Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 25, 1910, Image 1

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2T ca ì> 1 i ab
f a Bank Draft is Lost
Money is Not.
A bank draft need not be
sent by registered
mail so far as safety is concerned.
The person
to whom a draft is made payable must endorse
it before it can be cashed.
If a draft purchased of us should miscarry or
be stolen, notify us and we will trace it up or
I issue a
duplicate w ithout any “ red tape.
>1 So per year
This will be your last chance to secure one of our Hand
some Tailored Suits for Ladies’ at this unheard sacrifice of
profits. You all know the quality and style of our Ladies’
Suits, and they do not require any further talk here But
just bear in mind, we are offering them for the last time at
just exactly one half of what they are worth Now it is up
to you, if you need a nice splendid Tailored Suit on these
terms COME TO US #25.00 SUITS, #12.50 ; #30.00 SUITS, #15.00;
#35.00 SUITS, #17.50, etc.
. akjcaziu citvodf
team at T he S pa .
¡orris, eye specialist
Leam Cones at T he S pa .
(Mrs. Wade Friday evening.
for sale, apply to A. G.
) pa for the best Ice Cream in
Je, typewriter, cheap.— D.
r wanted. Apply at the Head
Scott, of Portland, came in
es wanted at the Tillamook
I John Sheets for your Crout
h Barrels.
'. S. Whitehouse A Son for
*nra nee, etc.
finiliar sound of the saw
jstle is missed.
ement by the sack or the
ee D. L. Shrode.
on Saturday, to the wife of
fiibblefield, a son.
d N. Strong, of Portland,
lie city on Tuesday.
Jes, the best kind, at the
ok Lumber Mfg. Co.
>r. Monk has gone to East
ron to visit her parents.
Cd. Lindsay left on Saturday
Belatives in .California.
j your property and avoid
h F. S. Whitehouse A Son. .
on Sunday, at Bay City, to
( of Emil Hellenbuyck, a
Just arrived, a big shipment of
Ice cream cones, at the Modern.
They will comply with the pure
food law.
Deputy U.S. Marshal L. Becker,
with Mrs. Becker and sone, are in
from Portland on their summer va-
Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle,
$1.85 and $2.75. An almost new
drop head sewing machine cheap.—
D. L. S hrode .
19c. PER GARMENT 19c.
59c. EACH 50c
For your choice of a line of Ladies’ colored Percale
and Embroidered Waists, values to $2.0)
miss this.
See our windows.
39c. PER GARMENT 39c.
Every one
of these Waists must be closed out by Fatuiday.
First come first served.
Bargains in Men’s Underwear. A line of Jersey Kibln-il
underwear. Regular 50c. value.......................................Each 19c.
Men’s Merino and Balbriggan Underwear,
values at 75c, per garment.......................................
98c. PER GARMENT 98c
Men's medium un I heavy weight, nil
Rev. S. G. Finney will preach on
The union temperance meeting at To The Voters- of
Mrs. Clarence Parker and Miss Sunday morning at Bay City and in the Presbyterian church on Sunday
Eva Reddaway returned to the city the Presbyterian cburcli in thia city evening was well attended, when the
I hereby- announce inyselt as n
on Saturday after visiting in Port­ in the evening, when the subject of Rev. W. V. Phelps, of Gaston, Ore., candidate for re-iiominution on the
his discourse will be, “The Friend­ preached a logical and forciful ser­ Republican ticket,-to the Oflice of
land and Salem.
ship of Jesus Christ.''
mon on the temperance question, County Clerk, unit if nominated
Snow Drift flour, $6.25 a bbi. and
after which a large sum of money anil elected, I will accept such office
$1.«> a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.75
was raised to carry on the work in and serve.tlie public to the best of
a bbl. and $1.50 a sack.—W m . Lincoln, written by T. D. Bancroft,
this county.
my ability.
C urtis , The Grain Man.
Very rmqiecfully,
The Golden Gate, which was de-
present at the assassination. Send
If you want barley, oats, wheat,
J. C. H olden .
25c. in a convenient form to K P. layed on account of running on the
cracked corn, shorts, middlings,
mud flats in the bay, left on Satur­
Arant, Monmouth, Ore.
bran, etc., go to A. F inley A C o .,
day for Portland, but was again de­ To the Voters of Tillamook County.
Don't delay that painting Job.
Old Post Oflice building.
layed in reaching that port on ac­
I hereby announce myself us a
Hereafter get your cones at The The extremely low prices that we count of fog and smoke on the Col­
Spa. We make our own cones and are making on paint will move it umbia river. She managed to make candidate let re nomination on tin-
guarantee them to contain abso­ fast Come in an secure the amount her regular trip from Portland on | Republican ticket to tile Oflice ol
you will need before it is all gone.
Sheriff. U nominated and elected
lutely no poisonous colorings.
Tuesday, arriving in the bay on
K ing a S mith C o .
I will qualify aw aucli Officer, and
FJr. R. B. Culver, wlio has been
will conduct my Oflice, and enforce
The Golden Gate came in on
here the past month, representing
The Steamer Sue H. Elmore came all Laws without fear or favor to
the Occidental Life Insurance Co., Wednesday with the following pass-. in
Weduesday with the follow
left thia afternoon, for McMinnville. engers: R. O. Platt and wife, Mrs. ing passengers: Chas. Eugaham, any <f>ne.
Very Respectfully,
Several dozen Pint cans of Ready- H. M. Haws, C. C. Martin, J. P. J. Eugsham, Miss Woodard, W. It.
Mixed Paint for lOets. per can. All Kelepher, W. B. Stainers, Grant i Patterson, Mr*. J. C. Richard*. W.
colors." See our window for special
| Vuiton, Mrs. A. I- Cardiff, J. II.
B making our own «one*
J. Kerr, an experienced plumber,
hvoid trouble with the Slate
of Portland, he» been ewgaged by
kpector —The Spa.
Plasker Bron., of thi* city, to sestet
Bhkoali brought in “2 tons them in their business, a* they have
r> be used in the rvnersi a large amount nf hnatneaa on hand
te j bridges in this cousrty at Bayoceao Park.
Next Monday evening is the time Belledue, L. R. Cardiff, E. Kenck-
for bolding the monthly business | ebach. Miss Juilia Depar, Mrs. C.
meeting of the Tillamook Commer­ jR. Fluaing. James Harris. A. Buch-
cial Club, when it is hoped that a ' anau, O. II. Eiuery and W. C. Rog-
large attendance of members will be I er*.
present, a* the meeting will take
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wiley will leave
the form of a “smoker."
for Darlington, Win., the end of the
No matter what you have that 'week to visit Mr. Wiley's sister,
needs painting, you cannot afford to I whom they have not seen for 50
leave it go when you can get a | years. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley crossed
guaranteed Ready Mixed Paint for ! the plains in ’Off, and have resided
*I.5U per gallon or 4 let*. a quart. in Oregon since then. 23 years of
Special prices on Paint. See our that time in Tillamook, and -this
is the first visit to Ire made to
window. K ing A S mith Co.
where they were raised and spent
D. I- Holmes anil wife, parents
their boyhood and girlltocsl days.
of Attorney Webster Holmes ;
The com|>etition for butter fat is
Attorney Frank Holmes and wife, a
by shipments of cream from
brother, of Salem ; and Attorney
Bert E. Haney and wife, of Port­ Tillamook to a Portland creamery.
land, who have been in on a visit, The cream is taken out by boat and
Tillamook |>eople believe transpor­
left for their homes on Tuesday.
tation, cold storage and ice make a
A petition has been filed by a profit ini[K>*sible, tint that anticipat­
sufficient number of voters asking ing the opening of tbe railroad lhe
the county court to call au election creameay is content to pocket a loss
on Tuesday, the 8th ol November, to in order to secure a foothold. —
determine whether the Sale of Hillsboro Independent.
intoxicating liquors shall be pro­
The Sue H. Elmore left Inst
hibited in tlie county of Tillamook I
week with the following [laasengera:
as a whole.
L. D. Schroder, L. D. Dellrich, A.
The Tillamook Lumber Manufac­ Johnson, II. Southerland nnd wife,
turing Company** saw null in thi* D. McPherson, A. Pop«, If. C.
city closed dow u on Monday until it Deweese, A. Nasters and wife, <".
can obtain a fresh *u[q»ly of fir log*, B. Turley, C, L Mars and wife, Ed.
but it is hoped that the mill will be Johnson and wife, A. Sessions, C.
able to resume in a few week*, for it S Lindsay, W. R Hollister, Mr*,
cut* ofl a considerable pay roiliroui i <>. R Nolan and two children, uni
the city.
Mrs. E. Fuller.
and Lz'-j->,e rails are now connected lie-
Your Carriages, Wagon*
.11 1 last longer’
Farm Implement* will
I tween Nehalem and Tillamook, hn
and look better if given a coat of * gin«- No. 3 used on the Nehalem di
paint before setting away lor tlie ‘ vision of the line by the Pacific |-.u
' winter. Good quality Ready Mixed ' gineering Co., made a trip to (jan-
I Buggy Paint 2Bct* pint and 45ct*. I baldi and return one day last week,
quart, flee our window lor Paint. making the first Icwomotiv» to go
1 K ing A S mith C o .
* ■from WIwcfer to Tillamook bay. The
H. O. Thom|*m and O. M. Kern track ia not iiq a very g<*>dcondition
are in from C ottag* Grove in the in- aa yet for running trams, Imt will
trreaf of Nesmith county, which i* t>e l»allast«-d as soon aa poasible lo
pro|>oncd to he crested out of lane (>ermit the train service.—Nehalem
and Douglas counties, sod wbn h I Enterprise.
Will be dec idrd at tlie election next
Wood For Bale
November, when the voter* of the
For sale. Fi» < orci* of wood. For
state will have to decide whether I further pertirnlar* ep|>fy nt
tbe new county shell be formed.
I County Clerk’s office.
Voters ot
I. H. M. Farmer, a resident of
llebo, Oregon, do hereby announce
myself as candidate for the oflice of
County Commissioner, subject to
the voters of the Republican Party,
at the Primary Nominating Elec­
tion, to be hehl September 21th,
If nominated I will accept the
nomination anil will not withdraw.
If elected will tie fair to all Build
roads under such regulation* as
will insure them to lie first-clus*
and uniform. Contract work when­
ever ami wherever it will lie of ad­
vantage to the taxpayer* of Tilla­
mook County.
Yours respectfully,
II. M. H ammer .
m A
wool underwear.
For sale, household furniture,
including a piano, by private sale.
Call at Mrs. Catterlin's, east of the
Catholic church.
prices on paint. K ing A S mith Co.*
Everything you want in the way
of eatables at the new grocery.
Everything new and fresh.—A. F in ­
luffer with the heat when ley A CO. Old Post Office build­
get ice at *Ac. per pound at ing.
To be sold at public auction, my
'amie Eliott Wade will give household furniture, including a
I at the Church of Christ, piano, on Tuesday, August 30th, in
the afternoon.—T. J. Bibby, Long
n Tuesday, at Sandlake, to Prairie.
of U. S. Edwards, a
Mrs. Lee M. Travis and children,
who have been visiting at the edi­
Elizabeth Wiley and grand­ tor’s home, leaves for her home in
er are in from Portland visil- Eugene the end of the week, and
Mrs. Baker will accompany her.
Plaaker Bros, will do your plumb­
1st Price paid for Hides, Furs
tep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- ing in first class style. Let us figure
on your work. Will guarantee our
work, having just employed an ex­
i McEwen and wife and
L of Portland, were in the
Mrs. H. T. Botts left on Saturday
I week.
to visit a sick brother in Oklahoma.
r sale at The Spa, in any
Mr. Bott* accompanying her as far
r from 10 pound* up at H
aa Portland. Mr. Bolt* returned
I l>ound.
on Wednesday.
I doors can be obtained
To be sold at public auction, iny
[Tillamook Lumber Mfg.
household furniture, including s
Bis city.
piano, on Tuesday, August 30tli, in
I Walton returned from a
the afternoon. —T. J. Bibby, 1-ong
B trip to Portland and
Bi Friday.
If your floora need repainting,
Brs. cheapest and beat paper
In town.
Leave orders at give them a coat of Ready Mixed
Floor Paint. Spacial price of 33ct*.
feniith Co.
quart and *1.30 a gallon. See our
Band process barley, *1.35 Paint Window. K ino A S mith C o . *
kn 1 *34.00 a ton.— W m . CVB-
Mr. and Mr>_v> R Hovert left on
| Grain Man
Tuesday for a two week*' vacation
Bnday school of the United during the temporary abut down of
n church is having* pic nic the saw mill, and while outside will
■ nt Valley to-day.
visit Portland. Seattle and Tacoma.
bxt time you send away for
Lost, a bundle of Paper Stencils,
Ing get a Money Order from
between Tillamook and Hemlock,
kmook County Bank.
on July 27th. marked “J. A. Nord­
Bur doors and windows from strom.'* Finder will leave the same
bamook Lumber Mfg Co.
at thi* office and receive suitable
K money by doing so.
• reward.
Now 39c.
to $1.50 per
Now, each 98c.
To the Voters ot Tillamook
County, Otiegon.
In response to lite request of my
friends hi lyrums parts of the
County, 1- hereby»announce myself
as a candiikitr for the titlice of
County Jaitlge.
If nominated'and elected, I shall
tie fair to all, iwid in the transaction
of all County business will en­
deavor to pronsite.llie best interests
of Tillamook County.
H omer M aho ’ .
Big Opportunity for Dniryiu. n.
A TOO-acre ranch -Od* aerea l>. t.
tom on the south side of tho
Umpqua River ¡Douglas County*,
always green. As for transporta­
tion, any vessel that can erosa
tfie Umpqua bur can come to thia
ranch. Also President l.ovetl has
just announced ¡hat tin- Southern
Pacific will build to Coos liny,
• Saturday's Oregonian.) Proposed
line runs through this ranch. Price
*50,011; $10,0110 cash; *10,*11) in one
year; bui a me on satisfactory terms.
A successful dairyman can npike
tills pay from 25 to 40 per cent on
the investment. Also un excellent
iqiening for a creamery here.
Hu. K. W est ,
.r>01 Ctiamts.1 if Commerce, Poll­
land, Oregon.
Granulated flore Eyea Cured.
"For twenty year* I suffered
from a bait case of granulated mire
eyes, "siiyaMsrtiii Boyd of Henrietta,
Ky. "In February, Itlltt, a gentle
man usk»-d me to try UliamlM-rluin'a
Salve. I b'Hight one bos anil used
iilsmt two-third* of it and my cy<*
have not given me unv trouble
since." Thi nsa I ve by Lamar's drug
Your eyes are worth more to you tliun any Ixaik.
Your safety mid your success m life- ih-pc-ncl on your
eyes; therefore, take care of them. Always hold
yotir heinl up when you read.
Hold your I mmi I c
fourteen inches from your face. B<- sure that the
light is clear and good. Never read with the sun
shining directly on the hook.
Never face the light
in reading, fa-t the light come from behind or over
your left shoulder. Avoid books or papers printed
indistinctly or in small type. West your eyes by
looking away from the tiooks every few moment*.
II in douM about your eyea ccmsiiit me I will tell you
llie truth nliout them and the inforciistion will cost you
nothing and vori will not tie asked to buy.
. jx
Dr. HENRY E. MORRIS. Eye Specialist, Tillamook, Or.
. ■*
f'rrpnres young people for tmokk<rc|M*r*. nU-Noginphem, «‘»r
respondents nnd general offic e work. 'I lie dvvcloprueni ol the
Northwest will alford openings for thousand» in the next lew
years. Prepare nou». Send for catalogue.
(w. I. STALEY, Principal.
Salem, O.c