I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 15 1010. -------------- Don’t Break Dowa. flft(I) To The Voters of Tillamook Gynn................................... Severe strains on the vitali.' County. 10.40 J. H. Kinnaruan....................... 11150 P. 61.25 Tillamook Meut Co., torch... like strains on uiucilinert***4 4.59 I. W. Kinnainan.. ................ COUNTY AFFAIRS 17.50 L. L. Stillwell, roud work.... 10.20 E. Glad ....................................... 103.(9 I. Heater...’".1 .................. I hereby announce myself as a break downs. You can't ov?** 60.25 candidate for re-nomination on the 385 J. R. Thompkins .................... Nelson Bro»., nirch................. 50.25 John Palm^k ......................... 33.75 Republican ticket, to the Office ........... of R. I). No. 6, and the same was Mr». Dentls ................................. IP.‘O Republican ticket to the Office of 'hea. I. Clough’s. 5.10 Walter Severance .................. 29.30 ohn Weiss............................. J. W. Gilmore ............................... accepted. 15.60 Sheriff. If nominated and elected 5.10 ohn Weiss, lumber ............ A Paying Inve8lme>t ciias. Gilmore............................. 22.50 F. F. Morehead ....................... 17 15 1 will qualify as such Officer, and 1.70 N. J. Dye ......................... ......... In the matter of tile C. L. Fox Earl Gilmore................................. Mr John White, of 3 HighJ 7.50 62.25 will conduct my Office, and^ enforce V. H. Stewart....................... Lumber Co. and Bay City Land Co., State vs. Albert Burley. Work in R. D. No. 4. 3125 all Laws without fear or favor to Houlton, Maine, says: "Hav, Martin Jenck ....................... troubled with a cough everv x- 3.10 Albert Miles ............................. for the vacation of portions of lots E. W. Stanley............................... 57.50 any one. 5.00 John Jenck.................... r"" and spring. Laat winter I S 71.25 33.15 H. Foster ................. ........... Very Respectfully, ami certain streets and parts thereof State vs. J. C. Thomas Bill Smith ............................... many advertised remedies but H. C renshaw . 62.50 A 75 P. Frice.................................... AK >a:o Ecklof................................. - in First Water Front addition to E. W. Stanley............................... 1 cough continued until I 58.25 1A75 Dale Tayler.... ................... ......................... 1.2U Ike Wells the town of Bay City, thesauiewas D. E. Dawson................... ........ 50c. bottle of Dr. King's New 1 1 68.75 Frank Fitzpatrick ................... 147.00 C. F. Frice............................... the Voters ot Tillamook cover}’; before that was half State ve. Carl Posetti. granted. 53.25 To Z. Wells .................................. 134.50 A. Arstell.'.............................. County. the cOugh was all gone. Thin , I 13.25 30.00 92.00 E. Gilett.................................... Claim of F. I). Turk for$100dam- E. W. Stanley................. . ........... 11. A> Joe Blaser .................................. D. E. Dawson............................... I, H. M. Farmer, a resident of ter the same happy result has >d 42.50 M. Dean ...................................... 140.50 B. C. Randall......................... agea was rejected. 59.25 E. C. Williams.................. • • 46.75 Hebo, Oregon, do hereby announce lowed; a lew doses once more t, J Work in R. D. No. 1. Iry Dean ..................................... 50.00 myself as candidate for the office of ished the annual cough, lam™I A 00 Merrill Morris............. ..... In the matter of the incorpora­ A. Anderson............... •22.00 John Hartwell........................... 31.25 County Commissioner, subject to convinced that Dr. King’s Newr 1 12.00 Alley Dean ................................. 118.00 James Imlah........................... tion of Bay City, the court made Rob. Crawford........... 62.40 Orley Kellow........................... 32.50 the voters of the Republican Party, covery is the best of all C()n(rll *1 68. <5 L. Goldsworthy ..................... an order duly incorporating that C. V. l’reston......... 163.00 3X 75 at the Pritnarv Nominating Elec­ lung remedies.” Sold under .Jj Riley Simmons ..................... 127.50 Chas. Edwards. ............... ... town, the votes being 46 for incorp­ Jim Huff....................... 57.75 66.00 tion. to be held September 24th, antee at Chas. I. Clough’s ,, I J. Sherell ..................................... 137.75 Tom Edwards: ....................... E. K. Turper............... store. s « wm 45.25 A. Imlah................................ • • X5.75 1910- oration ami t iree ¡(gainst, with I . Gilbert Zaddach........ 150.00 Ike Stienuon ............................. . ai . Iff 25 Ed Knoblock ................. ••... 47.00 If nominated I will accept the 48.75 John Blum ....... ....................... f„ Van De Wiele, inuyor, Wm. Cur­ Ansel Loimnen.......... How to Get St org. 47.00 nomination and will not withdraw. 66.25 C. F. Berger................... ........... 103.00 Webster Hudson................... tis, Alex Finlayson, Gust Nelson, Ross Mecse................. P. J. Daly, ot 1247 W. ConmJ 46.75 Will Hudson........................... 44.50 If elected will be fair to all. Build 15.0) Russ Johnson......... .............. I- Westbery ............... I. T. Nevins, F. S. Sliofield, and 49.50 roads under such regulations us St., Chicago, tells of a way to k 36.25 Herman Schlappt................... 132.00 Elmer Calkins............... . James McKir.iens... . He say«: a 17.5U will insure them to be first-class come strong: W. C. Trombley aldermen; J. J. ivrnest Worthington. 2.50 P. Marolf................................... 104.00 John Fleck.............................. 53.50 H. P. Ottis.............................. 44.50, and uniform. Contract work when­ mother, who is old and wae VJ 62.50 1). Hess ..................................... I. angcor marshal and D. W. Chas. Easom ............. 50.25 Clyde Lane............................... 12.50 ever and wherever it will be of ad­ feeble, ie deriving so much bevi ............................. 15.0) M. Painter (tert Cornet................. Rhodes treasurer. 39.50 vantage to the taxpayers of Tilla­ from Electric Bitters, that Id 10.'0 Norman Christensen............ 147.00 Frank Owens......................... Chas. Easom, Jr........ it’s my duty to tell those who «3 86.00 Will Fleck................................. In the matter of a local option Ed Braunersreither.. 1X75 mook County. 22.5'.) John Proctor............................... 38.50 G. L. Buttz............................... 16.25 , Parish.._......................... a tonic aud strengthening iu M k » Yours respectfully, 66.25 Geo. Panati election for the county as a whole, G. W. Wilks................. 13.50 A. C. Calkins..................... about it. In my mother's Case J 104.00 I H. M. F armer . 00.0) John Zurfluh................. ........... the petition was granted and the 1. H. Deacon............................. 16.75 ! 15.00 Chas. Ray................................. " Jr. T- marked gain in flesh has renal« 8.75 John Zurtluli, election to take place on Tuesday, kl: Bartrow........................... 29.50 T. A. Porter............................. 7.50 insomnia has been overcome. 25.0) M. E. Whitcomb Bartrow.... ................. To the Voters of Tillamook County, 36.30 Isaac Hill................................ the 8th of November. 2.50 ..... 10.0) H. Smith she is steadily growing stronKt’ W.H. Sales................................ 72.00 Oregon. 8.00 1A75 C. E. Person .......... Electric Bitters quickly reiw* Isaac Ward............................... Cluiiiis continued were: St. Vin­ R. B. Doughty......................... 24.60 A. S. Lane................................ ........ 21.50 stomach, liver and kidney 7C.O) Earl Person In response to the request of my cents Hospital for $20 ; Supervisor’s W. Schollmeyer....................... 62.50 plaints. Sold under guarantee J 22.00 41.25 Olwin Blum Claude Lewallen................... Jacob Kamm............................. 64.50 i. Lewallen.............................. report R. I). No. 5; Surveyor’s re­ Frank Thompson................... 21.50 friends in various parts of the Chas. I. Clough's drug store, k. 56.25 B. E. Turner ........ County, I hereby announce myself 75.00 Alwin Blum ............ 1X00 83.0) port C. J. Blanchard road; claim — Lightsinger........................... .ee Lane.......... ......... ........... 61.25 Ola Lane.................................. 10.00 as a candidate for the Office of 8.75 B. W. Turner.......... of judges ami clerks of election ; AuguBt Schollmeyer............. The Gratitude of Elderly peojkl 50.75 Fred Blum .......... 10.00 County Judge. 52.50 Fred Snider ............................... Lucious Lane ........... . ........... Goes out to whatever help« mJ if nominated and elected, 1 shall and Beall & Co. for $26.30. 22.50 C. E. Person ............ 40.00 26.75 W. S. Linkhart......................... Claude Lane............... ............. be fair to all, and in the transaction them ease, comfort and strength 47.00 Ei.rl Person ............ 30.00 4X50 In the matter of tue petition of C. Allen...................................... Tom Kellow............... ........ 119.00 E. J. Kellow............................. 15.00 of all County business will en- Foley Kidney Pills cure kidney aril 15.50 W. E. Anderson ... Helen S. Gray for the vacation of H. Womelsdorf......................... 53.25 Ward Sappington 10.00 ! deaver to promote the best interests bladder diseases promptly, aJ 7.50 Chas. Desmond .. K. Roberson ........................... .......... part of the plat of Short Sund Beach, Chas Josting............................. give comfort and relief to eldm 90.00 John Jenck................. . ........... 13.50 ¡ of Tillamook County. 5.0) H. Moore................... H omer M ason . people. C. I. Clough. 110.00 J. Hill......................................... the same was granted. 7.75 15.00 Geo. Dorr.................. M. Peterson............................... In the matter of the agreement Basil Scovell.... ................... 119.50 E. Baker............. .. .................. 7.50 128.00 W. H. Dorr.............. It Saved His leg. 33.75 George Kellow....................... 6.75 1 To the Voters of Tillamook County. 96.25 Jacob Blum........... between the Tillamook Electric S. Scovell.................................... ‘‘All thought I’d lose my lq 2. .TO Virgil Kellow.’......................... 5.50 128.75 M. Painter............... Light ami Fuel Co., tile court grant, H. Scovell.................................. writes I. A. Swenson,of Watertoil 5.00 M. Middaugli........................... 123.75 1). Hess ................... Zweiful.................................. I I hereby announce myself as can­ Wis. ‘‘Ten years of eczema, that J ed the company the right to erect R. 5.00 20.0) Ike Stiennon ........ Jim Moore.................................. Your kidney trouble may be of didate for the Republican nomina­ doctors could not cure, had at lai 5.00 poles uml string wire along the [■rank Moore.... .......... 10 00 Z. Wells 10.00 long standing, it may be either tion for County Judge at the coni-, laid me lip. Then Bucklen'a Amin 22.00 Oscar Johnson county roads, the franchise being Wm. Anderson........................ 27.00 acute or chronic, but whatever ing primary election. Salve cured it, sound and well' 5.00 Albert Olds ............ Guy Thompson....................... lor 30 years. My policy, if elected, will be to, Infallible 113.00 it is Foley’s Kidney Remedy for Skin Eruption 1.25 Albert Olds .......... R. Maxwell....................... .... put forth my very best efforts to se ­ Eczema. Salt Rheum, Boil«, Few In the matter of bids on the Wm. Jim Huff............. ........................ 50.00 will aid you to get rid of it 50.0) Oliver Davis ........ cure good roadB, and to make the 78.00 quickly aud restore your natural Sores, Burns, Scalds Cuts m 112.35 Ladd Quick S inires >o id the bid of L. I.. Still­ jasper Alley............................... 25.75 health and vigor. ‘"One bottle of county road money bring full value Piles, 25c. at Chas. I. Clough's. 148.35 A. Proctor .............. well at d W. II. Leach was rejected. W. N. Brobst........................... received for every dollar expended. ! 1.00 Foley's Kidnev Remedy made me 75.00 Ike Moore ............... Andrew Davidson .... I have spent a great deal of my , In the m ilter of the bid of Fred Aug. Davidson......................... 37.50 well,............................................... said J. Sibbul of ...... Grand 163.20 Fred Robitch.......... Summons. ________ Hi 11.25 View, Wia. Commence taking it time on the roads, and will spend a I . . 30.00 John Perry Burton on the Win. Squires road. Ji 111 Moore.................................. great deal of time on the roads in The claim of B. Johnson for $109 now. C. I. Clough. 27.50 In the Circuit Court of the St te of Hie same was accept 'd, as follows : Fran! Moore............................. future. I am familiar with road for the County of Tillamook. 100.00 was disallowed as he had more Umis Battler........................... For clearing right of way south of Lee /Ulen.................................... conditions, and if elected, will be than over drawn that amount in United Railways Company 127.15 a judge the most remote taxpayer I . a corporation. When Merit Wins. river, $N1); for clearing on north of C. L. Alley............. . ................. 14.75 previous bills. Plaintiff. can see, and show his personal road j take When the medicine you 55.0) river. $200 ; milking fill on south T. H. Pitts........ ..................... Work in R. D. No. 5. vs. cures your disease, tones up your trouble to, and receive proper con­ A J. Provoost and Lilah 55.141 side30 cents per cubit yard; making I Lester Pitta................................. 101.25 system and puikes yon feel better, sideration. E. G. Anderson .. Provoost, his wife. 45.00 Ted Lvster Gordon Pitts............................. 120.75 stronger and more vigorous than ....... fill on north side, 00 cents per cubit Defendants!». Good roads have been not only a 56.00 John Heilmeyer ... oe West.................................... 98.00 To A. J. Provoost and Lilah rroroort. yard. before. That is what Foley Kidney | hobby with me, but a deep study, oe Vanliove............................ 53.00 Dee Lvster.............. above named defend «ants. 61.75 Pills do for you, in all cases of 1 and I believe that my election to the 25.0) Ab Griest .............. Iti the mutter of clerks and judges Arthur Palmer... 2................. In the name of the State of Oregon. 65.25 backache, nervousness, loss of ap­ I county judgeship will be satisfac- 32.50 J. T. Davis .............. You are hereby required to Fred Miller ........... . ‘ ................. 37.50 petite, sleeplessness and general toi iry to the taxpayers. of election for Barnegat precinct, J. «nd answer the complaint filed 25.0) Emil Wooley............ j George Miller........................... 58.00 you in the above entitled action on or My republicanism is the kind that II. Biggs, Jr., A. C. Robeson and Oren White.............................. A 75 C. Baker 24.00 weakness that is caused by any upholds Statement No. I, the direct the expiration of six weeks from the .............. disorder of the kidneys or bladder. F. B. Mitchell were upiminted of the first publication of this Sum biom 22.50 Work in R. D. No. 2. B. B. Dunham .... primary law, and a progressive if you fail to so appear and answer, for win cleiks and Chris Olson, judge. 1.50 C. I. Clough. 77.50 Henry Ely ............. S. Barber.................................... policy as defined by Theodore thereof the plaintiff will apply to said Co« 29.50 Chas. Wooley ....... 30.00 for the relief demanded in the The court ordered t h ree county ' Andv Hayden........................... Roosevelt. Safe Medicine for Children. herein, which is that a judgment be 22.00 21.25 Roy Blanchard ... warrants cu ncelied of Minn 11 W. Hoskins, team................. I earnestly ask all of my friends that the following described tract of Foley ’ s Hciney and Tar is a safe H. Livengood ........ 120. «I 19.50 Herb Thompson..................... situate in Tillamook County. Oregon, to register and vote for me at the amounts. 63.00 Lloyd Krllow.......... 54.00 and effective medicine for children primary election on the 24th of Sep­ wit: Beginning at the north west Mark Hobson............................ In the matter of the S. Burlier I. Smith...................................... of lot 9 in J J Met oy s addition W 82.50 Tom Kellow .......... 54.00 as it does not contain opiates or tember, 1910. town of Bav City, in Tillamook t'oaft 5.00 J. Lewallen............ 54.50 harmful drugs. Get only the gen­ r aid, the suine was ordered opened, Roy Smith.................................. Oregon, and running thence east W Respectfully, 8.25 Ola Lane ................. 36.00 uine Foley’s Honey and Tar in the thence south 1OO feet; thence west 5o fc John Gallagher ....................... R ollie W. W atson . I*. W. I ones, roadman............ 7.50 Pete Cassidy............................. thence north 100 feet to the place of hep 66.25 H. Thompson ........ MOO yellow package. C, I. Clough. .. Holden, postal curds .. J. C. IL ning, be appropriated to plaintiff's « 7.0» Mose Gillam............................. 126.50 Ed. Kellow .............. 54.00 the purpose of constructing, operating Hei enry Rogers, livery hire.... 7.00 Will Hughes......... .................. BD.00 Claude Lewallen... 57.00 To the Voters of Tillamook County. maintaining a railway line, and a te The Lash of a Fiend, O. H. Schrader, smveying... 42.(0 I telephone and electric power li»te t 60.00 Henry Farmer........ 48.00 Ed Hughes ................................. would have been about a» welcome Forest I. Ayer, supervisor... tw.io i and that the amount of compenna»««1 65.75 R. Forcythe .......... 18.00 to A. Cooper of Oswego, N. Y., as a I, Harry P. Kerr, of Bayocean, ; paid therefor be determined, and that J. M. Baker, supervisor.......... 78.50 Amos Vaughn......................... 65.75 Chas. McKillip .... 4.00 A. Scheweiger ........................... the payment by plaintiff into court for mercile»» lung-racking cough that Oregon, do hereby place my name A. Arateli, supervisor............. 82.50 74.25 Roland McGinnis . 4(100 defied all remedies for years. "It before the Republican voter» of defendants of the amount of com Orley Kellow, road work........ Mtn Inn Woodward ....................... so determined, that the plaint»«» 20.00 A. S. Lane ............... 20.60 was most troublesome at night,” he Tillamook County for the office of when R. I’. Moore, examiner ........ 20.00 ohn Crumloff.......................... upon become and be the owner of mm 20.00 Ward Sappington . 27.00 write», "nothing hel|>ed me till I County Surveyor, and if nominated ot way, and that plaintiff have j Mrs. Dawson, examiner.......... 20.01 1. Crumloff............................... MM Lucious Lane.......... 27.00 used Dr, King's New Discovery and elected to the »aid office will thereon appropriating said property’ (.runt Mills, lurch..................... 5(0 This summons is published by order 27.50 Claude Lane .... 20.00 which cured me 'completely. I give my very beet effort» to do the Hon.H. Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co............ 16.01 Bob Kennedy........................... F. Goodspeed. County Jud« 0.50 Cliff Matoon.... 25.00 never cough at night now." Millions work that I am called upon to per­ mook County, Oregon, made and d |. 4 . Holden, freight............... 10.50 Nels Anderson......................... 3.50 R. Wuyinire ... H. Retry ..................................... 18.00 Tillamook Oregon the 1tt know its matcbleHS merit for »tub- form in a comjietent and sati»fac- September, County. ) C. Hidden, stumps............... 16.25 W. Hartzell................................ 191(1. The time preacnW IS. 75 Jim Rhodes .... 25.00 l»orn colds, obstinate coughs, »ore tory manner. J. C. Holden, express ............ 4 15 \\ 1 said order for publication is once aw*® 18,(0 Lee lame.............. 15.00 lungs, lagrippe, a»thuia, hemor­ six successive weeks, and the date«» I. C. Ilolden, salary................. 133..kl Very truly yours, A 75 Reed Farmer .. , H. 1.75 publication thereof is Thursday, rhage, croup, whooping cough, or h . Mills, salary.............................. 50.01 H arry p. K err . 39.(0 Geo. Kellow ... 1st, 1910. u— 11.75 hayfever. It relieves quickly and Pearl Phelps, sulary................. 500) Ed Tomlinson........ H T. P otts . 112.52 Tom Kellow .... Malphus Johnson 2.00 Attorney for never fails to satisfy. A trial con­ It. 4 relish.iw, sulary ............. I .1 .( i 66.25 Geo. Eichinger.... Frunk Griest To the Voters of Tillamook County. 74.20 John Ascliim, salary............... 50.0) vinces. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle free. 11.25 A. Curl ............ < 52.50 „ _ positively ....... A. M. Ilan*, salary ................. 1(0.01 Geo. llobson........ It's guaranteed by Chas. I, U. G. Jackson, of Tillamook, Notice of Sheriff’s Sale si 37.50 Ed. Creecy.......... 1X75 j. Clough. I II. Johnson, salary............. 50.(0 Frank Hobson.... Property. Oregon, do hereby place my name ( 87 S«1 * — 87.50 Ben Collier .......... Sum Johnson ......... 37.50 W. S. linei, salary..................... 83.33 lllin guwoi th before the Republican voters of Till-' 21.50 Ebner Du vis .. . 10175 A Man Of Iron Nerve. II. 4'iensliiiw, triinsportatiou 25 O> Hen Johnson ........ la the Circuit Court ol the Stated ainook County, as a candidate for 3.30 R. Blanchard ... _ 90.75 II F. < ¡iHalspeeil. salin y........ 1(001 Frank for the County of Tillamook- Indomitable will and tremedous nomination for County Surveyor. 47.40 Frank Crane ......................... C. Hollett .............. 1X75 J. E. Reedy, snliiry................... 4 00 energy are never found where If nominated and elected, I will State of Oregon, into R. Huston........... Flaintiff, 4X25 Stomach, P. W. Todu, salary................... 91.67 Gus Gheer.............................. Liver, Kidneys and faithfully |>erform my duty and ▼s. 40.00 F. Simeial ........ Cecil Kyis • 4X50 8. M. Kerrxin, exam, insane Bowels are out of order. If you 501 J. C. Gove. 57.(0 Fritz Dretiert...... Beecher..................... 4X50 want these qualities and the success serve the interests of the i>eople of Defendant. Frank Owens, horse hire........ 10.0) I I Harrv Bill Kappel........................... 18,00 Ben Mills .. 5X50 they bring, use Dr King’s New Tillamook County to the best of my I N otick is H bkeby GivKW.-TUt (ieo. Willett, telephone .......... 1.80 ability. tue and authority of a writ a nJ or®” lohn O’ Brien ....................... 1X00 A. Davison......... 40.00 Life Fills, the niatehtess regulators Mutuili Tel. Co............................. HID jiin Ross............................... issued out of the above entitled co* 1X00 J. Huston ............ U. G. JACE8ON. 34.50 above entitled cause, on the I*}’ King A Smith, mreh................. 7 50 j. Murray ................ ..... for keen brain and strong body. 11.00 B. Welsh ......... l August. 1910, J will. Ht tbe 21.25 I 25c. at Ciiaa. I. Clough's. A. M. Austin, setting slakes 10.0) ’ County Court House, at TiliaKw» 59.00 B. Ji Johnson ......... — .. .. . ...... .uuniT k'luri . 70.50 I’lirtlaml Folder Co................... 150 09 Karl Clapshaw ............. .. ------- ' — a y of Ogg To the Voters of Tillamook Countv. Oregon, on ------- the sth d erviaor... 81.00 B. A. Leach 95.11) E. Bailey............... ..................... W. II. Hoskins, sitperviaor 3.75 chial trouble and as the doctor’s elected. I will accept such office and land, to-wit : , 81.(11 Hurry I.euch . . .................... 52.50 Wm. Yarnell .... Beginning at a point 16 i'1*’* John Hickey. au|iervia<>r........ 8.150 W. H. Leach ........................ 38.75 medicine did uot care him, I I rave gave serve the public to the best of my north 28.00 R. Saling ......... and 334 feet east tn« - . . ability. J 51/25 him Foley's Honey and Tar in I red Zaddui h. uupeiviaur.... 81.(1) L. Kruke corner of that tract of land il«r"«? i, 15. ito R McClay .......... ................ Very respectfully, Blackwell to H. M Bioih. "t“»“. 56.50 which 1 have great faith. It cured Roger* A McNamer, team . 2. O Wm. l.ousignot ................ 9.0) Wm. Booth......... monk County. Stnte of Oregon.”' E. W. S tanley . 59.50 the cough as well as the chocking II. M. Putks hotel A stage lure 24. O P. O’Conner .... .............. 51.75 B. B. Dunham.., running north to a point 51* I'lnskvr llios., inn'll............... liï .. «P««'», and he got I I« Tom Pearuon ..................... the south line of the »aid Black 51.75 G. Potter............. . Tillamook City water................ I ' Hi S. K Han-lay................... oSlu ,n "L ihorI time Foley's To the Voters of Tillamook County stead claim ; thence aouth **>“? 25.25 G. Bunn ............. county road to a point 1fi Headlight, printing .............. , ‘ æl Honey and Tar han many times — ------- 3U83 Herb Huriier 25.35 Ike Hiner............. .... ............. link» north of the south line ” ( I uss A 1‘rmlbonime, mreh 12 <> Chas. Cottman ................ 17.50( saved us ranch trouble and we are I hereby announce mvself as a weirs Land Claim ; thence e»« 25 36 Dave Hees .......... W. D. Bo li f It. bourti of pria 81 75 Hurry l-ee ........ ................ 26 25. never without it in thé house." .w 48.(0 Chas. Peterson . c. candidate for nomination on the of beginning. H CRBNSHA* 31125 1. Clough. . I), ixsty telt, sulary........... 39 U) O«u ur Smith ....................... 19.50 O. Walthers .... Republican ticket, to the Office of Sheriff of Tillamook Cousty: 1.25 I)erk Rutgvra, contract work Constable, of the Second Justice John O'Brien...................... 21.75 H Tohl ........... 1X00 on rock aurvey ........................ 50100 A. Andrrnon..................... . Xz5 George Davie ... I District, and if nominated and A Sure-enough Knocker. 1700 C. K. Ixmaklaou, lumber........ ltliM Geo. Wushington ............ 7.30 H. Nordstrom .. J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsville, N. elected. I will accept such office and 2.00 D. A. Bailey, nirch................... U ,1 B McRoberts ................... .. 550 Mell Davis ... "Bucklen'a Arnica Salve serve the public to the best of mv 22.50 C.. says: 1. I>. Rusli, load work 4.75 Beriev Large ...................... ability. J MO) Ira Diamond ... 500) ■a a sure enough knocker for ulcers. A. Ihividaon, aii|ierviaor........ 54.00 Mrs. Ö. Smith..................... 4X30 Jesse Brown Very respecfully. A bad one came on my leg laat 7.30 Neliulein Saw Mill, lumlier 12.66 L. L. Stillwell...................... D. E. D awson . Harry Brown 2 30 summer. but that wonderful salve King A Smith, nirch.............. 5.45 Work in R. D. No. |L . 64.54) M. J. Edwards 1X30 knocked it out in a few rounda W Newcomb, gravel................ mini 7.30 Not even a scar remained Guar-, To the Votera of Tillamook County. I). W. Giltiert A Son, mreh... 3U2Ü Ixslie James . .......................... . MOO , 'ini lame ............. —--------- -- ----- 4.50 ■nteed for pile«, sorea. bums etc. I (1. M. I’otter. wood.......... 32. o I. H. jsines ........................ . 6A25 , oel Finnigan ’OU,íh■• dru « .¿ 'xel Nelson s resident of Hebo. I Has established a io. L I. C Clough's drug 125 ^ore “ B, -n Milla, road work .... 1X39 Peter Scrana ........................... . naso ohn Whalen ... Agency in _ Rosentierg Bros., mrvh ttt 114. IM S V. Anderoon .... ........ 5.00' oel Atkinson 1 j hereby annuounce my- TILLAMOOK COON)’ 7.30 King A Smith, lurch........ 34.31 I Hili ill Tinne ratet .................. . JAN) ,'. R Thompson Mrs. Jacob Wilmert. Lincolm HI.. I iwlf a candidate for the office bf For their pianos. 25 yeaf Tillr me ok Lu in tier M g. Co 25394 T. Muei-ter 11 25 57 01) . id Curtis ......................... County Commissioner, subject to A. V. Brown, mreh .... w,y.b*ck,»® Perfect ‘he voters of the Republican party and, warranted to witE IÄ 40 W- Hanenkrat......................... . 4X30 Ohs Edwards ... 32. Uli Allu-rt Marx»lr, rx>.ul work 44 75 31.50 M. Alipanulp.......................... 3K3I I' S. Edwards at tne primary nominating election climate. F C. Skomp, roud work. 37 39 wtth kidney trouble and backache to be held Sept. 24. 1910 1(1125 John Martin ................... . r.w* Harold I add .... Composite Bell Mrtall Vlysais Edwards and my appetite was very poor at Kit(|| A Smith, meh... 8.411 1» Hanenkrat for gravel ... <16.73 47.75 If nominated and elected, 1 will Three Strings. 7>-s . Billings ........... . ............... I® again in perfect health." C. I. Gua Kunze House. 111.0) S. E. Cnxa ............... Very Respectfully. »• *» t lough. 2nd Ave. E. Ben Pierce ................................. A xel N elson . HIR J ftar i If •pub i>U i 'Ulin • Ite i|>eu •If The iwe xsl nd atei bou i nd ort>< IK < end At or t red nd Him tell aid nd Th IMI' len •ut mt mt bei irei 'oui Dril loo •ep Bei .-er «tel Fr« w* tor —n Int BIS wti I hn «n H* an wl no (an Ile ts J to m hl u( •I h « * tl t f r 4 « 1 I 1 I i The P. A. Star Piano Co A