TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 8. 1910. ’aft Laid Barr. I Governor Benson .or Secretary of the people. Now, tell ue what you / •tate. will do—and let us have no.silence V Friends of Governor F. W. Ben­ or evasion. Remember that there .. son emphatically deny that there is are thousands of assembly Repub- any truth in the report that he is licans who stand ready to support dangerously ill in San Francisco you in the event of your success at and will never return to resume his the primary, provided your answer official duties in Oregon. These re- to this question is favorable. [Be Giiiard. ■ publisher of the K a candidate for ■ the "assembly'* j Bt. The Guard can : Bi of being an B»- 1 Kd it is not mter- ■larke's candidacy, j ports have beeu circulated broad Bad Roads Hurt Farmers. ■we hia position in ' cast Qver the country by Benson’s At the opening of the third an­ political enemies, but according to Nearly and plainly fi flat ’salary plan, the .statement of his friends they nual convention of the National Good . ir. Clarke in doing are altogether false, and without Roads Congress at Niagara Falls, I N. Y., July 28. B. F. Yoakum, chair-' lric< by giving them : foundation. Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, Superinten­ ! man of the St. Louis and San Fran- J fan from the records, I cisco Railroad system, delivered 1 la real graft the state dent of tne Oregon State Insane la under the present Asylum, who recently returned the principal address. He said in ' I the incumbent prirf- from a visit to San Francisco, re- part: “Government statistics tell us that i a four years’ tend, port»' that the governor is very pney paid into the much improved in health and will it costs our farmers 15 cents moie I people of Oregon. I be able to resume official duties to haul one ton one mile in this Mion of candidacy, ' some time next month; he has been country than it costs in European I secretary of state, j undergoing a course of medical countries,” said Mr. Yogk mu. treatment which has covered a “The products ot the farms of the jr and Voter—Do you period of several months, but tl:e United States last year amounted ■ear’s income of the affliction from which lie has been to approximately 2jO,OUU.tlU tons. ■ider the laws gov- suffering is not cancerous in its The government shows the average Buct of that depart- nature and not necessarily’ fatal. haul of a ton was nine miles, The far than the combine d Governor Benson will continue t° difference of 15 cents a ton per ■ ■governor, secretary ■treasurer, bank ex- be a candidate for re-nomination mile represents an additional cost ■ntendent of public and election as Secretary of State, of $1.25 a ton for an average haul ' U attorney general; although he will not be present to of nine miles. Ices and clerks of the “Estimating that two-thirds of ■t; the master fish ! participate in tlie Primary campaign Mate water superin- ! but expects to do some active woik the agricultural products of last lengineer, two mem- , before tlie November election; he I year were hauled away from the ■ commission, insur- farms, there would liuve been a ■oner, labor conirnis- is relying solely upon his record ■ governor? That it as a Republican and a public officiul. saving to tlie American farmers (expenses of any two The recent Republican State of $225,(JUU if our roads had been up If state, and his in- Assembly, consisting of 1209 dele­ to the standard of European, not |years would defray gates, unanimously recommended including their back haul of sup-. ■f a session of the I is a fact Futher- Governor Benson for re-uomination plies from tlie stations to the farms. , They would also have saved large i fae new printing law as Secretary of State. K> effect in January, sums in the cost of replacing and I pfits will be much repairing harness, wagons, etc., ! Who Is Trae Republican ? fcey are now, crafty and in the investment and care of i kures in a maze of extra draft stock.” to the contrary not- Polk County Observer. I Here are some plain “If I am here at the time of the Igures, backed by the general election, and any assembly Sentence Sermons. ie fffeta which chal- men have been nominated, and Duty is never done by dreaming pl contradiction. there are no anti-assembly candi­ « 1007-1908 the state dates from the Republican party of it. jd from the state print- op|>osing them, I will vote for the A small religion will never draw tef’A, and $11,772.40 Democratic candidate, provided he kl ahd departmental is opposed to the assambly.”—Sen­ big men. The shifty worker is never shifted lai of $64,83tk (¡8. Up ator Jonathan Bourne in the Port­ 1910, he had drawn land Journal. up. I tht printing fund, It takes more than polishing to By this declaration Senator Bourne lor departmental and jork. making a total forfits any claim he might have mitke men shine. Faith is more than taking every Based upon hie re­ had to a single Republican vote in sume work, ui>on a the State of Oregon. It is equiva­ one at his face value. two years ago, it is Much of our education is only an I estimated that he lent to saying he will not support [aggregate of $43,500 the choice of the Republican pa^ty, attempt to polish putty. Few tilings have leas feeling f five months of the which from a Republican stand[>oint brinting departmental will mean the choice of tne people than the piety that is all feeling. ktional reports, print- The louder the pious putting the 12 initiative measures in the primaries, unless such cand­ Is for and against the idate be an opponent of the assem­ less the heavenward hauling. [practices pamphlets, bly. It means that Senatoi* Bourne , Progress is to be known by devel­ fad total of $91,504.05 cares all for Bourne and nothing oping consciousness of the unattaiu- 09-1910, and of $150,- ed. le four years term, for tbe people, When a man always does what he The Observer asks its readers to ■erous allowance of lanes and other ex- compare the attitude of Senator wants no one wants what he does. ioffice, leaves him a Bourne with that of tlie Repub­ You are not getting ready to shine II,401.33. who stands ready to in glory by withholding your light It salary law, upon licans n William J. Clarke support the Republican candidates here. Grunting would not be so much ifiedly and alone l>e- nominated by the people’s primary linary election, Sep- I in September and then ask them­ of a sin if the gruntera did not de­ nll be possible to ef- mand an audience. a over $100,000 in four selves who is the real and true Re­ Repentance may have tears, but ' state, which would publican. The candidates who were Rto tlie pockets of the recommended by the assembly it is never genuine without endeav­ I pledge themselvs to withdraw from or for better thing«. bf Oregon have stood ! the race if unsuccessful in the pri­ Some men are sure they were ¡printing graft manv mary and support the anti-assembly meant for a lietter world liecause [the insidious manner candidates chosen by the people at they have made such a mess of this ■ rious appropriations such primary. Republican editors one. The blessing of prayer is not a ling are secured lias representing nearly every county in fade plain. Every ap- Oregon met in Portland recently reward for telling the omniscient all made for tbe main­ and agreed to a man to stand by about our neighbors. Most fads are winnowing winds, ly state office or for the Republican Candida Its nl«1 under guar­ nwilling to give up lor office an anti-assembly Republi­ antee at Chan. I. Clough’» drug hen came out an an cans to tell the |>arty what they will store. _________ utndidate against hia do, in the event that the people How to Get Strong. al. choone assembly candidates in Sep­ P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress tember. What will you do. Cokmol St.. Chicago, tell» of a way to tie- »burnt for a Burn He aays: “My Hofer? What will you do. Grant come strong: er reason. Chamber- Dimick? And you, Toni Kay? And mother, who ia old and wea very xmld be kept in ev- feeble, is deriving so much benefit 1 bn account of ita you. Henry McGinn—and all of you from Electric Hitters, that I feel in the treatment of who are asking Republican supi»ort it’s my duty to tell those who need aye the pain almoat while condemning the ssnembly? a tonic and strengthening medicine d unless the injury The Republican candidates indorse«! alsiut rt. In n>y mother’s case a me. heals the part» marked gam m flesh has resulted, ig a tirar. Thio selve by the assembly have told the vo insomnia has l>een overcome, and .|UdlH for ihapped »1 of Oregon what they will do d she is «teadily growing »tronrer ” ------ . .. nippMf sod dines eated by Ute anti aeaembly <»» Electric Hitters qmikl, remedy I’rice,"<5 cents. For I «•dates st tbe primary. What will Stomach, liver sn«i kelney com fuKkut stare. plainta. Sold under guarantee at you do if the assembly candidates Chas. I. Clowgb'e drug store. 5Uc. Wbyf win? Will you likewise how to the ■ II beginning tbe H »ale will of the per pie and supfwwt tbe Orsnilieri»in'a t ough successful Rej ubhean caoda«iate? Th* Gratitude of Elderly people Goes out to whatever half* give extmded to all ports I Spates and to many Senator H< arse, the leader of your them ease, comfort and strength. tries •"by? He, arise movement, has «teclaved that he will Foley Kidney Pills rare kidney and lly valuable AUfqMirt a Democrat before he will bladder diseases promirfly, and give comfort »nd relief to elderly I or aale at bow to an unfavorable verdict of people. C. L Clough. MS T BOTTS A ttorn ky - at -L aw H • Bosenberg Bros., AGENTS EOR PURE WHITE AND ^(3)) EVERETT FLOUR. Ì). BEST Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Best on the Market. STAPLE ¿c FANCY GROCERIES. We carry a Full Line of Feeds. Grass Seed a Specialty. GIVE u V a TRIAL. Both __ __ S CARI* phones. haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Pcittaciirr /I jlbuoluit. Office across tbe street and north from the Post Office. (T^EORGE WILLETT, Steamer 6 fa A ttorney - at -L aw . Sue H. Elmore” Next tc Tillamook County Hauk, T illamook - O regon (CAI’T P. SCHRADER) MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH '1 H. GUY NE, A ttornkv - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, (CAP. T. LATHAM). T illamook , O regon Tillamook & Portland. Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch St. Wharf. Portland < « That’s All.” T. Bi'ALS, ND., s PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Office *)I m > o Buildinir. Kesidenoe : III». W riM1 hnass, west •'f Mrs Walker’» KERRON, S. “• PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, C oncrete B uilding . Oregon TillanK.uk, HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. R. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. T. h I.I & Co., Tillamook. Ore. —....-...... -4>--------- ‘----- •------- U. HAWK, W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bunk. The Best Hotel PHYSICIAN * SURGEON, BAY CITY. OREGON THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALiLtBN, Proprietor REAL ESTATE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. F inancial A gent , Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Tillamook, Oregon Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. R. A. D. PERKINS, J 5 r > A. K. CASE, 4 woraiannt 4 4 Tillamook Iron Works > 4 General Machinists ic Blacksmiths 4 Boiler Work, Logger’» Work and Heavy Forging Fine Machine Work a Nprrlalty. HLLAMOOK, OREGON RESIDENT DENTIST. (>m