AUGUST 18. 1910. TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ï | her out of her financial difficulties! I wish I'd never atudied medicine. I wish I'd learned to b« a carpenter— or something else.”' “Fiddle-de-dee. Dr. Fraser!" cried Tolly impudently. "If It were not for you what would become of all the poor t alck people lu Little River?' "What has tieeome of them now!" Led to the Discovery of a inquired Dr. Fraser. "They don't fill my waiting nmni. They don't jingle Lost fortune my telephone bell, uor do they call me up lu the dead of night. I wish they Br CLARISSA MACKIE would!" be ended viciously. right, 1910. by American Press "It's l>eeu n healthy winter." com- Association. ■ forted Polly, "and you know Dr. Brown Is going to sell bls practice >n the last wagon load of furnl- aud go away, and there will be a ad turned out of the avenue Into efaama* for you then.” “I'm ufrald not. honey. If I could Jghroad aud the auctioneer had , bls red dag and driven away buy the doctor’s practice and his auto­ [the old mauaiou set aiuoug tall mobile and his whole outfit I'd he ig locusts Deborah Amee moiled made, but shut’s the use of talklug? Let us go in and see Miss Deborah. rally at her niece. upiKwe you think mv heart’s Perhaps I can help her a bit. You must lie at sixes and sevens.” I. Polly.” she said quietly, "Norah has worked like a major, ived what I wanted, dear.” / Atnea hi a red "You are trying I We shall cutup tonight. and luiuorrow Jirave. you dear tblug!" she cried I we are to have—never tnlnd' If you Jvely. "If you bad only liaten- come over to tea you shall have a 1 had let me go to work you lovely surprise!" promised Polly as have saved all the things that they entered the house. When they sat around the cozy little ve always had about you.” of which I am dreadfully fire lu the back parlor Polly brought interposed her aunt with sod- in the ilingou nrwu and showed It to ergy. "Larkin says the things her lover t two hundred and fifty, and "Of rourse you can nieud It. Dle suf- Itched to handle brush and glue pot to support us for life. Rut we aud restore to Its origiual beauty the ever able to Hud any trace of drug*tii screen. You remember bow poor moth- "I shall nieud the embroidery." PX- I searched tor the papers up to plained Polly, thrusting Inquisitive ■y day of her death, and I look lingers Into the various holes and rips k now. though I am very doubt- In the panels. “Iax>k at this scaly old rther father ever bad them, and dragnu. Dick! He is fairly peeling off." >uld teach music.” said Polly “And this dull green eve needs to be ■sly for the hundredth time In brightened.” remarked the doctor ab­ it year. sently. dear." cried Miss Deborah for Polly brought a basket of silks and idredth time, “your grsudfather ant down near the light and gravely eft an ample fortune—enough mnt< bed her skeltiH against the faded ste you and support us for the embroidery of the screen. Miss Deb­ our days.” orah. knitting near the fire, watched re Is It. then?" Polly saw her her with tender lutereat. These two isbed face In the long mirror young people were the very main­ ■ide ft Aunt Deborah's tlred spring of her existence now that so «nee. and her tender heart luucli of her life bad become merged her. "Don't let us talk alxiut in the (Mat. more tonight. Aunt Deb. You The light shoue on the dragon screeu. ip ou the dsveu|H>rt tonight? and the golden dragons glittered until 4 the very beds, you know." It almost seemed as If their scales d Polly gently. moved. ■ with me. my child. You "How father loved that old screeu!" t tnnde a trip to the south gar- mused Mias Deborah. i many a day. I'll warrant.1 "Will It uot be lovely to have It Miss Deborah. arotiud «nice more?" asked I’olly. turn- Is attic were many strangely Ing her bead, and tlieu the aereen forms that crowded the small HllpiHxl from her grasp, and she caught wildly at the panel ou which she bad illy Miss Deborah withdrew I hs - u working. She caught a toru y sheets and. rolling them Into fragment of one of the golden drugous, ■closed a closely packed muss and the silk, rutteu with age, fell hire. apart lu her grasp, showlug the white gazed open mouthed. "What cotton lining. mt Deb? Where did you get Dick Jumped to catch the screeu. and j—It's solid mahogany! Oh. as he righted It there slipped from the r tables—aud the highboys! toru pauel a long, legal looking eu- lale—aud Sheraton—nod real velo|>e I waring some memoranda In a ” Her pretty nose was poked crabbed iiaudwriting. I there among the treasures, "By George!" shouted the young charming face was reflected man excitedly. "Wbat huve we here— lozen dim mirrors treasure trove? Polly, girl—catch— Jeborab smiled sadly. "It Is it’s yours.” own. Polly, dear. It was left Polly's eager fingers caught the en- y my great-aunt Hester, and \ek>|«' nod gnve oue glauce at the «11- tmalned stored away here for penu riptlon; then she flew across the ve years. I planned to give loom to Miss Deborah's side. "The lost securities!" site cried. "See. rou and Dick for a wedding t I shall need It for awhile, Aunt Deb: grandfather ban them la­ beled. How do you suppose they came am gone”— stopped her sentence with a to be In such a place, and suppose we liter you are gone. Indeed?” bsd never found tlie screen T' “Suppose I had not s->ld the furni­ I ludlgnautly. “You know that to live with us as soou as ture!" quavered Miss lielsirah as «he ?k make» enough money to opened the bulky envelope and ex­ ome. What a beautiful bouse tracted the liesutlfully engrave*) cer­ tificates. “Do look at these. l>lck— hare—eh. Aunt Deb?" iltzed the stiff backed spinster I’m so excited I can't read a thing! te limited space until Bliss Father must have allpfied tbetu In s flying skirt caught In a two- there abaeutmindedly those last days all and dragged clattering to before lie was taken III.” lu a very awed voice Dr. Fraser a tall screen whose frame carved ebony imnelwl with retid the list of vsluable securities, end Ines« embroidery, now faded when be finished with a long drawu whistle of astonishment Miss Deborah and I’olly were weeping In ench other's arms “T,on't the old house look perfectly lovely?" Polly was sobbing. "All the beautiful old fashioned furniture from the garret and"— “And Dick shall hare the south wing for his offices, anti the carriage bmiso can I* made Into a very respectable garage.' added Miss Deborah, straight­ ening tier spectacle«. “What?" demanded Dr. Fraser very ladepeodently. "I couldn't. Miss De­ borah- Polly-l want Io earn my own home " "You will buy out Dr Brown » prac tire.” «aid Mia« Deborah decidedly. "You can pay n»e back someday If you will. But you can do more real good by becoming my resident physician than waiting there on the hill foe Ibo pstlents that do not cot»." •Polly." pleaded Dick, -rm trying to keep my Independence Rack me np. You don't think I ought to neevp« thin It Is from Miss DeborahF’ “Aunt Deborah." corrected Polly doWB- sweetly Then. “If yon marry me at heavy all. Dtck. It mu«t he exactly as «bo nay. for-It will make her awfnlty hsppy. won't It. Aunt Deb?” Mina Deborab aroae sad. coming ,o them, clasped her long anna arvnod ■ them both "I never bad aay children , \ of my own." she aaM hn»kliy: ”r«* ¡two are all I bare Don't keep ano wnttfng much longer foe my bappl- he Dragon Screen Summons. IN THB CIRCUT COURT OF THK STATF OF ORBGON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY Pacific Railway and Nav­ igation Company, Plaintiff vs I Willie G. Du Hoi* and iohn E. Du Bois, her usbaud, Defendant»: To Willie G. Du Bois aud John *E. Du Bois, "Defendants In the name of the ; blate ot Oregon: You arc hereby required to api>ear and answer the complaint I tiled against you in the above entitled ■ cause, on or before August 20. 1910, and if • you tail so to appear aud answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief praved tor ia the complaint, to wit. for judgment I f°r *hc appropriation to plantiff's use of j the following described real property situate I in the County of Tillamook and State of Oregon: 1 A strip of land one hundred feet in width. I being fifty feet ou-cach side of and parallel i with the center line of Pacific Railway aud , Navigation Company’s railway, as survey I ed. staked out. located and adopted through I that part of Lot 3. Section* 3, Township 2 North Runge 1U West. Willamette Maridian I described as follows: Beginning at the I meander corner on the south bank ol Nehalem Bay, in the section line on the east side of said section 3; thence south on said section line 347.2 feet; thence S. 55 deg 30* W. a distance of 388 feet, the initial point of this description: thence S. 55 deg 30' W. a distance of 426 4 feel; thence N 34 deg. 30' u djstanec of 421.1 feet to the south bank of Nehalem Hay; thence easterly up said Nehalem Buy, following the ineander- ings thereof to a point N. 34 deg. 30' W . n distance of 366 3 feet from the said initial theiKT *• 34 B- * distance of 366.3 feet ironi the said inital point, the said right of way herein described contain­ ing 1.03 acre» more or less, said center line being-more particularly described as follows Beginning at the point of intersection of said center line with the east line of said Section 3, said point being 14 feet south of the meauder corner on the south bank of Nehalem Bay in said section line thence southwesterly on a curve to the right haviug a radius of 6875 Steel the tangent to sahl curve at said point being 3. ST deg. 31' W. a distance of 384 feet; thence south­ westerly on ¡a curve to the right, having a radius of 1910.08 feet, a distance of 196 feet, to the east line of the tract of land above described, being indentical with SDtrion 1219x08 and the initial poiut oi this description; thence southwesterly on a curve to the right, having a radius of 1910. 08 feet a distance of 183 feet; thence south­ westerly on a spiral to the right, a distance ot ISO feet thence 8. 74 deg 20’ W. through and beyond the above described tract of land. For an assessment of the damages of the defendants for such appropriation and tor judgment for plantiff's costs and dis­ bursements. This sunnnoqs is published be order of the Honorable George H. Burnett. Judge of the above entitled court, made July 2nd, 1910. The time prescribed in the’ said order for the publication of the said summons is six weeks, j he date of the first publication of the summons is July 7th, 1910. S now and M c C amant . Attorneys for Plantiff. Summons. 1N THK CIBCtTlTtXIUlfT OK THK STATE OP OKIiCON FOK TILLAMOOK COUNTY Pacific Railway and Navi­ gation Company, Plaintifi vs J. L. Vosburg and Jenny S. Voaburg his wife. Maude C. Van Waters and George B. Van Waters, her hus­ band, George R. Vosburg and May Vosburg, bfs wile, E Fred Vosburg and Ida Vosburg. his wife, Henry A. Vosburg and Edith Vosburg, his wife. Defendants: To George R. Vosburg, May Vosburg. E. Fred Vosburg, Ida Vosburg, Harry A. Vos­ burg and Edith Vosburg, Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You ure hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filled against you ia the above entitled cause, ou or before August 20, 1910, and if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit for judgment for the appropriation to plaintiff's use of the following descrilied real pro|*ertv situate in the County of Tillamook anil State of Oregon: A strip of land lOOfeet in width being 5o feet on each side of and parrmllel with the center line of the Pacific Railway and Navi­ gation Company's railway as the same is surveyed, staked out. located and adopted through that part of Lot Three i 3) Section Three (3, Township Two (2) North Range Ten (IO) West of tne Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the meander corner in the South bank of the Nehalem Bay in tbr East line of said Section Three <3), thence South on said Section Hne 347.2 feet; thence South 55 deg, 30’ West, a distance <»f 247.5 feet to the Southeast corner of the tract of land herein described; thence South 55 deg 30’ West, a distance of 140.5 feet; thence North 34 deg. 30' West, a distance of 366 feet to the South bank of Nehalem Bay. thence Easterly up said South bank of Nehalem Bay, following th* meranderings thereof to a post set for the Northwest corner of the tract of land dcede«I by the Wheeler Lumber Company to Cora E. Wheeler; thence South X4 deg 30’ East, a distance of 349.8 feet to the t>eginnin^. naid right of way herein described containing .32 acres. Said center line being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point of intersection of said center Hne with the Hast line of said Section Three (3) said point being 14 feet South of the meander corner in said flection line on the South bank of Nehalem Bay. and being identica. with Station 12241HM of •aid Company’s railway survey numbers; thence Southwesterly on ajeurve to the right, having a radius of 6875.55 feet the course of the tangent to said curve being South 57 deg. 31* West, a distance of 3*»4 feet; thence Southwesterly on a curve to the right hav­ ing a radius of 1910.0« feet, a distance of 54 feet to a point in the East line of the tract above described said point being identical with Station 1 22Os5O of said Rail­ way Company’s survey numbers and the initial point of this description; thence con­ tinuing Southwesterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 1910.08 feet, a distance of 142 feet to a point in the West line of above described tract said point being identical with Station 1219108 of said company's railway survey numbers. For an assessment of the damage« of the defendants for auch appropriation and for judgment for plaintiff's costs and dis­ bursements. This summons is published by order of the Honorable George H. Burnett Judge of the above entitled court, made July 2nd 1910. The time prescribed in the suid order for the publication oi the said summon* i* *1» week* The date of tbr Ar*t publication of the summons is July 7th. 1910, S now and M c C amant Attorney* for Plaintiff T T T BO ITS A A • A ttorney - at -L aw I Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for nou í fc Residents. Office opposite Post Office. (CAPT P. SCHRADER) Both phones. C arl Sue H. Elmore” MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (CAP. T. LATHAM). Skutochcr ^bvoltat, Office across the street ami north trim Tillamook & Portland the Post Otficv Q.EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday. Next to Tillamook County Bank, T illamook - O regon . Couch St. Wharf, Portland That’s All.” H. GOY NE, Jp A ttorney - at L aw Office : Opposite Court House, HARNESS, COLLARS, etc You Use Them. We Sell Them. T illamook , O regon R T. B(»ALS, MJ), PHYSICIAN & SURGEON TILLAMOOK. W. A. WILLIAMS S CO., Office- Oli*ni Building. Residence : Mrs. Wriw’ house, west of Mrs. Wnlker’r. Ncxt Poor to Tillnmook County Bank. M. KERRON, The Best Hotel PHYSICIAN & SURGEON C oncrete B uilding . Tillauicok, i THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALLEN. Proprietor. Oregon. Headquarters for Travelling Men. R. I. M. SM1TJI, Special Attention paid to Tourists, A First Class Table. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Comfortable Beds and Accommodation Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook, Ore. c. hawk , EYES AND TEETH. You «|>ene looked niter from $1.00 to about $8.00, and thia will be the total expenne for about 3 to 5 year«, and often a irreat deni longer. Remember von can iret NEW TEETH, Imt not NEW EYES What VALUE do von place on YOUR EYES ? What per cent of Insurance would yon pay to keep them an k < h »I hh nt present ? Make yonrnelf a 'Xmna. present of n pair of k I ush »'"? All work Kiiarnnteed to be Hutinfactory in every reaped. BAY CITY, OREGON R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Dr. Henry E. Morris. Tillamook, Oregon R. A. D. PERKINS, RESIDENT DENTIST. C. S. Atkinson. Office in Sturgeon'» Building. All Work Guaranteed. ORBGON TILLAMOOK y^R. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT McCormick DENTIST, and RAKES, Osborne Tidders, STUDEBAKER, Office across the street from the Court House. Dr. Wise'» office. r-p HA RUHET, *- . The Fashionable Tailor. WAGONS Cleaning, Pressing and Repair* ing a Specialty. AND BUGGIES, GRAIN WHITE RIVER FLOUR Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. A MOWERS Th* B««k Bread Maker go the Market. 1 «ay» •» To keep your health «ouiid, tn I A III.: ’ "I . found in yonr Foley Kidney avoid the illa oi advammg year«- I “ i(W and enre for Pill« a prom|<" a*l afterdy •( cate lor Imckarbe and kidney trow bl« which I d bered me L t many month« I am now enjoying «»cellent health which I owe to Foley Kidney Pilla.” C I.'Ckmffb. For aale t y C. L Ctamgh. A. K. CASE. Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths Hailer Witrk. lA«?r'a Work and Hr»»jr Forging Plw Machine Work a Nprrlally. HLLAMOOK OBEGON 1> >