T il LAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 8. 1910 I Editorial Snap Shots ¡¡G ■Bo 4 I 'HIH fUr Ovtl L«d’ PI«« Ben (1 Mt I If •piib un « 'lllifi • Be »fM*U •If Tlie ■»we mm I nd «ter bou I nd orbe 1K < end At or I red nd IÜ4N Irti did od Th IM»1 ten «Ut »ut »ut brr »rei toll Dril loO •pp Bet .•eri I «tei Pre w« tor —r» Int» •ufi wh I hm -«ri Be an wl no an flr be i to |* hl lut al ; tw w M (I I r u p I I j J I I I Wouldn’t there have been a big excitement had the know­ ing ones got next to the fact that a meteor was going to fall on Sunday. Probably some wise guy will lx- giving out tire information where the meteor came, from and the number of millions of miles per minute it flew thro­ ugh '.-pace.___ '1'here are quite a number of grass widowers amongst the business men. If President Holmes would take a little com­ pasión on them and have the l idies »line and wine the poor deserted husband, it might help lueui bear their iouesoineucss. in straightening out any flaws, if there are any, in the bill. As there is no reason to hurry in getting it to a vote, a little care­ ful deliberation, with the assis­ tance of the attorneys, may prove a good thing. We make this suggestion to Mayor Coates and President Holmes, not in any way to retard its passage, but a little discussion amongst the business men would enlight­ en them on some of the provi­ sions they may not exactly un­ derstand. It is a good charter and far in advance of the pres­ ent one.and although there are a few points which are a matter of opinion, where, probably, if I it were left to twelve men. they I would all disagree, we do not want to see it voted upon be­ fore it is properly understood. Someone set a report going Deputy District Attorney G. that the meteor had taken the Willett was perfectly dumb­ top off Mt. Hood, and before the founded when trying a case in rt port had traveled far it was , the justice court last week, m..de woioe, for it was said that 'which, for sanguinary perver­ Mount flood had exploded ai <1 sion of the truth, is similar to the t< p was blown off. And other cases which have made some people believed it. this county’s justice courts no­ I torious for false swearing. 'This If’ R'epuhlicaus who aspire to is a case where Earl Gilmore, a political office would prate a son of W. J. Gilmore, went to little more about the G.O. I', the Deputy District Attorney’s and less about Statement No. 1 office and complained about mid anti assembly, they would Ennis McIntosh giving him appear to better advantage, for whiskey. Mr. Willett, before it is well known that the Dem­ he would take the case up, told ocrats have worked these side the boy that all he wanted to issues to defeat Republican can­ know was the truth, and young didates. Gilmore repeated several times Even some of the candidate that McIntosh had given him who aspire to office are advo­ whiskey, whereupon Mr. Wil­ cating what the snap shot mail let made out a complaint and advanced as the most practical Gilmore swore to the truth of Imagine Mr. Willett’s sur­ and economical system of road it. building in this county. Say, prise, when the case was being boys, we have no objections tried on Friday, when young whatever to you swiping dur Gilmore swore on the stand that ideasand claiming them us ori­ McIntosh did not give him the ginal, but we want them, who­ whiskey. Here is a case which ever composes the county court, the grand jury should investi­ gate, for the boy must have been to put them into effect. coerced into going to the De­ The provision in the pro­ puty District Attorney’s office posed city charter governing in swearing to the complaint, saloons is a matter that tlieie or coerced into telling a bare­ is some little difference of faced lie on the witness stand. opinion, even amongst those Justice demands that those who who contemplate going into intimidated the boy be sent to the saloon business whenever jail, for that is where they lie- the county goes “ wet” again. long. We will express our opinion, for Good Roads Increasing. this is the conclusion we have Oregonian. arrived at ; '¡'hose who want to Somebody that ‘‘necessity ia the get into the saloon business and mother of invention.” If might intend running them in the truthfully be added that it has disreputable manner they were brought into existence a great many that do not come ex­ run a few years ago,, the pro­ conveniences actly under the head of invention. visions governing salooon are Among these might be mentioned not acceptable, while, on the the good roads in localities which othtJr hand, they are a protec­ would be inaccessible without them. We observe for instance that Coos tion to the man whose aim is to County has expended $200,000 on inn a decent saloon, provided roads within the past year. Con­ the mayor will enforce the law. sidering the sise and population of Sometning Doing in Real Estate. Some of our people are a little pessimistic and have been com­ plaining that there has not been the activity in real estate; sales this year that there was last. To inform ourselves on | this point we called on F. R. Beale, our leading real estate man, and learn from him that the sales of I ds office, up to this date, have exceeded those of last year. Mr. Beale has in his employ three high class salesman, all of whom, in­ cluding himself are kept constanly busy. The following are a list of the sales consumated through Mr. Beals’ office in the last 20 days. Previous months show about the same volume of business: L. N. Fletcher to E. C. Sowle, 40 acre tract on Long Prarie................................. • $2,250.00 Merton Everest to James Whitman, 40 acres on Nes- tucca........................................ 3,500.00 Oak Nolan to U. G. Jackson, I res. lot in Tillamook.......... Smith heirs to M. L. Barber, 40 acres at Long Prairie 1,000.00 M. 1.. Barber to Henry Leach, same as above.. . 1,075.00 S. Scliiffmann toMaine.farin and stock on S. fork Ne­ halem................. 40,300.00 W. It. Easter to Victor Lun­ deen, business Jot in TiU- mook........................................ 2,000.00 Chester McGee to V. Lun­ deen, residence lot............. Lake Lytle lots to F. W. Ber­ ger, et al, 26 lots............... 2,500.00 J . C. Ayers to Vesta L. Batt, res. lot in Tillamook......... John Brant to R. C. Magar- re'l, two resident lots Tn Tillamook City................... J. N. Whitman to M. Ever­ ty and est, city property Clover- business at Clover­ dale............................................ 2700.00 Henry Leach to H. and L. I,each, 40 acres at Long Prairie................... ................... 1,900.00 Geo. Lamb to Prof. Baker, res. property in Tilla­ mook ...................................... 1,600.00 Six lots at Lake Lytle to E. P. Frost and associates. One lot at Lake Lytle to John Gill................................. Chester McGheeto McHugh, res. lot in Tillamook......... F. W. Berger to Peals Land Co., farm at I l?asant Valley........................ 5,000.00 St. Alphonsus Academy. School will re-open Monday, Sept. 12th. The course of study is complete, embracing Primary, Intermediate, Grammar and Academic depart­ ments. Students wishing to prepare for Teachers examinations will receive special attention. Music classes will also pe resum­ ed. Parents are urgently requested to send their children at thebeginning of the term, when classes are being arranged. GirlH will be received as boarders. For particulars apply to S ister S uperior . To the Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination on the Republican ticket, to the Office of Justice of the Peace, Second lustice District, suit if nominated and elected, I will accept such office and serve the public to the best of my ability. Very respectfully, E. W. S tanley . SCHNAL’S GREA REMOVAL SALE! To-Day this Great Removal Sale commences and will only last until the 20th da, September, for 15 days only, and it is to your interest to take advantage of this g removal sale. Every article in the house will be sold at a discount from 10 to 50 cent. As our stock is so large and this space is too small to mention each and e, article of Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods, buy j winter supplies now. MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S MEN’S SOX, regular 10c. a pair, removal sale, 6c. a pair. 15c. SOX, 8c. a pair. 25c. SOX, 19c. a pair. 35c. SOX, 24c. a pair. 10c. HANDKERCHIEFS, 4c. each. COTTON GLOVES, regular 10c. now 6c. 15c. COTTON GLOVES, 8c. a pair. WORK SHIRTS, regular 50c. now 35:. 75c. WORK SHIRTS, 49c. $1.00 SHIRTS, 69c. UNDERWEAR, Jersey Ribbed, regular 75c., sale 39c. each. WOOL UNDERWEAR, The Glastenbury, regular J/.50, special removal sale, 95 c. EAGLE BRAND all wool UNDER WEAR, regular $1 73 a garment, removal sale price $1.29. SCOTCH NATURAL WOOL UNDERWEAR, regular $1.30 a gar ment, removal sale price, $1.23. COME EARLY and get your WINTER SUPPLI while we have all sizes. MORRIS SCHNAL, Popular Priced Clothier. Real Rstate Market Awakening. During the past week the follow­ ing reality changes were made through Rollie W. Watson's office;: D. T. Edmunds made a deal with F. D. Stalford, of Neskowin, for 20 acres of rich bottom land and the general store and stochof merchan­ dise at that place. Mr. Edmunds placed his son Ernest in charge of the store. Dwight lias considerable confidence in the future of Tillamook beach investment»,-as he has recent­ ly acquired considerable property at Pacific City, where he also con­ ducts the large store at that place. Several Tillamook City lots have changed hands during the week under contract. Mr. Courier, who just came here from Idaho, pur­ chased a lot in Central Addition and is now building thereou a nice cottage and will otherwise improve the property. Mr. W. C. King. Mr. Uy. Crensnaw and Mr. S. Viereck have purchased lots at Neskowin. Messrs. Crenshaw and King have made improvements on their lots and will build thereon comfortable -bungalows by next summer. They spent all of last week at Neskowin with their fami­ lies. Messrs. Ulrich and Christ, two hustling Switzers, purchased 80 acres on the North Fork of the Ne­ halem river -at Coal Creek, from George M. Kftight, and will proceed at once to improve this property. They made-» very good buy. Mr. P. B. Bennet, who lives north of town, sold hia half acre place and improvements to Mr. C. K. Davis, who has but just recently come to Tillamook with his family and be­ came so pleased with the place that he decided to locate here. Mr. Ben­ net ia undecided at thia time wheth­ er he will return to Montana or re- inveat in Tidaniook again. Nr. Bennet ia a good citixen and we ! wiah he would remain and realize ' in the future development and prosperity of the Tillamook valley. | Carry these Chenues when you T .... Ji 111 I uu»lkh. .W« W . -, , that remote county, the sum spent DflNKçné ThusT comtan V roads is remarkably heavy, and It is reniurkuble that Demo- for it is a line tribute to the enterprise era tn, wh<> claim to he chain- of the people. Had Coos-County I ions of the direct primary law, been favored with railroads or other ftVTOTBl MO» or are not living up to the letter of means of which would permit the inhabitants to move around and the law the same as Republi­ bundle their products, it is not im­ To the Voters of Tillamook County. SIXTEENTH STATE M ---- -- 1 -< • can candidates are doing in this probable that the necessity for wa­ I hereby announce myself as a county, (fh, no, they are too gon remit improvement would have candidate for nomination on the crafty for that. A few of the bi en less pronounced This thought Republican ticket, to the Office of is suggested by conditions in Wash­ Democratic war horses will get ington County which enjoys a freq­ Constable, of the Second Justice together, make up n slate mid uent and ample service by rail and I District, and if nominated and elected. I will accept such office and pass the word round to the un- trolley, and lias accoringly deemed serve the public to the best of my it unnecessary to engage very ex ­ territled brethred Whom they ability. in road improvements. Very reapecfully, are to vote lor. Ami, of course* tensively Over in Tillamook county, which II. E. D awson . A mcricah B ukos ’ A ssociation the D 'inocrati • brethren will do for years has been shut in from the as their politi al bosSCs dictate. outside world, the citizens nullified Just Listed With Watson. are cashed at par throughout the World. A Yet what a. great big howl is some.of the bad effects resulitng from no railroud trnns|>ortiition by payment of tickets, hotel service and other t: m ule because 121M• representa­ building a remarkably fine system $2200.— 160 acre ranch lit the South penses. Self-identifying. Safer than money« of Tillamook County. Describ­ tive Republicans from all parts ol wagon-roads. These are so much convenient; The best form of travelers’ credit, ed in letter as follows: — 10 to 12 su|»eri<>r to those lying nearer of the Stale selected a 'ticket acres cleared. House of 4 rooms, be pleased to explain the system and supply these composed ol good men whom to Portlhml, and in which the op- 14 X 14. Barn 14 X 24 X 10. ]M>rtunities for building are much t'ley ask Republicans to work better, that every outsider who uses Garden in good shape. 3 cows. and vote for. 2 calves. 1 hog. All household these Tillamook roads is a maxed at effects go with the place. Terms: their exc< líem e. Lincoln County $lto> cash. Balance on time to has been for a number of years fav- suit purchaser. Just the place ored with rail trans|M>rtation, and for stock, lots of out range while it is in a degree inefficient, IN $l2ri> —Two City lots anil house cen­ ami only reached n small portion of COUNTY COUMTVj TILLAMOOK CITY.ORE.i_ trally located 4 hike from the of the cmiuty. it seems to have post office. This is very desir ­ checked any |H>ssible desire forsnch able property. Now is the Jime comprehensive and complete road to invest. building ns has lieen going on in Tillmmsik and Coos Counties. $3200.-320 acres of first class land, 1(X) acres of which is creek bot­ While Tillaimsik County began her tom and level; balance sloping road binding before the automobile aide hill land suitable for fruit. had commenced to figure as a pro­ SCHOOL CHILDREN This land«« in the rough, and minent factor in the transportation Your eyes are worth more to you than any covered with a light growth of Iiould no* ladieve the hot problem, the appearance of the Your safety and your success iu life depend on timber which can be easily re­ rot. We wnnt to ia\ machines has materially promoted eyes; therefore, take care of them. Alwin* moved at no great expense. At the cause ol good roads. in tx'half of the court,; $10 (>er acre this is one of the The automobile owners in their your head up when you read. Hold yo«*r best buys for investment in Till­ exploring tours have penetrated fourteen inches from your face. Be sure that amook county. Running water strange places and they have die- light is clear and good. Never read with flu* through the ¡dace. Ua-ated on covered advantages and jpportun- shining directly on the book. Never face th*1 survey of electric railroad, and Auction Sale I ities of which the outside world is enough timber on the place to in reading. Let the light come front behind«* ignorant. Hut few of lit, in fact, Auction sale, one mile north of more than amply repay one for were aware of the excellence of Till- your left shoulder. Avoid books or papers Pn purchasing. Terms cash at $10 Tiilt-mook on the Bay City road, on amook County's roads until a few indistinctly or in small type. Rest your e.»'* I »er acre. This is a good buy Thursday, Sept. ISth'at 1 p.m.. of venturesome antomobile drivers had , the following property: I cow. tor a short time only. looking away from the hooks every few '’‘"’"‘‘"n’ fought their wav over the terrible chicken, two seated buggv, organ, If in doubt about your eves consult me. I ** intervening roads and landed in the sewing machine. Iiedsteads and the truth about them and the information win rich land lying along the coast. I eprings.chaire, carjiets, range, cook ­ Tillamook will now l>e Opened up nothing and you will not lie asked to buy. , ing utensils and other things too Dr. HENRY E. MORRIS, Eye Specialist. Tills"** by a railroad. but all of the money numerous to mention. Terms that has ticen *|»ent in building known on day of sale. good roads will bring better returns P. B. B ennett . than ever l»eforv. for these high- C. E. Reynolds, auctioneer. ways will admit of more rapid de veiopment than would lie isiasible For constitutional amendment To the Voters of Tillamook County. with bad ronda C« mm County, like Tillamook, will giving to cities and towns I. Axel Nelson.« resident of Hebo. Before the proposed charter short I v enjoy railroad tran»(s>rta- exclusive power to license, Oregon, do hereby annhounce my- tion. for a county of such wonder ia voted upon it might be well self a candidate for the office of wealth ami resources «a to war­ regulate, control, suppress, County for President Holme« to call a ful Commissioner, subject to rant the ex|>emlitiire of $ji(LUX) tn or prohibit the sale of intox­ the voters of the Republican party meeting of the Cottinicrviid a single year on wagon roads can Club, an a« tn uncertain the not much longer be neglected icating liquors within the at the primary nominating election to be held Sept. 24. 1910. view« < f the business men and Me inwhile there are a number of municipality. If nominated and elected. I will A good school none better. Well estabhi-hed it that ia the kind of charter other counties in the state already 32« X Yes do all iu my power to employ a Successful graduates. Skillful, paiustaking trad enjoying rail transportation, which they want At the same time might to advantage emulate the ex­ practial engineer and to let all road low Many other advantages, Let work by contract to the lowest re­ the legal liglitsni '• • city c< uhi ample of the enterprising coast about them. \\ rite for catalogue. sponsible bidder. rentier some valuable assistati e connties by proceeding to build a Very Respectfully. system ol good wagon roads. A xel N elson . TRAV€L6RSCH€QU€S TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Settle It Now Settle It Right W. I STALEY, Principal. Sal'