I í»4 TlbLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 1. 1910- Forty-Ninth Annual It Saved His Leg- laid out in lots or blacks, said said property nor the owner, at the sensed against the same property and "All thought I’d I«»« “»X le*f’” ts shall be assessed tu the property time of the sale, was liable, and that remaining unpaid, shall equal or ex­ writes J. A. Swenson,of Watertown, ng in front of and also within one no part of the assessment or tax was ceed the valuation of said property, as Win. "Ten ye *rs of eczema, that 15 assessed or levied upon the property shown by the last tax roll of the 1.trad fe«t of the improvement. county in which it is situated. The doctors could nut cure, had at last '4 SECTION 4. The probable cost of sold. majority of the owners of the property laid me up. Then Bucklen s Arima SECTION 14.—Every action, suit so 'x proving sudh intersection is to lie as- assessed shall select a competent Salve cured it, sound and well. f sed upon the lots or parts thereof and proceeding whieh may be com­ for Skin Eruptions. uated in the quarters of the four menced for the recovery of land sold jierson to inspect such improvement Infallible I Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever icka adjoining such intersection, but by the chief of police of said city for under the direction of the city engineer Sores, Burna, Seattle Cuts and .jy upon the lots or parts thereof any assessment or tax, except in cases of such city ; PROVIDED, that appli­ Ithin the quarter nearest thereto, amt where the e«sessment or tax for whieh cation for such bonding shall be receiv­ Files. 2Sc. at Chas. 1. t lough’s. u the following proportion: Two- the land was sold had been paid before ed by the city clerk ; in cases where the i A Man Of Iron Nerve. rds of th* cost to the corner lot and ! the sale or the land redeemed as pro­ amount of Che assessment, together ie-third of the cost to the lot next in­ vided by law. shall be commenced with­ with pre ’ious assessments for street Indomitable will and tiemedons improvements, or sewers tgainst the lie; provided, that when any tract in three years from the tune of record­ property (and remaining unpaid), shall energy are never found where c jjacent to said improvement shall not ing the deed as executed by the chief exceed Liver, Kidneys and the valuation o* said property Stomach, Bowels are out of order. If you I I laid off into blocks, the pruportion- of police, and nut thereafter. as shown by the last tax roil of the ‘ e cost of the improvement of such want these qualities and the success SECTION 15.—The docket of city teraection shall be assessed to the liens is a bixik in which muat be en­ county, if the owner shall before mak­ they bring, use Dr. King’s New mer or owners of such land as lies tered the following matter in relation ing such application pay in cash into Life Pills, the matchless regulators I thin one hundred ftjet of the inter tu assessments for the improvement of the treasury of the city such excess of for keep brain anil strong body. unpaid assessments over the valuation 1 jetion. streets: (1) The number or letter of as shown by such last tax roll. 25c. at Chas. I. Clough's. I ¡SECTION 5.—A sale of real prop­ the lot assessed and the number or let­ ARTICLE XI ity under the provisions of this act ter of the block in which it is situated 1 'nveys to the purchaser, subject to SECTION 1.—The city can prescribe A Reliable Medicine —Not a Nar- SPLENDID RACES, BAND CONCERTS, FREE if a separate assessment is made i demotion as herein provided, all the and cotic. upon a part of a lut, a particular desig­ by ordinance the manner and mode of ATTRACTIONS AND FIREWORKS. 1 tate or interest therein of the owner nation of such part; (2) the name of of procedure for exercising any aid all Mrs. F. Marti, St Joe, Midi.. says nethrer known or unknown, together the owner thereof or shat the owner is of the powers in their charter given, Foley’s Honey and Tar saved her REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS > ith all rights and appurtenances there- unknuwn: (3) the sum assessed upon when not in conflict with any of the little boy’s life. She writes: “Our’ For further Information address— provisions of this charter. I ito belonging. little boy contracted a severe bron­ each lot or part thereof and the date I SECTION 6. —When an assessment of entry. chial trouble and as the doctor's ARTICLE XII FRANK MEREDITH, I >on any lot or part thereof becomes SECTION L—The powers of the ini­ medicine did not cure him, I gave Secretary. SECTION 16. The docket of city Itlinquant, any person having a lien him Foley's Honey and Tar in and referendum are hetebv re­ hereon by judgment, decree or murt- liens is a public writing, and the ou- tiative which 1 have great faith. It cured ' ,ge may, at uny time before the gmal or certified cupies of any matter served to the voters of tnis city. the cough as well as ttie chocking ARTICLE XIII tie of such lot for part thereui, authorized to be entered therein are and gagging spells, and he got be held a SECTION 1. -There shall 1 entitled to the force and effect thereof, ly the same; and such payments well in a short time. Foley’s first Mon ­ general city election on the and from the date of entry therein of scharges the prooerty from the Honey and Tar has many times year, be- an assessnie ’ t upon a lut or part there- 1 day Jay of November of each feet uf the assessment and the amount saved us nine'll trouble and we are ’ such delinquent taxes, and ail ae- of, the sum so entered is to be deemed I tween the hours of 8 o’clock a. m. and never without it in the house.” C. 7 o’clock p. m. m . . ig charges .. ____ __ ■ei if any when so ,____ paid ___ are “ tax levy and a lien thereon, wnich 1. Clough. lereafter to be deemed a part*of such which shall have priority over all other ARTICLE XIV en creditor’s judgment, Uecree or liens urineumurances thereon whatever. SECTION I.— All existing ordinances A Sure-enough Knocker. SECTION 17.—The public, works of Tillamook City, as now incorporated, ■ortgage, as the case may be, and XPORT BEER, C. Goodwin, of Reidsville, N. I lall bare like interest and may be en- commission can at any time order the in force when this act takes effect, and C., J. says: "Bucklen ’ s Arnica Salve 1 jrced and collected us a part thereof. repair of sidewalks, or crosswalks, and not inconsistent therewith, shall be KAISER BLUME. I SECTION 7.—A num of money us- charge the cost thereof to the property and remain in full force after this act is a sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last abutting or benefited, by giving five : sssed for the improvement of streets takes effect and thereafter until re­ Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicating ___ by ____ ( annot __________ be collected __ until order __ of days’ notice in writing, by posting the pealed by the council, and no right slimmer, Tint that wonderful salve 1 he council ten days’ notice thereof is said notice upon the property to be as- vested nor liability incurred when this knocked it out in a few rounds, iven by the city clerk by personal ser- nessed therefor for Hve days, stating act takes effect shall by any provision Not even a scar remained.” Guar­ MALT TEA. ice, or if personal service cannot be the nature and kind of repairs; and of this act be lost, discharged or im­ anteed for piles, sores, burns etc. ad wivnin within me the civy city ui ot Tillamook au i iiiuiiimm v City, notice shall be sufficient to charge the paired, but all rights and property, 25c. at Chas. I. Clough’s drug served by pi pubh- owner and the property whether resi- ixith real and personal, including all store. i , hen a notice notic* may be nerved a’ ion in a weekly Weekly newspaper published dents or nut. , . a'ion publi: parks, public agreunds and buildings, f ’ I' > I I <■ Ic f if o ( a rtri it l/ixt a ■ F Ju Tillamook City, and notice uf such | SECTION 18. All street improve­ shall become and be rights and prop­ AUCTION SALE I issessinent shall be sent by mail, when ments. ixcept ie,iairs, shall tirst erty of Tillamook City, created by this —vice is by publication, when [>oHt- have the coat theieof estimaled and act, and all liabilities to Tillamook Cows, Horses, Farrn Imple- Of ice address of owner is known; such character of improvement ascertained City, created by this act. in the same merits and Household Furniture, at ice must, substantially, contain the by the public works commission, and manner and to the same extent re­ Iters required to be entered on the direct the city surveyor to make the spectively as they theretofore were to the residence of D. T. Williams, at ketof city liens containing such name for them; and the council shall said present exislting corporation er Fairview, two miles East of Tilla­ ! ess ment. prescribe by ordinance all ot the de­ the corporations of which it is the suc­ mook, on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1910, days tails and extent and character thereof; cessor. at Ten a.m. final and the council shall, by ordinance, ARTICLE XV There wlil be sold Six Cows and pre- prescribe anything necessary to im­ SECTION 1.—This act shall be in One Heifer. prove streets, alleys and highways, lieu of and a substitute for the pres­ Two Work Horses, and the maimer of proceeding tnerein, ent charter of Tillamook City and all Two Two-Year-Old Mares (mated) in any way, except as expressly pro­ of its amendments, and in lieu of and a ECTION 8.—If. within ten about 1050 lbr . vided herein. substitute for the supplement thereto Noda Waters, Sipthons, Bartlett Binerai Water. m the service of the notice or Two Yearling Cp.ts, ARTICLE IX of the Act of 1905, creating a Water Hication, notice thereof as One Colt, Commission for Tillamook Citv, being ¡bed in Section 7, the sum assesa«*l SEWERS One Farm Wagon, n any lot or part thereof is not SECTION 1. The counc’i shall or­ Chapter 226 of the Session Laws of One Light Wagon, ; woolly paid to the city treasurer, a der the construction of a sewer system, Oregon for the year 1905. One Buggy, ‘ duplicate receipt therefor tiled with the and may from tune tu time order en­ ARTICLE VI Harness, Tools, Ac. tcity clerk, the council may thereafter! largements and extensions needed. SECTI0N.1. The conncil shall One Solid Oak Bedroom Set, r4)ider a warrent for the collection of | SECTION 2. Ail main Bewers in never cause to be issued any of its One Solid Oak Roll Top Desk. the aarne to be issued by the city clerk, ' the city shall be paid for by the city ; bonds provided for in this Charter (ex­ One Solid Oak Book Case, directed to the chief of police or other all laterals thereto, and other connec­ cept upon application of the owner of 16 Foot Dining Table, [ person authorized to collect, taxes due tions shall be paid for by the abutting the property abutting), if there be a Rocking Chairs, , the e.ty, property benefit«*!; the council shall remonstrance filed within ten days Six Hard Wooil Dining Chairs, SECTION 9. Such warrant must determine in the first instance what after the council gives notice of its in­ Cook Stove and Kitchen Furni­ | require the person to whom it is di- are main sewers, and what are laterals tention to issue bonds, by, at least, ture. I recUid to forthwith levy upon the lot and connections, and must compel resi­ twenty-five per cent of the legal voters HARRISON BOOTH, The man with a paid up policy has the satis- ; I or part thereof upon which the assess- dences ami other buildmgB tu be con­ of the city, according to last proceed­ Auctioneer. f ment is unpaid, slid sell the same in nected thhrewith. ing general or special city election. )] faction of knowing that premiums thereafter \ I the manner prescribed by law for the SECTION 3.—The council may cre­ 2. — If such remonstrance 1 sale and collection of delinquent state ate sewer districts, of mam laterals, if be SECTION jS will not pester him. / Notice to Creditors. filed, then the council and mayor 1 and county taxes, and to return the it sees fit, to be paid for by the proper­ must call a special election not less N oticb is H bkbbv G ivbx .—That the ' proceeds of such sale to the city treas­ ty in the district; a remonstrance of than ten days nor more than forty days un jvrtfigned has bee a by the County Court When you have ZACHMANN install your urer and the warrent to the city clerk, three-fourths of the owners of the the filing of such remonstrance ot Tiliaiiiouk County, State of Oregon, duly with his doings endorsed thereon, to- pr<>|>erty affecteil can prevent the con­ after Plumbing you can rest assured that your job is ( appointed as administrator, with the will to vote upon the question "shall sewer, I gether with the receipt of the city struction the reef to the expense of the water, or street, or any other bonds annexed, ul til« estate of Harry Wing; te treasurer for the procee la of such sale property, and 110 further proceedings to (as the case may be) be issued? Cottle, Deceased All persons h tving claims paid up when finished, and does not like any 7z£ against said estate are required to present aa paid to him. cunstruct the same al their expenae At such election, if » majority the same to the undersigned as Much ad- other jobs call for premiums in the shape of miuistiutur at his othce in Tillamook < itv, SECTION 10. Such warrant shall can be commenced within six months vote for their 1 issuance the Oregon, within six months from the date of have the force and effect of an exe­ trom the time ot the hung ut the re­ council must i immediately ro- the nrst publication hereof, duly verified constant repairs. cution against real property, and shall monstrance, except aa provided in aec- ceed to issue and sell the same ; _ a as required by law. Dated this August 4th, 1910. be executed in like manner, except as tiun ft of turn article; the remonstrance majority vote against their issuance, . T B ot its . herein otherwise specially provided. c Remember our reputation where worktnan- must be tiled with the city clerk with­ the question of their issuance shall not Administrator with the H Will annexed, cf SECTION 11.—The chief of police in ten days after the council gives no­ again be brought up for at least six the estate of Harry Wingate Cottle, deceased. / ship is considered ZACHMANN always gets ; shall, immediately after having sold tice of the uitendeii construction. months from the date of such election. SECTION 4. The same procedure any real property by virtue of such \ the job. t sold, a statement of the amount il warrant shall apply the assessment fur the for the to collection of delinquent sold for, for the improvement How to Get Strong. cust make ot the a sewer, to the of property ben- taxes, certificate sale of which the assessment was made or the etilled, as so provided for as forth to the P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress property sold, setting year in whieh the tax was levied, streets article for Vlii, except other­ St., Chicago, tells of a way to be­ therein the in object which the as sale J 1(0, amount of such tax or assessment, wise provided herein, and said article w.> made, s description of the property come strong: He says: ‘‘My Í'XSÍ name of the purchaser, and that __ whs shall apply as to the lien on the prop ­ •old, a statement of the amount it was mother, who is old and was very sale is made subject to redemption erty, sale and r«Meinption thereof. feeble, is deriving so much lienefit within three years from the date for of the , SECTION 5.—If a remonstrance is from Electric Bitters, that I feel the certificate ; and then deliver such it the filed us in this article provided, the ’s my duty to tell those who need certificate to the purchaser. The owner Has established a permanevi. the council may call a special election to a tonic and strengthening medicine or his successor in interest, or any 1 whether or nut it shall be about it. In my mother’s case a Agency in person having a lien by judgment, the de­ determine TILLAMOOK COUNTY cree or mortage on any property sold, constructed at the expanse of the prop­ ■narked gain in flesh has resulted, may redeem the same upon the con­ erty or not; of a majority of the votes insomnia has been overcome, and For their pianos. 25 year guarantee, cast declare in favor thereof, the coun­ she is steadily growing stronger.” and warranted to withstand any ditions provided in the next section. cil shall order such construction at the Electric Bitters quickly remedy SECTION 12. Redemption of auy expenae of the property bene tith'd or stomach, liver and kidney com­ climate. Composite Bell Metal _____ Frame, real projierty sold for delinquent assess- abutting. The provisions of this sec­ plaints. Sold under guarantee nt menu or taxes under llie provisions of tion shall apply tu slr«ret improvements Chas. I. Clough's drug store. 50c. Three Strings, 74k Octaves. Price, $350.1X1 Piano on exhibition. thia act may be made by paying to the aa well. city clerk for the purchaaer, at any MISS FLORENCE EVENS, SECTION 6. If any objections to tune within three years from the date either street improvements, or sewer Why Druggists Recommend Cham Agent. of the certificate of sale, the purchase construction or improvements arc made, Gu» Kunze House, berlain's Colic, Choleia ana price and twenty-five per cent, addi­ or any remonstrance made for irregu­ Diarrhoea Remedy. 2nd Ave. K. W. J. Garrett’s tional, together with six per cent, in­ larities, the council may by ordinance Phone. Mr. Frank C. Hanruhnn, a promi­ terest upon the purchase price from correct the irregularities and proceed nent druggest of Portsmouth, Va., the date of such certificate, and the without further notice or the institu­ says: "For the past six years I amount of any taxes paid thereon by tion of new proceedings. have sold and reeonimendedCham- such purchaaer, and interest thereon SECTION 7. The city shall never be Iterlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ toan date of their payment. Such re- liable for damages caused by defects in rhoea Remedy. It is a great rem­ d.-mlition shall discharge the property any street sidewalk or sewer, ex«.*ept edy and one of the liest patent •o sold from the effect of such sale, its odicers have actual notice of the medicines on the market. I handle and if made by a lien creditor the defect and a reasonable time tl • e- some others for the same purposes amount paid for the redemption shall atler to repair the same, and then only that pay me a larger pmAt. but this thereafter be deemed a part of hie tu the extent of $100.00 remedy is so sure to effect a cure, judgment, decree or mortgage, aa ths nml my cnstomer so certain to ap- ARTICLE X ease may I m , and shall bear like inter- precinte mv recommending it to SECTION 1. Whenever any street tereat and may be enforced bih ! collect­ improvement or the construction him. that I give it the preference.’' ed aa a part thereof 01 any sewer or sewers is ordered, and 1 For sale at Istmar’s drug store. SECTION 18. After the expiration the coat thereof is assessed to the pro- I of three years from the date of such perty benefited thereby, or liable! The Lash of a Fiend. certlticatu, if no redemption shall have therefor, the owner of any such pro­ been made, the chief of police shall perty. where such coat is $25.00 or would have tieen alsiut as welcome execute to the purchaaer, his heirs or more, may within ten days after notice to A. Cocqrer of Oswego, N. Y.. as a ■a w. L assigns a de. d of conveyance, con­ is given of such improvement or con merciless lung.racking cough that n *»• —— »■>■■** —... taining a description of the property struction, as the case may be. file with defied all rem • li m for years, “ft f U suantatoeU tor nttoos traro. ot U m improvement for which the aa- pay said assessment in installments, writes, "nothing heljieil me till I aesanient was made, of the year in and such written application shall used Dr. King's New IHacoverv which the lax was levied, that the as­ stale that the applicant and property which cured me completely. I l"«COItPORATCO sessment was unpaid st the tune of the owner does thereby waive all irregu­ never cough at night now. Millions sale, and that no redemption hail been larities or «iefects. jurrsidiclional or know its matchless turni for stub­ Painless Dentists made; and the effect of such deed snail otherwise, in the pns.*«« mgs to im­ born colds, ototinate coughs, sore VqMSg TMH S Wt m r tf s. SMTUMa, OtfSC o a a. ■. «• a r «. a«MW> • to I lie to convey to the grantee therein prove the street or lay the sewer for lunge, lagrip|>e. asthma, hemor­ named the legal and equitable title, in which said assessment is tevi«sl anti in rhage, croup, whooping cough, or fee simple, to the real pnmerty in such apportionment of the cost thereof. hayfever. It relieves qui« klv and deed described, and such deed shall nd the application shall contain a pro­ nr ver tails to natisi v. A trial con­ prime facie eadenck of title in such Said that the said applicant and pro­ vinces. 50. . »l ist trial Nolle free. grantee, and that ill proceeifings ami vision perty owner agrees t > pav aaai assess It's iHM'itively guaranteed by Chas. You awake with a mean, nasty actonecesiary to make such a deed in ment in ten annual inslallmenta. with I. Clough. •II MapecU good and valid have be« n mt-reet at the same rale un all of said . taste in the mouth, which reminds had aial dune; such prima tai-ie s«i- •sseosinenU which have not been pai l, ' Wnen Merit Wins. you that your stomach is in a bad dtnee * al nut be disputed, overcome aa that expreeae«! m the bond issued to' \\ lien the medicine ------- , you — take condition. It should also remi'xl or rebut,,il or the effect thereof avoM- pay for such improvements. Said e I, except by satisfactory proof of application snail also contain a state­ cures your disease, tones up your you that there is nothing so good eilh“r (II fraud in making the • <*•»•- ment, by kits <* block*, or other eon- ' avstein and in ikea yvu feel better, for a disordered stomach as stronger and more vigorous than t, o collecting of the tax; | ) deacription. uf the property of he'ore. That is what Foley Kidney Chamberlain’sStomachand Liver psyiuao, of ths a sewment or t .x a>- vement I repares young people for bookkeepers, stenographers“, asaeased for such im­ Pills do for you. in all 'canes of Tablets. i tsre sale or redeu ption after sale, (4) the applicant, or sewer. No application, b.:ckache. nervotianeaa, loss of up. The development of the Tlwy WuiW up th. «yu«K aui.« Mturv resiMuidents and general office work. th t faym nt or redemption was pre- provement aforeeaai. shall be received and filed petite, alceplesanewa and general Xorthwt^t will afford <>|>rnin£s for thousands in the next ttw venUo Uj fraud of the pure laser ; vr, as by the city clerk if the amount of such <♦> that the property was —>M I 1 »s- assessment with any previous aasmenla weakness that is caused by any years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue. diaorcler of »he kulneye or bladder. aessmsnt or tax for «