Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 08, 1910, Image 3

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POLITICAL JOTTINGS. 1 Oregon Legislature, it is amusing
to see a small army of anti-assembli
Some Pointed Remarks about candidates for the Legislator«
the Primary Election.
throughout the state declare for
Classis Makes Reply.
To the E ditor of T he T iuasoox
We can assure counsel for the de­
fense that, had he or Rev. Ebinger
expressed the desire to have the ac­
cused tried on the last three counts
in the indictment, it would have
txsen granted.
If counsel for the defense ia sin-
cere and fully comprehends the
significance of his assertion that
all who voted for the conviction of
Rev. Ebinger, are proven unworthy
of any office in thechurch of Christ,
we would most sincerely suggest
to said counsel that, in our opinion,
it is his most solemn duty to pro­
ceed to have them expelled and thua
render a good aervice to the church.
But it ia easier to publish incorrect
articles in the newspapers.
The statement that the Classis
made the following offer: ‘‘We are
ready to withdraw the charges
against Rev. Ebinger and to annul
the sentence if we (Rev. and his
counsel) only would return to the
session and co-operate in some com­
promise that would reunite the
divided partiesin the local church,”
is a mistatement.
Upon the written request of the
original conplainants, who are
cdiarter members of the local church,
pioneers and respected citizens of
Tillamook Co., Ore., to suspend the
sentence of dismissal of Rev. Eb­
inger, provided, however, that he,
Rev. Ebinger. refraiu from teucliing
doctrines op|>osed to those of the
Reformed Church and, in fact, to
all fundamental Christian doctrines,
as evidence proved, he had been
doing, Classes, by resolution, de­
clared it« readiness to grant the re­
quest and this, in order to be most
lenient, giving the accused an op­
portunity to continue his work in
the church at Tillamixik.
The rejection of this offer by Rev.
Ebinger and his cousel clearly de-
monistrates their intentions.
With deep regret the Classis
found itself obliged to take such
action against one of its memliers.
The publication of tlie article re­
ferred to require« action of tlie
Classis against Mr. A. G. Gekeler
before hi« Classi«.
G. H afner , Pre«.
F reii C. S chstuelle , Clerk,
R.F.D. No. 1, Box 121,
Portland, Ore.
G. M. H irsch ,
Council for Classis.
Forty-Ninth Annual
H eadlight .
Not wishing to enter into a news­
Statement No. 1, In fact, in a ma
During the six years Jay Bower­ I jority of instances, thia is the only paper controversy, but, as truth
man, assembly candidate for the i platform or declaration on which and duty to our church at large and
Republican nomination for Gover­ j these candidates seek nominatioi to the church in Tillamook in par­
nor. was in tlie State Senate, he aid­ and election. “For Statement No ticular demand it, we, the under­
ed the enactment of many meritor­ 1” proved a vote-watching slogar signed officers of and counsel for
ious measures, proving that in the two years ago anil resulted in th« the Portland, Oregon. Classes, re-
discharge «if hie official duties he elwtion of a Democratic Senator ipectfully request space in your
always endeavored to serve the in­ The same war-cry this year it paper to reply to an article pub­
terests of the |ieople. Among these meaningless and will not prove ae lished in the Tiilaimxik Headlight
measures was the State Banking productive in corraling the votes o' Aug. 22nd, 1910, headed, “Church
Law by which state regulation of the electorate.
Trial of Rev. Ebinger,” and signed
private banks is provided, placing
by S. G. Gekeler.
tnese institutions on substantially
Throughout the state many Dem
The charges against Rev. P. Kb-
the same foundation of stability as ocrats are registering as Republic­ inger were brought before Classis
the National banks and affording ans again this year in order to par by charter members of the German
to de|iositors adequate protection. ticipate in the Republican primar Reformed Church of Tillamook
Mr. Bowerman also supported and iea. This is the same abuse of the Classis, simply was duty b« und to
assisted to be placed on the statute primary law that Democrats have act and, only after all efforts to ad­
hoi ks of the state the law for parol­ resorted to ever since that law wat just possible misunderstandings
ing prisoners. Thia is a good law, enacted. The sole purpose of tlii, and difficulties ha«i failed, theClas-
not alone for the prisoner and the perjured registration by Democrat« <ia undertook, with a deep sense of
encouragement he receives to mend is to enable thqm to nominate, if its responsibility, to bring the
liis ways, but for the pecuniary ixissible, the weakest candidates o’ charges before itB Judiciary.
Having that is effecterl to the state the majority party in the primariet
The trial was conducted with all
iu its operation. Along the same and then assist in slaughtering »ossihle fairness and leniency, not
line Mr. Bowerman sup|>oite«i and them in tlie general election in No vith the intention of finding the sc­
voted for the juvenile court bill. veniber. There is only one way fo
used guilty, but, if possible, to
Foremost among the important pro- Republicans effectively to combs
issertain the facts.
visons of this bill is that which this game.
Mr. A. G. Gekeler writes: “The
For further Information address-—
makes it a felony to contribute to should see to it that he register
hissia has declared and confessed
the delinquency of a minor. Tlie and participates in the primary. by subsequent acts that its decision
enforcement of thia statute is doing He should also support only th« was wrong.”
an incalculable service for the pro­ party's strongest candidates for th«
This is not true, but the wish of
several nominations. Speaking o' the Classis, to be as lenient as the
tection of the youth of the state.
strong candidates, no Republican case would permit, is so construed
It is strange what a difference a will make a mistake if he votes foi by him.
Referring to the accusation made
few years make in political affairs. those candidates for state office in
In a letter four years ago. Senator dorsed in open assembly by 1200 Re­ by Rev. Gekeler,counsel for the de-
Chamberlain not only urged an publicans, representing every sec­ ■ ense, that the case was not tried
assembly of Democrats, state and tion of the state. It is time Repub­ on its merits and that it was unfair,
county, but advocated the selection licans were doing something suc- as some of the laymen were plainly
of candidates by those assemblies. cessfullv «o combat the question­ incompetent to form an opinion on
N>w we find "Our George” loudly able practices of mis registered questions of this order or even
declaiming against the Republican Democrats. That can beat be done much less importance,” we reply:
assembly. The political history of by voting the assembly ticket from As there were but two laymen pre­
sent who were entitled to vote and
this state in recent years proves top to bottom.
js the ministers vote was unani­
that the Democratic assemblies,
Separator for Sale.
mous in finding Rev. Ebinger guilty
which have been held during every
campaign since the direct primary
For sale, a KM) pound capacity as charged, viz: Denying the rea
was adopted by the people, were Iowa Separator, nearly new, only resurrection of Christ (Specification
effective agencies to party success used a short time.—Apply to T. W. III. reads: “Bodily resurrection”),
Davis, Beaver, Ore.
the trial could not have been unfair
at the polls. Of course, it is a viol­
on account of elders voting. More­
ation of the direct primary law for
Your kidney trouble may lie o'
the Republicans to adopt and pur­ long standing, it may be eitliei over, we conscientiously believe
sue the same plan of action. Just acute or chronic, but whatevei that even these elders definitely
Reined« knew why they were voting and
another instance of Democratic con­ it is Foley’s Kidney
will aid you to get rid of it what they were voting for.
qui«'kly anti restore your natural
Mr. Gekeler further writes: ' “Un­
Speaking of assemblies, lias any­ health and vigor. “One bottle oi der charge three, charging Rev.
Foley’s Kidney Remedy made m<
body heard any criticism from the well,” said J. Sibbul ol Gran«! Ebinger with the denial of the real
A Man Of Iron Nerve.
so-called anti-assembly camp of the View, Wis. Commence taking it resurrection of Christ” (Charge III.
Indomitable will and tremedous
recent star-chamber proceedings of now. C. I. Clough.
reads “bodily resurrection”) “he energy are never found where
Liver, Kidneys
the Oregon Socialist«? Members of
was found guilty, contrary to over­ Bowels are out of order. If you
this party met in a hall in Portland
whelming evidence.”
want these qualities and the success
When the medicine you take
in August and prepared a ticket for
We reply: If there was over­ they bting, use Dr. King's New
the Socialists to sup|>ort in the pri­ cures your disease, tones up youi whelming evidence anywhere, the Life Pills, the inatctile«« regulators
syatein and makes you feel better,
mary election. We will venture the stronger and more vigorous than counsel for the defence should have for keen brain and strong body.
25c. at Chas. I. Clough’s.
assertion that not half a dozen before. That is what Foley Kidnej produced it in the trial, instead of
Social inis in thia county knew that
afterwards making such assertions A Reliable Medicine—Not a Nar
of ap­
such a meeting was to be held to backache, nervousness, loss general
in the press of Tillamook.
petite, sleeplessness and
say nothing about being represent­ weakness that is caused by any
Another part of said article reads:
Mrs. F. Marti, St Joe, Mich., says
ed in the “assembly ” Of course, disorder of »lie kidneys or bladder. “In the opinion of the counsel for Foley's Honey an«i Tar saved her
it ia a flagrant violation of tlie di­ C. i. Clough.
Rev. Ebinger it seems miraculous little boy's lite She writes: “Our
The man with a <iaiil up policy inis tlie satis­
little boy contracted a severe bron­
rect primary law for 1230 Republi­
such an abundance of most chial trouble and as the doctor's
Why Druggists Recommend Cham-
cans from all over the state to hold
of knowing that premiums thereafter
berlaiu’a Colic, Choleia inj
an open primary but it is entirely
Diarrhoea Remedy.
fairness of the trial
should be him Foley’s Honey and Tar in
pester him.
which I have great faith. It cured
prj|>er for the Democrats, Prohibi­
Mr. Frank C. Hanrahan, a promi­ thrown into his hand«.”
tionists and Socialists to convene in nent druggest of Portsmouth, Va..
We reply. If this opinion is cor­ and gagging siiells, and he got
When you have ZACHMANN install your
secret conclave and frame up full says: “For the past six years 1 rect, it will be all the easier for said well in a short time.
have sold and recommended Cham­
you can rest »Mured Hint your job is
tickets for submission to their party berlain’a Colic, Cholera and Diar- counsel to overthrow tlie decision Honey and Tar has many times
voters in the primary and general ruoea Remedy. It is a great rem­ of th« Clussis, but it ia not true, saved us innch trouble and we are
paid up wlii'ii finished, and doea not like liny
never without it in the house.”
elections. Manifestly, the Republi­ edy and one of the beet patent that the member« of the Classis I. Clough.
other jobs call for premiums in the shape of
cans should have delegated the
some others for the same pur,a>«ea have acted with such .absolute lack
constant repairs.
A Sure-enough Knocker.
work of their assembly- to half a that pay me a larger profit, but this of common sense and fairness.
J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsville,
dozen members of their party and remedy is so sure to effect a cure,
It is true, however, that the last
Keniemtier our reputation where workman­
then held the meeting secretly be­ and my customer so certain to ap­ three sjiecitiiyitions or charges C., say«: “Bticklen’s Arnica Salve
ia a sure-enough knocker for ulcers.
hind closed doors. In other words, preciate iny recommending it to against Rev. Ebinger were drop­ A bad one came on my leg last
ia considered ZACIIMANN ulway* get*
him, that I give it the preference.”
it makes all the difference in the For sale at Iannar’s drug store.
ped on account of technical omis­ summer, but that wonderful salve
sion« in tlie form of the specifi­ knocked it out in a few rounds.
world to our Democratic brethern
l>y whom the ''assemblies” are held
cation«; but Rev. Ebinger waa never Not even a scar remained.” Guar­
The Lash of a Fiend.
anteed for piles, sores, burns etc.
as well as the manner in which they would have lieen about as welcome denied the opportunity to defend 25c. at Cha«. 1. Clough'« drug
are conducted.
merciless lung-racking cough that
It has developed that the mem-
was most troublesome at night,” lie
bers of the Democratic State Cen­ wutes, “nothing bellied me till I
tral Committee, which met in Port­ uae«l Dr, King’s New Diacoverj
land recently, virtually indorsed which cured ine completely. 1
the candidacy of Oswald West, Rail never cough at night now.’’ Millions
k low its matchless merit for stub­
road Commissioner, for the Demo­ born colds, obstinate coughs, sore
cratic nomination for Governor. lungs, lagrippe, asthma, hemor­
Our Democratic brethern seek to rhage, croup, whooping cough, or
convince the voters that this gath­ hayfever. It relieves quickly and
never tails to satisfy. A trial con­
ering in Portland was purely a talk­ vince«. 90c. 91.0U Trial bottle free.
feast and that the qualifications of It’s positively guaranteed by Chua.
candidate* within their own party I. Clough.________________
were not considered. No wonder.
They Take the Kink« Ont.
The Democratic conference consist­
“I have used Dr. King's New Life
ed of probably 311 men, including Pi Is for many years, with increas­
They take the
several proxies. Yet, these 30 men ing satisfaction.
out of stomach, liver and
are shouting against the Repnbli kinks
bowels, without fu«s or friction.”
We earnestly invite yon to make yonr HUMMER OUTING Ht
can usseinbly which consisted of says N. H. Brown, of Pittafield, Vt.
1 JO men. Such consistency as thia Guaranteed satisfactory at Clias.
NESKOWIN PARK, for we predict that you will never hate
I. Clough's drug store. 25c.
provokes a smile.
cause to regret that you chime this ideal spot. Of course you will
Mrs. Jacob Wilmert, Lincoln) III.,
Nobody »rill undertake to charge found her way back to perfect
take your annual vacation! Thon, by all mean«, COME TO
that the State Railroad Commission health. She writes: “I suffered
haa not rendered a great service to with kidney trouble and backache
and my appetite was very poor at
the people of the state. The bill times.
A few weeks ago 1 got
creating tlie commission was enact­ Foley Kidney Pills and gave them
ed at the 1907 session of the Legis­ a fair trial. They gave me »rest
NESKOWIN represents much that is baantifnl to the eye nt the lover of
lature. At that time, Jay Bower­ relief so continued till now I am
C. I.
again in perfect health.’'
Tillamook City, Oregon.
man. assembly candidate for the
BEACH KE8OKT on the whole OREGON COAST. In making th» foregoing
___________ ____
nomination for Governor, waa a
aaaertion we know that thia may be quMtioi^id. but we extend to you our invi­
tor Biliousness
m*mberof the Senate. The fall w»a
Pirn»« mail me map und literature tf
tation to eome, vieft and (»-hold an we bare awn. MERKOW IN haa the most
•“I t
two of Chamberlain’«
before the committee of which Mr.
NE fi KO \MN
promising future A beautiful little park “a «Vine's throw” from the ftnest
Dowerman waa a memtier and he Bfoma« h and Laver Tablet« last
nights, and I feel fifty per cent
assiated to convert the original better than I have for weeka. mim
stretch of beach anywhere Trent Ashing on one hand; deep aea Ashing on the
draft of the bill into the efficient J. J. Firestone of Allegan.J Mich.
other. Located ta the heart of a proaperoes dairy and farming community.
measure a* it now appears on the “They «re certainly • fine article
Plenty of fresh milk, ebeeee, vegetrble* and aea food right at hand. Thia ia
statute books. The part Mr. Bow­ for biliousness.” For sale at La­
mar's drug store- Samples free.
ptaee that INVITES YOU COME.
erman played in framing and secur­
ing the enactment of this law in
Bale Medicine for Children
itself refutes the groundless charge
Foley’s Honey and Tnr in a ssfe
If yon want to visit NESKOWIN—tf you want any lnforwatkm,
and effective medic ine for children
that he ta a corporation man.
as it does not contain opiates or
fit at*_
coopen and mail TODAY—VOW.
harmful drugs Get only the gen
uine Foley’• Hooey and Tar in the *
yellow package. C. I- Clough.
LUill be Held at Salem,
SEPTEMBER 12 to 17.
$35,000.00 in Premiums and
Grand Live Stock, Agricultural
and Horticultural Exhibits.
A Paid Up Policy