T illamook headlight , august 25. 1910 EXPLODING A THEORY. A WINNING TRICK. PERSONAL MAGNETISM. The Practical Method Adopted by a French Scientist. At the beginning <»f the nineteenth centurj' the French Academy of Sei* en< cm offeriM t<» give u prize to the tirst peiMou win» would Mdhe the fol­ lowing problem: If you lake h vhmc full of water «nd put h Hivoe or any Nimlhir liody In H the wmer will flow over. If. however, you put into it a fish the volume of whh’h lx equal to that of Ihe alone. It will not flow over Explain Iliix phenomenon. (.eiirm*d eHXuyx on the aubjert pour- rd In from all quarter«, but I he prob- irm wax m»l witixfactorUy aolved In uijv of thrill, and ronxequriitly the prize 'V iim not awarded. In the follow Ing year the xiime qiicx tion wax again pro|Hjiinde(l. and Cor five yearx aiixwerx con tin net] lo pour in to ibe a« iidrmy. Then It suddenly iM'ciirrrd to one of the academiciana Hi.it. eftrr all. the problem might lx* ImaiNible ot aolutlun. and be drier* mim'd to make a teat foi liiinxrlf. Filling a vase with water, lie put a alone into It iiiii I sow- Hint the water Thru lie look out the flowed over, alone, hlhil the vase lignin with wn- Irl and put lutu It n flail. the volume of wlikh wax the Kame ax that ot the atone, and xnw. to lilx xiirprixe. that lhe water again flowed over. IJr (old the a<-ademy of h!« dlsrov- cry. and llm rexiilt wax that the offer ut II prize wax at oner wiilidrawu. Ho Loot All His Bets and Mede Money by Doing So. The cnptaln of one rather old and slow steamer of years ngu. Uiidhig that be would have to be u long tune in Cblua before be received a full cargo of tea aud would have probably to re­ turn lo ballast, began. Io every oue a iistoulshment. to say that, owing to the repulra that had been done I*» his eugines. he hu|M*d to make a racing pu»edge back lo Englund. Thru. »HU inure to the astonishment of the <-ap- luluu of the fast steamers and the world nt large, he commenced to ba. K tilmseir to make the tautest passage home. Ill such very considerable sums of money did lie wager that la-ople be­ gan Io think there was something in It. aud the merchants Rent their ten almost entirely to Ills ship, arguing that as the captain atimd to low I2.‘ai the repairs lo hla steamer's engines bud probably put him In n position to bet almost 011 11 certainly. (Jf course the steamer, whose great­ est speed was eight knots an hour, ar­ rived in England weeks after the oth­ ers. and the captain l*"*t tt’.Mi. but In­ stead of having to lie lu China wall­ ing bls cliauee of cargo coming In from the Interior, a probable delay of weeks, lie had cleared In n few ilavs after Illa bets became known to the public with 11 full ship. Ilins recouping to Ina ownera. who, of <-ourw. piild Ilia betting loaaea. a considerable uunila-r of thouaanda of |a>unds profit.— Black­ wood's Magazine. A Great Asset In Business as Well as In Society. There bare been great adv.icatea st the bar whose «•harming manner, like Ibe prvaeu*-e lu court of some of the world's faumua tieuuties. M-ouid so sway the Jury and the Judge an to en danger aud aomcllmes ii«-tiuilly divert Justice, says Orison Swell Harden it, Rwcesa Magazine A grachms. genial preseia-a. a ¿•harming personality, » refined, fnwluiitlug manner. are «el Kime « here mere Isnuty b* denied ana Where mere wealth Is turned nway They will make a better InipressKm tliau the lieet education or tile tilglieat attaliiiiieiila Au attractive |>er*Hial>- ty. even without great ability. often advances oue «lien great i a im t and ape* in I training will not. There is always a premium U|«>n a Every pusliie»* charming prewnce. i niau likes to la* surrounded by |a-opie ot pteasliig |iersouaiity und winning manners. They are regarded as splen­ did assets. What Is If that often enables one lierwm to walk right luto a istsltkui and achieve without difficulty tout wliicli another, witn isrliapa greater ability, struggles in viiin to sonni plisb? Everywhere a magnetic per sonallty wins Its way. Viung men aud y*mng women are constantly tiring surprised by olT.wn of excellent |ssdtl<>lis which come l*i them because of qualities and <*liaiac- terlstk-s w hich |ierliai>s they have nev­ er thought much aland—■ fine man­ ner. «•ourtesy, <-heerrulneas and kindly, obliging, helpful dls|s»*ltbius. LONDON CABBIES. And th» Lost and Found Department and Scotland Yard. "That lost mal found pto|»‘rtv de- luirliiieiil nt Seotlmid Yard la one ot till* heal things they lune lu London." said a ivomnli u ho tins sp«*nt much lime tn Eiiglnml "luist summer I hud experience iiltli It. "I fell Into ii sort of halilt of losing •Mugs. I l'hst li Mila il viiiiinlile Ulu­ telili I li Id imt miss It notti I gol to >y hotel nlìcr mi iitter llieuter aup|s-r. . Illi »«♦<• f ’ moro I li g I lumie my hiialumd in tIle llieuter limi Ibe tw*> vlii-re Me tulli beeu tlm .ill before. Ant M'lthollt result. "iiieu mi Anierlcnn friend sliggeslisl Kcotllllld Yard I ivcut there, ami there It Maa II limi been turned In liy n ■ nh driver "Twice iifterwnrd I lost Hint, uiii- brelln mid got It hack in llm same fuahiou. vac I, Huie lenving us u renani fur III«* i-iili driver n tier lent of the value of lilt* iimbrellu. na requii'ctl Tlieii otic night I leal n tine pair ot opera Klaases, mid I got them buck. "It Is mi excellent syutein the police over there time of eueoliruglllg tlon- esty. A culi driver who tlmla miythlng III tils vehicle is required lo I urn II In. mul he knows thm if the owner duluis It be Mill Is* rewurdrd.”—Exchange. An Old Welsh Custom. The kindling of Ismflrea on hills la the simplest ot celebiiitkina al any time. The llrulils made four great Urea nt their festivals In February. Muy, August mid November, Wales serins to have lieeti h ,«d by His Wits. i tic Duke ot Wellington ouce met bi Hcctiiciii an uttieer lu a state ot In- «■bl let y ••Usik here, str.' »aid the Iron Duke. "Wliat wiiuld you do it you met our of your iis-n tn Ihr i imdltion In whk b t lind you?” Ilie oitterr dren himself up. gave the mllliury anlute and replied «Uh great gravity. "I nuuld mit condeweod to »(»•ak to the brute.** Illa wit «ansi lilni tils coninilsslou. Apprvc lallen. “Father" »a kl little Rollo. "was George Washington a greater loan than Mama « Ians»" "I won t say. my non. that he was greater, but be has prut rd much feaa eviwuelie"-Washington Klar Unanswered. "Ray. pop. may 1 ask you a quew Hour “Yaw Teddy. What la It?" "When » man's Hnlshed milkin' a vow. bow dors he tarn off the milk»" Our life I« «(met but to eipend that •l«n to vs«t elerotty fa vlrtiw's work. • Ntutae^poaro. A DANGEROUS TRAITOR. The Result ot Pechantrv's Plot to Kill the King. Probably no well meaning pat and vent being entirely taiveivd nlth them Be- nlifen thene he hud a row of five guinea plecea down hla bark, a netted purse ot gold around hla bend and a placard on tils luu-k bearing (be legend. "Jo^a Bull." YVbltehend came on the acene dreaa- ed like it woman on one uliie. one half nt hla face painted and a allk atrn'klng uml allpper on one bait and leg l he ottier half of hla face wnu blackeimd so ua to resemble a negro. On the rori re»|M>u