Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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el. xxrtl.
No. 15.
$1 5o per year.
Fashion tides turning. Newly Open Boxes Reveal Things New and different Every Department holds something of interest to the men and
/omen of Tillamook. Great caseloads of exquisite merchandise direct from some of New York’s foremost fashion creator3 being unloaded
t this writing—Each unfolding some new and interesting sight ’Tis a fascinating time, come and enjoy it all
Dresses for School Misses.
Perfect fitting school dresses for school misses
of from 4 to 14 years, in all wool serge.
This Fall
If It’s in Style We Have It.
Waists have out done
all former efforts in
are navy blue, cardinal, brown, shepherds plads and dark grey,
they are trimmed with plaid facings and with the collars and
ness in their product.
cuffs trimmed with Braid, they are made in one piece dresses.
We take great pleasure in announcing the arrival of this long
cony of our Big Store and see for vour-
needed line.-................................................. Prices from $1.25 up.
Beauty and style effective-
Garment Section in the Bai­
the beautiful
your inspection.
Children’s Box Coats, New and dainty.
Coats for children
Come to our
ready for
and elegant waists.
You will go away with the knowledge
that it is no longer necessary to send away
and misses in all the new fashionable shades and materials.
from your
home town of Tillamook for exclusiveness or for elegance,
Prices from $4.00 up.
we have brought it right here for you.
oves, regular $1.25
id $2.00 values. Your
»ice per pair $1.00
T all
Heatherbloom| Un­
derskirts, values to
$2.90. Sale Price
Each $1.67
Sale of Silk Waists,
values were to $9.00
each, your choice
Great Special Values in
Stylish Dress Goods.
Newest weaves, exclusive designs.
The values are the best that spot
cash and big purchasing can procure.
Do not miss seeing our great show­
ing of lovely Dress Goods at popular
Sale of Sateen Un­
derskirts, values to
Your choice
Each 98c.
Sale of Long and
Short Kimonas, val­
ues to $1.50 each.
Sale Price gßc.
Sale of Infants’ all
wool Sweaters, values
t<> Jj 1.75. Sale Price
for your choice $1.27
of Misses’
Sale Price,
New Persian Dress Trimmings
The local demand for Persian dress trimmings can all be sup-
plied at HALTOM’S. The showing is magnificent ; it contains
both the inexpensive and finest sorts in allovers eighteen inches
wide, bands from two to six inches in width, also galloon band­
ings. The new Persian trimmings are priced from 50c. up to
$3.00 a yard.
44 in Black Tussah Carina Suiting.
Very latest
eave- $2.00 value
At $1.55
52 in Blpck English Worsted, Heavy Suiting, $1.75
alue -
At $1.35
It would be useless to enter here into a detailed discription of
the gigantic load of new goods we are now carrying, Let it su Ilice
to just mention the most important of them. We have received a
monstrous shipment of Men’s Fall Hats, Men’s Fall Underwear,
52 in Navy Panama Suiting, $1.00 value at 75c. Men's Shirts, Sox, clothing, including over 200 Suits from Hart
40 in Chevron Fancy Mixed Suiting extra value at 65c. Schaffner A Marx ; neckwear, Men’s Florshiem Shoes, Boy’s and
Girls’ School Shoes, Ladies’ Shoes, Ladies* Fall Coats, Ladies’
10 pcs., 27in. colored Taffata Silks.
Regular $1.25 value for 98c. Underwear, Ladies’ Outing Flannel Garments, Gloves, Blankets,Com­
Kyoto Silk, the New Fall Silk for Waist Shepard plaids. forters, Pillows, Sheets and Pillow cases, Nemo and American Lady
85c. value at 69c. Corsets, Toilet Soap, Suit Cases and Telescopes and a thousand
other things. Come to the Store to-morrow and look over the
52 in Fine all wool French Chiffon Broad Cloth,
$2.75 value for $2.25 new' goods yourselves.
New FALL Quarterly Style Book I«
full of fashions latent idea*. No woman can
get along without it and I m * rightly dreaaed. It
ia an economy well considered to purchnwi* one
Price including a 13 cent Pattern. . . 20c.
Read Mr*. Rad-Mon'a Fashion Department
in the Ijidie*’ Home Journal now iaaued twice
a month
Price at our Pattern Hept. . 10c.
Propl«* to whom tin- addressed
Misses Kitty and Myrtle Mills left
Services next Sunday in the M. E.
Miaa Hazel McNair will Irave the
for a two weeks vncation on Tnea- Church as usual. These aie the end of the werk for Eugene. Io re- copie» of She Oregon Fret- P ii - ss
day, and while outside will go to cloning service« of the conference »ume her »tudiea at the L'niversify need have no fear about Inking
Mrs. Monk has returned to the the fair at Salem.
! cream at T hb S pa .
them from the |io»t office, an they
year. All the memhem and friend« of Oregon.
are liemg mailed free Io the voters
of the **hurch are invited to he pres­
. Morri«, eye specialist
John A. Sea bury, editor of the
The enrollment in the Tillamook of Tlllatmxik County until alter tin-
Eastern Oregon.
Aumsville Advance, came in from
Public School up to Wednesday wu» 1 general election in November, ami
! Cream Cones at T hb SPA. .
Piano for dale at a bargain. Easy Marion county on Wednesday to
J. Kerr, an exfierienced plumber, 285, and of that numlcr ft! were in there will l>e no bill presented lor
May t»e seen at Mrs. Plank’s look over the county.
B S pa for the beet Ice Cream in terms.
of Portland, bus been engaged by i the high school
It is more than same.
‘ .
i in the forenoon.
Plasker Bros., of thia city, to aaaiat . probable the number will reach 3U> >
At a meeting of the city council them in their bu«i ness, as they have!
A divorce anit was tiled in the cir­
H. Sours, cheapest and best paper on Friday evening, the ordinance
r aale, typewriter, cheap. —D.
The Elmore left on Friday with cuit court in which Mary Wade ia
hanger in town.
Leave orders at for the proposed new city charter a large aui<«unt of business on hand,, Die following passengers:
tile plaintiff ami Allrert Wade the
at Hayocean Park.
Case, Don Newman, H. Mannermg. ■ defendant.
paged to the second reading.
C. King and wife left for Salem King A Smith Co.
naitica were
Don't delay that painting jot». A A. Briton, Dr. J, E. Reedy and ' married in TIII uiikmi I i county on
Mr. Reed has denied the re|»ort of The extremely low prices that we wife, Mias Rhode», F. Ih-rger, H. I
Mrs. Carl Patzlaf has returned
a two month's visit with the sale of what is known aa the are making on paint will move it Walter, Mr». H. F. Etscher, Mrs F. | Aug. ft, l*<t. five children being
nnies wanted at the Tillamook from
Reed grade, the news of which sale last. Come iu an Hecure the amount H. Mudd, Mrs Carl Fischer, James lx»rn to the union. The cause of the
friends in Kansas.
ity Bank.
rompbaliit ia that the defendant
reported in another column.
you will need l»ef<tr«- it is all gone. Duun ami wife.
The next time you send away for
wo« qmi.-relsome, etc.
«■ James Walton andchild have
Several dozen Pint cans of Ready K in <; a smith C o .
something get a Money Order from
! to Salem.
The weather keeps fine and dri*
Wire netting have been pluci-d
the Tillamook County Bank.
Good progress ia Ix-ing made with and although therr were a few light alarte the cabinet in the |M>at ollice,
to John Sheets for your Crout
color*. See our window for «pacig> '
A large number of persona from iA < mith
ami more ligh's have I h - i - ii placed
Fish Bairels.
Tillamook County are attending the P"«’ on P",nt K,MO A S*,,TH
Main street, which begin« to have a county last week, the longest spell in the building. In future the out
Till» ■ide door will remain oia-n until II
e F. S. Whitehouse A Son for State Fair at Salem thia week.
Star brand proceas barley, ♦!..<> tine ap|>eurancr, especially in the of dry weather ever known
Insurance, etc.
. . .
i M sack and 73X50 a ton ; oat», ♦Lift) the neat manner in whieff it is being mook county continues. Notwith­ o'clock
Congreaaman Hawley was
Get t your
your doors
doom and
and windows
w.ndow- from
from ■ "
hundred ,37.50,on . bran, »«-. .ack, finished on the exterior.
standing thia, however, the county agreeably surprised to find auch a
r cement toy the sack or the the Tillamook
»¡¿arid lou. -W n . CUffTIB, The Grain
looks fresh and green.
commorllrma |>oat ofllce,
el see D. L. Shrode.
• You save money by doing so.
I). T. Edmunds «old hia residence
’X property
T. R. Fmxer was arrested for fish which, certainly, ia u credit io Tilia
in thia city this week
ithing much going on by way
The Golden Gate has been on the
F R. Heals’ real estate ing without a set net license, but as ! ■nook City.
Plaaker Hroa. will do your plumb- tnrough
cal item« thia week.
drydock in Portl.nd .nd wiH not ~ _ - - - c - ,uBf| , style. I_et ua figure office to W. H. Alderman, realising there was some misunderstanding ,
Will guarantee our ♦25Mb. Thia is one of the finest res­ and an attempt Io make Frazer the ' Congrrssmsn Hawley in the City.
R Beals and wife went to Salem arrive here until the end of the week. I on”your —
Mca|»e goat in a diapnle, the Deputy i
ntiirday to attend the fair.
Birch Aiderman sold two fine resi work, having just employed an ex- idence projiertie« in the city.
District Attorney advised him lol
dence lot* in Harter”» addition for I ,>erienced plumber.
. The Gohlen Gate left^nn Saturday plead guilty snd the Justice to re ' Congrrssman W C. Ilawlry was
jrn, on Sunday, at Beaver, to
Beals' office negotiating the
wife of James Bodyfelt, a son.
The launch Annerine, belonging with the following paawnger« : N. ini* tile tine, which they did.
in thè city for a few hour» on Tue«
‘ iin Dodge, foundad
[to Captain
founded at the I Y. Hawthorne and wile, R. O. Platt
sure your property and avoid .
Elmri Allen, who has hern look- j day afternoon «h iking hund» witti
Mr«. P. Schrader and daughter | electric light dock on Saturday.-and and wif<-, N. Thurston, Harold and
with F. S. Whitehouse A Son. •[ Julia left Tuesday evening to attend there
Percy Brooks, ing after the Tillamook Commercial , hia friend«. Pari <»f thè lime he
------ ---------
was ---- a ---------
— »-*- to get off of I I Erma Thurston,
¡Club, will take a course in the den ■peni with thè Port of Tillamook,
Albert Mason, N Melclioir.
ighest Price paid for Holes. Furs the State Fair and viait relative« her aa she went to the bottom
tai t*«»llegr in Portland. Elmer has going over thè hari»ir improve
Sheep Pe,U
Pelts. ’ N
N. ‘ Mek:hior
Melchior. * T
i” " iSalem.
" The Tillamook lumber Mfg Co’«,
Tliere was a good attendance st ' lw*rn very pleasant and obliging I I meni «ituation. Il wa« Mr. Ilaw-
I Coal delivered. ♦10.01
Shingle, saw mill in thia city closer! down on the t'nion Trm|>eran«e Meeting at | since he took charge of I tie , lull I
I ley*« intenfitm lo rrmain ovrr night,
reen door* can be obtained
and ft 75.
An almoet new j Wrdnesrlav on account of the trim the I'nited Brethren Church •w ; rooms, making ¡numerous friends
ble ia getting logs caused by the Sunday evening, the local »(•raker» ‘ I ! amongst the members and visitors | but a» he coiild not gel un auto lo
• he Tillamook Lumber
Mlg drop head sewing machine cheap
take bini out nevi morning, tir had
in thia <My>
•. D. L S mbuob .
long spell o(<dry weather.
•wing If T. Bott». F. E. Morion, |
I The Sue H Elmore < ame in on lo le»ve on thè car he carne in on,
If you want Io learn to paint well j Alva Finley and W M. Hesston
xfWedneiwlay with the following psa- »« he wa» tiillrd to »(x-»k at Me
vou would better join <»oq of Mr«. !
■ >1 nengers : John PMeron, M. Sin i Minnvide Wednrmlay «iflrrnoort.
No matter what you have that
¡Shrode’e paiatmg claaaf«.
Mr Hawiey «ahi timi (»copie weiy
f-sintma. vuocannot afford I to
to | get». K. Mads. O. Mattson, I. L> well plraréd pilli hia Work in con-
guarantees • good picture
Her I I needs
II Cariuliatn, A. J
leave it itv when von can get slAbbut.
pupils are doing splendid Aoek.
I guaranteed Mradv Mixed Patnt for Sweeney, Mrs. Speelleet, G. I.ugh ' gress.and In thè Issi ri ver» and hat-
I l»»r« bill he h.»d obtained all tlie
If your floor* need rspaiating. 111 5W per gallon or *l<’ta. a quart. son. Mis. Doolittle. Mr«. Dayton.
approprlation» .>ehr<l for «vlicrr III«-
Ser <mr i^rnt Chime«« and Mr» Sitton.
give them a cost o* Resdy Mixed I Sfiecial prices fin Paint
aovrrnment riigineer« had up|>(i>v< tl
Floor Pamt Sporial pri« r of XSrta I win*low KlM<i A SMITH CO.
Rev S. G. Finney will preach in thè project», wh»<h i» atuoltatel,
quart aadtl.Mt a galkm -See our I
Your Carriage«. Wagon« and the Presbyterian Church intbiscity I necesssry la-fore thè rfvere kvm I
Patat Wiadow KlMO A S mith Crx •
Farm Implement» will last longer t»oth morning and evening At the hai l»»r« committer a ili recommrnff
Saow Drift Hour, f5 W1 a idd. ao<1 and h«»k fietter if given a coat of morning service U m * Socrament of I a|»|»ropristi<ms.
|«m<mnle<tto wwtiti
Mr. liuaiey
Ilt.Di sack. Lighthouse Hour.
quint lieforr setting away for the the Lord's oipper will l»e otisrrved
| <dtV
a bM. sad ti ff*
a sack
Im winter. Good quality Ready Mixed
penal flour. |5 75 a MA. ami »1 A5 TlUffir? Paint A<• pint and «5> ta. sill l»e '*Tram»formed by Behold ical ontlo* k. hi» friend» a<tvi»i« g
a sack.— WM. Ccarta. Tlu «»rain quart. See >>ur window lor Paint. mg," the service commencing at 1 h m th it he sili cariy every cuuulfr
•a _
in thè <li«(n< t.
* 7 Alp.m.
Shingles, the beat kind, at the
Tillamook Luiulier Mfg. Co.
bamar’s Variety Store,
B. D. J AMAR. Pro
Drop in a*.id Look Around.