been succeseful, they would now be HURRIED THE WORK- getting lieatnirched with billings­ gate and red ink juat aa Bowerman P-wuliar Expsriencs of a Turkish Lit­ It listks to us that it is the city erary Man. now is at the hands of thia inde­ councilmen, not Mayor Coates, who Once upon a time a certain Turkish pendent (!) newspaper. Thia is allottiti take some action with re­ worth a little pondering by gullible literary man llviug In Constantinople gard to the blind pig joints. arranged to trau»lnte for s dally netca- Republicans.—Newberg Graphic. |Hi|ier s novel then popular In Eng­ Anyone wanting public office now lund Each day he rendered a suffi­ No orfe want» to put any obstacle cient part Ilf It into the Turkish lan­ is the time to ‘‘run,’’ for it is a free, open race for all aspirants who are in the way of those who want to guage to till the space reserved for II hoiiM* whu fii - inclined to think they are more suit­ I start a milk condenser in this city. One dujr his able to serve “the people’’ than the The tield is wide open to those who tered by tlie |»di«-e. who laTeiiiptorily have money to invest. For many arrested tlie intiti ot letters and drag­ other* fellow. years past it was discussed and ged Itini off to prison. No explanation Tlie Home Comfort Stove people figured out by local parties and was given tor Illa arrest. The novel re­ flected In uo way against the feilltlcs are catching a number of “suckers.’’ others, yet nothing came of it, for fore to npnwnt tin American <-i and keep them in office? is making good. As an illustration tnesseuger. “'We shiill know nil about your of this he has secured $880,(XX) for Every business man, with any river and hurbor improvenients and frieutl within fifteen minute«.' lie nmd buck bone and interest in the city, $O),(X)I for public buildings and to UH. "Sure enough, within that time llm should band themselves together other purposes in this district, and for the purpose of dosing up the ia working to secure larger amounts ineHKeiiger retippenred witli Mil miewi-r. blind pig joints on Main Street. for harbor improvements in the From It tlie seereiMry rend Hint f<- Lets have some civic pride in Const Counties of Oregon, which mid ho luid urrivetl lu Berllu on »urti -Hy u,g City and County a bad reputation. the interest of the district, as well iu Bririxh KadruriH. Africa, in K h . ,. ns for the interest of Tillamook Which is going to prevail, the Ills ulis-u had met some mysterious boosters or those who pull down County, that Mr. Hawley should lie stranger» near a »trvaiii. anti IJminn- mid destroy the business reputation retained in Congress to carry on kasu. having gone to Hee them, report­ the work he has so thoroughly fa­ ed that they were the spirits ut uis of the city? miliarised himself with, and which dead brother and others, 1 Iley coni­ Probably it is not worth while to he will successfully carry through tiiutiicaied li prophi-cy will, n rapull.v worry as to the manner in which if given the time and the oppor­ grew. Un an appointed day in IKu two blood red stills were to rise, ilie city affairs have been allowed to run. tunity to do so. sky would full mid crush the Fingo« nil those who are interested in and the whites. herds of splendid cat­ the development of the city and who Front all appearance tliere will be tle would Issue from the ground, have some civic pride, get together fields of ripe millet would spring up, and help blot out the past and make less interest taken in politics tliun the Kosu dead would rise and live this a well governed and up-to-date in former years, for the reason there wlib their deweodains. and tmulne business center. Every business are but few aspiring to political and Hh-knesa should be no more I II- man should put his shoulder to the office. The most important and dif­ hiqiplly there was a condition—the ficult office to fill will a good man, Korns must slaughter all their eatstlii* wheel und help bring this about. is the county judgahip. The office cuttle Aud so 2tsl.Mli i-ntilr. the pays only f!X> a month, which is not wealth and KUHtrimme of tlie people, The Greater Oreg in Home Rule enough to attract a person having were killed, mid protatbiy 5o.t»«> crml- Association, which should have tlie education and qualifications for uloua uatlvea st.trved tbcinseii es to been culled the (¡renter Booze As­ a probate judge and the business death sociation, is getting a good trounc­ und financial ability to handle the ing by the country press. It is bad Gama In Germany. affairs of the county. That is the enough for the State to lie humbug­ Germany I« s ruuuiiy of Nlmssals. kind of man required at the head of There ure. we tenni. MSI. ut si s|HirlH- ged with 1“ Ren’s falacies, but for county affairs. The question to be tiieti. which means one gnu tor every the voters to lie humbugged by tlta | x .maideretl, Who is the most Huita- hundred |ieople. Each year tail to the liquor interests is ten times worse. ble person in the Republican party gun on an average KSi.lJtS) Uares i issi .. But there are a lot of voters who like to fill the position? That is for the tast partrhlgea. tnnishes. to be humbugged by a lot of schetr- voters, not this newspai>er, todei i le, fAMtau rabbltx. usuasi deer. IKktaai ing politicians mid special interests yet for all that we would tike to say WtHMlciM-ka. WMSSI wiki diltZH.> just before election. that the |terson with good business plieuHuuts. SLfitat deer. IMlU quuila. lXeiUU bix-ka. 1.4o»itiona and schemes coming before the county judge to obtain will lie fortunate if it escaiiea them Th» Othar gide. money that it also re«|uiren a man this year. Husband luilldly I- Von sh.-«ild ro- with a liack bone to head them off. The Portland Journal is pained We do ho|te. however, that the Re tnentber. nty tirar. tbst tbe nsrnt Pa­ that such a worthy, able .roan as publicans will nominate and elect a tient prrwn thst ei er llved was a man. Wtfe tlmpatleiitlyi-Oh. doni Dr. James W ithycomlie should lie county judge who is in favor of plac­ talk to me «lamt the iMtleoee ot thst aacrifieevl on the altar ot |M>ltt*ua tor ing a practical engineer at'the head ins» Job’ Just fbliik of tbe iMtleuee Jay Bowerman. Forsooth! But of tlie road work in this county, and |ss>r tfra. Job tiiiHl bare bad to so­ thia has a strange ring. This same in Hus way get down to practical stile her to put up wltb »web s man Dr. WIthycomlie is tlie man business methods, for this is where against which Ibis s*nne Journal a large amount of public money ia Nat »ratty. & rtbblee-l am rolng tn rail my new made such S«i unfair, nasty fight wasted and squander away, because a tew year«'ago as was a disgrace of political, family or fieraonal play "Tbr Wicked Flee” Wigwag-1 to Oregon fournalism. Many goed “pulls“ with tlie court. We want to »ni>po>e rtm U—er-try It on the dog Repuldicans of the state sincerely see the twat results for the tuoney - I'htladelphla Record regret the defeat of anch men as Dlr. ezjwnded ou the road«, and we hope Ast U swb I. Withycombe anti C. B. Moore, but the next county judge and county “Mra Farter la back In toxra.' we don’t ash any ot tha Journal’s court will put road building in thia "Has she any servants yMF liraml of sympathy. If either ot county u|H>n a undorm. systematic “No fib»« aervatutng for I i these or say other good man had l>aau>. BarpoFa Basar • 1 I LOCATING TRUFFLES. Editorial Snap Shots Th. Hunter Work. With a Trained PI» and a Pointed Staff. The truffle, looked exactly like white potatoes that had been very thorough­ ly dusted with powdered cinnamon. They were the size of white potatoes, ami they had the white potato’s irreg­ ular shape. "Ou tbe way to tbe Riviera." said the host. "I stopped at Marseilles in order to see a truffler. or truffle gath­ erer. at work. Truffles come only from France. Tbe? even over there, about »5 a isiund. Tbe taste? Web’, mushroom/. but much richer. “Our Marseilles truffler carried U pointed staff. His Indispensable col laborator was a trained pig ou a leash. The pig was like auy other, only his spout was longer and better devel­ oped. "We spectators had hardly walked 100 yards over tbe Helds wbeu tbe pig stopped aud begun to root uear the foot of nn oak. Tbe truffler helped him to dig with the pointed staff. Some truffles appeared a foot under­ ground. aud the truffler pushed tbe pig aside, threw It an acorn aud put tbe truffles lu bls bag. “He found, or. rather, bls pig found, a dozen truffles In the hour we watch­ ed biiu At every Hud the pig was re- warded wltb an i acorn. These pigs cost $G0 apiece ‘ The uiuti made about $4 that morning.’’ —Exchange. HIS OWN COIN. Gavs Root What Root Had Psss»d Out to Oapaw. Senator Depew told a little story on himself and Seuatur Root In a siieecb at a dinner In Washington to Mr. Root by the New York Republican congressional delegation. "When Root wna secretary of state." said Senator De|>ew, "I went over to see him aud asked him If be couldn't do something for me In tbe line of consular appointments. He said: ’Sen­ ator. I'm sorry. I would like t<> do something for New York, but'—and Mr. Root picked up a paper from bis desk—*1 see that New York's quota Is now exceeded by 14 per cent.’ "Well." continued Senator Depew. “I kept going to see Senator Root for a year. Every time 1 went to see him be would remind me that New York's quota was exceeded by 14 per cent. Finally I said. 'Mr. Secretary, 1 think you're a great statesman, but your mathematics are Inclined to be auto- matic.' “After awhile Mr. Knox became sec­ retary of state." Senator Depew said when the laughter bud subsided. "Sen ator Root went up fp see him about consular appointments. ‘I'm sorry.' said Mr Knox, ‘but’—aud he turned to a document file—'1 And that New York's quota Is now exceeded by 14 per cent.’ ’—New York Sun. Knox A STORY OF BLUCHER, The Old General Gave His Son a Los­ son In Gaming. Speaking of military men who were gamblers. Ralph Nevlll lu "Light Come. Li" bt Go." after uotlng that Napoleon only played In an amateur way and never seriously aud that tbe Duke of Wellington, while a memtier of Crock- ford's famous gambling club, was not particularly fond of play, goes on to relate tbe following about Blucher: Another great soldier, on tbe other baud, repeatedly lost large sums ut play. This was Blucher, who was In­ ordinately fond of gambling. Much to his disgust, this passion was Inherited by bis son. who had often to be re­ buked by his father for his visits to tbe gaming table and was given many a wholesome lecture upon bls youth aud luexperleuce and the consequent certainty of loss by comiug In contact wltb older und more practiced gam biers. Oue morning, however, young Blu­ cher presented himself before bls fa­ ther and exclaimed, with an air of joy. “Sir. you said I knew nothing of play, but here Is proof that you have undervalued my talents." pulllug out at tbe same time a bag of rubles which be bad won tbe preceding ulgbt. "And I said the truth." was the re­ ply. "Sit down here and I’ll convince you." Tbe dice were called for. and In a few minutes old Blucher won all bls son’s money, whereupon, after pocket­ ing the cash, he rose from the table, observing. "Now you see that I was right wbeu 1 told you that you would never win.”* SUSPICION JUSTIFIED. It W»i Not a Mouse the Master Heard In the Kitchen. Tbe late Rev. Dr. Wightman, sitting one night later than usual engrossed In the profundities of a great tome. Imagined be heard a sound In the kitchen Inconsistent with the cautious­ ness of a mouse: so. taking bls candle, be proceeded to Investigate the cMuse. His foot being beard tn tbe passage, tbe servant began with much noise to rake out tbe fire as If preparing for bed. "Ye’re up late tonight, Mary.' »• "I'm jist rakiu* the fire. sir. and gaun to bed.” “That's right. Mary. 1 like tl menus hours.” Oti bls way back to the study he pnssed the coal cellar door and. turn­ ing the key, took it with bliu. The next morning at an early hour there was a rap at bis bedroom door and a request for tbe key to get some coni. "Ye're up too soon. Mary. Go back to your bed.” Half an hour later there was an­ other knock and a similar request, in order to prepare for breakfast. "1 don't want breakfast so soon. Mary Go back to your bed.” Major Pond and Bill Nya. In another half hour there was an­ More than one successful lecture star bad to thank Major Pond for his start. other knock, with an entreaty for tbe He bad keen discrimination and not key, as it was washing day. This was enough. He rose and Infrequently sought out and dragged upon the lecture platform an obscure banded out the key, saying. “Go and genius who never thought to see him­ let the man out." As tbe preacher self before the footlights. Such a shrewdly suspected. Mary’s sweetheart genius was Bill Nye. When the major bad been Imprisoned all night in tbe found blm he was acting as postmas­ coal cellar.—Loudon family Herald. ter and editing tb« Laramie Boom­ erang over a livery stable. (“Walk Vanity Tickled. down tbe alley, twist the gray mule's During the early excesses of tbe tail, take tbe elevator Immediately!”) French revolution a rabble of men and Pond persuaded blm to try lecturing, women were rioting in the streets of and aa there proved tc be both money Paris. Lafayette appeared and ordered and useful publicity In It Nye was a young artillery officer to open Are grateful and used for years to remem­ upon them with two cannon. Tbe of­ ber the major with characteristic ficer begged tbe general to let him try notes, one of which bad th» following first to persuade them to withdraw, exhaustive signature: “It Is useless to appeal to their rea * Tours with a heart full of gratitude and son,” said the geueral. a system full of drugs, paints, oil. turpen- “Certainly.” answered the officer. tlne, glass, putty and everything usually “and it la not to their reason, but to kept in a first class drug store. tbelr vanity. I would appeal.” BILL NTS. P. B.—Open all night. Tbe officer rode up to the front of the mob. doffed bis cocked hat. pointed Old Timaa at th» Capital. to the guns and said: In recalling the lively and pictur­ “Gentlemen will have tbe kindness esque Incidents which the old timers to retire, for 1 am ordered to shoot enjoyed In Washington one to moved down tbe rabble.” almoat to tears over tbe commonplace The street was cleared at once, fot nature of bls own ttmee. John Adams used to bathe In tbe omac every none could brook tbe idea of being morning at daylight because he had classed with tbe scum of tbe city. no bathtub In the White House, and A r Acuta Sense of Tasto. no one ever pulled a kodak on him. William and Lawrence were In the ITesIdent Taylor used to walk about tbe town and stop and chat with ev­ habit of saving a part of tbelr dessert ery one be met, like a policeman A from the evening dinner for consump­ reception In the White House tn these tion the next morning, aud In accord days Is relieved of monotony only by ance with this custom two small cakes tbe great crush of gueats. who trample had boen placed in the cracker jar for tbe ciotbea off one another's backs. them. William, being the first up on Another president set up In the east tbe following morning and tielng hun­ room a <100 pound cheese and Invited gry. went to the jar. He found ouly tbe multitude to come In and help one cake, and a large piece had beeu Itself. which ----- ■ tbe multitude proceeded bitten out of that. Full of wrath, be went upstairs and roused his brother. to do. "Say." he demanded. "I want to know who took that big bite out of my cake!” "L'1“’ •n8WM*, who wltb a baud of robbers rsfro] Chinese Tartary to commit dep^d tloiiH. Tbe gang was captured, ml ibis man, with others, was ordemji. tbe ruler to he brauded lu this □er. Ou the palms of bls hands ihi « were tattooed which explained that k was “tbe greatest rascal and tbief J tlie world." It took three monthst»l tattoo hliu. the Indigo being prickekl Into tbe skin. The designs reprewul ed elephants, Hons, tigers and blnld wltb letters worked In between. rouple of dragons ornamented hl forehead. lie said his Isaly sweildl up very much at the time and since bad been sensitive to chaugeikj tbe weather. —Westminster Gazette | A DELICATE HINT. Ths Present Girard Sent to Ship Captains. One of tbe sea captains Io tbr * ploy of Stephen Girard, the founder^ Girard college, bad u rural T»otm fonduess for whittling with his jet knife and on oue trip succeeded it p. dug awa.v with a large part nf ¡h rail, although, feeling that he trust without tbe artistic sense, be ntlljj regarded the rail ns greatly Itopnag in appearance. When the vessel cig to I’lilladelpliln, Girard went about made a geueral Inspection In tbe esyl tain’s absence and as be was abound return to sbore asked one of tbe mi men who had been cutting tbe nl Tbe seaman told him tbe captail ai tbeu, afruld bis telling might baren pleasant eousequences were tbe a> tain to learn of It In a roundabout nd Informed that official of the lutemtej wltb Girard. The captain winluel ror of a reprimand, but, hearing art] ing from bis employer, supposed Ibl Incident closed. As he was aMl weigbing anchor ready to leare pwtl a dray loaded wltb shingles drew] down to tbe wbarf, and the drtrwl balled tbe vessel. "There must be some mlstaktT shouted the captain. "Our bill of M ing doesn’t mention shingles." "This Is where they belong.” tai back tbe driver. "Mr. Girard bluff told me to deliver them. lie said tig are for tbe captain to whittle’’ 3-lf Examination. Every man's life Is an linperfalff of circle wblcb be repeatetb and tw neth over every day. He hath a* of thoughts, desires and Inelltutlw which returu r.pon blm In tbelr pnpl time and order and will very b»<4l be laid aside to make room for ig tbiug new and uncommon, so tbit« upon him when you please to « about the study of his own heart ff you are sure to find blm I're-eopf» Either be has some business to dot some company that he must eutert« or some cross accident hath pot ■ out of bnmor aud unfitted bio * such a grave employment AndtK It cometh to pass that a man cm R er find leisure to look Into himself * cause he doth not set apart some ff| tlon of tbe day for that very peffR but foolishly deferreth from «*JN to another until his glass Is run out and be is called upon toR a miserable account of himself Is R other world.—Dean Swift A Pheasant’s Blind Flight Speaking of the habits of pb**-* Bailey's Magazine says: very curious Incident w» f™ ed In October, 1896. A beo P1’*** was flushed tn a field of turnip* as sbe got op flew into a pl«*’ ten, wet leaf, which clung aron’i head, completely enveloping blindfolding her. She kept wind, so that the wet leaf mained plastered over her tJ* in this plight fluttered high* ® became exhausted and zradUsW to earth again. - “Tbe frequency with ' ants fly through windows. a*R*\ with fatal results, is thoughtw* to the bird in its baste being by the reflection in tbe gl«* landscape behind it." Sledgsha Rimer E d uc*<***^xfj Tbe teacher of one of lb* a primary school was s*ta* receive tbe following . from tbe parent of a pupil: Dear Mlss-Thlnklng fi necessary. I hereby give yos to beet my son anytime It ■ la tern him his lesson.’ like hie father; you have to >«• a ctub. Just you pound noleoR the way I want. Don t per to what Me father 1 w —Cincinnati Commrn-la* j J 1 « „J