« TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 1. 1910. THE PROPOSED NEW CITY CHARTER. shall have such other powers as of the city are hereby vested in u Commission shall have charge and SFCTION 23. Upon application, the may be elsewhere provided lor iu council, and they shall have the | control oi the city water winks and commiasion must license «aloons ass any onlinan voted al the tute tor the amendment or supple­ cilmen shall lie one for every ward, tlie city cleik, who shall also act as last proceeding city election, and multi­ ment tuereto, ot an act to create a but never leas than five. * its clerk, and keep all oi ns records, ply Inis number hy fivo, and the pro­ **.ci cuunuissiou for Tillamook SECTION 4.—The council Iben shall and who shall collect all water duct shall be considered the population. cirj, etc., Hied in tlie oftice oi tue be elected from tlieir respective bills. It shall audit all claims This requirement shall never tie con­ ol State Febretary 22, wards against the water works, which strued to be a limitation of the number We give below the proposed city charter for the Secretary xuuo, lav territory wiuiin the Cor­ S ection 5.—They shall hold oftice shall be paid by warrant, out of the of saloons or bars, but tie the minimum porate Inuits of said city as for one year, or until tlieir succes­ Water Fund, by the council. to be licensed in the event the local formation of our readers : incorporated hereby, or as may sor is elected and qualified. SECTION 13. They shall receive option law does not apply to the city. S ection tk —N o person shall ever no compensation. ries, for maintenance of water uereu.ler be extended, ahull be a SECTION 24. All saloons and bars S ection 14. — Said Commission shall close and remain closed on week systems and sewer systems, for loud uistrut, independent ot the tie eligib.e to the uffiie ot couik li­ jurisdiction ot tue county and man, except a white male peison. have charge of and super­ days between the hours of 1 o'clock a. Io incorporate i uiamook City, and para uiaiutenauce, not to exceed county court ot Tillamook county, over the age of twenty-one years, shall vision of all streets and alleys, side­ m. and 6 o clock a. m , except Satur- Ito p ovi ie a Charter therefor, and in any one year for I Oregon, and all county roads and who hue l-een a resident of the walks, sewers, wharves, landings days, When they shall close at 12 I ax a substitute for an Act entitled General Purposes. 6 M. on the dol. and Highways within said cor­ city and ward lor thirty days next and parks except “ Stillwell Chil­ o'clock . midnight, midnight Saturday, ami re- I “An xict to Incorporate the Load and streets. IU M. on the dui. I porate limits suail be, and proceeding the electiou and is a dren’s Play Grounds,"and ull other main cl losed till Monday mornings at | c of Tillamook, iu »ulaiuot.k U ater Systems.... 3 M. Oil the dol. I are hereby ueclareu to be streets, taxpayer in said city." public works iu the city, anil shall 8 o’clock, When closed all curtains IVunBty, State of Oregon, and to Sewer Systems.... 5 M. on the dol. I and within the exclusive jurisdic­ S ection 7. —There shall be a regu­ regulate the use thereot, and super­ and blinds shall be drawn, and lights __ the dot. ■ repeal all Acts or parts oi Acte Parks......................... 1 M. on tion ot said eny; auyi no voting pre ­ lar session of the council held on intend the laving out, opening, kept lighted in thenight-time within,and No tax levied and collected for I in conflict herewith, tiled in the cinct lor state and county elections the tirst and third Mondays of each wideuinga, vacating, building hik I all inside rooms so arranged and kept | ollice of the Secretary of SL.te, any one purpose shall ever be used snail ever be created partly within I month. improvement thereof, and employ opened and lighted in the night time I February 13, 1893 ; and us a sub- ior any other purpose, but shuli be and partly witimut said city. S ection 8. —The council shall de­ all necessary’ labor and toiemeu, so that a plain view of the whole in­ f smute ior an Act entitled "Au applied only to the purpose ior termine and adopt its own rules ot section 2. — The boundaries of anil purchase any necessary ma­ terior can be plainly seen from the and collected ; I Act to amend Sections 2, 3, 4 and 11 which it was levied anil terials ; and shall audit tlie account streets, and so that the officers uf the the corporate limits oi said city of proceeding. lb, ol Article II., and Section 2 of : I except general taxes, wnich may be 1 iliamook City are as follows, to­ S ection 9.—A majority of all ot for the same in the same manner us ■ Article III. , and Section 1 of : used for any municipal purposes; wn: commencing 20 chains south the members shad constitute a provided tor water works system in city can at any time inspect the same. 25. Two mi mbers of either ft At tide IV. , and Section 17 of said city' shall have power to issue ol the north east corner ot section quorum. Section 11 of this article, which of SECTION said commissions shall constitute a ■ Article X. ol an Act entitled ‘ An bonds for water systems, better­ 25, township 1 south, range 10 west, S ection 10.— Any mendier can shall be paid out of the street fund, ,Kxict to Incorporate the city of ments or enlargements of same, Willamette Meridian, thence west ca)I for the “Yeas” and "Nays" < n unless ordered paid by the abutting quorum. ■'1 lllaniook City, in Tillamook not to exceed three .Hundred tliou- ■»U ciiains; thence south tin chains; any measure voted upon ; and the property by tne council. CHIEF OF POLICE 1 hey ■ county, State of Oiegon, and to J sand dollars ($31X1, (XjQlX)); sewer thence east bii chains; tneuce noitu “ïeus” and "Nays’’ snail always may adopt any reasonable rules SECTION 26. The chief of polica system three hundred thousand ft repeal ..11 acts or parts of ai ts in (»311),IXXI. UU), any any oilier 63 chains; thence west 40 chains to tie taken when any money is to bt and regulations, nut inconsistent shall tieforin such duties as may be re- ■ conflict herewith,' filed in the iual..rs (43UJ,lXXi.uU), appropriated or any franchise is with any provisons ot this charter. quireil of him by the police anti license public woi kf three hundred thou­ the place ol conimeiiceuieut. ■ t office of tne Secretary of State being granted. S ection 15.— They shall peifurui commission, and shall faithfully obey I February 13. 1893, approved Febru- sand dollars I $30), (Jlk). (XI); street A rticle II. SECTION li. — Every ordinance such other duties as may be re­ their orders and see that tlieir orders, ■ ary la, 1901.” and us a substitute improveme-its three hundred tliou- Distribution 01 tue (Miwers or gov- shall tie read three times tielore quired of them by the mayor, and regulations, ami all nminani-es are not ■ for an act entitled " An Act to , sand dollars ($3uO,UM).Ul)). passage; by a two-thirds vote of shuli make reports in writing when in any manner violated, and shall have Said city shall not contract any eruuient. ft amend au act, entitled * Au Act SECTION 1. The powers of the the council, it may lie read by its required by the mayor, tu liim, and command of all police officers. He ■ to incorporate the Citv of Tilla- indebtedness to exceed the sum of government of Tillamook City shall title the tirst mid second time, but shall keep a strict account ol all I shall tie peace officer, with the same dollars ($21),- be divided into three departments, ■ niook City, in liilamook County, twenty tuausanil on the third time and on its final property coming into their hands, (lowers as any other peace officer of ft Stale of Oregon, and to rejieal all 903.00.) However, the indebtedness -»-tlie executive, including the ad­ passage, its reading by sections belonging to the city and used in the city, and serve all processes and of said city at the time this charter ministrative, the legislative and the ■ acts and parts of acts in con- shall never tie dispensed with, nor public works, so that an accurate summons, and all other papers to be | lli. t herewith,’ filed in the oftice takes effect shall not be estimated judicial. ________ ever passed to the third reading, estimate of construction, repairs, served, and be ex-officio constable or considered in this limitation H of the Secretary of State, Febru- and final pussage on the date of its oetteruients, additions and cost of witnin the city. A rticle HI. B ary 13, 1893,” and to repeal an of creating indebtedness; nor shall introduction, and then only at a maintaiuence can be always ascer­ ARTICLE VI Executive Department. ■ act entitled “ An Act to amend the power to issue any bonded in­ tained. SECTION 1.—The executive power regular meeting. SECTION 1. There shall be elected ■ Subdivision 13, of Section 2, oi debtedness herein ¡provided Ior be 1 liLlcg ANIl I.1CENSE COMMISSIONS. S ection 12. All ordinances must I Article IV. of an Act entitled ’ To considered or included in estimat­ of this city shall be vented in a tie numbered, and recorded at SECTION ill—The mayor shall ap­ at the general city e ection a police mayor, who shall hold his office tor length in a book of ordinances to tie point B incorporate the City of Tillamook ing the indebtedness of said etty. a “ Police and License Com­ judge, who shall be a white male per­ Said city by this Act shall assume the term of one year or till his suc­ kept for that purpose, and must be mission, ■ City, in Tillamook County, State ” consisting of three white son over the age of twenty-one years, cessor is elected and qualified, and and pay all indebtedness oi said city, B oi Oregon, and to repeal all acts indexed by number and titles; and male persons over the age ot and who is a citizen, resident, and tax including all water bonds due or to any person to lie qualified or elig ­ | in conflict herewith,’ tiled in the any ordinance may be amended, twenty-one years, who are citizens, Laver of said city, and shall.hold office B office of tlie Secretary of State become due at the time of the tak­ ible to the office of mayor must be revised or repealed by reference to residents and taxpayers ol Tilla­ for one year or until his successor is a white male citizen of the United I February 13, 1893, approved Feli- ing effect ot this Act mook City and who shall not at elected and qualified. To establish wards and to change States and a resident of said city its numlier. I ruarv 15, ,1931,” by the addition SECTION 2. He shall lie judge of S ection 13.—N o member of the the same time me hold any an, state or I thereto of Chapter Vlll., Article them trom tune to time; lay out, and a qualified elector therein, and council shall receive any compen­ county office, •, to hold ___ office lor the the police court, and shall preside over _ _____ a XI., containing Sections 1 to 3, open, widen, , extend, or vacate a taxpayor on real property within sation for liis services, and shall same length of time, to be ap­ said court. I inclusive, providing for the ap- streets or parts of streets and said city. never be financially interested, pointed at the same time and man­ SECTION 3. The police court shall and to SECTION 2.—The mayor shall be directly charge and I plication of the initiative and re­ alleys, or indirectly, in any con­ ner, subject to removal in the same have jurisdiction ot all violations of ft ierendum principle to said City assess the cost thereot to the elected by the qualified electors ot tract with the city, or in any public manner as the “ Public Works ordinances, and any regulations of ths ■ Charter, and authorising the saiu abutting property or property bene- said city at a special election called works of the city. Commission,” provided tor in thia police and license commission, and of I City’ to create an indebtedness litted. anil to make the same a tirst for that puqioae, or ut the geneiul S ection 14. —Any time the inayoi article, mid may be a councilman any penal provision of this Charter or lien thereon, and to provide ior the city election held at tlie times as I for water works, light plants ami is absent or for any cause is unable or nut, in the discretion of the its subsequent amendments, and shall ■ sewerifge purposes, and to l?vy a payment and collection thereot, elsewhere provided for in this char­ to preside over the meetings of the mayor. have the civil and criminal jurisdiction ter. The person receiving the high ­ eitner in gross or installments, and ■ tax to pay the same, and the in- council, the members present may SECTION 17.—They shall have con­ of a justice of the peace and commit­ est number of votes shall be de ­ to establish und alter street grades; I tereat thereon,” tiled in the office select a chairmun to preside from trol of und power to license, regu­ ting magistrate within the corporate | of the Secretary ot state February to tux, to regulate and license all clared elected. In case of a tie the themselves, and to act as chair­ late and control saloons and the limits or this city. | 11, 190., as a substitute for ail trades, callings, proiessions, busi­ incoming council shall elect alter man of t|ie council. sale ot intoxicating liquors and ail SECTION 4. He shall have the same | Act entitled " Ail Act to create a nesses and aiiiuseiueiilH, aim to Ue- they are qualified, other licensed trades, soft drink fees of a justice of the peace in all S ection 3.—In case of the re­ A rticle V. I Water Commission tor Tillamook line and declare wiiat constitutes establishments, cigar stores, billi­ cases coming before him under his A dminstrati vs D epartment . I City, Oregon, to prescribe its the same, to fix the number ot moval of the mayor trem office, or ard, pool und bowling alley hulls, jurisdiction as a justice of the |>esce; S ection 1.—There shall be un­ anil shull vigorously prosecute any as police judge of the police court he I powers and duties and the methou councilmen; to provide for tire pro­ his death, resignation or inability tection mid fire companies; to de ­ to act, his duties shall devol ve u|xm pointed by the mayor a city clerk, violation of any license or ordi­ shall receive such compensation aa may ■ oi its perpetuation, und declaring I an Kuiergency,” toed iu tin lin'- and declare wiiat constitutes the chairman u< the council until who shall hold office for one yem nance, or ordinances, und of those tie prescribed by the council, whether nuisances, and to abate the same, such disability is removed or an ­ unless sooner removed by the in Hiiy class required to procure a fees or salary or Isith. anil the council I office of tue Secretary of state, I February 22, llXXi; and to abolish and to punish lor maintaining or other mayor is elected to fill the mayor, or until hia successor is license, who fail to do so ; they shall fix hia compensation as the police nnexpired term, as the case may Committing the same; to h< case, appointed and qualified. I the present water commission lot shall appoint u chief of police anil judge of said |K>lice court. tax and regulate the sale of luluxi- be. i S ection 2.—The duties of the city prescribe hia duties, unless ex I 'l iilamook City. ■The mayor, in case CITY ATTORNEY cating liquors, and saloons; tosup- S ection 4, — The may, clerk shall be to keep the minutes A rticle 1. pressly prescribed by this charter, _ of suid city is re­ ot the council; numlier, record und and SECTION fi. The mayor shall ap­ I S ection 1. —The inhabitants of that piess aim prohibit any act or aits the (police judge shull appoint und control ull point a city attorney t<> serve one year* or index till ordinances: to keep the other police officers (chief Io ap­ _ biart ot Tillamook County, Oiegon, which is made or which may here- moved from office, dies, resigns, aiaincr removed by the mayor ;he night unless rw itliin the limits of the next section alter be made a misdemeanor by is unable to discharge the duties Ixxiks of the city, and shall lie the point subordinates) and must attend to all actions, suits or pro­ llierein prescribed, are hereby cou- the laws of the btate ot Oregon, and of his office, or for any reason fails custodian of all records of the city; watchmen, and us many, and for ceedings in which the city is inter­ tslituted and declared to lie a muni- to prescribe a penalty tlieieior; to to act, shall perform ail the duties to keep the records of the lmlici any length of time, not exceeding or a party; attend to the prosecu­ court, collect all fines and for­ one t < ipal corporation by the name and establish tire limits, and to require of said police judge. me year, as may lie necessary, and ested S ection 5. — The mayor shall ap­ feitures, and license lees, and all hull prescribe their compensation, tion by the city ; prepare all contracts, let;, le of " Tillamook City,” and by building permits aud to provide ior bonds and other instruments for the Esucn name shall have perpetual the manner of the acquiring thereof, point a city clerk and all commit­ other fees und moneys due the city, with the approvul of the mayor us city, give his advice when requireil by Isuccesslion and exclustve power and to punish for failure to obtain tees and commissions that are pro­ and to immediately pay the saint to tlie amount thereof. They shall the mayor, council, commissions or fund authority to sue ami l>e sued, liie same; to work city prisoners vided for in this charter, or may over to the treasurer, taking his have power to remove tin chief ot other offices of the city; draft all or­ hereafter provided for or created, receipt therefor; to act us the clerk police and all other police officers ■plead and be impleaded, in all on the streets or other public works, be ordered by the council, mayor |ses ; and may own to make the drivers and owners care that all ordinances snail be at tlie general city election a SECTION 21. — All violations of the with dispatch and accuracy. I mid shall have possession and con­ thereof, or both, Hable tor any faithfully executed, and all officers treasurer who shall hold office foi regulations or any provisions of ARTICLE VII trol of all sewers, water-works and damage caused thereby; to prevent a nd corn missions iaithfully |M*rform one year, or until hia successor is th)s charter by saloon prup'ietors or effected and qualified. tbeir agents, or employees, shall tie rt- i SECTION I. Die present officers , independent ot tne present " Water and punisli cruelty to atiimuis and tlieir duties. S ection 7.—The treasurer shall ported by the commission to the police I shall serve until the next general city > Commission ot Tillamook City,” children; to build, construct and SECTION 8. — He shall from time to and to take immediate |HMsession regulate wharves and landings at time give to the council information receive no compensation. judge, who shall impose a tine and election, and the present recorder shall S ection 8. He shall give a bond eoats and disbursements upon them, perf rm the duties of police judge and I ot the present water system ot said tlie foot of streets terminating at touching tlie condition of ' *' the city, ““ i city, and all pro|>erty and records Hoquarton Slough and oilier navi­ and recommend such ordinance« in such sum as the council may upon such report, and the city clerk city elerk uutil such time. Provided, pertaining to said water system, gable streams; to regulate the erec­ end regulations as he •hall judge prescribe in some state licensed snail draw his warrant on the treas­ however, that the present mayor shall surety company, the premium tor urer for the amount thereof against immediately after the adoption of this over trom the “Water Commission tion and moving ui buildings; to proper. which shall be paid to the city. •aid five hundred dollars ($600), includ­ charter appoint the "Public Worka of Tillamook City”; and all powers purchase atty property sold tor de­ S ection 9.— He may require in SECTION «.-He shall be the CUB ing said costs and disbursements, and Commission” aiai said Police and Li­ linquent taxes or assessments im ­ and authority oi said Commission information from any to- ceed if lie veto it, lie shall indorse hia and a while male |>eraon over the my office according to the beat of my five hundred Hollars f$5iX).lri; ; to (60)), and his license •hall be torteli rste boundaries; and the right t.. reg­ ability.*' provide tor the surveying of olocks reason and return it to the council age of twenty-one years. ed and such person shall never again ulate and control ail public service] I , and P ublic W orks C ommission . SECTION 3. The mayor, police, streets, and tor marking the at its nest meeting, and the council be permitted to procure a saloon li ­ rations within said limits, and may by a four-filths veto ot all the S ection 11, —Thete shall lie sp- judge and city clerk shall have power to regulate the manner and kind u4 lioundary lines and corners thereot; memtiers |>aas the ordinance not­ )xiimed by tlie mayor a “Public cense in said city. appropriate money lor all lia- Every person securing a saloon li­ to administer ixiths ami affirmations. their apparatus, and to regulate I ■ to Works Commission,” which shall cense bilities ot the city, or any item I withstanding such veto. ARTICLE Vlll shall agree to the terms of this their rates for service, and to grant I i thereof; to exercise aoy other power S ection 11.—Il a vacancy occur consist ot three memtiers, and who STREETS fra nc hi sea, provided that no fran- I I given to said city by thia charter, in the council, the mayor shall ap­ hold no state or county office, and charter and any and all regulations of SECTION 1. The council may widen, the commission regulating saloons, and chiae shall lie granted fur a longer’ or any I anieuuiiient point at the next regular meeting who are white male i itixens resi­ thereto; all ______ the sale of intoxiesting liquors and lay out, extend, plank, replank, (level, [>enod then twenty-five years; and herein given, unices ex- of the council, hia successor to dents. and taxpayers in said city, agree to not contest any fine that may I regravel, pave and repave, or in any provided further that no exclusive 1 powers serve until his successor is elected over the age of twenty-one years, "tie r manner Ixiikl or improve streets: franchise shall be granted, and | pressly otherwise provided, shall snd qualified. unless sooner removed for cause, be imposed thereunder, or thia charter, : streets shall mclwle sidewalks and tie enforced or exerciaed by never tor a leas sum than one-half - only SacTION 12.—The mayor shall pre­ by the mayor, and in < aae ot re­ nor any regulations of the commission, i cross-walks. ordinance and by the mayor, coun of one per cent, ot the gross receipts cil. commiantoners and committees, side over sll meetings of the council. moval the mayor shall immediately and if he dues so, that he shall foi- SECTION 2. The council may charge annually of the business ior which and shall have and use a common SfliTION 11 The insyor shall appoint a not tier in Ills place to till feit the whole ol said five hundred dol­ the franchise is granted; and may seal, and may alter and break the sign ail contrai ts of the city, and out the unexptred.lerin until re­ lars ($MU), ami the contesting thereof the emit thereof to the adjacent prop­ erty or property benefited, ami »•- lease, sell, or dispose ot ail public same or make • new one. at its I ail warrsnta, Ixmdssnd other docu moval. and ao on. And their term shall forfeit the whole thereof of itwlf property tor the benefit ot the city; plea sure; ail property belonging to menta oa tiehalf of the city, to be uf offiie shall begin from the date as well as forfeit forever said license »eut the said |>ro|wrty therefor, which »hall be a first lien thereon, having pri­ may purchase, bold and receive pro­ or vested in lillamouk City at the attested by the city clerk. pf their appointment. Which shall and the right to obtain any uUter li­ ority over all other liens perty. both real and personal, be­ lime ot the passage snd adoption S ection 14. —He shall issue all be at the first meeting of tire couonl cense again. S. For the improvement yond the haute of the city, to lie oi this act »hall twcume the pro­ notices of city electiona. attested by after the general city electiou, and SECTION 22. All saloon license and of SECTION streets, and intersections thereof, used tor |>arka. banal pur|«srx perty licenses for the sale of intoxicating li ­ UUMiih<4 the city cleric qualification of the mayor, except snd vest in Tillamook tlie eost shall lie assexaed to the adja­ workhouses, houses of correction City as ’lucorporsted by flip» SNCT1ON Vk—All commissions is­ the flrat first commissions appointed quors shall be issued In duplicate, each and a h>x«i>ital lor the reieptmn ■CL snd Sliall have rhe power sued by him shall also lie signed under the charter shall hold office of which shall be considered originals, cent properly and property benefited aa folkiwa: Esch lot, or fractum toereof and care of persons afflicted with to pss* any ordinance or ordi­ by him. sttesled by If** city clerk from tlie date of their appointment one to be retained by the licensee and shall be aaaeesed for the full am Mint of contagious diseases, and tor tne nances not in couHlct with tne ■KTKJK Itk—In case of • tie vote until the qualification of the mayor one by the city clerk, and shall have the improvement ■■nun the one half of purr*oaeo< mauitan.ing water works. couslitutMm oi the t ailed Mates, in the deliberations of the couacii. elected at December, IftKI, general printed on the backs thereof all of flec­ < rematones, sod for such pur;>oses and oi Oregon and the criminal th* mayor shatl cast the deciding city election . the mayor may ap­ tion 20 of thio Article ami an agree­ the street In friait of the uw, and also for an equal proportion of the coat of as may be deemed necessary tor laws ol tne I nited Males, and ll>e vote. __________ point persons who are roust ilmcn ment by the licensee to all of tire the improt ement of the inter»ee|iLsll«r roads and luvrl.. lor puolM libra IIICH WILL BE SUBMITTED TO A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. AN ACT.