billamaak TILLAMOOK, OREGON -Ù- LAMOOK JOTTINGS Mixed M MÌ torri«, eye specialist do“n Pint *»< Ready ixì Pillili for lOcts. per can. All Paint All colors. See our window for special prices on paint K ing 4 SMITH Co.* ream at Tit'S S pa . >1.5o per year. The railroad will be laid as far as Sal monberry by the 1st of October. stration will close in two The rails for ten miles are being laid and will be completed by that time. S pa for the best Ice Cream in C. E. Lytle and wife and John Dennis and wife alter spending sale, typewriter, cheap.—D. several weeks in this city, left for their homes in Hillsboro on Wed- i ode. nesdav. liea wanted at the Tillamook Mrs. flebee, of Sedro Woolley, I j Bank. * neer Geo. L. Davis came Wash., left for her home yesterday ' morning by auto, after two weeks Sunday. visit with her niece, Mrs. E. T. ¡o John Sheets for your Crout Haltom. Barrel8- 4. , Marriage --------------- licenses were issued to Whitehouse Son Heckman and ' " Emea E. Elliott ; F. S. V-~ —~‘ : & *“ — for . T L. "***■ Oly Womer and Rose Weber ; and isurance, ete. E. J. Schilling and Augusta M. e W. Watson was up from Schrader. sin on Monday. Albert Mason will return to Cali­ i, on Sunday, to the wife of fornia in about two weeks, finding lortrilge, a son. that the weather in Tillamook is cement by the sack or the not as good for his health as that « of California. see D. L. Shrode. FALL ARRIVALS x f 'ream Cone« at T hb S pa . , on Tuesday, to the wife of One Holstein Bull Calf. four months old, from a heavy milking ollitt, at Blaine, a girl. dam, registered. Papers furnished. Y. Davis and wife were in Price $35. J. HazlittA Sons, Forest leaver on Wednesday. Grove, Ore. • . Lamar opened his racket Plasker Bros, will do your plumb ­ n Main Street today. ing in first class style. Let us figure flea, the best kind, at the on your work. Will guarantee our ook Lumber Mfg. Co. . work, having just employed an ex­ perienced plumber. * . Spencer and J. F. Smith of id, came in on Wednesday, Elder R. Y. Blalock will preach in re your property and avoid the Adventist Church of this City­ to F. S. Whitehouse & Son. . next Sunday, 2.30 p. m. His subject will l>e the "Greatest Thing in the Helen Bibby left this morn- World.’’ Don’t fail to hear him. teuch school in Eastern Ore- If your floors need repainting, give them a coat of Ready Mixed suffer with the heat when Floor Paint. Special price of Xk-f». I get ice at He. per pound at quart and $1.30 a gallon. See our Paint Window. K ing A S mith C o . * F. Calbreath and daughter M. F. Lamb came in from Eugene U. Smith, of Portland, are on a business trip last week. He has become thoroughly attached to aty. est Price paid for Hides, Furs the university city, and says it is heat town in Oregon outside of iep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- the Portland. Ore. * J. Kerr, an experienced plumber, Morris, who was well known county, died at Salem on the ol Portland, has been engaged by Plasker Bros., of this city, to assist Aug. them in their they have ir Evans, who has been away a large amount of business on hand e county for several months, at Bayocean Park. • home. Don’t delay that painting job. r sale at The Spa, in any The extremely low prices that we 7 from 10 pounds up at la are making on paint will move it ■ pound. last. Come in an secure the amount i doors can tie obtained you will need before it is all gone. • Tillamook Lumber Mlg. K ing a S mith Co. bis city. There appears to be a disposition >unty court will meet next amongst those who contemplate day. it beihg the regular building new homes in this city, to build the up-to-date and convenient >er term. bungalows, which make pretty and irs, cheapest and best paper attractive residences. in town. Leave orders at Harry P. Kerr has announced Smith Co. himself a candidate for county sur­ chooner Oshkosh came in veyor. He has been connected with sday with a full cargo of the Potter Realty Co. at Bayocean, and did some good work for the from Astoria. »rand process barley, $T. 35 company at that place. AT A FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS. ! FULL LINES OF MEN’S, WOMEN’S and CHILDREN’S SHOES. HALTOM’S Our Big Store is rapidly being filled with incoming Merchandise for Fall. DROP in and see the stock, it far surpasses anything ever attempted by us before in point of quality. Prices always modest. Among the Lines of Merchandise we announce as being in Stock : Ladies’ Evening Dresses and Waists A full and complete assortment of Ladies’ and Childen’s Underwear A huge lot of Blankets and Comfor- ters Full Lines of Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery FLORSHEIM care for Men who SHOES A Splendid line of Men’s “ Peters ” Work Shoes. A Strong and Complete line of sixes in Men’s Negligee Overshirts. See South Window. A Splendid lot of Men’s Work Pants. Men’s Underwear Wools, Cotton and Silk. Splendid assortments of Ladies’ Collars, Men’s Hose, all kinds, colors and ma­ teriels Jobats, Veilings, etc Outing Flannels, Calicoes, Ginghams and full Lines of Domestics Towels of all kinds and descriptions. No matter what you have that needs painting, you cannot afford to leave it go when you can get a ext time you send away for guaranteed Ready Mixed Paint for ng get a Money Order from $1.50 per gallon or «lets, a quart. iuiook County Hank. * Special prices on Paint. Sec our ♦ >ur doors and window« from window. K ing & smith C o . lauiook Lumber Mfg. Co. The P. R. A N. Co. has aliout e money by doing so. * decided to purchase Lamb's dock. e making our own cones The company was desirous of ob­ ivoid trouble with the State taining water front property in thia city for commercial purposes. Mr. spector.—The Spa. Lamb will retain possession of the Thon. Coates and wife, who dock until June. Engstron, G. I- Rock, Oak Nolan, z Mi»H Theresa Plasker. (laughter ren taking a vacation in C. L. Lilly with his sisters, Dolon Miss Rose lloos. E. P. Elliott, .\. of Mr. and Mrs. Antoine PlHMkcr, 1, returned on Wednesday. and Inez, will leave on Friday for A. Tibbets and wife and Ed. Davis. died at the home of her parent* Mclutonh has tieen arrested I .a Grande, Oregon, where they east of tliia city on WedueMif.iy, Quite a number of persona are de­ August 24, aged 13 year*, from I with giving whiskey to a will viait relatives. Mi»» Lilly will rl Gilmore, who is 13 years later go to Portland to resume her sirous that Justice Stanley should tuberculosis, and is the lirat of u announce himself for the office he niuaic studies, while Mi«» Inez will now holds. He has been absolutely family of 13 ¡children to I m ? taken from the home by death, She liuil lin service, three times a attend school at La Grande. lair and impartial in his decision» tieen sick for some time witli the etween Tillamook City anil and has made a good officer since Y’our Carriages, Wagons and dread disease. The remains were n, will be inaugurated in Farm Implements will last longer he wart apfiointed. buried on Saturday, the funeral week. and look better if given a coat of The editor wa« kicked and knocked service la-ing held in the Sacred Webb Maddux returned from paint before setting away for the on the lumber company's dock on Heart Church. vith friends in Washington, winter. Good quality Ready Mixed Friday. He was passing done to a Attorney I. IL Van Wiukle came be had gone for the benefit Buggy Paint 28cta. pint and 45cts. team, when one of the animal« in from Salem laid week. He is one quart. See our window for Paint. reared up »nd kicked out. the hoof ealth. of tne Republican candidates for K ing A S mith Co. • of horse striking the editor’s right Circuit Ju Ige of ttie third judicial lelivered, $10.00. Shingle, At a meeting of the Executive arm and side, knocking him down district. This waa hi« first viait ti. d $2.75. An almoat new on some iron sheeting, which, for- id sewing machine cheap.— Board of the Tillamook Commercial unately, only caused a number of Tillamook county, and he appeared Club on Wednesday evening, it to tie a congenial gentleman. For tHODB. • was decided to purchase the Benh- bruises and scars. seven years be has tieen Assiatant inday School of the Presby- ing player piano from Soule Bros., U. G. Jackson is a candidate for Attorney General forOregon. and it Chuncb will reconvene of Portland, which is a splendid county surveyor. He is a competent is Halil that he did the hard work nday morning, after the instrument and adds materially to civil engineer, and obtained his ed­ and furnirtheil the brains for tliul vacation. the already attractive quarters of ucation at the University of Oregon. office, which gave him considerable the Commercial Club. Since coming to Tillamook Mr. Jack- experience io rendering decisions nitdaon left on Monday on as trip to Portland and to The evening services at the son has attended strictly to buai on points of law. iater who is coming to visit Church of Christ will lie changed ness, »nd is industrious and |ier- Mr. J. B Schiar arrived from n Denina, k. from 8 o’clock to 7:31), tieginning fectly reliable, in fact, a good man Alierdeen, Wash., and han come for the office of county surveyor and ’ _. Sermon here to take t barge of Haltom'« Dry osition. ___ ________ ed hh a high c I hmh Dry Gouda Man, ’’ When He Was Come Down Fr mm aking $1X85. The church has the Mountain." John Quinlin, cf Cloverdale, was and it will lie Ilia pleasure to make leach is having bis profierty received three members during thrown out of a wagon in the south this Dr|mrtiiient>me ol the lieat and he post office improved, August. imrt of the county on Wednesday. most up to date to lie found outside will be occupied by M '' L- Married, on Tueaday, at the resi- His sou was driving, »ml meeting of Portland. Thin t« store the clothier. ha» just received it« fall line ol __ _ of —g Rev. U..— Paul D ...I Kbenger, in dence in R W. Watson in his auto, managed Drift flour, $425 a bbl. and 1 this city, Oly Warner and Rose to get too near the edge of the road, Dress Gouda, Linens, Silks. Me., ■ack. Lighthouse flour. $tL«Si Weber, the ceremony being per­ the seat toppled over and threw and it is the largest and ni mt and $1.50 a aack.-Wn. formed by the Rev. 8. L. Finney, of his father out, causing several varied alack ever put in by Mr. It was reported in this Haltom. The Grain Man. the Presbyterian Church. Moth Mr. injuries. city that Rollie had killed the man. Married, on Wednesday, at Ihr 'ter get your cones at The and Mrs. Wonier are of this city but it seem« that hi« auto was not home of the liride'» parents. Cap e make our own cones and and will make their home on the within fllteen feet of the team. tain and Mrs, Paul Schrader in this se them to contain ilwo ranch of Mr. Wom«r, south of Till­ amook. poisonon« colorings. ailwav camp« along the line of city, Mr. E. J. Schilling and Mi«« Pacific Railway A Navigation August.i M. Schrader. The niipti il The Olson auto, of McMinnville, an Leach, a brother to M. ! - — ■------- • - tin» t.i rauri.Ail knotwa« tit tied by Rev. D. L. Slir,sh­ i. who waa in vhdting hie which left here on Monday, met Company’s new II or of rsuroad to in the presence ol the relatives here, left on Tuesday for with an accident going ont that ' Tillamook were endangered Tues and » few inepds of tlw coatra< ting , day. It m reported the car backed day afternoon by a forest fi«v left themini« evening . 'of the grade, throwing the passen­ 1 broke out at 3 o’clock in the after (mriies ime of Arthur Stillwell in' gers out A. E. Heaton «nd wile ! noon The fire started three mile« to spend thep. honeymoon in Port ' land and Salem and »he voile« Ivance for < osinty treasurer.- «nd child aud a drummer were pna- above S. In»o«l e ry. and was last 1» considering the matter. -rt-ngers and the drummer had his • niglit running up the canyon where Mr. Schilling h»« lieen « •»• »urn gangers 1. E. Trigg. J F Wee ed out w> fight the tire, tml it i« be­ rMy. The happy coufde carry with Um. Mrs. H- C. Saltor, 8. Hamon, lieved that a large port on < f f *e them the hearty congratulation» ‘ U- S. Hsrsont. F. Brese. A. Mapes, camp equipment will tie deair. ye J and ta*»t wislte« of a targe nunilier B. Map»*. M Mnrphola. B. O. Wd- ol friemhi it caa be stopped. aou, ME. Wilson. C- Eng »Iron. J. ind $34.00 a ton.—W m . CUK- ! Grain Man • Ladies’ Tailored Suits and Skirts. Men’s Neckwear, dainty, neat. elegant and About 150 Suits of the first shipment of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing. And numerous other things that we have not space to mention here. I 1 Don’t Fail to come to the Store To-Morrow K i The Golden Gate came up at noon to-day, her pa «sen gers lieiug : 1.. Dierickn ami wile, Mrs. I.. Stewaid and daughter, C. S. Burlier, W. ii. Bowen. K. L Wastin, W. F. Rich ardrton and wife, Henry l.nluir 13 Chinamen. The st«-«tner Sue H. Elmore came in on Wednesday with the follow­ ing passengers: Mis« C. Vt ittc more. Mt«« Wade, J. P. Kieran, Mr. Cardiff anti wife, Joe Donaldson, Mr». Sulluken, H. Watters, C. A. McGhee, D. Vnnallman, John Malta, P. Richen and wife, J. F. Smith, W. N. Morris, Thon. Coate« und wife, C. K. Davis anil family, Chas. Machaud, I. Gienger, R. II. Spen­ cer, J. H. Sehier, Mrs. Zollman and children, Ed. Hadley. Mr». York, Mr. Manohan ami Mr. Pratt. Death of M. Shearer. Marion Shearer died in this city on Saturday night nt the home of Alto: ney ’I. 11. Goyne. 11« came to I lliia city alrtiut two weeks ago with .1 sore finger, ii rusty nail Having run into it a week previous. Blood IMiiaoning art in, und his finger was ainputHted und lust Thursday it waa found necessary to amputate Ilia arm, aa gungarrne had set in. this did not save ilia life, for he lived until Saturday night. The funeral service was condut te> the marriage of Mi«« Whittemore. Miss De Par less exceptionally thorough siilra woman and garment Stier, lor ten years having charge ol Irom fifteen to twenty five girl« engaged under her aupervi«lou in altering and titling ladies’ suit« and cloaks. Sire had to leave tire city on account of her eyes, tieing unable to wink longer under electric lights, with which most of the large citv stores’ Hlterition rooms are lighted during the 3 Elwood i rramery Netarta ................. .. a Plraaant Valley . — » Hand lobe ............ .... 7 P.n»t Heaver .... V ... 37 13 South Prairie 31 14 ........... .... Wood For Aal« 17 a 1 Union .. ........... Fer sala. Uli tord» of wood, For ftirlfwr partie nl«ra apply at tier TV Total ............. ... »33 131 County Clerk’soflkxr.