TlilLiAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 8. 1910 To i DIFFICULT TO SHOOT. Bird, That Tost the Skill ot the Bost Marköre on. 4, Boy's Remarkable Adventure With a Pet Bear. « •■ * HIRLED ABOUT LIKE A TOY. IV. often bear Hie question a» to which I» the most dlltlcull bird In the wyrld Io shoot Tile am-wer I» usually given Iu favor uf the pheamuit de acyndlng with cloKed wings from a bigli.-r level of Hlgbt. tlioiigti a few gin e the preference to the second lair- rei atiot nt teal scare*) by the discharge of a first barrel and darting ti|iwunl ■ lid Iu any dlre<-tlou but tbal which Is exiie If bls ancestors had never had liad be meant. pntmlotis. There la only one ocea The pasha, holding tip a little tract, la- the end of Iter. At the age ot i iglitwn months llclli said. "Was thia printed at your press '" uu mi record, says bls owner. Mr. lisik a Sturt ill lite mid was «o-m “ Yea." ’illlatu II Wright. Iu his biography She took ‘Then It must be confiscated, as It known 'as "the big kid ‘ Beu In "Black Bear.” when even to coutalus an attack on the Turkish gov- ■ hi tut and slutpl) played with iui>iu|ia ■peuram-ew did Beil uilsliehave blin measles and whooping cough lid eruuietit." •If “Wherein.“ asked Dr. Van Dyck, weight al two years was that ot tn The clrcnmsrnnces being examined, liv* rage girl ot ti ll She grew from ■'does It attack the government vwever. tbe nulliial cume off with hl, The pnslia |»ilnted out several pas­ "Hie tlig kill" IO "tile big girl " Al xid name virtually uiitoui hed Beu sages which i-rllii ised the bribery and Hie age ot slxteeu they were calling ml been left ID bis shed as usual corruption everywhere prevalent. |s-r- her "the slrong woman.” and thill a ter In the day u crowd was seen jury and lying among witnesses and title stu< k Io tier. bout the door I hurried home to The Davis farm wits worth marry public oflli lais and the fact that "truth nd most of tbe women of the neigh had fallen In tbe streets and equity Ing. and there was money tu lite bank urhiMSt wringing their bauds and cull besides. There were young mi'll and could not outer." ■g down all IciudM of trouble ou my “Are not ttii-se statements trne?" bncbelors and widowers who were will end. said Dr. Van Dyck, “Your excellency Ing lo marry It. They came courting At flrst I could moke neither head ought to put a copy Into the hands of mid were laughed ill. bill nt length or (all of the clamor, hut finally gath every government official In your pa­ tbe strong woman announced Hail on red that that bloodthirsty, savage a certain day. If Hie »wains would h II shalic. la it md so?" nd unspeakable bear uf mine hnd “Have yon never h«ard the story of gather nt her farm, site would »elect LORDLY FORMALITIES. lik'd a boy. und uihio asking to see the The the Cadi el Ah War?" asked tbe pasha. a Inisitnnd from among them Ictlin I was tol<1 that the remains "Aud what is that?" queried tbe doc­ gathering numbered thirty. A» t I icy nd heeD taken to a neighbor's house Preparing a New Peer For His Seat In tor. sat around casHng sheep'a eyes al tier Hou,a ot Lords. nd a doctor summoned. "Well." began the pasha, “once there »be rose and said: Numerous formalities have to lie This was pretty serious new»: but "Genllt un-n. I want a man who ■ mn uowlng that whatever had hnp|a*ned gone through before tiny new I ieer la was a famous one eyed cadi (jndget. The uniu wlni wins tile ten had uot taken the offensive with entitled to take bls seat iu the House Oue day a man came to court and ad­ control me dressed him as follows: must best me In a fair rough and Him >ut ample muse. I unchained him and of lords. “ ‘Good morning. O one eyed cadi! tile tight. There are no other condi One of the moat Inifwirtant mutters tut bint In the cellar of my house, well >ut of harm a way. before Imiklug fur la the preparation of the patent, a long Mar your day la- blessed. <> one eyed Hon».“ There were only five men out of the her Into the matter Then I went strip of parvlinienL to the end of cnill! 1 have heard of the noble char­ iver to the temisirary morgue and wlih h 1» affixed the wax seal, the color acter and .lustice of the one eyed cadi, thirty who wanted nnttrlniony that 'ound tbe i-orfwe It was oue of lhe of nhlcb varies, according to the rank and I would ask the distinguished and way. Out of the five there was a wid revered one eyed cadi to do me jus­ ower forty years old who could mow Urllu boys—sitting up on the kitchen of the new memtier. Another item la liny and line more corn than any other toor. holdlug a sort of Impromptu re the robe, made of scarlet cloth with tice. and’ — “ 'Stop!' Interrupted the cadi. ‘Sttp- for ten mite» round. He stepped out ■eption und. with the exception nf three doubling» of ermine, the numtier po»lng I am oue eyed, do I want to be oil the grass and iteeled his coat and Beu. the least excited of auy oue con of bar» varying according to rank. Thus a dnke has four bars In front everliistlngly reminded of It? Get out vi-st and spat on his hands. Aci-ordlng .-ertted of m.v sight!' to authentic reports, he was a licked I could not help admiring the young and the same number behind, a mar- "And so." concluded the pasha, “we man In five minutes. Not only Hint, . some Some Famous Psrsonags, to Meant Nothing. kiiiK-ked unconscious, thrown over the hnd broken open the ilisir of the idled of which find« Its way to the chancel­ The making famous of tbe expres- feme into the road or sent away with I and gone tn to wrestle wlili the lienr lor of the exchequer nttd some to the slon “I otu my own ancestor" Is usual­ broken boiiea. It was a great highway Ben was Milling, a» he always wits crown ns represented by the college ly credited to Andoche Junot. for a for tramps, or had been They came and a lively match was soon i mi of arms A considerable portion of time n marshal of Fran-e. Junot had along In bunchist. They atoiqied and w herei>|mu. seeing that the l»-ar did this expenditure Is. of course. Incurred risen from the ninks and becume the demanded foisl. They even threat­ not harm the two already In the r<»nn In the purcliuse of the coronet. —Lon­ Duke of Abrnntes and an lm|sy a husband. No one responded. Hu with me; yours ends with you.” * The Antiquity of tha Ballot, luto iMMltlou. lile bear aet him whirl tbe contrary, men hid out Iu barns and Alunmt the same words were used Strictly detlmsl. the lai I let Is proper- lug. HI» clothing from III» »hi»* I o | m by Alexander Dninan when asked If lie haystacks and trembled In tltelr sin»-». to hla knee« was »oil rl|q»«l to »linsl» ly a theatrical eitilhlfh.n of the art of were uot descended from an ajie Two weeks and uu husband. nisi bla legs torn and bleeilhig. Ills dnuclug Iu Ita bigbeat |n*rfectlou. com- (covert sneer at bla uegro grand moth Then the strong muiuuii laiught a plying generally with the rules of the * Alp was lacerated by lhe alian«elawa eri. “Very likely my aucentry beglus beur trap, covered the teeth wit I, heavy drama ns to ita eviiq»»>IHou nod form I until the lil For Sale, For Ssle.-22 Horse power 5 pass, euger Auto. 5 lump Generator, ami top complete. All in first claaacon­ dition. Cheap it sold at once. II. B. C auuy . To the Voters of Tillamook County. 1 hereby announce myself us a candidate for re-nominiition on the Republican ticket to the Office of Sheriff- H nominated and elected 1 will qualify ae such Officer, and will conduct my Office, and, enforce all Laws without tear or favor to any one. Very Respectfully, H. C renshaw . To the Voters of County. Tillamook Notice to Creditors N oticb IB 11KUBBV GiviM.-— That the undcrBigned has been by the County Court oi Tillamook County, State of Oregon, duly appointed a» administrator, with the will annexed , of the estate of Harry ingate Cottie. Deceased All peraon» h iving claim» against said e»tate are required to present the same to the undersigned as such ad- uiinisti utor at his office in Tillamook < itv Oregon, within six month» from the date of the first publication hereof, duly verified as required hy law- ' Dated this August 4th, 1910. H. T. B otits Administrator with the Will annexed, of the estate of Harry Wingate Cottle, deceased, Summons. H. M. Farmer, a resident of Hebo, Oregon, do hereby announce myself aa Candidate for the office of In the Circuit Court of the St-te of . wit: Beginning at the north west corner of lot 9 in J. J. Met oy’s addition to the town of Bav City, in Tillamook <’ounty, Oregon, and running thence east 50 feet; thence south 1OO feet; thence west 5o feet; thence north 100 feet to the place of begin­ ning. be appropriated to plaintiff's use for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a railway line, and a telegraph, telephone and electric power line thereon, and that the amount of compensation to be paid therefor be determined, and that upon the payment by plaintiff into court for the defendants of the amount of compensation when so determine«!, that the plaintiff there­ upon become and be the owner of said right of way, and that plaintiff have judgment thereon appropriating said projicrtv to it. This summons is ^published by order of the Hon.H. F. Goodspeed. County judge ofTilla- mook County. Oregon, made and dated at Tillamook County. Oregon the 1st day of September. 191<>. The time prescribed in said order for publication is once a week for six successive weeks, and the dateoftlie first publication thereof is Thursday, September 1st, 1910. — H. T. R otts . Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real Property. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Tillumook. State of OfcgOn. Ì Plaintiff, vs. > J. C. Gove, Defendant. , N oticb is H kkemy G iven .—That by vir­ tue and authority of a writ and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, on the INth day of August, 1910. I will, at the door of the County Court House, at Tillamook « itv, Oregon, on," thé i*th day of October, 1910, at lu o’clock a tn. of said day. offer tor sale, and sell at.public auction, to the higlfest bidder for teash in hand, the real property situated irt Tillamook County Oregon, more particularly described as follows, to- wit : A strip of land 50 feet wide off the north • end of and extending across from east to west of the following described tract of land, to-wit : Beginning at a point 16 rod* and links north and 334 feet cast of the south west corner of that tract of land deeded by u W. Blackwell tu H. M. Bu»h. situate in Tilla­ mook County. State of Oregon, and thence running north to a point 514 feet no» th of the south iiueôt the suid Black wells Home stead claim ; thence south along the saitl county road to a point 16 rods and 20 links north of the south line of said Blaek- well’s Land Claim ; thence east to the place of beginning. H. CRE5SHAW, Sheriff of Tiliamook County, Oregon. J I. I, Harry P. Ker Kerr, of Bayocean, < begun. do hereby place my name Oregon, before the Republican voters of Tillamook County for the office of County Surveyor, and if nominated and elected to the said office will give my very best efforts to do the work I am called upon to per­ form in a competent and satislac- tory manner. Has established a perniane«», Very truly yours, Agency in H arry P. K err . TILLAMOOK COUNTY For their piunos. 25 year guarantee, To the Voters of Tillamook County. and warranted to witlistaud any climate. • I, U. G. Jackson, of Tillamook, Composite Bell Metal Frame. Oregon, do hereby place my mime lieloie the Republican voters of Till­ Three Strings, I'/s Octaves. Price, amook County, as a candidate for $!tiO.(Jtk Piano on exhibition. MISS FLORENCE EVENS. nomination tor County Surveyor Agent. If nominated and elected. I will faithfully perform' my duty and G ub Kunic House, 2nd Ave. K. W. J. Garrett s serve the interests of the people of Phone. itllamook County to the best of mv ability. J The P. A. Starck Piano Co. ___________ U. G. J ACKSOX. Farm for Sole. NOW'¡iW TIME For Sale, a Farm, containing 20 acres ot second bottom land, 3U miles south ot Tillamook City, on main fond, watli three cows, one yearling heifer, five culvea. 85 head ot chicken, 28 ducks, farm imple* menta, house with four rooms, barn with about 10 tons hay. and two uiT.»'. t'”“'8- . p.ri'e $4-,l^i*-, Wise Dental Co* oAsBrn ix zsita Your old machine will be taken as part payment. Machines delivered at vour home on tree demonstration trial. Call in and see the New Singer 6& B vrhett S hipman , Tillamook Ore You awake with a ,ne"n' W hale tn'a Jewelry Store taste in the mouth, which ren*»» A Morning Reminder. It Saved Hi» Leg. you thaCjrour atomach i» u* • . j conditanfL It »hould al»o you that there it nothing »« for a disordered Chamberlain'»Stomach and L** Tablet». "All thought Pd lose my lew •’ wn,eTl.' A' Swe’”’>n.of Watertown, w t«. Ten years of ecxema. that 151 d«H-tors could not cure, had at last laid me ujx Then Bucklen s Amies i i 'T i •“’’■«I «nd well.” build np ttosy^»*M»»ri Infallible for Skin Eruptions. »emu. Salt Rheum. Boils. Fever ■Zntte «Tth^rLtio- that on<* So™* Bunts. Scald. Cut. .nd Piles. 25c. at Chas. I. Clough'». T«