AUGUST 25 1010 ROUND THE FARM TIMELY BREVITIES SELECT CULLINGS 1 lllamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy Philippine tapioca flour is now on the Adventures of a King. market. Few ineu of bls age have bad so Horses that are worked steadily are Six of the last nine Derby winners many mirrow escn|s*u as King Alfonso lely to have good appetites aud good were ridden by Americana. of 8|ialu. who was Iweuiy-four .years gestlre powers, writes William Pur- Blue, pink and aquamarine diamonds old May IT. His life lias lieeii attempt le In the American Cultivator. They recently were exhibited In Londou. ed t«l,e. in Paris during a state visit OSI have them If they are to do tbelr Java coffee is being successfully there and iu Madrid on his wedding Mt. Snch animals require a liberal raised lu an experimental way In Porto day. He tills l>eeu iu several motoring yet they must uot be overfed A Rico. accidents mid on one lax-ushiu nearly many farmers, wltb plenty of Manufacturers Of every 1.000 marriageable persons sui-eevded lu killing the Siuiiiisb ii'.iu- rd on band, feed too much rather that are in this country, under iifty are Ister of edue.'itioii as well a< tiiin .-l uu too little. About two pouuds of married. When try ing a reaping iiinchlne m I. aln and buy per day for each 100| Since the earthquake in Sicily tour­ Parda some years ago ho bei-nme ei unds of weight will keep ■ horse even ists bare spent on the Island at least tangled In the machinery and udgt good working condition. $1,250.000. have been ktlleil if ihe engineer had ten I the work required is benvy. I n-zxlx-o pounds rwiimda of rtf nnta A theatrical manager In Vienna re­ not Htop|HKl the movement inatani.-iiie- His twelve oats nr or thia this uiisly. loiinr of oats aud coru mixed and ceived uot long ago the manuscript for At Ban Sebastian, when on Ids wav elve pound» of good timothy hay I a play iu thirty-Uve acts. A Japanese scientist claims to have to iuaugtiriile nu exliildlioti. lie took a II serve a 1.200 pound horse oue day. running Jump ov*r some Iron ebair- beu the work Is light a leas propor- discovered a process for causing oys­ ters to make perfectly spherical pearls and tables piled in front of a cafe, lie n will answer. fail'll to clear them mid W'luld prolia Helshigor. Denmark, a city of 12.- >'or s long lime oats and timothy lily have lo-oken Ills neck if llie top y have been considered the horse- 000 population, gets its electrk lty from most futile had not emslied Io lit ■ Sweilen through a cable under the sea m's siaiidiird ration A ration com- ground when he touched It. usl of ihese two feeds has always between the two countries. lie is said to possess memeiitoes ef hi couskiered a safe one. which It Is. A resolution advoentlug the fort­ all tlie uccnsluiis when Ills life Im- Is ure the best all round gralu for Ibe nightly washing and dislufecting of all been endanger*d. mid itiese must m-n rk horse, yet through the corn belt, mall bugs has been passed by n eon. form a good sized ' idlevtioii. <*bi ago ere coni Is tile principal crop. It Is fereuee of Irish postottice clerks. News. ■ principal grain fed to mdny horses The largest wireless statiou In Eu I with quite satisfactory results. A rope, that on the Adriatic sea at Pula. A Country With Ono Railrosc!. ally uiimher of farmers, however. i I Austria-Huugury. Includes a 300 foot I'ersln. like Turke . I- invikenlir Saw in the County. J a ration imiupoaed of half corn tower built on a foundation of glass. from her sleep of eeuturl" . :u d um­ I half outs, and I his Is better Ilian and Originally made merely for orna­ pires to reassunie the |s*i*iliiHi she < n o icr all coru or all outs. At nay rate, mentation. electric light shades now occupied In the nff.iirs of ihe peril First Class Quality. i gives the horses a variety of feeds. are designed along purely KClentlUc world. She has n r*mrtltiitl'*ii tun. I I think that no udstiike cau lie lines to diffuse or reflect the light with some other nssleru Inii'roveiii' Uts. Inn LET KIGIJRE LLJM £ lie In feeding such a ration Some the greatest economy. she liHsn't caiighl lip ivlili Ihe litres n. shorts, oilmeal, cottonseed meal, enough to provide herseif with ti real For the first time In the history of gluten feed should l»e used to vary Sweden two women have beeu elected trnns|sirtathni xysleui. Horse.* mu: 7 ration Horses greatly relish a to the muuicl|ial council of Stockholm. donkeys still «institute the pwenger lety of feed nud will do better ou a One was elected by the conservatives ■ lid freight curry lug rv*u*ur os of i I m - ted rutiou empire wlik-h once uMe hi lignr and submit to exaiuiuatiou. in uu pasture gives, ns well as the Ing bls ton mile costs. 8 no. The heightening of the Assuan dam uleiii feed that the pasture af- disturb his r I uiii I mth . Th ■ tliiai.i..... . m- Is expected to occupy six years in all ls Grain is high* Ip prlcp^com­ Ulitlee does not bother It etf v Illi divi al with that of a few years ago. and to Increase tilt autiual value of the dend pilkTes or ls>ud Issuo»1. nor d*s- Egyptian cotton crop by lietween fif ­ one must make use of the not only It lie awake nights wondering It ral • i|a*r tiut better feeds that a good teen mid twenty million dollars. regul itiug bills are goiug 1» pass Hr Twenty-nine iiersons lost their Ilves ure afford». Au Here of clover will Perrlan parliament.-Misid.'. 's Miign last year In gathering Alpine flowers ;e ns much meat ns an acre of com ■lue. re used Judiciously aod costs far anil seventeen through winter sports. No fewer thnu seveuty-slx deaths were to grow. Th» Cremation of Koeli’s Body. ‘lgx lu clover" la an expression occasioned by attempting rash uud In describing Hie cremation of I In fb now collies to mean soui 'tldog foolhardy feats. laaiy of l*r. Itols-rt Km-lt 11* - llnd'-r At A|il. In the Kongo Free State, Haden '-"rrewpomlenl of llie K:ir srun Hourly nothing. 16 you have a elm pasture for your pigs tills summer there is n training si-hool for elephants, Zell ling says: "Il was Koch's v. ill. *>t- try sowing Dwarf Essex ni|»e and aUf^ie present time twenty-eight leti expressed, that liis Isslyr be iin la ft ou top of It and let the pigs of the animals are being trained Io crated. When the cortesi- arrivisi ul It will come up Just carry logs of wish ! and make them­ the crematory Moxiirt's 'Ave Verum up It In. was rendered, nfler wlileli Illi* i "la It the time the clover begins to get selves useful lu other ways. Think of an acre of ground covered borer and sucessor of the seleuilst. mid tough and will make excellent pasture. loiter, If It gets too Illg, with a pile of silver dollars 3211 feet Privy Meillial Councilor Guffky. deliv- Oils, Varnish, Doors. run a mower over It and cut it high. That would be the sight pre- ered n eulogy and ex|*reio«ed the sor­ Sashes, I. Both •< mid the clover will come seuted If the whole wealth of the row wtik-li the whole si irntllie vrorlv were plied together, igaln fresh and green In a few country It slinrcd with lliimc assembled Isw-aiiwe .— Forest Henry In Northwestern amounts to more than SlOT.OIIO.tKMI.OOO. of the dentil of one who had so valhini i-ulturist. ¿era To permit a motorist to explore dark ly work'll for suffering huiiianlly. J corners of his car with s light and yel Then to the strains of Meudelwsolili'r for the Great 3*3 Th» Farm T»am. leave his bands free there bus been In­ 'E m 1st b'-stimint in Guile« Kai' the im our experience and observn vented no Incandescent lamp and re­ coflln. henvll.v laden with flowers, san!, If we were selecting the farm flector to fasten to the forehead and out of sight Into the devouring tinnies. * . we have decided that the invili­ take current from the car’s batteries H» Simps High. ized horse, rather blocky in tili I kl. through a cord. The Most Reliable in Tillamook County ■'I'm 100 |ier eiiil liealtlih r for slw|>- ■st adapted to the general fnrm Spauisb paper mills export paper Ing ill* next to the telling." remark, i . While others might la* willing chiefly to former Spauisb colonies, and tier with us. we feel that a few very little foreign made |uiper finds Its a certain dweller out East < a|ili"l way ns why we would make this way into Spain. The manufacture of •|ui not only alsive the drafts thm e would not be out of plai e here cigarette paper is carried on widely, frisk biu k and forlh from Ibe window would choose the metili!in ulze and the various Spanish specialties to diair and eiuise li.-ilf I be • -olds w suffer from, but I hrinllie a far purr* be blocky build because these sn- flud a fair market (abroad. quality of air and lienee awake more i are generally inore active than When J. R. Couley. whose death at refresh«!. Foul air always wellies in that are heavier in weight. They the age of ninety years bus Just oc­ the lower |Kirl of I lie room, The pnrel y walk faster, and wheu turning curred m Surtleet. Lincolnshire. Eng­ nlr floats above, where I sleep." e end of the furrow or corn row land. was teD years old. bis motliet* for all stomach troubles — indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad He haw rigged for himself a eompli do so with less danger to tliem- presented him with a silk hat mid told breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habituel constipatioo. Pleasant to take. cated system of weights and pulleys l. with greater ease and In less him to wear It always. He wore the whereby he eau hoist liis eoueli from than does the horse that is extra hat Indoors and out of doors until the Sold by Chas. I. Clough. the floor nml suspend II. like Moliain Then when used on soft ground day of bls death. med's coflln. the while be sltimls'r«. will often endure more, as they On arrlvlug at San Bernardino after As Io lite ismslblllli:-» of rolling "id "I at sluk Into the moist soil as a five months' prospecting trip lu rhe bed. he refused to make comment Did Von Ever Try as the heavier animal— Amer- desert two Califoruln prospectors Washington Star. HARRIS'S MEW FEED ANU Cultivator. found that one of tbelr puck mules bad developed a limp. An examination I.IVEKl BARN, Do Y»u Want to Duy RadiumT of the mule's hoof revealed a gold nug­ Honei N»»d Ex»reisa. The Aiwtrinu goveriinieiit has j*t“l If not, give him a call. When you want a quick cur» withou we» require more exenlse and get. worth probably >50. The pros|»ect- fixed tne prk-e of radium si SHI 2n foi any loan of lime, and one that ia followed luffer more for lack of exercise ors have no idea in what part of the oue-tb"us»udtli |*urt of n gram. >*r Everything first-class. Second by no bad .mull», urn it con lined than suy of the other desert tlie nugget was picked up. ■ bout 83IUÍIIUMI |H*r pound. T*> pur­ The valued family re­ aulmals. Every borue owner ho» According to the Natioual Associa­ chase radium from ll»f Austrian g"* block South of P O. ci es for cough and cold 4 how when let out of the stable tion For the Study and Prevention of ernnieut «ne inibii lime more than Jus cure, liniments, tonies and nnied Into a pasture the horse Tuberculosis. New Vork state k-sda In the uecessary umuey t*> I ay lib' pel •-. arris Piup. la In fieid beultb will run and the number of beds for consumptives for iu order to guard agiiiiist the nd<- other remedies hate as around the held for a conskler- provided up to May 1. with Ik-EM l»eds: use of the same this rare mliieriil will careful attention here M It never fail» »nd 1» pleaaant to iak< tliue before liegiuning Io eat. Massachusetts is second, with 2.403 be »old only f*» ncleiillfie liislUulsms < t It 1» equally valuable for childien. Il . the most intricate preset ip- clearly proven that the animal beds: Pennsylvania third, with 2.347 to leiiruisl men. Delivery is iti.ide si lamo'ii for ha cure» over a large pan " tions. 1 exercise. Other farm animals bed»: Colorado fourth, with 1.480 t*e m Oitr fresh, high glide a desire to exercise so violently Rally Cahn, s salesman In New York, of the mails for sm h puri»*«'. I'p !<• drugs will help to make horse. So. no matter what the got permission from Supreme Crts that he drives ful name for a man to bare In Ger­ Liver and Habitual Constipation. BMurtd. I The beet talking bird new In the Mg tteolng bogs over the si-ales many.” he Mkl. but in this country It It cures by aiding all of the week aod also weighs the feed lends persons Io write blm as “My dear collection lu the Ixisloti ate* la a raven * i given tben> duriug this time, mlaa" or “madam." and be has a good who came Io the aviary last year. digestive organs—gently stimu­ WATE.HPROOT i way be knows Just what they deal of trouble explaining that he la 'Hulk*. Jarkf* Is hb* favorite remark, OILED and it I» the voler of one who meets lates the liver and regulates the Ing for him aod whether they a man - ^GARMENTS an unworthy friend. Soon after !*•■ bowels—the only way that ■ king or toeing money. If the Reliable Druggist. A guest at a New Tork hotel left arrived be nervi Irl« « • nver-at I* ii’l |«*w- THtYlOOkWlU-WUH WTU. ' be kuows whether they are do- a pasteboard bos tied carelessly with a era with great * ff« I n|»>*i a lamnu-r- chronic constipation can be AM» WW. NOT UM elr best, and If the latter be cord with one of the room clerks and geler who shares hl» < age. relates the cured. Espeoiallyrecommended L0NCCMn-*3«-*3M for the cause This doesn't taka asked blm tn lay H aside nntll be re­ Ixndoii Spoetai* r. The lannoergeu-r for women and children. sum »3« time aisi does pay — Kansas turned. Knowing the guest I to be a bed a |4*~r .*f lumi whk-b tlie raven Clears blqtphed complexions. man of wealth the clerk took the pre- desired. Imt be «•« •awllliaa to »ar­ caution to pnt the box lu a I aafe de- render It The Mven bopped ftp. 'Hol­ Pleasant to bke. IM um substitutes. posit vault. »Ifhoneb It ws» thought lo. Jsikf he began, and il*e iammer- Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Tillamook to contain a pair of shoe», Several geler. aghast st the rob è of man. boors later the guest returned I for the dropped titar dinner aisl fled OrroSIft THf ALUM HOUSE Bar the box mid. opening It. revealed Jewel» Inm m sr g * 1er we» never a bird ”f inn* h worth from >10.non io >l2.ulp treated with ttaaa Cbamhar.atn'» Co-iph ■»madv Jrt alkaMoe aalo riueu ralM upon a» Im AHO THROAT ARB I BMC TROORIE» laaapUack or other ptnaewr« af the pHcttly a» I ba family physician 1« 1 tut r II.h .i ;.*i p nt. a- OUABAHTKKD HATISFAOTOBT lain» no opium or