Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 08, 1910, Image 1

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»l 5o per year.
Report of the Condition of
illamook county
bank ,
Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the
close of business Sept. 1st, 1910.
>ans and discounts...................... ...........
jerdrafts, secured and unsecured...
Hide, securities, etc................... . ...........
inking bouse, furniture and fixtures
¡her real estate owned.............................
ie from banka (not reserve bankB)..
ie from approved reserve banka........
)eeks and other cash items.................
ish on hand....................... . ........................
ipital stock paid in....................... ..............................
irplus fund.................................... ..................................
divided profits, lees expenses and taxes paid
ie to banks and bankers...........................................
dividual deposits subject to check.......................
¡maud certificates of deposit....................................
tne certificates of depoeit ..........................................
gtified checks..................................................................
He deposits......................................................................
vings deposits .................
I................ ...........
kbilities other thau those above stated...............
... 397,283.44
Sate of Oregon, County of Tillamook.
|rwin Harrison, cashier of the aliove named bank, do solemnly
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
I rwin H arrison , Cahier.
bscribed and sworn to before me this 8tli day of Sept., 1910. Myrtle
Ils, Notary Public.
rrect attest: M. W. HarriBon, Carl Haberlach, Directors.
T he S pa .
Morris, eye specialist
Ferris Good Sense
Journal Patterns—
New Home Sewing Machine»-—Monarch Hosiery—Jost Received by Express, Evening Dresses, Dress Skirts, etc
$7 .50 Values
$2.98 $10.03 Values
$5.65 $1 75 Values
$9.00 Values
$2.98 $2.50 Values
$4.93 $ 4.00 Values
Ladies’ Skirts— Material, Pan
Black Petticoats—Of a heavy
Net Waists in blue, green and
cream, button and silk trimmed ; mna and Serge, button or braid
trimmed, full cut garments, good
also black and colored taffeta and
run of sizes. Colors—Red, Brown,
white India Silk Waists, regular
Navy, Black. Good values at the
$6.00, $7.00and $7.50 values, »,« no
prices to $10.00.
Sale $2.98
Sale price $5.65
Our Very Best Waists— Black
Misses Skirts—( >f Panama aud
and colored taffetas, braid trim­
braid and button trimmed ;
med, some plain tailored ; also
tailored, assorted good
handsome net waists, plain black
and colors, embroidery and lace patterns and good run of sizes.
trimmed, our very best regular Regular values $3.75 and $4.00.
values to $9.00- Sale price $4.93
Sale $2.98
weight sattiue, extra well made
and cut full and large, wide
flounce with narrow tucks, Extra
good value at $1.75.
Sale price 98c.
Heather Bloom
Made of regular hvde grade
heather bloom, has the rustle of
silk. Cut full wide, Have wide
flounce with eight rows of tucks.
$2.50 value.
Sale price $1.67
T. J. Bibby leaves today for the
Puget Sound country.
Piano for sale nt a bargain. Easy
terms. May be seen at Mrs. Plank's
in the forenoun.
Cream Cones at T he S pa .
Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle,
Ito the Wife of L. Labowitch, $1.85 anti $2.75.
An almost new
drop head sewing machine cheap.—
S pa for the beet Ice Cream in D. L. S hrode .
The United Railways Co. has
sale, typewriter, cheap.—P. brought condemnation suit in the
circuit court against A. J. Provoost
hie« wanted at the Tillamook and Lilah Provoost.
h Bank.
Bo John Sheets for your Crout
lah Barrels.
IF. S. Whitehouse & Son fc-
hsurauce, etc.
I Belle Hanley left for a viait
rtland last week.
I cement by the sack or the g
I see D. L Sb rode.
Lee limb wood wanted at the
book County Bank.
Corsets—Sahlin and
Etc., at the greatest Price Reduction of the entire season—
Take advantage
Eream at
Nemo »nd American
Mrs. P. W. Todd and two daugh­
ters, Alice and Klain, left on Mon­
day for San Jose, Cal., where they
will reside this winter.
Snow Drift flour, $6.25 a bbl. and
$1.60 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.75
a bbl. and $1.50
a sack.— W m .
C urtis , The Grain Man.
» idirit-ti, on
oil Saturday
- Married,
morning at
the Court House, b
by County Judge
H. F. Goods|»eed, Mr. J. P. Mattoon
ami Miss Dottie M. Morris.
Carl Knudson, with his sister,
Morris Schnal's great removal
Miss Kathrina Knudson, and Kris­
pvt. on the last page.
tina Neilson, from Denmark, re­
kgles, the best kind, at the turned to the city on Friday.
look Lumber Mfg. Co.
Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse and daught­
—7 and avoid ers left on Sunday to visit friends
Ire your property
nth F. S. Whitehoi
in the East, Mr. Whitehouse going
Best Price paid for Hides, Furs aa far as Portland with them.
peep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till-
George H. Williams and J aine«
f. Ore.
Walton,jr., vs. J. W. Brown and wife.
I. Case and son left on Tues- is a suit filed in the circuit court,
Il- Portland on a business and which is a suit to correct a deed.
Ire trip.
It is to your interest to take ad­
I S. Viereck left on Tuesday vantage of Schnal’s Great Removal
and save money.
it her mother und sinter in
Schnal, Popular Priced Clothier.
kirg, Pa.
Morris Schnal has returned from
in doors can be obtained
ie Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Portland, where he went to secure
i this city.
* the fixtures and a fresh stock of
goods for his new store location.
lours, cheapest and best poper
Several dozen Pint cane of Ready
ir in town.
Leave order« at
Mixed Paint for lOcts. per can. All
& Smith Co.
colors. See our window for special
I Ruth Bewley has gone to prices on paint. KING A SMITH Co.*
Morrow County, to visit her
One Holstein
Bull Calf.
A. C. Petteys.
months old, from a heavy milking
brand process barley, $1.35 dam, registered. Papera ruruished.
I and $34.00 a ton. — W m . C ur - Price $35. J. HazlittA Sons, Forest
he Grain Man
Grove, Ore.
> S. G. Finney will preach at
The Tillamook Public and High
»sbjterian church at Bay City Schools will convene on Monday
Bday morning.
with a good corps of teachers, and
R. T. Boids left on Tuesday with the prospect of a large increase
tod the State Medical Asaoci in the attendance.
meeting in Portland.
Plasker Bros, will do your plumb­
I Lillian Anderson has re- ing in first class style. Let us figure
I from a three month's visit on your work. Will guarantee our
liornia and Ute East.
work, having just employed an ex­
perienced plumber.
next tint« you send away for
hing Ket a Money Order from , ,-r The Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Ctx’a
•aw mill started up on Tuesday for
llamook County Bank.
a few days, and it is doubtful when
your doors and windows from
‘illantook Lumber Mfg. Co. the mill will start up again after it
Closes down thia week.
S»e money by doing so.
If you want to learn to paint well
- Hovert and wife returned on Sou would better join one of Mrs.
ly after two weeks vacation
’s painting classes.
tiand and the Sound cities.
guarantees a good picture
I F. Henton. who resided here pupils are doing splendid work. *
tars ago, is building a black­
A civil suit was tried in Justice
shop in the south part of . Stanley'»court today in which Albert
| Mason sued D. A. Bailey for $3»»
Carl Haberlach
and _____
Geo. ' for pasturage, and the jury brought
■stet and wife left this week in a verdict in favor of Mason.
it relatives in Clackamas
The Board of County Comini»«ion-
Iera, composed of County judge H.
dace F. Goodapeed
Goodspeed and Corn
I Bennet has sold his place
f ¡»tniricii,
V. n
I I" J H and
»><1 Geo.
’JPH- -
of town to C. K Davis, 61
ol —
Elk —
H. ............
■ nd he expect* to return to t« in •eaiiion this week attending 46
~ *
( couoty affair*.
aitiar’s Variety Store,
B. D. 1AMAR, Pio.
Located in the TILLAMOOK HOTEL.
Drop in aud Look Around.
10c. Scratch Tablets, plain or ruled
$7.00 Knickerbocker School Suits
5c. Lead Pencils, Two for
$12.50 Long Pant School Suits
Spencerian Pen Points,
Corked Tip Pen Holder anti
Spelling Tablets,
dozen 8c.
one pen point 5c.
Ink Tablets,
Erasers, Ink, etc.,
35c. to 50c. School Caps -
$1.25 and $1.50 Felt and Beaver llats
$1 50 School »Shoes, box calf and vici
$2.25 School Shoes, box calf Welt Sole
at Special Low Prices-
Base Balls, Catchers Masks and Fielders Mitts Given with SCHOOL
SUITS- -Jumping Ropes given with SCHOOL SHOES -Slate and
* Pencil given with SCHOOL HOSP}.
Every department in this big store is filled to almost overflowing with bright new Fall Merchandise.
Complete new stock of
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Hair Ornaments,
Neckwear, Wide Patent Leather Belts, Hosiery, Underwear, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Children’s Skoffer Shoes.
Fall Stock of Hart Schaffner
Big shipment of Fresh Eastern
& Marx Suits and Overcoats
Candies- The Best Candy Sold
Stetson Hats, Florsheim Shoes.
Our Price per lb. 15c
after w
New York American College, will , _
look after the business while Dr. comedy "A Poor Married Man,”
Reedy ie away.
j which he intends to present at a
1'1»«* Frier of
Isler ylxals»
date. ** ’ The
of !!«••«»■«»**
Al a meeting of the City Council ’ is a pbiv for all classes, It has a
on Tuesday evening, two franchisee, powerful moral, and presenta a
one submitted by Frank Elliott anil picture we all may study, Watch
the oilier by the Business Men 'a lor the date. Il will soon be un-
Protective Association in regard to i nou need.
the storage of gasoline, were con-
tilled. As the Committee revising I On Sunday, at 12.25 p.m , a me
the City Charter did not report, the*teor {»uaeed over Tillamook which
( ouncil adjonrned until Friday eve- |B numtier of persons witne««e<l hk
ning to take up that matter.
* .
it imide its rush through the sir.
Mrs. Zmiiiieriniiti with her family, The.* wii a liiaaing sound followed
will leave on t|ie next steamer Io
make her liomr wllh relatives in by a loud explosion. A number of
iteraons thought that ti
a heavy I i I hm I
California. She was deserted and •»ersons
the ! man cleur-
“ by
left destitute by her husband. G. F. had been set off
Zinimeruian. who came to this city 1 ■ rig the land on F. K. Norlon'a
a few years ago as the pu»tor ol tile place norili of the «lough, but *Hin
Christian Church, and who turned after it was aMcertiiined by those
out to be crooked in many ways, who had witnessed it that it was a
and if reports are correct he is want meleor which liail caused the com«
motion. W bather the tneleor, which
ed by the Sheriff.
went in a Westerly direction, lit in
The Tyler building has l»ern
field, ir., D. C. W’hitney, of Detroit,
I the Pacific ocean or not will prol»a-
and Russell Hawkins, of Portland, rente«I by C. S Atkinson, and we*
came in on Monday.
They are iimleratsnd that »in implement com­ composed of Coionci Biddle and I bly never lie known.
large timl»er owners in thia county ,
The case against Enni« McIntosh,
and members of the Whitney Co., pul in a large atnete of farm im|»fe- come to Tillamook to confer with
the local Porta in regald to bar, bay who wsm arre«le<l and charged witli
of feed Irom the Snuffer building, and slough iuiprovemenla, sud to giving Karl Gilmore, a minor, whis
Aa Miss Agnes Tittle and u.„,z
which will tie occupied by tlie Ray decide on plana to have tins work key, was given a preliminary bear­
Williams wer • out driving on
undertaken with local and govern
Feed Co.
nesdav. the horse liecame fright -
ment aid. The board will come Io ing in |u»tice Stanley's court vn
ened and ran against a log. u|M<lv< ’ The Sue II Elmore • ame in on thia city as soon as some of the en­ Friday. The case came to an at»
ting the buggy and throwing IWF 1 Wedneiwlay with the following pas gineer» are through with other off) nipt termination, ami it
girl« out. causing them to receive sen gers W. M
M om and wie, cial business.
Deputy fHntrtrt Attorney G Willett
Mrs Hasset, Dan McGill, Morris
several injuries.
Next Sunday evening a union lent when voting Gilmore went on the
S final, R. S. Danlorlh. four sisters
■ The sales in twenty days through for tlie Si Alplwmsi« Academy. H. i»eran< e meeting will lie held in the «land »ml «wore th»l McIntosh ib«l
F R Beals’ office of 33 lieach lot», Halwin and wile. J. C McSulty, United Brethren church, at eight
eight Tillamook City lot» ami eight Tlionias riloin|Mwm. C. Malagumbu o'chak. when ad<lreaaea will l«e <le not give him wlii«hr>, whit h lie Imd
farms one. of which, the Schiflman and 24 Chinamen.
livereti by Imaineaa men ami lay »worn to in lite »omplaint. liming
farm on Nehalem River, sold lor
men. who will dMM'UM the lem|»ri Hie I ria I, it was proveil that W. J.
Evangelist .<Moon's »initfr» and »m e ami local option uueain»ns A Glimorr, fattier of the com|»laining
$*t,SM).f»l. is going some. but noth­
given Intovicaling
personal worker«, tlie Moss family, large
ctioir, augmented by the witness, l»»<t
ing unusual tor Fred.
Wednesday and choir whicli came here to conduct liquor to saotlier sow. win» is tinner
Next Sunday will be the last Sun arrive«!
age. Ths JusiH e and the |>io»e< ni
day in the Conference year in which will hold ««> virea at tlie Church ol the singing at th« revival meeting«, ing altoiney are firmly oi the r»pfn
Rev A. B Calder will preach at Christ every night until iheevangr will furnish the muaic at the meet ion «hat young Gilmore l»»<t lieen
All tlie
Nehalem The appointment» are aa list common beg inning next Thu«» ing on Sunday evening.
fixerl »»liter in making the < umplamt
follows —Onion Peak .it II «•> a m day night. These service» will Iw business and professumal men and or Iiefore lie went on tlie witnesa
all others are «ordially invited to
Nehalem Church at 2.31 p m ;
ata nd.
the tabernacle. Everybody ie roe attemi
Balm at 7.30 p. m
dially invited.
John R Harter and wife le*t on
A Urge nuiniwr <>f voi*«* are
Wednesday to viait his old home .it
Dr. Reedy ami wife left Tllla l»eriM>ual «lirix lion of H. J
to vote ‘No” on al) the
Churwbaco. Ind . it being 2* years m a,k to-day to l»e gone al»«nl five
since be left there They will go to months While away frx»m tlie city, future the latest Eastern auceaaa initiativ« litui referendum men
the Sound cities first and will naif he will attend tlie American Veter.- *' The Price nt Honor.” This will
We think they are wine.
and other points before re nary Aamnlaltua in Sea VrsBcisco, lie tlie first lime thia play baa be<en •urea.
If your floors need repainting, turning, expecting to l»e gone two
give them a coat of Realty Mixed months.
Floor Paint. Special price of 33cla.
Sheriff Crenshaw left thia morn­
quart and $1.30 a gallon. See our
Paint Window. KING A SMITH Co. • ing to attach some of I lie lielonging»
of the Sweeney Construction l'o.,
The Tillamook Hotel, which has as a numlier of men had brought
been fixed up by P. W. Todd, will suit against that Company lor
be in charge of liis brother, R. H. wages amounting to
Todd, who came in with hie wife Multnomah County.
and two daughter» from Reardon,
No matter what you have that
needa painting, you cannot afford to
J. Kerr, an experienced plumlier, leave it go when you can gel a
of Portland, has lieen engaged by guaranteed Ready Mixed Paipt for
Plasker Bros., of this city, to assist $1-511 |>er gt gallon
or 4lets, n quart.
them in their bumness.as they have S|H9cial
____ t______
price« on Paint. ~
See our
a large amount of business on hand window KING A SMITH Co.
at Bayocean Park.
Carriages, Wagon«
Wagons and
Your Carriages.
Don’t delay that painting job. parm Inipienient« will last longer
The extremely low {»rices
'• that
•■■« —
-a an<j {«ok* hotter if given a coat oi
are making on paint will move it , |Miint before »etting away for the
fast Come in an secure the amount I winter. <s«>d riuality Ready Mixeil
you will need before it is all gone ' Buggy Paint 2&*ta. pint amt 45cts.
K ing a smith C o .
* quart See our window tor Paint
Chas- Stinchfield, Chas. Stinch- K ing a smith C o .