TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 15. 1910 A SHREV (Little Play b Attentivi licago p.oplci I vt getrlug X EX She Wan have the Uopi »er said. tiv sull depn* Fvf tl big store n Cbh agu f who liad been n week. She ■w York li anything: littd thè wasn'i fome to gt lay of the land j prò«-ex» tij lg It she uto|.|>eil fliglrl lindi le selling white lin- libai Iris lo tttJ wnmun? I under- ,vou ha J» diss Blake in the imeni ' f Burton.’ mu Id the »: that Irl. man wrote the name Cblr-ai Htidrei >k. Then site allow- t hè i les of saleswomen lu olbe^ |I»res. ìs J? t a preliminary to real Peeling Her Hueband. That there are more ways than one of ."killing a cat” Is a well known fact, but the newest of ways has been evolved from the fertile brain of a G^-muntown woman who Is blessed with a stingy husband. This husband rlB generous enough tn one sense of the word. His wife may have the beet attire the stores afford charged to his account, but she may handle no money. Women. In this man's opinion, know : nothing of the value of a dollar. On leaving for his office In the niorniug j he kisses her goodby and thrusts a ' quarter's worth of trolley tickets into her band. Now t-Klady goes shopping, buys a few necessities and a fifty dollar wrap for which she has no use whatever. Next day she returns the latter, re­ ceives a < redtt slip for *00 and betakes [ herself to the handkerchief counter, i where she spends 50 cents, receiving , *40.50 change. Placing some small change In her purse and stowing the roll of greenbacks In what she con­ i siders a safer receptacle. she leaves the shop feeling that she has made the l>est of a bad bargain.—Philadel­ phia Record. Pricked His Own Bubble. Thia story, fuuud In Rev. Dr. Henry EL Jessup's book. "Fifty three lair» lu Syria." serins to Indicate that rriigkMM vagaries are as short lived lu Ils- mat as elsewhere A friend ot |ir. Jraattp. visiting Jerusalem, met a qu<-er kmk- Ing solitary stranger pacing the streets of tbe city, sn«< tbe whole thltigr* And It did. I'ltr (Mn.r delirious h | hw tie dual a few mnittlis isler. xud wltb him bls “ties dia-triiie ” iniook Lumber Manufacturing Compj I Manufacturers of FI R, SPRUCE KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. fstiid. 'It |Mtys to take ble. If I eX|H*ct to buy worth of auytbiug. al a I learn beforehand the tf saleswomtin w hose ‘Imtks Then wbeu I g<> back to my. as I shall do here to Couldn't Think of It. rould like Miss Barton to A Bald Fact. The tiutulsome young iimiidier told ' and. althtaigh Miss Bar It is common to deplore the lack of ■r set eyes on me. the fact humor In a person. Yet the very want aside a piece ot lend |»i|»e nik I. h|> til her name gives her the of wit may save a certain amount of proachitig tlte tieaiiilrul kilt-hen uiMid bat she must have sold embarrassment, as was the case on a sit Id: “You bulk awful good to me.” ress at some time, and I ! certain occasion with President John­ "Go on; quit your Ktddln." stir re­ good service as I v'otild son. “He was one day," says a writer plied. ■w nobody by mime.' tn Harper's Magazine, "visiting my "But I mean what I sny " in. mother, and a friend. Mrs. Knox, a "I alli'l got ally time to listen to vou widow, came In. She had knowu Mr. now Can't vim see I'm liusv ?" Johnson some yenrs before, when he PEFUL ATTITUDE. "Yes lint what's the use workln was n member of the legislature, but when n fellow w-Hiils Io make hive tn L In Striving to Realize they had not met since then. you? Say, It I make this job last so I "After mutual recognition Mr. John- nin «Sime ba«-k tomorrow will v we i-an f my. tbe i-onvii'tlun seen him lately.’ talk tilings over? Vou re tbe puritext ” ‘He has been dead six years.' said girl I ever seen." Ize our amliitioti. that Mrs. Knox. tainie true, says Orl- "If you think vou can make a fisit of “ ‘I thought I hadn't seen him on the ute by such silly ■n lu Sllccexx Mngit- talk you're mistaken ' street.’ said Mr. Johnson. "But I mean every wind I my. “When Mrs. Knox left m.v mother want you to trv to li*ttm to litte me“ said, laughing. ‘That was a funny mis­ "It ynn want to make luxe Io tl take of yours about Mr. Knox.’ come aniund this evening I'll tie here ' “ ‘What mistake did I make?" said "What: Uli my own time? What to Johnson. T said I hadn't seen him on kind ot a chump do von tltiiik I uni?” or the street, and I hadu’t' ” -Chicago Record Herald. I«.* I t ni u J ALL Owning Your Homo. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Lar«e Stock of Hardware, Oussr Loaking Worms. New XraMWI. Am» raus tlu- SsriMtnn sim I ihr Sohmsm ixiiiixl» ns well a* |M>r:h>na «f tltr Hawsllan gruup »re tbe Imnie» of vartoun »pc-m« of worum wltlt llik-k. heavy Innlirr und wlth s well detlned link «ntHn-tlllg tbr Iksly wltb t> twnil tltnl tu n mnrtlliiK rrmhnl er of thxl of Ilie inotikey In tlie R iiih I wl.-b tadanda lltey are i-xtled “uie-ta lu-kl.“ wlibb tumii» "crer|n-r wltb a ■•bild's Irnnd." Au old Xrw Zenlnnd legend my» »hat st one time tbey wrre of Huuw'line ppqmrihiu* und tbl i-n'em-d tbr eltite tluu of all huniitu Ille ou Ihr Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX The Most GoodsMS snd G-Mtnets G<»»1i»-»“ mioiM tomi within from feet Illgs flsHlgti:» amt deslíes lesH.Om In ai-tlrms lirestoe»» I» the -.mse quem-» of I».lr1 wfkms. ereal eweegy BWitillhm. enterprise Slid |-*«everau. r McNAIR CO Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County SIDNEY PILLS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley’s Kidney Pills purity the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse aubatitulea. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Did You Ever Try IIARRIS’S NEW FEED AND LIVERY BARN, THE dfANEST iHE LIGHTEST If not, give him a call. Everything first-class. FAMILY RECIPES. THE MOST COMfOiUBU ^POMMEL SLICKER Second block South of P O. The valued family re* 'cipes tor cough and cold cute. linimt-nlA, tonics and other tcwicdies have aa careful attention here AR the iiiob I iiilticale presetip- tions. and cheapest in the t end because it wears longest H arris , Prop. rvrm aMMtMr Our fresh, I hk I i grade diuga will help to make these remedies more effeo tied than ever. Kit CO. •"•»*>• USA f» TjNfmn CABMdBN Pills Islands Irish Wit. Rwift scoffed si Irish wit“ lu s,.me biting lilies Seven lielese Iri-li »U Is •me of tbe most (irei-kius Ihliqr« • »••• •asm ha» a »urteil m tl»- pr»il«u*«ai fuutiy man m Knglai»l. llu- puwr> S«aa. ft»- Arnerun uunswtsi 11»- Irish |ieasaiil «ever dis»in».MH». stai wltb b'm U •» «H ’•»i’* <••»• ualurui -I joim U iii Saturna) lie»»-» Tinware and China Getting an Autograph. A Mlit« h o I m » j of h’mrieen. who had «tern ami admired many of Riidoil von Sehr.’a (mint lug*. wiia aiixloim to ae <•111* the piiinlera autograph, hut «11«! not kii"« bow I«» go h I mih T it. Aftei lunch thought tie wrote a lei 1er. Hint Illg that be hml xeni a ease ot wine !«• file profpHxtir’M addr**sa. mid wanted io know whether II had lieeii received Thinking fie matter of auiti< lent puri a me Hie pa inter did not write, railed at the athirewa given, met iMiy’e mother. and I he fraud a* a hi came ap|»aretii I he I toy wan I •Migly «Moulded, ami next day rv«-el thia auiogniph note; It often happens iierr on earth •'hat Utile rogue»» (o great «»nee grow Home MUtiMiraphr to» which you re trying be procured without much lying MOULDINGS, HEADQUARTERS FOR Exact Thomas. Th«»mn»< H«».ir. the devoted serrani wh«»Hi «iillwrl Wliite. I lie Eiigii-h naitiraliNi. <1 i<» <*Nrry mil nirden phniM mid io l«»«»k nfinr «’oiiifort hi utmiy wny«. wit# ti<»t«*d ? iim t«xn«*liHWM Mr fl. C Hb«*n deck or on top ter. once met Jekyll. “Sir,“ said be. cabin or going forward of tbr “I bear you bave called me a pettifog Warn ber and she laugh* at King scoundrel. Have you done so. She does not know that she la •drr “Sir,” said Jekyll, wltb a look of con­ fering herself, l-eaa titan a year saw two women kntsked over­ tempt. “I never said you were a pet­ In a heavy am because they In- tifogger or a scoundrel, but I said you on xtttln* on top <*e ow of ■ case that la realty re- ibie. Tbe- lightning eittrml a you'll have to lump tt.” said "be. wltb r'a shop and not only nudertisik a smile, passing tbe loaf sugar bis ak of singeing a man's balr. but way g ap tbe proper a mount »00 the a Fixed For the Future. register " Friend—Haven't you named the baby F«» Paar st Revenge. Proud Mother—No; we must be very are you crying, my little careful to give him a nice oue. 1* eauae there will 1» so many nsn»»l after him when he la pre«t npllftiiig habit like a« bg so helpful in else expectant, hopeful Ills optimistic, tins that our ex|a*-t lie-irt - me attitude til­ inatcbed which with real- ts for and are expects going to the turn Imst. out .•st. the that happiest —and never we are going oneself to get Into matter what tbe may |s-s- dlscottraged we tumid. are going to ■ with all .vour heart that yon what you were made to do r an Instant harbor n doubt of 1ve it out of your intnd If it ent ratn e. Entertain only the loughts or Ideals of the thing Is.iind to achieve. Reject nil enemies, all discouraging wcrytbing which would even failure or unhappiness. They will cure your backache, •trengthen your kidneya, cor­ rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excese uric acid that cause* rheumatism. Pre­ vent Bright's Disease and Dia­ bates, and restore health and •uengtlx. Refuse substitutes. Reliable Druggist. .50 s. 5.00 7 Nah« fat/Hwi n__ i, r ~ il • -|------ r ...» U.VMOOa fr-* ».-» ■t»« •» krl4a»»»rt kM«., »•*' k»y »•-■ I"» CO •ill a«vfc r»Mr aaaiaaiaaS <•» nn»»a »••»» kill ™* couch OPPOSI IE -I Hl-All IN HOUSE Wise Dental Co. CURE TM* LUNC8 IWCOaFOWATg» SPECIAL TV ih All KINO OF CAKE* Painless Dentists FOR GWH* »^’ÄU| ABB AU (WINMT ANO tlHW TBOUBtE*. j OUABAKTKKD BATI MF AOTOM ?* QM BOMBT BMFPKDKD g I VIERECK. Tillamook Bakery. «w-q s»«kM« to»« « wmmmm . r«.tuM satas» •» ■ «.sr■ i-m. l»i w I»« are also CLOUGH. Sold b/Cha* I. Clough. ano R ÌKht priera assured. NOW W TIME What They Will Do for You All KIND OF BRI AD. It AHUM <’ They Take the Kinks Ont. I and I “I have uued Dr. KIng's New Life I'tlls for many years, with increaa • ng aattaiiM turn. They take the binka out of atomach. liver and I owrls, without fuss or friction.'* »ays N H. Hrown. of Pittsfield, VL G-iarunteerf »ati»filelory at C tins. L Llough a drug store. Zk. !*,w 4.« l«>DG E. «. list I I OOF Hull at ; Fa inx *»»»■•!»<•* ** M II. It. MONKM, *lb |fl