I P ■ a c I f T i L j LAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 25. 1910 * EXPLODING A THEORY. A WINNING TRICK. The Practical Method Adopted by a French Scientiet. At the beginning of tbe nlueteen'.h century the French Academy of Sei- •lues offered to give a prize to the first person who would solve the fol­ lowing problem: If you lake a viihc full of water mid put a stone or any similar Isidy III It the water will Dow over. If. however, you put Into it a fish the volume of which Is etplill to th it of tile slope. It will Hot flow over. Explain this phenomenon. |.enrin-d essays on tbe subject IHitir- cd In from all quarter», but lhe pro fa­ lem was iml satisfactorily solved in uu.v of them. nod consequently tbe prize whs not nwarded. In the following year tile same quos tlon wits again pro|siuiided. and tor five years answers continued In pour In to the m ndeniy. Then It suddenly is-eurrMl to one of the acmlenileiaiiH Hint, after all, the problem might be Iniiqsible ot solution, mid lie deter­ mined to make a teal fol himself. Filling a vase with water, he put o stone Illi» it mid saw Hint the water flowed over. Then he look out I lie si tlln-il the vase again with wn- lei mill pill Into II n fish, the volume of wlili-li was the Hiune as that ot the stone, mid hiiw . to Ills surprise, that lhe Wilier ngaln flowed over. lie lull) the m mleiny ot Ills dlscov- ITI . mid the result wit" tbm rhe offer uf 11 prize wns nt uiii-e withdrawn. He Loet All Hie Bets and Made Money by Doing So. The captain of one rather old and slow steamer of years ngo. ttodlng that he would have to be a long time In Chiun before be received a full cargo of tea aud would have probably to re­ turn lu ballast. began, to every oue a astonishmeut. to say that, owing to the repulra that bad been done to bis engines, tie bo|>ed to make a racing passage bsck lo England. Then, still more to the astonishment of the cap- Ulua of the fast Steamers aud the world nt large. Ue commenced to ba- k himself to make the fuatest passage home. In such very considerable ruins of money did he wager that people be­ gan tn think there was something in It. and the men bants scut their leu almost entirely to Ilia ship, arguing ! that as the captain atimd to lose l-’.'*u the repairs to bls steamer's engines hail probably put him In n position to bet almost <>ti a certainty. Of course Hie steamer, whose great­ est s|>eed was eight knots an hour, ar­ rived In Englund weeks after the oth­ ers. and the captain lost tt’.'Si. Inti In­ stead of having to lie lu China wail­ ing bls chance of cargo coining II» from the Ulterior. n probable delay of weeks, he hud cleared ID a few davs after Ills !x*ta liecaiue known to the public with n full ship. Ilins recouping Ki Ins owners, who, of course, paid Ills belting losses, a considerable uunilx-r ot thousands ot imunds profit.—Black­ wood's Magazine. LONDON CABBIES. I I I f I 1 i Ar.d the Lost and Found Department and Scotland Yard. "Thill losl mid found pro|n*rtv de- IMirlnieiit at Si-otlmid Yard Is one of the I h * k I things they have In London." said a wi.iumi who lias Hpent much time In Englund "latst summer I had ex|>erlence with It. "I tell Into a sort of hnldt of losing •lings. I l-'lrst ii was a valuable um­ ella I ilili uot miss It lini II I got to i> hnlel utier mi iitier llienier sup|s*r. . IK» tf»r’ r morning I made my I iiim I uiiii I io lhe tlieuler mill lhe two when* we had been lhe .nt la*fore. Am w llhoiit result. "Then mi American friend suggestivi Kcollnnd Yard I went there, andlhere It was. Il bail been turned In by it rah driver “Twice nflerwnrd 1 lost that um­ brella mid got It back In Um same fiishlou. each lime leaving us n reward fur lhe culi driver n per cent of lhe Vnliiv of the umbrella, ns required Then one night I Ioni n tine piiir of ■ >|ii-ril glasses, mid I got them back. "Il Is mi exeelletit system the police over there have of encouraging hon­ esty. A culi driver who thills nuylhilig in Ills vehicle Is required lo turn II lu. ' and he knows ihm if the owner claims it he will la* rewnnlcd.“— Exehmigu. An Old Welsh Custom. The kindling of bonfires on hills I r tile simplest ot cviebi ill Ions m any time. lhe Druids made four great fires at their festivals lu February. Muy, August mid November. Wales seems to have been n country e»|>e- clully temieluiis ot tills custom, Each family used to imike Ils own tin*, and us It wna dying out each member would throw a white stone Into It. the stones la*liig marked for future Iden- tltii atlon. Tbvu all anld their pray- era mid went to bed, mid 111 lhe morn­ ing they tried tu find nil tbe stones again. It any stone was missing It betokened I lint th-.* owner of It would die within a year. Some superstitions are preity mid picturesque mid attrac­ tive. This was one of the many which were cruel us well as plcturesipie. It would lake but a slight accident to cause a fright Hint might Is* actually dmigeroiis to u superstitious person, mid li would not tie bard for nn ene­ my of mix h a person to cause that fright li.v stealing bls stone from tbe tire A Ramen Dinner. A Roman dhiuer m the house of a Meuli by mini consisted chiefly of three emirves. All sorts of stlmulmils to the up|H*IJle were Ili-Si servisi up. nud eggs Were liullspiiisuble to the first imurse Among tin. various dlshm we may In staiwe the guinea hen. pheasant, night- togate nml ihe thrush as birds most tn repute The Roman gormmiils held IH-neiH ks hl great oHtlinalloii. especial­ ly lheir lutigli«*. Mm roblus states Unit they were first eaten by llortetislun. tin* ni'iitor. mid acquired such repute lhat a slugle |»*nnxk was sold for fiff denarii, the denarius lielng equal to alami elglupeu e halfpenny of English iiM>uey — <'hitiiilH*r*‘ Journul. S«v«d bv HI» Wile. Ihr Duke id Wellington ouce met l>.v an Idvnt an othevt lu a state ot In­ ebriety. ’’l i».is bere, sir.’ saM the Iron Duke, "What would you do it you met oue of your men tn ihr condition In wtik b i find yoai" I lie oltli-cr drew himself up. gave the liillhary salute and replied with great gravity. -| would not condescend to s|»*ak to the brute” lita wit saved li I in hla commlxxlou. Apprec lallen. “Father*’ «ski tittle Roll«, was < .corgi* Washingtou a greater man than Kania l laimy "I won't rsy. my «on, that be grimier, but he has proved much less et|>euslve“>-Washington Htsr Unanswered. ’’Ray. pop. may I ask you a que» IkiuÇ ’’Y««. Teddy. What ________ la It’’ Whew « man's hnlshed mllkln » row. bow do«« he turn ..ff the milky Our life la short but to expand that to vast eternity to vlHoee work. Hhsse.|wii|a*r had al­ ready la-on reuimkid for his iilwut air and gleaming eye. Tlmt man was Pee lin litre. The chief of police Instructed the landlord to send for liliu lhe next time the eoiisplrntor cmne to dinner When Peehmitre was shown lhe evl- deuce of Ills guilt tie forgot tile swtui charge ugiilnst him mid excltilined: "Well. I mil glnd to see Hint paper. 1 have looked everywhere tor It. It Is part of a tmgeily I mu writlug. it Is the climax of my liest scene, where Nem Is to l*e killed. It comes In here. Let me rend It In you.” And lie touk a thick manuscript from bls pocket. “Monsieur, you may tlnlsli your din­ ner mid your tragedy In |s*ace.” said the chief ot |Hillee. nud he l>eat u busty retreat. 8((® PERSONAL MAGNETISM, A Great Asset In Business as Well as In Society. There bare been great adriM-stes at tbe bur wtxww charming manner, ilk* i the presence in court of some of the world's fminius beauties, would HO so away tbe Jury and tbe judge as to en danger aud soineilines ai-tiuilly divert Justice, says Orison Swett Martlew to Ruix-ess Magazine A graclolls. genun preseis-e. a charming personality, s i relined, fnsi-tomlug uiauurr. are wel come where men* Ismuty Is denlml nil« where mere wealth Is turned away They will make a belter Impression tbmi the liesl eijm-lltloh or tile highest Au attractive |ier-<»uall- at tai ii men is ty. even without great ability, often advances oue when great laieut and spix ini training will uot. There is always a premium u|s>n a Every bustiiesa cbnriuiug presence, i num likes to I»* surrounded by |a*«qm* ot pleasing |iersonatity mid winning manners. They are regarded as spten did assets. What 1» It tbnt often enables one IHTSIHI to walk right luto a imsitton mid achieve without dim-ulty turn which miother. wlm |s*rlis|iH grimier ability, struggles in vmn •<• ucmmi plisb? Everywhere a magnetic per sonnllty wins Its way. Young men aud young women are constantly being aurprised by otters of excellent tsisltlons which come to them because of qmilllles mid chma.-- terlstli-H which perliaiis they Have nev­ er thought milch alsutt-a fine man ner. courtesy, cheertulness and kluuiy. obliging, helpful dlspositlous. The Cautious Kind. Before the customer paid bls bill the hotel stenographer tor« several tinges out of tier notebook and hmuled them to him. “Only the notes of his let­ ters,'• she said to the next customer, “lie Is on« of the cautious kind. Ther« ar« uot many like him. About om*e lu alx months somebody cornea along xvlio keeps such a watchful ey« on hla cor­ respondence that be won’t even let a stenographer keep ills note«. Of course It Is uothltig to its. and w« always glrs them up when asked to. I don't know what the cautious folk do with them. Destroy them, maybe, Anyhow, ttn-re la uo record of foolish utteraucea left In the stenographer's books.’*—New York Suu. ttorney - at -L aw . Rosenberg Bros 7^: AGENTS FOR PURE WHITE AND ((§}) EVERETT FLOUR. BEST zzgX Complete set of Abstract Book, in office. Taxes paid for not Residents. Office opposite Post Offi^ Both phones. Best on the Market. O STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES. We carry a Full Line of Feeds. Grass Seed a Specialty. O GIVE US A TRIAL. CARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY AT-LA W, 7 Office across the street and north fro, tbe Post Office. Q.EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Steamer í i Next to Tillamook County Bank, Sue H. Elmore” A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, (CAP. T. LATHAM). T illamook , O regon . T. BO ALS, M.D., Tillamook & Portland. Outcome of a Curious Wager Made In England In 1806. A wnger was made in IHlMi In the castle yard. York. England, twtwern Thomas iiisigaoii mid Samuel White­ bead as to vvblch should suiv-e«vl lu as sinning tbe most singular character Umpires were selected whose duty It was to decide ii|a>n the coiu|Mirative absurdity ot tbe costumew la wnh-b tlm two men were to np|ieiir. Mil tile appointed day Hodgson cmue t-efore tbe iltnplrea decorated wltb Isinknotex of various values, tils coat mid vest lielng entirely isivered with them Be­ sides these he hud a row of five guinea' pieces down Ills back, a netted purse of gold around his bend and a placard oti Ills hack bearing tbe legend. “JofaM Bull.” Whltchend came on the scene dress­ ed like a woman on one side, one half of bls face painted and a silk stis-kiiig mill slipper on one foot and leg. Th« other half of his face win blackened so as to resemble a negro. On the cor* res|mii PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, R. BEALS, J. P. ALiLtEN, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. F inancial A gent , Special Attention paid to Tourists. A hirst Class Table. =4 sttogtoU Invectives seemed to bare played a promlueut part I d the plain- tiff’s married life. Tbe husband was on th« stand un- dergotog a grueling cross examination. The examining attoruey said: “You have testified that your wife on oue occaslou threw cayenne pepper In your face. Now. klr. kindly tell us wbat you did on that occasion.” Tbe witness hesitated and looked coufuaed. Every oue expected that be was about to confess to some sbocklug act of cruelty. But l heir hopes were shattered when he finally blurted out: “I sueesevE*'—Everybody's. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation Tillamook, Oregon. R. A. D. PERKINS, RESIDENT DENTIST. Office in Sturgeon’s Building. C. S. Atkinson. I All Work Guaranteed. OKEG0X. TILLAMOOK. McCormick MOWERS J2)R. P. J. SHARP, and Office across the street froir the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. Osborne Tidders, STUDEBAKER, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, SAROHET, L . The Fashionable Tail«* Cleaning, Pressing aud Repiir' ing a Specialty. GRAIN WHITE RIVER FLOUR. Tha Bast Bread DENTIST, RESIDENT RAKES, How Ha Remembered. A diffident young ItiMeville man went to a lairty. , If you are diffident your­ self and know Imw bard It la to re­ member uanies when you uie«t a crowd of etrmige and lovely ladles you will be able to understand why It was that the young man’s dauce card rend ns follows: L Twoetep ■ — Helen. L Wane—Herry'e friend. (. 'I’woetep-'rall girl. a. Walta- violets. a. Twoetep-Saell eye«. «. Walts—Fluffy heir, i t'aroetep-Little 01 ue. s. v* an»-beauty spot a Twoeiep-tank riouone lu. Watts-Helen. Store in Heins Photograph Gallery. Makat« cn the Market. L and O pficb B vpinbm -N«wart News. 1 ho* * A SPBClAleTT. /LOWING Courting a Belle. "Would it b« auy barm Io deceive her about my agwf Inquired the elder­ ly millionaire “I’mtinbly uot.” “I'm sixty.. How would It do to coo- fees to fifty?" “I think your cbanceo would be het. ier trlth bee It you claimed seventy. Ov«.“—Kanene city Journal Little Worries. In Chesterton • "Tremendous Tri nes­ ts this: A friend of nilua who was vis­ iting a poor woman lu bereaiemeut •ml casting shout foe some phrase of cwnaolalluii that should not tw either Insolent or weak said at last: “I mink one can live through these great snr rows sod even lie the better. What The Pleasanter Route Is Rufat. •ear» one ta tbe little won-i««.'* “Pmapertty has ruined many a man "Tbat'a quite right, mum.” answered “No doubt, but It I were given ant the old woman, with emphasis, "and I choh-e In the matter I'd rather ha ought to know, seeing It« bad ten of ruined by i>n»(*rr1ty than by sdvvrai ’em." I ty The Iieocees la more enjoyable' Chicago 1*001. T ruth. In troubled waters you can eceiee The Teet «f Saleemenehip. •ee your face or are It very Httfa* I'll Anybody cao «HI grada everybody the water t*e quiet and stand still, Ho In troubled lltues you cun eve little wants, but It fake« a real aaiesman to «1 l-javra ot rarnemlna that everrbody truth When time« are quiet and net­ ought to want.-Detroit Fre« frern tled. then truth appears SeMen O regon . H. GOYNE, MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH ABSURD COSTUMES. - T illamook (CAPT P. SCHRADER) r Honest Misteke. The story Is told of n little New Englund girl tha workings of w lx >se Puritan cutisdeuce Involved her In dlf- ticultles ou one dcrnslou. She was studying uieutal nrtthmetle nt school mid took no pleasure In It. One day she told her motber. with much depression of spirit. Unit she hud “fulled aguln In mental arith­ metic.” and nu tielug asked what prole lent tind prtived her uudulug sbe sor­ rowfully mentioned the request for I lie addition of "ulne aud four." “Anil didn't you kuovv the auswer. dear?" asked tier mother. “Yes’m." said Hie little mnld: ••tint, you know, we are to write the all­ »were on our eiate». and before I thought I made four marks and count- nl up. ’’IVn. 'leveu. twelve, thirteen.* and then, of i-ourm*. I knew that wasn't meut a I. m> | wrote twelve for •be answer to be fair.” H • t A B otts < 4 C, S. ATKINSON, & ( oWB’C LAWYERS. Koon 334 Woacaeraa Bcitniæ, T hibd »an lias Svenar» . Room Nest to the U.S. Land ' >">•*• • Both Phones, PORTLAND, S. WHITEHOUSE * 1 1 illamook Iron Works i General Machinists & Blacksmiths. lull er Werk. Ugg'r’» Werk art Heavy FarglaR. Flae lachia» Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK OREGON. .'NR SON, INSURANCE, FIR^ MARINE. ACCIDEN*' , BONDS, Etc. T illamook Both Phones J £ RS. |LICIA PHSl* GRADUATE NURSB. MRS. PAGE’S TILLAMCOK HOUSE*