. But we are running lines not only to Seaside ciation of the cordial manner in which the gentlemen had backed up for Senator received only 544 the policies and the ineaasures which the President felt were of such not going to avail ourselves of but also up the Lewis and Clark well looked after in regard to votes in this county, while the it, but will show a more mag­ River, the idea being to secure, in consequence for the welfare of the country, in connection for instance road work, no matter who is Democratic candidate receive«! nanimous spirit toward him connection with tlie road to the with such matters as securing employers’ liability legislature, both as county judge, for it is too im­ 147 votes. It is none of our than he di«l towards us four beaches, an electric line to tap the regards interstate commerce and as regartls the employees of the gov­ portant part of tin* county to be itself; securing child labor legislation, and the effort to secure business which party a person years, so do not propose to say rich timber and agricultural dist- ernment the proper administration by the faults of the power of injunction, and neglected. It is doing quite belongs to or whether they have or print one unkind word about j ricts of tlie I.ewis and Clark and finally securing by the nation of thoroughgoing and adequate control well, thank you, if the large gone astray for a while and be­ him or any of the condidates the Humbug Rivers, and also the over the great interstate corporations, a control which shall be rfonril amount of money paid for road effective to prevent any wrongdoing by them and at the same time of work counts for anything, and come advocates of some of the who aspire to become stand­ Nehalem Valley, llis surveyors are such character :. h will permit ¡he reward in •-•niple fashion of all tm- fool isms which have been mis­ ard bearers on the Repulicau will do fur better the next few still at work and are now in the vi­ ness which is so conducted as to be for and not against the public leading so many voters, hut we ticket. As it is a laudable am­ interest. vears. cinity of Saddle Mountain. do say this that when a person bition to aspire to public office, Mr. Bennett is so well satisfied n the good old days when registers and swears that he is and free and open for anyone to unterrified braves of the a Republican or a Democrat, he do so, we are not going to place with his investment as to the future Democratic party used to have should vote for the party he one obstacle in the way of those of these valleys and the business a good time together nominat­ claims he belongs to, not the who want to try their luck on available for a transportation line If a person the political chess board. It is that on his recoummendation his ing a ticket, they used to have opposite party. a good «leal of fun voting for the does not intend to vote for the not for us to dictate as to who company has purchased all the snap shot man for coroner, but highest Republican offices in the of the two aspirants, Homer right and title of the various inter­ since a chosen few of the bre­ State, theu they should refrain Mason or Rollie W. Watson, the ests in the Reed grade, and the thren name the Democratic from registering as Republi­ Republicans want for county money for it paid today, thus giv­ county ticket, we don’t get cans. '['hose who take a solemn judge on their ticket. So all ing that company the prior right a iy more votes. Gentlemen, oath that they are Republicans we need advise the Republicans for a railroad up the Lewis to Ne­ halem Valley. or Democrats should not go we feel slighted. is this, and we will do so by ■ 11 1 back on their oath when they asking the voters a question : In a review of work on the Pana­ go into the ballot box. Political elections in Tilla­ If you had a private busiuess of ma Canal Col. Roosevelt states that mook generally culminate in a your own, which entailed an ex­ the Chagres River has been brought Put this in your pipe, Mr. good deal of hard feeling, but penditure of over half a million under complete corftrol. This feat Republican Voter. Senator we hope that the coining elec­ of dollars the next four years, tion will be an exception to the Bourne has given out the word ami wanted a person at the head alone is one the most remarkable for the anti-assemblyites that if in the history of engineering. rule and that it will pass off to manage it, who wouki you without any friction, If there they are defeated in the primary select, Mason or Watson, as the Expenditures on the Panama eft fie is to be any fight let the scrap election they will vote for Dem­ moat reliable person to entrust Canal are at the rate of $30,000,000 a ocrats at the general election. be to improve and develop the A merican B ankers ' association with the responsibility ? That is year, but the treasury meets the city mid county, forthat is wor­ On the other hand, the assem­ the common sense way in which demand without trouble. No other are cashed at par throughout the World. Accepted n thy of all our best efforts, no bly candidates, say they will Republicans are going to con­ nation could go into such an enter­ payment of tickets, hotel service and other travel «• matter what political party we support the candidate who is sider the matter of selecting the prise and borrow money for it, if the choice of the Republicans. Is-long to. penses.. Self-identifying. Safer than money ; t'*'ce candidate, and no other, and necessary, at 2 per cent. So, Mr. Republican Voter, are convenient; The best form of travelers’ credit. We ml the one who fails to obtain the It is reported that the whis­ you going to vote for the Re- nomination slmuld gracefully be pleased to explain the system and supply these cheques Korea, about to be annexed by key interests in this city tried to puliean candidate who will stay submit to the will of the ma- Japan, has a population of 10,500,- with his party or the candidate, induce several parties to run in jority. _______________ 0U0, or about the same as the Poland <>p|H>sition to Sheriff Crenshaw, who, if defeated, will knife the CAPITA1 1 OLDEST absorbed by Russia, Austria and Republican ticket and vote for Wood For Sale. $30 000 OC promising to defray their elec­ BANK Germany. If the parallel holds STATE tion expenses if they would do Democrats ? Most people will I IN THE. For sale, 100 cords of wood, good Japan wdl have a troublesome LCOUNTY TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE, ! SUPERVISE so. Several, it seems, refused come to the sntne conclusion as further partienkirs apply at problem during the next century. If Senator Bourne County Clei k’s •tlioe. to allow themselves to Is-come we have. th«- tool of th»' whiskey interests, mid his anti-assemlyites can’t but later reports say they even­ got control of the Republican tually succeeded in finding a party in Oregon, then they are person, a democrat, who is will going to do their liest to drag ing to sacrifice himself and his it down to defeat. How do you like it, Bro. Republicans ? So reputatation in this county. rend again what Senator Bourne has said and is going to do, to The snap shot man, who is often accused of dictating poli­ prove our assertions ; ASCRIPTION. iX ADVANCB.) Member of Congress, Republican Candidate for Renoinination CONGRESS. “ No Interest to Serve but the Public Interest” Carry these Cheques when you Travel TRAV€URSCKW0 TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK ties, will give all the aspirants in the primary election tin equal show in the county election. When the Republicans have nominated a ticket, both state and county, the snap shot man is going to pitch in and help elect the ticket from top to bot­ tom. If all the Republicans in the county would do the same thing and abide by the decision of the majority the I hmiocruts wouldn’t have a ghost of a show. Neskowin” "if X am here st the time of the general election, anti uny assembly men have Imeti nominated, anil there are no anti-assembly candi­ dates from the Republican party op|M»aing them, 1 will vote for the Democratic candidate, provided he is opismed to the assembly.*’—Sen­ ator Jonathan Bourne in the Port­ land Journal. Any Republican, or Demo­ crat for that matter, who has in­ terest in Tillamook county can­ not afford to take up with any new man to replace Congress­ man W. C. Hawley, for most Do not suppose for one ¡li­ every laxly knows that it takes staut that the proposed new a new man two or three years citv charter will do away with before be becomes familiar with strife at future city elections. needs and requirements of the Not nt all. It will all lie ceu- district, audit takes a congress terr«! in the «•lection of mayor, man about the same length of who will la" the I hmui of th«" city time to catch on and get recog­ That and hold the reigns of govern nition at Washington. ment in his own hands. If he being tlm fuels, we certainly is dis|HM«ed to look after the cannot see tlfe wisdom on the city’s interests above all other l»art of anyone for wanting to interests, he can do the city a displace a good, energetic, up­ whole lot of g««sl, but if elected right. hardworking emigres® and coutrolhsl by any special I man for a new man. We be- interest, the reverse will tie the , Heve all level beaded Republi­ can« in Tillamook will agree cane with us in this matter and will \\ e have been asked, in the cast their vote for Mr. Hawley. event of the county going wet, No poouer «l«s-a Oregon send whether the citv authorities good men to Washington, whe THE OLD SALEM CAMP GROUND AN e earnestly invite you to make your SUMMER OUTING nt NESKOWIN PARK, for we predict that yon will never have cause to regret that you chose this ideal spot. Of course von will tako your annual vacation! Then, by all weans, COME TO NESKOWIN AND ENJOY LIFE I NESKOWIN represent« ranch that ia beautiful to the eye of the lover of nature. Th® surroundings are ideal, th® location the most perfect of BEACH RESORT .. . . on the . whole OREGON COAST. *n making the foregoing assertion we know that this may be questioned, but we extend to you our invi Utiou to come, visit ami behold as wc have Been. NESKOWIN has the most promising future. A lieautiful little park ‘ a shine’s throw” from the finest •tretch of beach any« hem Trout fishing on one hand; deep sea fishing on th® other Locat.'d in the heart of a prosperous dairy and farming community. Plenty of fresh milk, eheeee. vegeteble® and tea food right at hand. This is the place that INVITES YOU COMB. R ollie W. W atson Tillamook City, Oregon Pl cane mail me map NESKOWIN. Name. Poetoffice_______ If you ".nt to visit NESKOWIN—if you want any information, cat oat th® conpon ami mail TODAY—NOW I I »