Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 25, 1910, Image 3

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Bdgbert, J. D.. real estate, rep.
»«•by. Um H . laborer rep.
Bowie«. T J., farmer rep.
Jenkins. Eugene merchant, dem.
Oisju, Jonas, farmer pro.
Young. Geo 8 . barber dem.
Gray, Geo. A., labourer, rep.
.□nlnga. J
Jr., farmer, rep.
»•II. B A . blacksmith, rep.
auKba. Warren B.. farmer, rep.
Job, Nick, laborer, rep.
‘urtta. Wm IL. aawmill man. rep.
Leach, W. H., farmer, rep.
(«wk W C-. phraiciaa. rep.
Trombley, C. H.. editor, rep.
‘,-omblev. W. C .laborer, dem.
Brodhead. 8. A , carpenter, dem.
nci.y.J. B . real entate. rep.
B atson, tt. W., real estate, rep.
Finlayau“. Aka., farmer, lud.
Geo. W . real estate. r«p.
Vandcwelle, L. L.. merchant, rep.
Hadley, Ed. merchant, rep.
node«. D * . farmer, rep.
laborer, rep
’«rren. M'lea, farmer, rep.
Goodspeed, H F farmer, rep.
mxeor, ]■ J ■ carpeater, rep.
*'ea}s’ I*’ R-- real estate, rep.
hoi- ». F
butcher, rep.
Beals. B. L., laborer, rep.
elaoa Gait, merchant, rep
Clough, C. 1.. druggest rep.
.riiemann, F K-. achoo! tcacbet. ind.
< arr. G. W., Tavlor, rep.
Gregg. Herbert It., lad.
Wilson. Peter, farmer, rep.
due.ler. Frank J., barber, rep.
JJiRgs. J E., engineer, dem.
levin. J. 1 ohoemaker, dem.
Page. E, t.. merchant, rep.
Aelch. S D.. laborer, dem.
Harnson. M. W , banker, rep.
Balt. Robert, termer, rep.
T. B.. attorney, rep.
1 odie. Luciua F . bookkeeper, dem.
Patxlaf. C. A., merchant, rep.
•urtia. K IL. oaw milling, rep
Catterlin, W. k t dairy ins|>ector. rep.
ink G c., freight ager.t. rep.
Larsen, I. F.. blacksmith, rep.
Hiller. B H„ printer, rep.
|<»bn«t»n,C , R barber, rep.
illlo i t: A farmer rep.
raerc'iaat, rep.
Illiot, T. It. farmer, rep.
Eldridge, J. R.. rep.
..«--.John tarmer, tad.
Brick son, Paul, farmer, rep.
irovooa.. W. L.. merchant, rep
Quick, Wm., farmer, rep.
linimou.. D- A., laborer, rep
Olson. Swan, farmer, rep.
¡lUott. W B., farmer rep.
Erickson. Adolph, iarmrr. rep.
lo.orth. John O . bank caahier. rep.
Lamar. J 8., drugguat. dem.
Fctteya. M. B , farmer, prohib
Buel. W s . school supt., rep.
A., aaw milling, rep.
Lamar, B D., clerk, dem
Irown. Carl carpenter, rep.
Jones, J. L., merchant, rep.
'raig. John S , carpenter, rep.
Bagart. Wm.. carpenter, rep.
licks I H . farmer, rep.
Marshall I). B.. laborer, dem.
Lotting, A. H.. bookkeeper, rep.
Severance, F.. rep.
Jsund, Chriat, tH)erm»n, rep.
Nelson, N. M , farmer, dem.
Irown. A. J . laborer, rep.
Dye, N.J. farmer, dem.
ipaur r. J., laborer, dem.
Heiacl. P , farmer, dem.
kebb. S. U.. jr . «sherman. dem.
Norberg. P., farmer, rep.
iudus. Hiran. sawyer (refuse» to answer to “wenson, C. A., farmer rep.
political affiliation.)
VantresB. C. B , laborer, rep.
llliott. S W.. farmer, rep.
Kuper, M H., carpenter, dem.
[my, Albert, farmer, ind
Hadley, C. B., retired rep.
icFalla. T. I... farmer, rep.
Kirk, J. E., laborer rep.
lav. ««ley. farmer, rep
Bales. Emmett, carpenter, rep.
ixuKhn. Amos, fanner rep.
Brown, T. P., laborer, rep.
tnnings.J. W , farmer, rep.
Melchior, M., carpenter, dem.
food W D. contractor, rep.
Dodge. F. E.. steamboating, rep.
Batt. Geo., real estate, rep.
Randall, D G., farmer, rep.
jiitnaman, Clyde, farmer, rep.
Berns, Frank, farmer, dem.
lone. W S.. real estate, rep.
Rens»- Ray, cook, rep.
towns. Samuel, none.’dem.
Munson, Edgar, teacher, pro.
Lutseha. Kasper, farmer, rep.
Shrode. D. I,., broker, ind.
luercHer, Andrew, farmer, rep.
Eckloff. Fred, farmer, rep.
Sours, II., painter, rep.
Harris, W. G. liveryman, dem.
Mason, Homer, farmer, rep.
Lalther. Otto, farmer.dem.
Ranes. J. G. carpanter, rep.
Foland. A. C. farmer, rep.
Minich, Fred H., carpenter, rep.
liner. I. W.. farmer, rep.
ohnson. Geo , logger, rep
filbert, W. J., merchant, rep.
Whitehouse, S, B . sus, agt., rep,
laviduon. H. S.. farmer, prohi.
Henry, plumber, rep,
luston. A. J., farmer, soc.
Wiley, C, B., farmer, rep,
|(nnchard. C. J., faimer, soc
Spencer, I, I., laborer, rep,
fiy. Henry A., farmer, rep.
f ter. Jav, farmer, dem.
lur.tcr, C A . hotel keeper, dem.
Inderson, K G , farmer, rep.
Todd, P. W., county treasurer, dem.
Ibbron. Frits, farmer, dem.
Botts, H. T., attorney, rep.
lirroughs. L A., farmer, rep.
Govne, T. H., attorney, rep.
laker, J. M . laborer, dem.
illison. D. C. H.. laborer, rep.
Bushbeck, L. S., cheese maker dem.
onas, O. J., carpenter, rep.
Jva er. Lee. farmer rep.
SoqUist* N. G , rarmer. dem,
rater. A B., farmer, rep.
Tomblinson, S C., farmer, dem.
sllace. G. W.. farmer, dem.
Lamb. G. B., lumberman, rep.
j o.
nn, A. W., farmer, ind
Stephens, J S., real estate, rep.
■ tat c
Casey, Matt, farmer, rep.
Stillwell, Wm , retired, rep.
»»en, H L., farmer, ret-j,ir»
iXilt, Oc ». P., laborer, dem.
lopard. H. A., farmer, cp.,
Viereck, Samuel, baker, rep.
ood. T. J., laborer, rep. >
Nolan. Oak, attorney, rep.
larer. H. T.. farmer, rep.
McCargar, S., retired, rep.
rrkins, O. T . farmer, rep.
Hamilton, W. M.. laborer, rep.
Randall, Geo., painter, rep.
Frisb.-e, Otis, barber, dem
um. Jacob, rep.
Furbayne, James, laborer, rep.
Gilbert, D. J., clerk, rep
jrncr. B. C., farmer, toe.
McGregor, F. R . barber, rep.
rrgar. F. W. builder, soc.
Millican, John, laborer, dem
bristensen. Jas., farmer, dem.
Stillwell. Baxter, farmer rep.
,oore. I. H., farmer, rep.
Dwight. W. G., broker, rep.
Isk. E. F . farmer, rep.
Rowe. I. C., farmer, dem.
urn Alwin, farmer, rep.
Tombleson. James F., dem.
Bennett. Peter B., carpenter, dem.
Hanenkratt, M. R., real estate, rep.
menkratt, G., farmer, dem.
Clements, Clyde, merchant, rep
ngworth, W. R.. farmer, rep.
Leach, M. F., butcher, rep.
tun. W. B , farmer, dem.
Nharp, F. J„ dentist, rep.
Ith. w B cruiser, dem.
Ford, E. G., marshall, rep.
ixwell. W. M., farmer, rep.
Hays, R. B., dairyman, rep.
nball. W. I. policeman, rep.
Edmunds, 11. R , merchaut, rep.
zhey James, farmer, rep.
-»chnal, Morris, merchant, rep.
»th. Sallie. farmer, rep.
Stanley, E, W.. dairyman, rep.
Men, Verner, farmer, rep.
Morton, F. C.. real estate, dem.
»ton, H. E., farmer, rej).
Dunstan, Henry, farmer, rep.
Baker. Fred C.. editor, rep.
Edmunds, E. A., retired, rep,
ks. Chester, farmer, dem.
Drew. H W., clerk, rep.
tkey. Dan, farmer, dem.
Jackson. U. G. civil engineer, rep.
incy, L. H.. wood worker, rep.
Drew, C. N., retired, rep.
skins. W. H.. farmer, rep.
Johnson, J., deputy assessor, rep.
ipieske, W. H , wood worker, rep.
Hare, A ms, assessor, rep.
rvey.John, laborer, rep.
Aschim, John, deputy sheriff,
wm, W. H.. farmer, dem.
Erskine, A. N.. car|>enter. prb.
Bachmann, R. F., plumber, dem.
Boats, K. 1’., doctor, rep.
ilanenkratt, Rulph, foundryman, rep.
kith. L. L., farmer, dem.
Holms, Webster, attorney, dem.
hrs. Win . laborer, rep.
Hovendeu, Robt., fisherman, rep.
Hoff, Frank, farmer, soc.
Laughlin, Ed. merchant, dem.
ngsworth, F.. farmer, soc.
Johnson, T. P.. merchant, dem.
Ibson, Frank P.. farmer, de u.
Higley, A. A , contractor, rep.
irrisou, J. M.. farmer, rep.
Cobb, W. A., carpenter, rep.
|ne. Harry, farmer, rep
Loll, C. E., laborer rep.
hne. Frank, farmer, rep.
Roy. laborer, rep.
bnedy. Wm., laborer rep,
Keedy, J. E. veterian, rep.
inson, Ben. laborer, soc.
Woolfe, C. 11 , blacksmith, detn.
isd. Am., laborer, rep.
Austin, AM, surveyor, rep.
|od’»rd. J. T.. farmer, rep.
Whitney, J. C.. fisherman, rep.
Barer, F M., merchant, dem.
Erickson, Erick, farmer, rep.
Stillwell, M. V., laborer rep.
Stillwell, L. L., farmer, rep.
Byfelt, G. A., farmer, rep.
arker, Harvey, candy maker, rep.
P.vfelt, G. W., farmer, rep.
McKinley, Httnry, laborer, rep.
«er, L. M., telephone manager, rep.
Huffin, Tom, clerk, dem.
inniff, J J , farmer, rep.
King W. C., merchant, tep.
ns. Frank, farmer, rep.
Hoevct, C. R., engineer, rep.
ler» G. D . farmer, rep.
J. J., carpenter, rep.
, Chas., farmer, rep.
Ryan, Wm., laborer, ind.
ler. S. W., farmer rep.
Price, Eugene, laborer, dem.
k J. C barber, rep.
Bryan. W. L., bookkeeper, »ep.
or. Frank, painter, rep.
Feeney, Jas., moulder,
thington. Geo. W., clerk, rep.
Hoag, E. D., machanic, rep.
b, Elmer, cheesemaker, rep.
Martiny. David, timbercruiter, rep.
tn. L., farmer, dem,
Armbuster, C. A., ball player, den»,
. K. R., farmer, rep.
.awsou, D. B., liveryman, rep.
>n. C. <:., farmer, rep.
Burger, J. K._ carpenter, rep.
thington, F.. farmer, rep.
Scott, U. S., carpenter, rep.
ner, H M., farmer, rep.
r.dgar Geu. R.. carpenter, rep.
toon. J. P., rep.
Wicklund. Gus, farmer, rep.
toon. O. P., farmer, soc.
Moorie, H. E. optolist, dem.
er», H. C., farmer, rep.
Harter, John R., real estate, dem.
ly. Fred, laborer, rep.
dichardson.l |. A., rivermun, rep.
illip, Chas, farmer, rep.
■nnith, 1. M., physician rep.
n. Axel, farmer, rep.
Fitspatrick. F. T., uamstef. dem.
», Joseph, farmer, rep.
nepnen«. B. J., saw ratliman, rep.
tn. N. P., farmer, dem.
Pangburn. Halsey, dairyman, dem.
. B. D., dairying, rep.
Shaw. Wm. A., farmer, soc.
Kuper, John, farmer, dem
Super, C. J., carpenter, dem.
on. Will . Farmer, Rep.
Stephens. A. J., merchant, rep.
WL John. H , Farmer, Rep.
Vogler, A. C.. clerk, rep.
Akul. R. D.. Farmer, Rep.
Crimmins, G. W’ , clerk, dem.
r-H. H.. Miner. Dem.
Long, Frank, saw mill, rep.
Jonrn. A. T.. Farmer, Rep.
Morton. L. K.. Fainter, 8oc.
L Geo. P., Physician, Dera,
Powell. Wm. City Marshall, Rep.
Withrow, H. T.. Teamster, Dem.
inds, D T., Merchant, Rep.
A J., Pisherman Rep.
Rice, Elmer.. Laborer. Rep.
Hunk. Joseph., Laborer. Rep.
jn. Wm. T., Fisherman, Deni.
• John.. Farmer, Rep.
Sbortridge. C. F . Merchaot. R«P
Olds. L , t ar pen ter. Kep
wA., Farmer. Rep.
Langley, las., Taylor Kep.
Io". 7 L.. Farmer, Rep.
luffum, H. 8 . Laborer Dem.
? .
T Parmer. Rep.
*7 A. H., Miner, kep.
Osborn, H. F., Laborer, Ikm.
Withrow. 8. H., None, Dem.
Stewart, Vick , Kep
Henson, G. M Laborer, Rep.
’’<bt housekeeper, dem.
Baker L. L-, Teacher. Rep.
f John A', farmer rep.
Turney . T B . Cobbler, Joe.
! j ¡1’
• farTO«’>. rep.
Ertter, T R . Laborer, Soc.
i i ? ’
Chatterton. Blaine , Engioeer, Rep.
engineer, rep.
Bern«. John . Rancher. Nep
MP’A- H.. civil engineer, rep.
Hunter, G. L-, Hunter, Rep.
r m H. rodman, dem.
shermau. Aaron, teamster, pro.
Desmond C.. retired rep.
BUinon. IE. farmer, ind
Plaberty. J. N.. farmer, rep.
E •*rl>e«>ter, nep.
Smith. A. !>.. logger, dem
abttractor, dew.
Moat. Thos R., physician, rep.
m. a • Pro
Devine. G. 8 . horeshuer. dem
Teter, D. W., horseshoer. rep.
Hays. W. 8., retired, rep
Fanl. Frank, farmer, rep.
► Ulr* v ,rn,iL"p
fcr w » , "■"ch«'r rep.
little nestucca
P • flrm*r. rep
E iAC • “rrrhant, rep.
L oom . Cbe.ter. W Farmer. Bep
cooper dem
Aiea. Farmer. B«P
Kt w r> * ’ ret’r«l rep.
Sialford. F D . Merchant. Bep
S "tired, dem
Macher. J. B . Farmer, »oc.
Iar- clerk, rep
Lommen. O A.. Farmer. Bep
KBicbt. W H.. Uarber_ Hep.
g JL , wrer <J e ’®
P F Farmer Dem.
law rer« rep
Ztpiinev. J L . Fosima.ter • Druggist.
Crawford Albert. Farmer, Rep
b J laberor rep.
Snyder. W H . Farmer Rep
UtinRhergeT. H. F., Bditor. Rep
Crawfori. K. A . Lnmberma« ep
® hidedeakr dem.
Whitaker. Frank, G.. Retired, Kep
^ attorney dem
La Flamboy. F A . Lambeijaet. nep
•armer rep
H » . Hotel Keeper. Bep
Haler William Farmer Bep
» . farmer, rep
Da«et. A. L . Fainter. Ind
* ^cheese ioopector.
Armatron«. Wm. Farmer lad.
aSElach Wm. Cbeeae MaBer Bep
tmer, . Kred A. Par ner lad
.. ‘L’ ’’orer. rep
Bdce. M Millmaa. Bep.
r«r«. rep
P.-re« y D. C.. Merchant Bep.
“’Ll ’ * ■ »her.« rep
aandie H C. FhyaxMa. Bep
led J W . Faramr. Bp
• obhe. Pnal Biaarrm a. **F
WortMaxtoa . Mver>. an a«P
Alxy. U *
T- .* *
A^a.vr. I. J . aarrfMl hep
Weil. H A . rar»"' “■
..a I. Albert, Carp ate «>l»-
R^eker. Roht.. Rancher. Rep
Loeuabet, George. Furincr. Rep.
Tohl Henry.. Merchaut, Kep.
Ladd ack, Fred., Farmer, Rep.
Brown. K., Socialist.
Ober. Sherman. E.. Farmer, Kep.
Hutnke. P. P., Millright. Rep.
Auderson A. C. Merchant, Rep.
•Smith. Ed.. Barber, Rep.
Zimmertnan, A J.. Farmer. Rep.
Gary, E. H , Rancher. Rep.
Kleiu, H, W.. Fisherman. Rep.
Mayer, fiard L . Cabinet Maker, Rep.
E fle uber ger. Willie. H . bawyer Kep.
! Ftfenbcrgcr, U , Engineer. Rep.
Uaughuey. C. L , Partner. Rep.
Baotxner. B. Hiacksraich. Kep.
Kleiu. Andrew , Farmer. Kep.
Scorell, S., Farmer, & Duirvman. Roc.
▼andberg. A H , Engineer, Kep.
Lommeu. 1. B , cheesemaker, rep.
York. K. P., mcrchunt rep.
Young. W. E., merchant, rep.
Wheeler, C. H, lumberman, rep.
Rector, E S . merchant, rep.
• ronen. I F , stationary engineer, ind.
Boyakiu. D S. merchant, rep.
Biacklund. John, merchant, rep.
Effenberger, Jas., lumberman, rep.
Liisberg. J. M . Farmer, Rep.
Cone, M. J., farmer, rep.
Gilmore. J. W., millman soc.
Hays. Henry, farmer, rep.
Newberg. Peter., Fanner, Rep.
Edwards, U. 8., Farmer. Rep
Atkinson, James.. Farmer, Rep.
Davis, M L., Farmer, Soc.
Davis, Geo. E. Farmer. Soc.
Davis, J. S. Farmer, boc.
Atkinson, Eugene, farmer, rep.
Johnson, H. B.. farmer, rep.
Myers, A M , farmer, soc.
Lyster, Thos. W.. fanner, rep,
Quick, Ike F., farmer, rep.
Zurtiueh. Henry., Farmer, Rep.
Zurfiuch. Ulrich.. Fanner, Rep.
Blaser, Josef., Farmer, Kep.
Wells. Z., Farmer Kep.
Horras, Nick.; Farmer, Rep.
Wilson, J. F,. Laborer, Soc.
Funk, C. R.. Farmer. Hoc.
Rogers, Arch., Cheese Maker, Rep.
Olds, Albert., Farmer, Ktp.
Olds. Norman . Farmer. Kep.
Weber, John., Farmer, Dem.
Weber, Mathew., Fanner, Dem
Reu9t Markus , Farmer. Kep.
Lambolt, Fr ink.. Farmer, Kep.
Portman, Robt., Farmer, Rep.
Blackmore. E. A., Cheese Maker, Soc
Collins, Johti, Farmer, Dem.
Webb, m., Dairying. Kep.
Quick, I; C., Farmer, Ind.
Cbriitensen, Andrew. Farmer. Ind.
Apsley, A. A., Farmer, Rep.
Jordi, Jacob, Farmer, Dem.
Smith. Merril I.. Carpenter, Rep.
Earl, I. J., Dairyman, Dem.
Buell, F. L . Farmer, Kep.
Edgar, L. C , Barmer, Soc.
Purcell, Wm. Farmer, Dem.
Childers. J. T., Farmer. Kep.
tiennon, Eli, Farmer. Rep.
Buell, Cyrus. None, Prohi.
Gienger, E. J.. Farmer. Rep.
Karl, Simion. Farmer, Dem.
Curtis, I). Farmer. Dem.
Chance, M T,. Farmer, Rep.
Notice is hereby given, that the
County Court of rUlainook County,
I Oregon, will receive bids for clear-
' ing riglit-of-way on what is known
as the Wm. Squires road, said
: i iglit-of-way to be cleared at a
width of thirty feet, commencing
at the initial point of the suid sur­
vey, and running to Tillamook
tiver, and forty teet
Ivet for the re­
mainder of said road, according to
the survey.
Also for making a till of about
llkk) teet lietwven tlie initial |H>int
and the river, said till to be twelve
feet in width, uud une foot high,
All bids
’ 1.
to be tiled with the
County Clerk on or before Septem­
ber 7th, 1U10.
Tlie Court reserving tlie right to
reject any an<l all bids. By order
ot the County Court.
J. C. H olden .
County Clerk.
Excellent Health Advice.
Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. 379
Gifford Ave., San Jose. Cal., says:
"The worth of Electric Bitteis as a
general family remedy, for head­
ache, biliousness and torjior ’of the
liver and bowels is so pronounced
that I am prompted to say a word
in its favor, for the benefit of those
seeking relief from such afflictions.
There is more health for the diges­
tive organs in a bottle of Electric
Bitters than in any other remedy 1
know cf.” Sold under guarantee at
store. 20c.
For Sale
Chas. I. Clough.
She Likes Good Things.
Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West
Franklin, Maine, says: "I like gixsl
thingsand have adopted Dr. King’s
New Life Pills as our family laxi-
tive medicine, because they are
good and do their work without
making a fuss about it.” These
painless purifiers sold at drug store
25c. For Sale by Cha». I. Clougli.
What is the Best for Indigestion?
Mr. A. Robinson of Druimpiin,
Ontario, has been troubled for years
with indigestion, and recommends
Chamberlain’s Stomach and I.iver
Tablets as "the best medicine I
ever used.” If troubled with indi­
gestion or constipation give them a
trial. They are certain to prove
beneficial. They are easy to take
A Close Call.
and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cts.
A camping party who has been Samples free at Lamar’s drug store.
at Tillamook, composed of Forest
From Sickness To “Excellent
Grove ladies, came very near com­
mitting burglary last week at that
So says Mrs. Chas. Lyon, l’eoria,
place. It seems that a party of III.: “I found in your Foley Kidney
young men who were camping Pills a prompt and speedy cure for
there had to leave for home and backache and kidney trouble which
bothered me for many months. I
when they left told the ladies a ain now enjoying excellent health
number of articles in their tent in which I owe to Foley Kidney 1‘ills.”
the way of dishes were left and if For sale by C. I. Clougli.
they wanted them they were wel­
To keep your health sound; to
come to go and iake them, That
avoid the ills of advancing years;
evening the ladies went to the tent to conserve your pht »ic.il forces
and Carrie 1 a sack and to their sur- for n ripe and healthful old age,
prise found quite a supply of edi- guard your kidneys by taking
bles. dishes and two blankets left. Foley's Kidney Remedy, f or sale by
they packed all these articles in C. I. Clough.
tiieir sack and started to leave the
tent, when one of them said, ‘‘Sup­
pose we are in the wrong tent.”
''O horror!” said the other and
immediately emptied all the articles
in the Sack in a heap and beat a
hasty retreat. In a short time tlie
rumor spread in camp that a burg­
lar was abroad, as two young men
who lately arrived reported that
some one had visited their tent and
had packed up all their lielongings
And no doubt saw then), coming
when they made their get-away.
There were a number of ladies who
felt a little timid but the Forest
Grove cannier» had a nervous chill
when they began to realize the close
County News.
The Fast Steamer
heaves Tillamook for
Astoria and Portland,
I «
: «
Each Week
Freight and Passengers
A Paid Up Policy.
The man with a paid up policy has the Rati»-
faction of knowing that premiums thereafter
will not pester him.
When von have ZACIIMANN instnll your
Plumbing von can rest assured tlwit your job is
paid up when blushed, anti does not like any
other jobs call for premium« in the shape of
constant repairs.
Remember our reputation where workman­
ship is considered ZACHMANN always gets
the job.
Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating
The P- A. Starck
Piano Co.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Has established a permanrn
Diarrhoea Remedy Never Known Agency in
to Fail.
“I have used
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
edy since it was first introduced to
the public in 1872, and have never
found one instance where a cure
was not speedily effected by its use.
I have been a commercial traveler
for eighteen years, and never start
out on a trip without this, my
aitthful friend,*' says H. S. Nickola,
of Oakland, Ind. Ter. For sale
by Lainii'a drug store.
Cholera Infantum Cnred.
For their pianos. 25 year guarantee,
and warranted to withstand any
Composite Bell Metal Frame,
Three Strings. 7'» Octnves. Price,
<t). Piano on exhibition.
Gus Kunxe House,
W. I. Garrett's
2nd Ave. E.
‘‘Something like two (years ago
my baby, which was then alxiut
a year old, was taken «eriously
ill with cholera infantum, vometing
and purging profusely,” writesj. E.
Demsey of Dempsey, Ala. ”1 did
what 1 could to relieve her but did
her no good, and lieing very much
MwOww 15.00
alarmed about her went for a
physican hut failed to find one. no
came back by Elder Bros. A Carter’s
store and Mr. Elder recommended
Chamberlain’« Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea remedv. 1 procuredl a
.. —
Irottle of it, went home as quickly
as lrossible and gave the baby a
Fasts« Crt/bss
dose of the remedy.
It relieved
her in fifteen minutes and soon F b J.7— EffOffi- • . •» IrraykMR»'-«
1 »•*.
cured her entirely.” For sale by Is or>iersd <!»»••• italAdss a»
F*« W
Lamar’s drug store.
For Sore^Feet.
Columbia Bottling Co.,
Astoria, Oregon-
Water*, Nlpthonn, llarllelt
Forty-Ninth Annual
Olili be Held at Salem,
SEPTEMBER 12 to 17
Wise Dental Co. $35,000.00 in Premiums and
Painless Dentists
A Morning Reminder. Grand Live Stock, Agricultural
You awake with a mean, natty
and Horticultural Exhibits.
taste in the mouth, which reminds
”1 have found Bucklen's Arnica
Salve to be the prorwr thing to use
« Wl.M< t aa. M«TU«« C«w»
for sore feet, »» well »« for healing >S<BM taMt TMM
SA M tsSF ■
• •• •
bum«, «ore*, cuts, and all manner
of abrasion«.” »riles Mr. W. Mone
of East Poland. Maine. B is the
proper thing too for piles. Try it
Sold under guarantee at drug store
»c. For Sale by - Chas 1. t lough
Acnt* Or Chronic Which ?
No tnstter if your kidney trouble
in sente or rhnmir Foley s Kwinejr
Keir e ly wdl wh yonr case. Mr
Claude Brown. ReynoMsville, Ilk.
writes that he suffered many
1 months with kidney comidatnl
I which
»» treafmen*
i he tried Foley s Kidney Krmedy
, and a few Inrge bottles effrr«e<1 •
coaipleW enre He
jl>een •»< mestimable^vslue •«
•—C. L C.ough.
you that your stomach is in a bad
condition. It should also rent'd
you that there is nothing so good
for a disordered stomach as
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Fur further Information addreee—