TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 1. 1910. k Dead Soldier’s Afterglow A DOCTOR’S REVENGE B* HEL VIN BRAYTON com ma od baa been annihilai ■olonel turned to his men and ■tn that, navtug been annihilai ’ could tight oo more. T hen he e order to slack arms and |s*r- to do as they liked till retreat, k" aakl iVagsiaff to Captain olid. “I waul you to du some i>r me ­ lt la ItF up to tbe house and tell Belle say tbal our regiment lias ts*en sled, tbal I've beeu killed aud s up all around.” it for?” inf to see how she'll take It." Is certainly oot so silly aa to literally." ’■ pretty stupid." •Id'girls are most attractive to bat is. it they are pretty - and • very pretty decidedly pretty." on play your part well you can r. I'm curious to know It she'll for me." right: I'll try It on. Suppose she to see your dead tssly." ■ver thought of tbal. Perhaps ter lie dead oo the Itatllebeld io bring her to see tbe corpse rst I want to know If you're to give me sway." I won't do that, though li tie « good Joke Io do so. I'll he part for you as well aa I you’ll 'tell me bow «he Ink»* hut If she wools to nee your r-“■ you cjiu Judge for yourself that." right. You'll And me under that k over there. So long" departed for tbe bouse, and aff went'over to the oak. sprawl □self oo rhe grass and. to kill bile watting to be Inspected for I mao. Ill a cigar. Men wbo ham battles need to get up a Dutch courage. Ned hud dis­ hed himself for bravery Induced ■ral bracers during the tight: eon lly be felt dopey and sihui yield shimls«r. Suddenly be was »ed by a girl's voice: -re Is be? Ob. tell me. where Is recognizing tbe voice of the girl ed and. realizing that «oldiurx it naually killed with clgsrx In xmrb«. let tbe half «rooked weed He felt It roll down hlx cheek, here It landed be couldn't aee t stiff and stark. ■e be Is!” he beard Drummond looked sidewise between his and saw Belle Harkawa.v bur toward him He dosed his eyes y with h |s‘aceful expression on re. lodeed. he put on a certalo ty which he had ofteD practiced > a mirror and wblcb lie cou- d very becoming lo blm. Belle beside blm. Hr dared not o|ieu res. but be knew «be was there ery near blm. . Ned!" «be moaned. died a noble death.” Billy put tn nly. ar. brave Ned! If I hud only not d you as I did. If you uid but one word to me lo tell me that forgive me Are yon sure be Is ? There's color In bls fa<-e." I. that's Often the case with men In battle. They call It tbe sol­ afterglow.” ■ was very clever of Billy, seeing the afterglow was pnaliK-rd by racers Ned had taken during tbe •d." moaned Helle, “speak to me"' I didn't dare |wtrt bls llu« suffi ly to look at her. but lie could ber moaiflog over blui. e makes a beautiful corpse." Billy rked. _ lively! He must bare been smok- rbeo be was shot." hat makes you think that?" ask- llly. Ul't you see the cigar oo his der? Dear, brave Ned-coolly Ing Io tbe face of danger " mt was Just like him." «aid Billy was always doing that kind of I He canal nothing for danger " bat were hi« last words?” asked "Did be say anything shoot *, He aaM. Teli Belle Hnrtuway mj last tbougbta. my laat worda. of ber.' " 1. d*ur! lf I conld bare heen bere 4d blm lo my arma wbeo he diedi ■buw I <-an't milze th«t thè red you cali tbe aoldlera «fterglow tbe blond of lite, l'ut golug lo i bla cbeek. It may brlng blm to uà.” . > gare big cbeek a terriflr ptaeb wtnrvd. fuori tbe test. le. ." “Tbe • fi ergici w- of When I was a yoiiug «bs-tor Just ! graduated I found making a living a Very «lith' Ult job I wished to start In ' by doing b««tpilal work. There was an excellent u<«pltal In a suburban toru where I kuew some |s*ople. amt I v.*as advbsd to take the exnminaimu fur the |«»ltlon ot bouse surgetm. wblcb was vacant I did so and talud. [ Tbe v|Uesti< ii ibal lurued Ibe scale agaluxt me was tbia: "When you have done everything III your |siwer tut a patient, what is the next step?" Having a vein of satirical humor In me. I answered Ibe question lu Ibis wise: "Het rid ot him by sending him on a trip." ( I saw by tbe grim looks «if llie exam Ibera that I bail mat. I'I m * man win« got tbe ¡snliiou uuswered 'the queslhm tu this wise ; “Try mmiething new even If It has no apparent cuutieclhm with the pn- tleut'a ailmeut. Tti cease your efforts indicates to him that you have alian dolled him To continue them gives him the lienetit of ti««|ie. lt*«nkies. we must never give up a pnth u’l till be is dead " While I was struggling for a pnt<" tice I one day received a hurry call to see a child who had got a coin In his windpipe He was Inn four years old Hud. havlbg Isen given the i-oin. was »■ dellgblisl Hutt he had put II III Ills moil Hi and started across the street to buy candy with It. Forgetting It. he breathed It lu When I reached the patient I found two or three dt«-tors: I ba«t lte««ti call­ ed several hours l«>fore. but wh<*n the message eatne was not In my olh' e Tbe oldest and foremost distor ot tb*«ee preselll was Dr. Hlblis who ten years iH'fnre had flisired me on exami­ nation liv asking me what shoilkl tie done when everything had Is'en done He didn't reinemlH«r me. and I was glad be didn't, for I dreaded to nteei him. I found these doctors In the very po sltiun Imlicnteil by that <)UesH<«n. They bud done everything tbal i'oiiltl is* done, but they hadn't remov<«d tlie coin front the child's throat. Dr. Glldm apiieared tu tie the most despoti«l«nl of the lot. Assuming a Herce tone. I said: "What are you gentlemen doing here, staudlug alssit and bolding your bands? Are you going to let the child die of ntrangn lot Ion?" .My remarks were made to all the doctors present, but as I spoke I look­ ed daggers nt Dr. Gibbs. “We've irteil everything." be said. “Well. sir. wbat's the uexl thing to do wbeu you're tried everything?" “Perhaps you cau tell us." he retort­ ed tartly "Yea, air: I can. When a doctor has , tried everything and all things have failed It Is his duty to try someHiing else, no mutter how remote It may seem from the patient's ailment" “Well." asked Dr. Glbba. “wlint do you suggest?" "Desperate cr.se« need desperate remixlies." 1 imide three steps toward the child, took bim up. laid him ncriMs my kiuv with bls bead down and ls*gnu to apiink bim unmercifully. lie yelled, and tiefore I had given blm twenty I blows out came an old fnsbKmed cop­ per cent. Il fell on the tfcsir. rolled In a circle sud turned ou Its side I was never so natonisbeil lu uiv life I hud tuid no idea of getting rid of Ibe Í «-bstrucllou I had only wished to [ beat al bis own game tbe man wbo ! bad kept me out of a |swltl«m wbs h j might bare enabled me to start a pra« - ¡ tice. But uow that I had SMcvevded I . resolved to push on further 'There. geoHemeu." I «aid. "you | bava au Instame of ibe lw|«»rtancr of , never giving up a case. l'erha|M su< - cesa In this case was oot to be egpeth- I ed from my expedient, tmt“- "Success was to be ex|*cted." ex­ claimed ooe of the dm'tors. "It'a a wonder tbal we wbo were here before you didn’t think of II. Tbe spanking Iodis ed In tbe child an emotion which «■ailed Into play certain muwles. relax Ing others. Tbe bead being inveneti tbe obstruction, whk b was iism «- i >« s I uy this reta la t km. was bound to >wm«- out” Dr. Glbba advanced toward roe and put out bls tiaod. • T bsren't tbe honor of your ac- qualntance. doctor." be «aid. "but I d«> not hesitate tu «ay tbal you hare lo you that reoonree wliteb eminently lit» you for your |«rafes»iou I shall write up your device used id this ease lu Hie Tablot. to which I «•oufribute. and If there la anything else I cau do for you don't hesitate to call <» me " I didn't nc-d m call oo him lie and tbe other d«»f<>r« who b»d tesen i>r.-s ent published atirimd my e«|«dh-ni tried when Ibe fwHent bed Is-en given up. and so simple that If wn« a w«m dor mine of them lisd thought of It I am n<'W an etderly man I have often been mdMfed to fake a |>ls< e «m W.me «»«mining hoard <"»< hare al wars reaofwfefy declined Mr faith la erwdIHoo haa bees napped by M» own eane If | «tumid n-k a ent ours When we asked lllm what lie did with tils surplus • flange tie said that lie was k«s«piug II for tils own use. "You fellows." he would say. "don't h | h ' ih 1 money on each other taa'anse you wlati to. lull tin-nnae you are afraid of l»4ng eunsideri'd mean If you don't. Ergo, you are mean Nev ••rthrlrsa I will admit that there may tie some generosity In your ease, for von do s|iend your money, while I. wbo do not spend mine, show myself to be nbaolntelv mean and selfish " Tin« would start anew arguments that had already la*m wont thread- later, and at the mil ot every argu­ ment Poland would lose atmtuer friend "Whitt do .von think of a nmu." «aid one ot our net to me one day. "Who ad­ mits that he would rob or steal provid­ ed be was sure ot not ts'lng caught?* "In Hie ease of a «ommon tlilel wlm pru« tired what lie preachid. * I replied. “I would think him an element ot ho - clety i bat should la* so tar as poaslble eliminated In tbe ease ot Oscar I'm land I sixiitld i-omdder that I did not understand him." "Not understand him! Well. 1 like that. The more fool you It you shouiU lease funds within tils grasp that be could take wit taint lieitig detected. I tell you tbe man wbo deciares such Ideas show« Hint he bus Iss-n Isiru lilltid to principle Hie same as anotlier .has I hs * u lairu blind to colors, 'lake my word tor II. It iisear Poland ever finds an op|Hirtunity to make hlroselt rich at auotber’s ex|ieuwe he'll do It.' "They say buslneaa la but legalized roblmry.'* "My opinion of you Is that you're tinctured with tbeee fallaciea your­ self " And «o It was that some of our asso­ ciates came to show some coolurua to Wells and me. who defended Pmaml Alan and I were talking Hie mailer • tvei one day. and Alim rriunrkKl that tie wondered wlnit Oscar did with bis money There was certniuly uu evi­ dence of his hoarding II. and. as to ■qteudlng It. be was considered too mean to offer n friend a cigar. Thuf same evening we were walklug along ««tie ot • he prlnci|nil streets ot the town when suddenly Poland apiieared ahead ot us. "Let'« shallow him " «aid Alan. "We may find out something" "If I thought fora moment we should dla«-over something that would rata- promise blm I would decline. Aa It la I'm with vmi" So we lngg<*d behind Just far enough to keep Oscar In sight, now amt again dodging leliitid a pair st. ps or a tree to keep Ulm from nlieerving us. Presently we saw him go Into « dry gissls store When he left the store be carried a bundle under bis arm. He .kept on hi his euurwe. we following tils next «top was at a drug store. "Going to buy asafetlda aud take .« d«me now and then when no ooe sees him." Alan rvtn«rk«d One more stop and we bad seen all of our quarrv's puP hases He en tend a toy store. "I have If." exclaimed Alan. "He's married and running a family with­ out ibe faculty knowing It.” ' "Perhaps you're right." 1 replied •Tbe chase 1« getting Interfering" Oscar left the toy store with more bundles and. turning off the main shop ping street, pursued «tie that led Info « mean portion of the town ”1 hope." said Alan, "tie Isn't bring Ing np hl« children In this location Presently Ownr stopped at the door of a little ••ottngv that was bating away. It was ofiened for blm. and be went Inside. | "Our game's blocked." I said l "Walt till he g.«- away." flu we waited half «a hour, when On- •■»r left the lu»n*e «nd »trolled uncon­ cernedly down the street He had no s>v>ner gone lieyond recall than we te> ked at the d«««r from wbb h tie had emerged A pale womao opened I H. f "We're looting for Ocnr I'olawd." '■•Id Alan, entering wit boat aa lerWa t|«n Well. It wna all out ffeveml little ' hildren tot»» of them Iff» were there Another was trying no saaae new Hotting, ata! by the sick <»ne on a tal*le stmsl a hottie of medicine We «rayed bmg enough to dfarover that ibis was owe of several pmtr fam IHea Ortr was «wring for then went away, shamed Into a «mall gif’ of e«r •wa i Ret we never t«*d blm ar aay ooa «fan wa bad Ma an«, rat. I T T T BO'ITS A- -A • A ttornky - at «L aw . i AGENTS FOR PURE WHITE AND EVERETT FLOUR. Copyright, mo. Sv American Prana AmMx-ial tun. latlonal guard were fighting a altle Tbe red were uitaeklug >uiy'a country, while the blue efetidlug it Lieuieunnt Ned 0 was slaiallug behind I he line Is. tbe meu. at parade rest orders. A suit officer rude 1141 fi DEST Residents. Office opposite Post Office. ^£j)) Best on the Market. STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, We carry a Full Line of Feeds. Grass Seed a Specialty. GIVE US A TRIAL. O I Hnth phone«. OAkI‘ hahkrlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, J’rittuchvr » Office acroMi the «treet and north bom the Poet Offiw. QEURGE WILLETT, Steamer t h A ttornky - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook County Bank, T illamook • O regon Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT l‘. SCHRADER) H. GOYNE, 'I MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH I A ttornky - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, (CAP. T. LATHAM). T illamook , O rkgon . T. Bi’ALS, A .D., R Tillamook & Portland PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. old»«n Oftit't* Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday. Hii'ItitiiR. Reside no : Mr«. Weim»’ h<»unn, wrwl of Mrs. nlker’« Couch St. Wharf. Portland. KER RON, M. “ That's nil.” PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, C oncrete B uilding . 5^*A **\.- Tillamcuk, HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them We Sell Them. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN »% SURGEON, OlUoe over J. A. Todd & C<». TillHiiHHik, Ore. w W. A. WILLIAMS S CO., Next Oregon. C. HAWK, to Tillamook County Bank. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. The Best Hotel BAY CITY, OREGON. THE ALLEN HOUSE, R. REALS, J. P. ALtLiEN, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. F inancial A gkni , Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Tillamook. Oregon. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. J^K. A. D. PEHK1NN, RESIDENT DENTIST. (HAo in SlurgetMiM Buikllna. C. S. Atkinson AH Work IÌLLAMO0K. McCormick MOWERS J- SHARP, and RESIDENT R/.KES, Osborne Tidders, STUDEBAKER, WAGONS AND 8ARCHET, 4- . The pHtthiouable Tailor. BUGGIES, C.ea'jing, Prexaitig and Repair« iug a Specialty. Storr in Helen Plot «graphic Gallery. Maker cn the Market. L amp I OFVfCB HuatM««« A RFBCIALTV S34 WoBiirr«« rwi«« A«n oak wraarr« Room N«at to lb« U B Lawd . OHIO ON. s A 4 4 A. K. CASE, rgoratnyoD Tillamook Iron Works » » 4 4 b Hailer Werb, Lrfcarr'n Hwrk and Heavy Fwrelee. Flue I m *M b 4 i Work a K|weUHy. TILLAMOOK. OREGON whitehou . se & SON, INSURANCE, FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDfcNI*, H« »N DS, Etc. TlLLAMftpK*. . Offtoe Both Phone». 4 General Machinists Ac Blacksmiths. 4 4 4 li4rt> R oom Both Phones, r Khun« A /LOWING A < OWING LAWYERS. C, S. ATKINSON, 4 4 DE4T1ST, Office acrons |lie street ftoit- the Court House. Dr. V\ ¡ hc ' s office. GRAIN WHITE RIVER FLOUR Th« Ba»t Bread (»KRGON* RS. ALICIA PH EL IS, GRADUATE NURSE. MRS. PAGE’S T1LLAMCOK, HOUSE, ORE mi