Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 01, 1910, Image 6

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Editorial Snap Shots
The proprwed new city char­
ter exterminate» the present
Water Commission, (let ready,
gentlemen, to have vour headr
Quite a numtier of persons
coincide with the snap sho;
man that the county’s out-
standing indebtedness should
be paid off the next lew years.
Thi.t is a matter for the next
county court to tackle, and we
hope it will do so, for it would
lie a nice thing to say and boast
about, that the county was out
of debt.
Bro. Hofer is wanting to be
governor awfully bad, but peo­
ple do not look seriously upon
liis candidacy.
Somehow it
does not look exactly the thing
to us to see an editor trotting
all over the state tooting his
own horn.
It does lieat the
band to what extremes some
men will goto when they get a
political bee buzzing in their
We think that the proposed
< ity charter should be amended
in regard to bonded indebted­
ness. There is a tendency ol
running municipal corpora­
tions headlong into debt,and the
proposed charter will have the
effect of hastening that in Till­
amook City, Besides the pres-
ent bonded indebtedness for
the water system, it will lie
able to bond itself in the sum
sum of $1,200,000 ! 1! Is’nt that
a big enough sum to stagger
file average taxpaper, espe­
cially whim it will be those who
own little or no property who
can put this bondage yoke on
this city and the payers.
It was the hope of a number
of citizens that in revising the
< ity charter that the committee
would prohibit till games, seats
and screens from saloons,as well
as side and back rooms, for in
that way it would not be as
congenial places for saloon
bums t,ml the riff raff to congre­
It is true that this can
be done, but it would have been
far better to have it distinctly
incorporated iti the new city
charter, for it would have pre­
vented a good deal of squabbles
in city elections, for this is how
quite a mimberof persons desire
to see saloons run in this city
whenever the county goes dry
It will I m * noticed that the
proposed new city charter i ta­
poses upon the mayor the re*
spoiiMibility of running ci f y
affairs, lie is made the boss,
as it were, of the city, mid the
business affairs of the city will
he run by commissions ap­
pointed by the chief executive.
'I'hi* mayor will have the power
to appoint a chief of police and
tin* power also to retire any
member on the commissions
mid Un* chief of police as well,
which is probably agoisl move,
for many mayors of Tillamook
City have Imd to bear the
odium resulting from the city
niiirHlml's failure to do his
”1 feel that it would lie proper
to call an assembly of Demo-
unites, Imth in the severnl coun­
ties mid in the state, to adopt a
< e 1 I ration of principles and to
suggest to voter» capable ami
i arcfiil men to lie voted for at
the general election. I think
that such action would lie salu­
tary and would arouse enthu­
siasm among our friends every­
where.” Extract from letter
written by Governor George K.
Chamberlain to A. K. Stillman,
of Umatilla County, in IHOtl.
If it is considered proper for
Democrats to hold an assembly
to ' adopt a declaration of prin­
ciples and to suggest to voter»
eurefill men to lie voted for nt
the general election ” why all
the hubbub and protests be­
cause the Republicans have
done the same.
One thing also in connection
with the prnjioaed city charter
which should not t»e overlooked,
mid that in the amount to
which the citizens can tie taxed,
The maximum is 25 mills,
made up ns follows: fl mills
for general purpoaea; 10 mills
for roads niul streets, fl mills
for water systems; 5 mills for
sewer systems, and I mill for
parka. Nothing for public li­
brary. It will be noticed that
it seems to be still necessary to
provide for funds for water
systems, notwithstanding the
assertions which were made
some years ago that the reve­
nue from the water system
would pay the running ex-
I>ensea of the city.
Wmtlirr con.litinn* in lilla
mook last week were ideal for
the county to be swept from one
end to the other by the fire fiend,
but, fortunately, the danger was
averted, simply because the
wiud changed, although while
the East wind lasted it caused
a great deal of anxiety. Now
that the danger is over for the
time being, it is too soon to say
that the danger is over this year.
What we want to remind our
readers is the fact that when­
ever a tire gets started it is the
settlers, to a large extent, who
suffer, and not the timber own­
ers. And we want to say this,
that it was the timber owners
who paid the bills for those who
fought tire last week and they
Were instrumental in saving a
large amount of the settlers’
property. All will admit that
the lire wardens did excellent
work, yet we must say that the
settlers have not used the liest
of judgment in setting out tire,
not only endangering their own
property, but that of their neigh­
bors and the timber as well.
We consider that the county
had a dose call last week, and
it is to be hoped that it will
have the effect of making the
settlers more careful about set­
ting out fire at this season of
the year.
We believe we are
giving good advice to all con­
cerned when we say that no
logs, brush or slashing should
be set on fire from the early
part of August until the fall
Vosburg Crew Claims Race.
Members of the crew of the tug
George R. Vosburg are elated over
their version of a race from Tilla­
mook to Astoria, in which they
assert their craft, towing the barge
Nehalem, arrived two hours in
advance of the steamer Golden
Gate. The tug and steamer sailed
from Hobsonville in company, but
once outside the former hugged
the shore pnd on reaching the
Columbia made time by steaming
close to the jetty.
The Vosburg will be inspected
while in Portland and leaves out with
a shipment of steel for tlie Pacific
Railroad A Navigation Company,
a number of ballast cars for use on
the Nehalem jetty and smaller
Later box cars are to be
transported with the remainder of
the rail shipment.
All Records Broken.
Voters of
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
I own one eighth interest in the fol­
lowing described tract of land :
Twenty-Two Acres in Sec. 35. T. 1
N, R- 10W. of Willamette Meridian,
Oregon, advertised as sols to W. S.
Swulwell, and that the same is here­
by notified to make suitable settle­
uy interest tner
ment with me for my
E mil H bllenbuyck .
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for re-nomination on the
Republican ticket, to the Office of
Countv Cleik. and if nominated
and elected. 1 will accept sqch office
and serve the public to the best of
my ability.
Very respecfully,
J. C. H olden .
Farm for S**le.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
For Sale, a Farm, containing 20
second bottom land, 3‘/a
acres of
-- ----------
miles south of Tillamook City, on
main road, with three cows, one
yearling heifer, five calves, S5 head
of chicken, 28 ducks, farm imple­
ments, house with four rooms, barn
with about 10 tons hay, and two
stands of bees. Price $4,iOJ ; $1,500
or $2,1100 down, balance three years
at 7 per cent interest. Enquire at
the Headlight office.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for re-nomination on the
Republican ticket to the Office of
Sheriff. If nominated and elected
1 will qualify as such Officer, and
will conduct my Office, and enforce
all Laws without fear or favor to
any one.
Very Respectfully,
H. C renshaw .
To Whom It May Concern.
Owing to the persistent and con­
tinued re|M>rts being circulated that
the steamer Golden Gate “has sold
out to the Elmore people,” also
“that she is going off the run, etc.,-
I take pleasure in denying absolute­
ly any and all such rumors, and de­
nounce all such as idle talk.
Rather we are seriously consider­
ing the putting on of another boat,
if business continues to improve in
the future as it has in the past.
1 want to thank all our old triends
for their patronage and hope tor ■
continuation ol the same.
Yours for Business,
J. R. G ladden , Agent.
Annual Telephone Meeting.
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
the Annual Meeting ot the stock­
holders of the Tillamook County
Mutual Telephone Company, for
the election ot officers to serve for
the coming year, will be held in
Tillamook City, Saturday, Septem-
lier 3, at 1 o’clock p.m.
As this is the important meeting of
the year for the company and many
matters that materially concern all
are acted upon at this time, it is
important that every member of the
Company Bhould be present at this
meeting and voice and vote liis
sentiment and wishes on all matters
F. L. BUELL, President.
of Eighth Grade Final
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
the Board of Eighth Grade Examin­
ers will hold an examination for ap­
plicants for Eighth Grade Diplomas,
at the Court Room in Tillamook
I ity, September 8, 9, as follows :
Thursday, Sept. 8 —Physiology,
Writing, History and Civil Govern­
Friday, Sept. 9—Grammar, Arith­
metic, Geography, Spelling,
All applicants who failed in not
more than two subjects at the lust
examinations should improve this
opportunity and complete the ex­
amination ami thereby be able to
take up the ninth grade Work at the
opening of school.
W. S. BUEL, Supt.
If a Bank Draft is Lost
Money is Not
A bank draft need not be sent by registered
mail so far as safety is concerned.
to whom a draft is made payable must endorse
it before it can be cashed.
To the Voters of Tillamook
County, Oregon.
If a draft purchased of us should miscarry or
be stolen, notify us and we will trace it up or
In response to the request cf my
friends in various parts of the
County, I hereby announce myself
as a candidate for the Office of
County Judge.
If nominated and elected, I shall
be fair to all. and in the transaction
of all County business will en­
deavor to promote the best interests
of Tillamook County.
H omer M ason .
The person
issue a duplicate without any
red tape.
n - ty
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
I, Harry P. Kerr, of Bayocean,
Oregon, do hereby place my name
before the Republican voters ol
Tillamook County for the office of
County Surveyor, and if nominated
and elected to the said office will
give my very best efforts to do the
work that I am called u|«>n to per­
form in a competent and satisfac­
tory manner.
Very truly yours,
H arry P. K err .
Voters ot
I, H. M.
Farmer, a resident of
Hebo, Oregon, do hereby announce
myself as candidate for the office of
County Commissioner, subject to
the voters of the Republican Party’,
at the Primary’ Nominating Elec­
tion, to be held September 24th,
If nominated I‘ will accept the
nomination and will not withdraw.
If elected will be fair to all. Build
roads under such regulations as
will insure them to be first-class
and uniform. Contract work when­
ever and wherever it will be of ad­
vantage to the taxpayers of Tilla­
mook County.
Yours respectfully,
H. M. F armer .
Your eyesore worth more to you than any book.
Your safety and your success in life depend on your
eyes; therefore, take care of them. Always hold
your head up when you read. Hold your book
fourteen inches from your face. Be sure that the
light is clear and good. Never read with the sun
shining directly on the book.
Never face the light
in reading. Let the light come from behind or over
vour left shoulder. Avoid books or papers printed
indistinctly or in small type. Rest your eyes by
looking awav from the books every few moments.
If in doubt about you« eyes consult me. 1 will tell you M
the truth about them' and the information will cost you
nothing and you will not be asked to buy.
Dr. HENRY E- MORRIS, Eye Specialist, Tillamook, Or. Sk
Auto For Sale
Circuit Court of the St te of Oregon
For Sale,-22 Horse power 5 pass­ In the for
the County of Tillamook.
enger Auto, 5 lamp Generator, and United Railways Company]
top complete. All in first class con­
a corporation.
dition. Cheap if sold at once.
H. B. C auby .
A J. Provoost and Lilali |
Provoost, his wife.
Deftndantss. j
• o' A. J. Provoost and Lilah Provoost. t'<
Singer Sewing Machines.
above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon.
Now is your opportunity to Ret
You arc hereby required to appear
a machine that will last you ■ Hit- and
answer the complaint filed against
time, on easy monthly, payments you in the above entitled action on or before
nd 1 the expiration of six weeks from the date
that you will scarcely miss a ----
of the first publication of this Summon« and
no interest.
f if
you fail to so ap’iear and answer for want
I personally* guarantee every ma- ; thereof the plaintiff will apply to said Court
chine and will keep it in repair free I i for the relief demanded in the complaint
| herein, which is that a judgment be rendered
of charge.
I that the following described tract of land,
Your old machine will be taken situate in Tillamook County. Orego«. to*
wit: Beginning at the north west comer
as part payment.
lot 9 in J. J. McCoy’s addition to the
Machines delivered at your home, I ! of
town of Bav ( ity, in Tillamook County.
on free demonstration trial.
Oregon, ana running thence east 50 feet;
Call in and see the New Singer tiff. thence south 10D fi et: thence west 5o feet;
north 1OO feet to the place of liegin-
B urdett S hipman , Tillamook. Ore. thence
ning, be appropriated to plaintiff’s use for
Whalem’s Jewelry Store. the purpose of constructing, oj crating and
maintaining a rai’way line, and a telegraph,
telephone and electric power line thereoa,
Your kidney trouble may be of ; and that the amount of compensation tt be
paid therefor he determined and that upon
long standing, it may be either i I the
payment by pla ntiff into court for the
acute or chronic, but whatever t i defendants
-cfc-.-i.... I- of the amount of compensation
— v
it is Foley’s Kidney
Remedy when
so determined, that 1 the r plaintiff there- >
said right
will aid you to get rid of it
and that plaintiff have judgment
quickly and restore your natural | I otway,
thereon appropriating said property to it.
health and vigor. “One bottle of
This summons is published by order al the
Foley’s Kidney Remedy made me Hori.H. F. Coodspeed. County Judge ofTill«-
mook County. Oregon, made and dated fit
well,” said J. Sibbul of Grand Tillamook County. Oregon the 1st day of
View, Wis. Commence taking it September, 1910. The time prescribed in
said order for publication is once a week for
now. C. I. Clough.
six successive weeks, and the date of the firet
iiublication thereof is Thursday, beptember
st. 1910. __
When Merit Wins.
H. T B otts
Attorney for Plaintiff*
When the medicine you take
For some time there has been a
Notice is hereby given, that the
running tire of friendly joshing be­
County Court of Tillamook Count),
tween the officials of the County
will receive bids lor deal­
Clerk’s office anil some of the pat­
ing right-of-way on what ia know n
rons of the office regarding the
as tiie Win. Squires road, said
length of time it took to have an in­
right-of-way to be cleared at a
strument recorded and returned
width of thirty feet, commencing
from the office. Previous to the ac­
at the initial point 'of the said sur­
quisition of extra deputies and ow­
vey, and running to Tillamook
ing to the heavy volume of business
river, and forty leet for the re­
Big Opportunity for Dairymen.
occasioned by the sea beach lot in­
mainder of said road, according to
dustry. ths recording department of
A 79b-acre ranch—000 acres bot­ he survey.
the office was several months be­
Also for making a fill of about
hind witli their recording and had tom on the south side of the
to take, in patience, a lot of jollying Umpqua River (Douglas County), 1000 feet between the initial point
and the river, said fill to be twelve
and do a lot of explaining.
The worm has now turned and tion, any vessel that can cross feet in width, and one foot high,
All bids to be tiled with the
the Clerk’s office has had its revenge,
and a good hearty laugh at the ex­ ranch. Also President I.ovett has County Clerk on or before Septem­
pense ot one its tormentors. Friday just announced that the Southern ber 7th, 1910.
The Court reserving the right to
last, Mr. James Walton, Jr., at Pacific will build to Coos Bay.
about till* hour of four thirty pm., (Saturday’s Oregonian.) Proposed reject any and all bide. By order
left an instrument for record, and fine runs through this ranch. Price of the County Court.
J. C. H olden ,
put infills usual josh about hoping $50.00); $10,000 cash; $10,000 in one
County Clerk.
to have same returned within six year; balance on satisfactory terms.
A successful dairyman can make
Separator lot; Sale.
With blood in theireyesevery offi­ this pay from Z,i to 4o per cent on
cial in the office exerted his and her the investment. Also an excellent
a 4U) pouitd capacity
best efforts and the result was the
Iowa Separator, nearly new, only
W m . K. W est ,
instrument was recorded, compared
and ready tor delivery within an 501 Chamber of Commerce, Port­ used a short time.—Apply to T. W. cures your disease, tones up
Davis, Beaver, Ore.
land, Oregon.
. your
hour. To make their revenge com­
system and makes you feel better,
plete, the method of delivery decid­
stronger and more vigorous than
ed upon was by mail, special deliv­ The Gratitude of Elderly people.
Safe Medicine for Children.
before. That is what Foley Kidney
ery. and in consequence a messen­
Goes out to whatever helps give
Foley’s Honey and Tar is a safe Fills do lor you, in all cases of
ger from the post office rushed to them ease, comfort und strength. and effective medicine for children
the Walton residence just as dinner Foley Kidney Pills cure kidney und as it does not contain ppiates or backache, nervousness, loss ot ap­
was being served and handed Mr. bludder diseases promptly, and harmful drugs. Get only the gen- petite, sleeplessness and general
,, , ,
----------- j
B— weakness that is caused by any
Walton an enclosure containing his give comfort and relief to elderly uine Foley
s Honey and Tar in the disorder of the kidneys or bladder,
instrument, makiug the time in people. C. I. Clough.
velltiw package.
oackaireL C. 1.
I Clough.
I yellow
which this instrument had been
handled and delivered l>v the Clerk's
office only one hour anil thirty min­
utes, which will probably stand as
a record for some time. It has not
tieen learned whether the County
or the office force defrayed the
expense of the special delivery
stamp, nor the extent to which Mr
Walton enjoyed hie dinner that
evening, for the shock probably
unnerved him.
Good tor Biliousness.
took two of Chamberlsis’«
Stomach end Liver Tablets last
nights, and I feel fifty i>er cent
better than I have for weeks, «ay*
I. J. Firestone of Aliev: n, Mich.
“They are certainly a fine article
lor biliousness.” For sale at La­
mar’s drug store. Samples free.
St. Alphonsus Academy.
School will re-o|>en Monday, Sept.
The course of study is complete,
embracing Primary, intermediate.
Grammar and Academic depart­
Students wishing to prepare for
Teachers’ examinations will receive
a|Mtcial attention.
Music classes will also be resum­
Parents are urgently requested to
semi tlieirchildren at the twginning
of the term, when classes are being
Girle will be received as boarders.
For particulars apply to
They Take the Kinks Out.
"I have used Dr. King’s New Life
Pills for many years, with increas­
ing satisfaction.
They take tile
kinks out of stomach, liver and
bowels, without fuss or friction.”
says N H. Brown, of Pittsfield. Vt.
Guaranteed satisfactory at Chas.
I. Clough's drug store. 25c.
Mrs. Jacob Wilmert. Lincolm III.,
found her way back to perfect
She writes: "I suffered
with kidney trouble and backache
and my appetite was very poor at
A few weeks ago I got
Folev Kidney Pills and gave them
a fair trial They gave me great
relief so continued till now I am
again in »«erfect health."
C. I.
We earuestlv invite you to make your RUMMER OUTINO nt
NESKOWIN PARK, for we predict that you will never have
cause to regret that you chose thia ideal spot. Of course you will
take your annual vacation*. Then, by all means, COME TO
NESKOWIN reprrarnts much that 1» beautiful to the eye of the lover of
natura. Tho snrrotindmjnx are ideal, the location the most iM’rfect of >■ v
BEACH RESORT on the whole OREGON COAST. In making the foregoing
M-xertion we know that this may be qneetioi.ed, but we extend to yon our invi
tation to come, vieit and behold as wc have seen. NESKOWIN has the most
promising futurx*. A beautiful httle park -a atone’, throw" from the finest
s retch of beach anywhere. Trout fishing on one hand; deep sex fishing on the
?qh*lL V* *ted ln the heart ** • PrmPerw« dairy ahd farming community
I lenty of fresh milk, cheeue. vegetable, and aea food nght at hand. Thia to
the place that INVITES YOU COMB.
“ "
R cllie W W atson
T ilium ouk City, Oregon.
/ lea*? mail tue
If you want to visit NESKOWIN-if jou ,Mt
th« coupon aud mstl TODAY-NOW.
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