TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 25. 1910 FIRES ARE INCREAS­ ING IN TILLAMOOK. A CnURCH TRIAI,. HUMOR OFTHE Dll that nuisance and the poor dumb animal, doing little or no damage, Rev. Paul Ebinger, of the Getman ¿eiforraed Church, Exonerated There is too much recklessness in is rounded up and placed in the HintS For Vacationists. setting out fires at this season of pound, and if the owner is unaware Curious Facts About the Bible. of the fact, it is sold at public auc­ A Church trial was held in the Take II suit .-sse full ......... . the year. ___________ There are many wbu will be pleased niHtvhlsix full of vlotlics tion. But no one knows of any of German Reformed Churi'h last week It's going to tie a “walk over" for the city officials rounding up the Hung the first man wliti talks when the Rev. Paul Ebinger, the to read and keep the following, es- Chester Holden for County < lerk. blind pigs on Main street and sell­ pastor of the church, was placed on prefally as all the facta were collect«! ride. Well, he's made good. Do not semi for nil tin- ruling a by a prisoner who. (luring a coutine- ing them off to the highest bidder. . trial on six indictments. steutuship lllenuurt' or you »in _ Oh, no. Why, then, discriminate nient of three years, collated them: It seems that one of the accu ­ On account of the unusually long The snap shot man believes in against the farmer’s animal, which First, there are 3.580.489 letters, di­ be Hille to select a H|s>t f, r .iitUr dry spell in Tillamook County, and sations of the indictment had its prohibition—to prohibit pel sons set­ misery. does no moral injury to the citizens, vided Into 773.KK? words, aud these inception from a sermon which Mr. the persistency with which the cit­ ting out tire at this season of till Always select some chx I fri»M s and allow the blind pigs to run as into 31.173 verses. 1.18» chapters and izens have been setting out fire, Ebinger delivered in this city last year iu Tillamook county, mid would the city who tan ettsih t* (tl, they please, causing a great deal of burning up slashing, logs and rub- Christmas, wherein it was a:leged t!U books. upon to send you tile butulisq luij ' inflict a tine and jail sentence upon drunkenness amongst young and The word "Lord" occur» 1.855 times, things you will forget I bish, not only endangering their that he denied the Divinity of those who did. old, as well as bringing the city into The Fishing tai kle Is not ne, essarr, y own and neighbor's property, but Christ. On this the first count in the the word "and" 4B.277 times was word "reverend" occurs but once. In woiildli’l i-rttch n fish til :t We do not wish to cause undue bad repute? What we want to ask which places the whole county in indictment * Mr. Ebinger alarm, but suppose the dry spell is this, If the blind pigs are privil­ jeopardy of being swept from one unanimously vindicated. The accu- the One Hundred aud Eleveutb Psalm Horl If yoti had all th., t t |;|H ih ,iii. certainly deserving ol some consid­ it have done ? _____ misunderstanding and doubtless helping to dry up everything and the letters of Ibe alphabet except J Olli. HS IISIISl. eration, for they it is who help in a turning all kinds of material into ' would never have occurred had the We understand that the blind The nineteenth chapter of II Kings Guides ure vheu|>~ In the e:ilii|,r u The snnp shot man is in a dilein- Houtheast of Salem: ger, says: “There is no prospect at plucked from the flowers or the but- blow the Innard-c out of the imri.r ta. The laundry people sent home D ear S ir , — This will advise der by the fire fighters. Again on tolls have all lieeu I counted, piano the first time you tlud the instr»- a white shirt with one arm ampu­ you that the Oregon State Tuber­ Wednesday help was called for, all that the case will be carried to In like miiuuer determine the resi- men I alone. culosis Sanatorium will be opened the General Synod, as the Classis but the fire leaped from place to tated, and we are wondering whe­ A small electric buttery will lie t>4 reception of patients place until the whole neighborhood has declared and confessed by sub­ deuce by asking ; the daisy. “Brick ther they think we are minus one for the bouse, stoue bouse, frame." etc. during the first week in Sep- " to connect with the biuhtub mnriniis arm or whether our duds are about (ember, 1910, with a total pre­ was on fire. The fire from Fawcett sequent acts, that its decision waif To determine the weddiug dress put when the bathroom bonnier refusal it worn out or whether they are in sent capacity of fifty beds, In creek met the fire from Bewley wrong,” the questious. "Silk, satin, velvet, vacate. A feillle shock will wake bln Following is a signed letter given rags." league with the gent.'s furnishing view of the fact that there will creek on Wednesday evening and Take II good walk every day. Trit houses to do up clothing the same probably be a demand far in excess extended over to Suttton creek. It is by Rev. A. G. Gekeler of Lima, The bridal eloui»l p* on the other side of Dolph than Classis or Presbytery and in thia but wlnit Mr. Furmer would make u Blank forms for application and this side. The mail carrier was way Rev. Ebinger was denied the arm? When ft Is a little bare ibeari. sessions.—Chicago Tribune. good county commissioner, and circulnrs of information are ready four hours late into Dolph yester­ opportunity to make a defense, and would zealously look after the tax­ for distribution. Anv further in­ day and lie wits scorched with the thus the Court allows the stigma Ths First Thimble. Out of Sight. formation will be furnished at any and suspicion to remain resting payers’ interest. He is n good roads time. Signed by Thimbles were first made In Amster­ Church-1 see the natives of K1*" heat from the fires. upon a man ofa perfectly honorable dam. Holland, about 250 years ago carry visiting cards which lueasst ndvociite mid had some experience IL J. C lements , past. ns a road supervisor, doing some Sii|>eriiitendent. Foley Kidney Pills. “In the solier opinion of the coun­ Cupid iuspired (be move that caused about twelve Incites square, and nk* pood road work ill Ilia own district. Tonic in quality and action, sel for the defense, the conduct of a young goldsmith to devise a thimble their use Is required they are uwni quick in results. ' For backache, the individuals who cast their votes to protect the fingers of bis ladylove shown. At the last election for county com headache, dizziness, nervousness against the accused, under the from the pouching of the Deedle Gotham—If one is not being «bo*1 iiiisnioner from the south end of the urinary irregularities and rheuma­ evidence, prove them unworthy of Of Cows, Horses, I take It. a man must Is* using >•, county, Mr. Farmer came within occupying any office in the Church tism.—For sale byC. I. Clough. The Children’» Circus. chest protector. —Yonkers Stateaca*. of Christ. a few votes of landing tile nomina­ inents and Household Won’t you come to our circus? Oh. yes. “After the result of the vote had tion. We predict that Mr. Farmer tlie residence of D. T. It le «II our own. been declared and sentence had And It la going io be the biggest that Troubled. will be nominated und elected, for Fairview, two miles ever been passed, Rev. Ebinger with his "Have you asked papa for ate- ™ the town has Known. ititsik, on Saturday, ■e is a good man tor the position. went home, and Ito their We’re holding It out tn the orchard, just Harold, don’t tell me that lie ref«^- Both the express companies and poet office 1 counsel at Ten n. nt. under the sweeting tree. utter astonishment the counsel for "No: be didn’t refuse.” are trying to handle a line of business * s lot of blankets, and ’ tlie Classis with the chief witness And we ve fixed Homer Mason, who was county There wlil lie sold Six Cow« and "Then why do you look so "*d you hav« to pay to see. which legitimately belongs to the bank, | and moving spirit in the case i lerk lor four yents. mid made good One Ileiter. gnd which the bank can take care oi at less I against Mr. Ebinger. with the We ve rehearsed up In the attic on every discouraged?" while lie held that office, has an­ Two Work Horses, "I can’t feel Just right about ll**i rainy day. cost than they can. Do you know that we knowledge and consent of tlie Clas­ nounced himself ns a candidate for Two Two-Yenr-Old Mare« (mated) sis, came to the parsonage with Though sometime» the »pectators sept tbusiasiii with which be < uosesttd- * will furnish you a BANK MONEY ! this offer: We are ready to with­ getting tn tettine In the way. county judge. The experience he about 1(00 lbs. Chicago Record-Flerald. ORDER that is better in every way than draw the charges against Rev. Eb­ An<* ¿iEL *2lle" n*r 'ea,hcr» lithe » the gained while county judge gave Two Veurling Colts. Indian queen, you snowt inger and annul the sentence if we that furnished by either express company | ’ nIT' Never Satisfied' So well I tear »he ll wear them ah out him a good idea as to how county Otte Colt, Mother—For jeoodness' ’ake. “ or poet office, that may be procured quickly | an• would return to the session before the »how qtlairw should be conducted in the One Farm Wagon, co-operate in some compromise my. wlist are you growling al»«*' and without red tape, and that ia cheaper that i would reunite the devided U’hat Is the price ot intiiest of the taxpayers, mid living One Light Wagon, admission? Uh. a Tommy—’Cause I lost mv nk-B«* on every amount over $3.001 Next time | parties in the dozen plna or ao local church. Of conservative in his own business Otte Buggy, Mother—But your TiM-le Jef you want to send money away, come to us course the offer was instantly re- Or a fishhook or a marble—not really ■ Hairs he would, naturally, be as Harness, Tools, Ac. much, you know. you one to replacr It. and buy a BANK MONEY ORDER. You jected. cmeful al> mt the taxpayers' money But It s worth a lot ot money, and U you Otte Solid Oak Bedroom Set, In connection with thia sad ex- Tommy—Yes. but I d have i” to you'll see will never again employ any other metboA ' perience tn _ Cliriatian _________ Church. ns he w ulil be with Ins own. Mr. If I hadn't lost mine.—Catholic el One Solid Oak Roll Top Desk. A wonderful performance and a real me­ TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. , thia most beautiful exhibition of ** ” ” * Mason Ims the ability ml llie ex- ns ter le One Solid Oak Rook Case, a rd and Times. the true Christian spirit has been |ierience to make an excellent conn 10 Foot Dining Table, Before the show is open the band la cotne They Have A Definite Purpose. j-e. given. The Swiss people here who Unsatisfactory, ty judge. There is one thing that to play. Rocking Chairs. Foley Kidney Pills give ut |uick ' snow and love their pastor and "Have you seen the Wi when you hear the mualc you just should lie grappled with by the next relief in cases of kidney and b™.. Mad- hav* complete confidence in hia And can Six Hard Wood Dining Chairs, away. monument?" Glaser, ____ , uprightness, of their own free will AM tack t keep county eouit. and that is the paying wilt b. th. u»b„ „ lhow Cook Stove and Kitchen Furni­ der ailments Mrs. Row* ____ “Yeo.” replied tlie New York* J Terre Haute, Ind., feiis (he resuti «•*'• 1,03, tells the result “ u ^ accord, rnised a fund of |lSt) to • place ' oil of the outstanding indebtedness ture. in her case. “After suffering for * •? defray tto the ex expense which Rev. W h*r.lrUHU " w*,c»lnt the a pretty tall building. But si»1’ of the county the next few years, many years from a serious case of hbtnger -------- incurred ---------- J in this case, and HARRISON BOOTH. thrllhn® chariot race. good of It without any " and we believe Mr. Mason would do kidney trouble and spending much pledged themselves to shield him Auctioneer. But first upon the procram will bs « ,„,„0 rent?”— Washington Star against any want whatever. money for so called cures, I found futi nd his Iwst to tiring this atiout, for he parune Dated. Aug. AY 19H1. Folev Kidney Pills the only medi- O< animate tn cawir opportunity to iret tend to my work. I shall never Whip In my hand. "Yea. I think so Let's T* And t il tell you what Is comint »0 you ing. We think that Mr Mason is a machine that will last you a life hesitate to recommend them." For will uMermand Ym I were engaged to I* nitrtff entitle«! to these few remarks from time, on easy monthly, payments sale by C. I. Clough. «mtuners ago. weren't <•?*'“ One very best nerformw 1 thka «_ the Headlight, for having faithfully that you will scarcely mi as an Iatenoc Colicky Paine Relieved Free Press. and conscientiously served the pub­ no interest. “For some year» I suffered from fie lic for four years is. deserving of I peraonally guarantee every ma ” intense colicky pains which would Physics! Legt« But considerable support trout the tax­ chinc and will keep it in retour free come on at tunes and from which "Why did the fellow go I could find no relief.” says I. S. payers of this county who appre- of charge. Ami bah! troth ?" Mason, of Beaver Dam. K t . ciste a |ierson who made an excel­ ■'Because' be knew any ■ fh«* * Your old machine will be taken “Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and lent county official. a story would simply bang M ■ Diarrhoea Remedy was recom- ■ as part payment. The — Baltimore American To keep your health sound; to Machines delivered at your home, I mended to me by a friend. After taking a few doses of the remedy svoid the ills of advancing years- I Xow if a farmer's cow or horse on free demonstration trial. 1 was entirely relieved. That was to conserve your physical forces slioulil lia|>|>en to get hswe snd stray I I al) in atul see the New Singer lift four years sgo and t tie re has been a ripe and healthful old age. into TillniiKHik I ily, the city author­ BVBMTT SHIPMAN. Tillamook. Ore. no return of the symtoms since that tor R«anl your kidneya by taking ities have their eyes wide open to Whalciua Jewelry Store. time.” This remedy is for sale holey a Kidney Remedy. For sale l>v by I at tuar'a drug store. C. I. Hough. Editorial Snap Shots Conditions are Ideal for the County to be Swept by the Fire Fiend. AUCTION SALE WHERE IT BELONGS F YOU SEND MONEY BY MAIL ? i