ind dirty editorials in thenews- .»TBICTLT IM AOVANCK.) jjaper which it controlled which k hie vrai .................................................. I hoohooed one bank in this city, ?ix month« ........................................ ? Three month«.................................... •*'* ind it will do the same thing >gain to any bank if the same 3’illamook Ijrabligbt, tactics are pursued. People stgin to look up and take notice .vhen they find bankers donii- Editorial Snap Shots. lating a political machine and writing and publishing editori- Congressman Hawley is com­ ds praising the candidates they ing to Tillamook. That is lia­ put up and abusing those of dif­ ble to give Bro. Tromblev a ferent political faith. Cannon duck fit. RATES HP SUBSCRIPTION. As usual, there are a numbet < f Democrats in this count} who want to name the candi­ dates on the Republican ticket. The Herald has been belly- aching about Cannonism. Is it any worse than the dirty politi­ cians who have dictated the political policy of that news­ paper ? _____ Bro. Trombly is swiping all the important news from the other county newspapers. That’s an easy way to run a n -wspaper.for there isn’t much left of the other county news­ papers after Bro. Trombly is through cutting them tip and culling all the news from them. The foundations of business houses and private residences appear to lx- giving a good deal of trouble. The snapshot man thinks a good substantial foun­ dation, one that will not rot or decay, one of the first essentials in building. It’s economy to do so. The same rule applies to road building. It's necessary to have good foundations liefore good permanent roads can be obtained. _____ So Senator Bourne advises Republicans to bolt the party if the candidates nominated by his political machine fail to get th : nominations. We would li'ie to remind Jonathan that it was loyal Republicans, when he was nominated for senator, who elected him. Now to advise Republicans to bolt the party and vote for Democrats is more than Republicans will stand for. Anyway, the Bourne political machine is on its last legs. There appears to be a ques­ tion in the minds of some per­ sons as to whether the P.R. & N. or the United Railways will be running train first into Till­ amook. Notwithstanding the repeated nssertioi s that the former will be running trains early next fall, we are informed that the United will complete its road to the foot hills this fall mid next year it will com­ plete its road over the moun­ tains. The Bourne machine, which talks so much about ’’the peo­ ple” ruling, is wanting to con­ trol the Republican party in this state. And as a result the ma­ chine has selected a Bourne ■ late in the usual machine style. So much for the line and cry almiit "the |M*opie** ruling. It looks to us that ti hen in on try­ ing to hatch out the worst poli­ tical machine the state lies ever seen. Well, the people” are liable to get their ryes open some day, _________ 11 < » It looked a few days ago that thingajwerv shaping themselves for a political bank fight. We hope thia will be avoided, for the bunks should keep out of running political organization!« ami political candidates as much aa possible. It was dirty |>olitics Edited by the Tillamook Minia terial Association. ‘‘The saloon, which is the center of the vice of drunkenness, is es- penally destructive to young men. The community has tbe same right to prohibit saloons as it has to pro­ hibit cess-pools.’’—David Starr Jordan. "The liquor traffic is the most de­ grading and ruinous of all human persuits. By legalizing this traffic we agree to share with the liquor seller tbe responsibilities and evils of his business. Every man who The snap shot man advises votes for license becomes ot neces­ the voters of Tillamook to vote sity a partner to the liquor traffic “No” on all initiative and ref­ an.' all itH consequences.”—William McKinley. erendum measures to be voted "Tbe liquor traffic tends to pro­ on at the election in November duce criminality in the population We advise this because we are at large and law-breaking among strongly of the opinion that it is the saloonkeepers themselves.”-— liest for the peeple. When a Theodore Roosevelt. "If it is a crime to make a counter­ few persons can get together, feit dollar, it is ten thousand times and frame a bill, with no show, a worse crime to make a counterfeit whatever to discuss or amend man.”—Abraham Lincoln. "To make sawlogs into lumber is it by a representative gather- a business, but to make boys into i ig, this new tangled idea of drunkards is a crime.”—Dr. Henry law making does not appeal to Ostrom. us and never will, for we fore­ saw the muss it was going to get the State laws into when the law was passed. Take the snap shot man’s advice and vote “No” oil all the measures. It is the easiest and quickest way of voting and disposing of them. The Buy City News announces that Attorney Wallace McCa- rnant, whois one of the Repub­ lican candidates for supreme judge, is a corporation attorney. We want to remind Bro. Miller that it appears to be the dispo­ sition of all corporations to ob­ tain the brainiest and ablest attorneys. But because Wal­ lace McCamat is the attorney for the pioneer railroad into Tillamook county, which has already and will continue to be a boon to the people and county, surely it is unfair to oppose him on that score. Bro. Miller is carrying corporation advertise­ ments in his newspaper and is receiving pay for his services, just the same us Mr. McCamat is doing, therefore, if Bro. Mil­ ler’s logic holds good, the Bay City News isj a corporation newspaper. The office seekers and politi­ cians are tiow greatly worried about corporations, and as an election is near, they are decried and abused moat unmurcifully. Looking overTillamook county we Hud that a large proportion of the people of this county are connected with corporations, in fact, all the principle industries the co-operative cheese fac­ tories, the banks, the saw mills, the tnuiBporation companies, etc. come under the head of corporations. Eliminate them And what would Tillamook amount to ? The creamery us- siK'iutions of this count}’ try to exact from the purchasers the highest possible price for their cheese, mid we commend them for it, anil us other corporations all over the country are doing the same thing, we see little or no difference. But the politi­ cians, us usual, must have something to chew the rag ulgiut, consequently the corpor­ ations are coming in for a great deal of notoriety and unjust criticism. The snap shot man has cer­ A Sprained Ankle. tainly created a strong senti­ As usually lieu tel H sprained ment all over the county in ankle will disable the injured | ht - favor of a change in the system ■on tor a month or more, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment of mail building in this county. and observing the directions with Hundreds of men can point out each battle faithfully, a cure may, in most cases, lie effected in less where thousands of dollars have than one week's time. Thia lini­ been wasted in road work, and ment is a moat remarkable prepar­ ation, try it for a aprain ora bruise, when we |>ointed out a differ­ or when laid up with chronic or ent system whereby this can lie muscular rheumatism, and you are certain to be delighted with the remedied, it was no womler that prompt relief which it affords, For so many persons are now preach­ sale a laamar's drug store. ing what we have long advo­ Wanted I cated a practical engineer nt CosMOFOLTAN MAGAZINE requires the head of the road work. »ill«» services of a representative in —I PROHIBITION. Tillainiaik to look after subscription redewala Anil to extend circulation by special methoda which have proved unusually successful. Salary and commission. Previous experience desirable but not essen­ tial. hole time or spare time. Address. with references. H. C. C imp! ell, Cosm«>|>olitan Maganne. lite Broadway. New York City. B read vs . KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND 1 Í FINISHED LUMBER. ; ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, , We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook > County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. 1 New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and 1 First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. B eer . We hear much now, and will con­ tinue to hear much said in praise us eiguke on bill of Lagar Beer as a food. Old Ger­ man professors, long since dead, and others long since proven to have been mistaken in their con­ clusions, will be quoted by the brew­ ers in their literature, published at i no much a line, in the great dailies. Wj These antivuated i old witnesses t, * ■ were speaking out of ! a great love / : ignorance of 5 , for beer, or a great i its deliterious effects, or at least £ were reporting from observations »“ i* taken in beer gardens in Germany, where the beer was less harmful, jS| and the drinkers never took it to ri make them drunk, as is too often £3 the case in this land. But for what- ever reason, it is drink; whatever brand of beer is used; in whatever country it is tested, there is in these days by scientific authority but one ‘Bk verdict as to its food value. Taking an equal quantity of beer and bread, beer is Hl percent water, four per cent food and four per alcohol. Alcohol is a poison. s’ Bread is 88 per cent food, and 12 per cent water. Is without poison. £ Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window This analysis demonstrates the f short sightedness in spending so J Sashes, much money for water, when water | can be obtained in purer form from [ the spring, the well or the faucet; 7| the great foolishness of swallowing S Agents for the Great Western Saw. 91 per cent of impure water jfor the ?* sake of securing four per cent of food matter that can be obtained in abundance from the bread, and The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. above all, the supreme idiocy of taking into the stomach the four1 per cent of alcohol contained in the - - - - - ------- — beer, which is a rank poison to both - ----- -- -------------------------------------------------------- mind and body. your lumber let HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, I ALEX McNAIR CO r* T he T urn O f T he T ide . Allow me to name for your con- I siberatlon a number of facts, each of which, taken alone, is convinc­ ing, with respect to the vanishing power of the saloon; and when tney « 1 « A are all taken together they assure us that the judgment day of the ( Sold by Chas. T. Clough. liquor traffic is at hand. 1. The churches of all denomina­ Did Vou Ever Try tions are awake and are uniting against the traffic. , (IAKBLVN NEW FEED AMI 2. Educational institutions are LIVERY BARN, laying prolubition foundations I If not, give him A call. When you want a quick cure withou while training the leaders of the lose of time, and one that is followed future. Everything first-class. Second any by no bad .esulta, use 1 3. Fraternal organizations are block South of t* U. driving out drinkers and drunkard makers. g arris 4. The great corporations, em­ ploying millions of laliorers, are, It never fails and is pleasant to T * de, ** I ffO F H»“ •' FBAhC OFV»I H E