TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 18. 1910 I. lïllamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy SNAPSHOTS AT CELEBRITIES A FORCED MARRIAGE 5 Bred Complication» That Were Long In Being Worked Out ry you. If you decline you yaorlet and other mut I i I »»ruin» h * In- din iis use. Here’s ai limn ken by I lie «•on- tnit-ilug couple except to make the re Fred Kohler. Golden Rule pile* re.|iilr«de liwiiy. The next «lay Hayden disappeared I ron ihl* lime forward Kale Ma« ItomiHl. or Kate Uriydvii. wii * a «Im hl ••<1 woman. N'.n» n«> longer gallop««« over the coiitiiry hiking femes him hl gat tier lugs h««l iiimng (he wiglilH*riug ram ln ra. Tie »lily feature enuneni l>ef«»re her mm rlage she retained was bei lender ««»li itude f«»r tliofe who were In tr«ml»l»’ rhe llaydeu rnnli remained in «•ar* i keep» i . who ♦»tr«,l»‘«i It f“i sale N« tig w »is iiejir.l t>f its owner. A y> pusM» «| |U i Ii. ii H um * Kate I hi t den I •Ollie to see Iler 11« I ill it* IHie llglll II wrote ii letter Io her hiisbaml. led Him ihat If lie wislnsi lo I»»* free Iron i « t she could eusily obtain a divor« • >n ibe ground of desertion. Not knov ng where lo semi her leiler. she ask«’ lie ke* per of (he llaydeu I'lllicll f«»i jer husband's a*tdress. He lohl In” Inn lie had n«*eu Instruct«<1 lo giv«* i io no «»lie. inn In* <»fler«‘«l lo fotwar« ill«* missive, nml sin* ac«,«,ph*is nol Hi e«|lliv«M'Hl position in kvliirh she slo«». bef«»re I he world, hut tin* fn«l lhal si» <>ved ill«* man sin* had irenl«*d hi * Frpd Kjililer. chief of police ot Cleve »nanner whi« li every day seeiimd 1« land until recently suspended under ii«*r mor«* iiiiiioi Idmily a ml barlmroih charges. got the title "best chief of po I’Uls. lidded lo lhal dreadful shell lice In America" from Theodore Roose whs killing her She was not sn velt. who saw mid admired the officer ••ven iliat In* lived. 11« r parents. I l while visiting Cleveland. lie ulso u<‘ighb«»rs. end«,nv«»H’d in every w bears the sobriquet "Golden Rille." ami io <1ra\v lier from her despomlem- that came about In another way. lie Het lll(*ll«is tile ««»wlioys gal he! e<| I coucelved the Idea that If trifling of /roups to «list uss lite man liom lit«*. fenders against public order were on>ni«,rr(} lo l»l:ime for lier ««»mlilio warned rather than arrested and lodged and even dri»ai«*d 1 lie <|ii. Th date for United States senator from «•owboys «*«mvened In s|ss ial meet in; Missouri. In hla early days followed nh«t If wns solemnly agreed lhal If th “the trull" as a cowboy. He hua a Britisher wettl away without his d horseshoeing estiiblisbinent at parture being satisfactory to his wlf stockyards in South St. Joseph, lliry would wiiylny him tlml lor «« hi: As it farrier lu Jersey rille. III.. to tight each one of them sm cesslvei years ago be made a strong race till all were kill«««) or It«* bit tin* <|ns congress ua a Socialist and Istlair can­ Some of litem tiuger«*d tli««ir r»«v«*lvei didate. Mr. Breckenridge says he will uervuitsly In anti« l|»mloti make a strong campaign for United It was ii«»t long, however. Is*fore ver Slates senator, visiting every county startling news wits given out m Hi lu the stute. ranch house. Hayden had return-«« for the bride be hud been forced I* Mrs. Morse Wins Sympathy. marry; lie was not «»illy Italph llaydeu Mrs. Charles W. Morse, wife of the but Sir Ralph Hayden mid heir to on convicted New York banker who Is of the fair«Mi »««Hales In Kuglnini serving a fifteen year sentence at At­ Then all the women cx<-lulm«*d nl om «• lanta for violation of the banking laws, •*(hH>dm«M.s grn Km«> Mu«- I has wou uiauy frieuds by ber cour­ l«adjr ilaydci»!** ageous battle to have her husbaud par­ The afleriKMin this news was «-ii doned by the president. Sluce Morse rubiled th«* «-uwlsiys ngrissl thul the was sent to prison last January his would go In h Isaly lu the Ma«-I>omil< wife has lieen Indefatigable in her ef­ ranch bouse, learn of Its I null. an«l t forts to secure his freedom. It were so give I brer cherrs for SI As soon as her husband wns behind Ralph aud Lady Hayden. Lemuiu tbo bars sbe began her campaign. of their Ititviiliuei. imtuy <»f th«« itelgli lior* re|»uln«d there i«> see Hie fun Lining up lieforv lite house, the l»oy begmi t«» rail for I heir favorite. l‘r««K euily she np|«eared, lemilng on Ibr art. of her h us ba nd. imle and thin but wit a (bat saute old smile ««it her ll|«s which bad umde them li«r s I nv « m . A y«*l aruMT mid «ties of “Tell us alsmi if* Sbe imlnted to her bnslatml. win» said “Boys. It was nil a mistake. I imtd sevrml. and our Kate imide «me I I»« com pl lent l«»ns in Knghiml lui«*ift«n* with ut»« mid my wife’s htipplm«ss; bm thank Gul. they are |»asi. nml we all happy.** Tills brief spee« h wns rvs elved three cbevnt from th«» «««»wis»ys. listed by the nrlgbIs»rs prevtenl Then the assembly were invlt»sl Im»» th« house, aud th«« h«»ttle wns passed. After a few week?« s«ijt»uiu the ««»u pie left fur Englund, hsivlug the fol lowing rxplmiath»ii An English girl wilt, h largo estate ha<1 sareefll t»i marry llsl|»h Hayden petition to the president was drawn a younger mhi uf Air (¡«*«»rge llay«l«4i up. and I ha. has beeu circulated In If within a alv«m ttnie he shmtld nearly every city and hamlet thnMigh the death of an Invalkl ItrtWh- Recently Mrs Morse vMted tbs na­ er. Inherit tbe I the After hla Amer tional capital ami added several hue »<••■ mxrrlKAv 1<4l'h llajrih-ii li»d rv- drwl names to the petition Among M I Br THERESA C HOLT Copyright. 1910. by American Press Association. Nothing wax known about Ralph Hayden, a young uiau who bought a miiiii II ranch In New Mexico. except tlml he wna an Englishman lie was tall and well foriucd. with light hair and complexion and blue eyes. Thia, with a w Iuulng smile that uncovered white, regular teeth, imide lilui In ap­ pearance very attractive. He bad brought £2.000 with him from Eugland. with which he purchased and stocked bls ranch. lie bad uo sooner got settled than tile neighboring ranchers culled uu him and invited him to their homes, but he accepted uone of their Invita­ tions. Thia excited a good deal of talk aiuoug the womeu at the different ram h houses, ull of whom were cu­ rious to ktmw why the handsome Brit­ isher would have uotlilng to do with them. The general verdict was that he considered himself too good for them. Nevertheless llaydeu was hull fellow well met with all the men and soon became populur alike with raueli- era and cowboys. One day C ay den set out to go to a neighboring ranch. He was walking ncrosa n Held when a bull espied him nud bore down ou him from the rear. Hayden, unconscious of his danger, continued on leisurely. Suddenly be saw n horsewoman leap u fence aud rush upon him. swinging a lasso as she rode. Not uuderslundlng the move- tneul. be stoou still, regarding her with woudering eyes Coming near him. sbe threw her lasso, but uot at blm Turning, lie saw that she bud thrown the lisip around the horns of a bull. Drawing his revolver, he quickly kill­ ed the beast. The next thing he did wns to raise bls but In a courtly milliner to the wo­ man who Imd saved bls life noil offer ills thunks. She was a girl about twenty years old. A coll of hair was falling under her sombrero, having been hsiseuial by the Jump she had made over the fence. Her costume was n Jacket cut Mexican fashion nml divided skirts of the same material. "Hud it not beeu for you." said Hay­ den. "I would probably now be either dead or dying. The bull would have taken me In the back and broken It. I shall esteem It a favor If you will mime the way In which I nrny lies! show my gratitude." "You ure Mr lluydeu. I believe?" “I am." "Do you kuow wliut a womuu loves best ?" "I do not " "To get abend of other women." "Well?" "Come and see me." "You have a charming frankness. I shall certainly cull upou you. You must I m * Hint Mlns MacDonald of whom I have heard so much.” “I Ilin Kate MacDonald. I bld you good morning " Kate MacDonald wits a feminine free lance She could ride, shoot, burl n lasso as well us any IIIIIU lu Hie uelgh borlmod and hud a way of looklug out of a pair of honest eyes that Invited confidence. She was tender hearted III the extreme She called a s|Kide a spade and hud a sovereign contempt for people who sold one tiling and luenut another Italph llaydeu called n|H>n her at her fatber'a rum h the same evening When be nrime to go she said to him: "Tomorrow afternoon I ahull expect you to ride with me. We will go past the principal rauclie» hereabout lu or­ der that tbe womeu may see us to­ gether. After that I shall resign all claims u | h > ii your attention ." "And I shall not lie allowed to visit you again?" "Aa ofleu as you like, but not from any obligation to do so." A month Inter one evening Italph Harden, after imclng the floor for au hour, swayed by conflicting emotlous went to Kate Mncltonald’a home, tohi her that he loved her wo deeply that hr could ruin himself for her and beg­ ged her to marry him. "What do you mean by rululng your self for me?" she waked "I aui pledged to marry a girl In England." Kate started Thia waa Indeed a blow. Iler sense of honor revolted at hla deeming another for her. I tore sbe love you very much?" she asked "I don't know. I spoee sbe loves me. though the marriage la to tie under certain contingencies " "What are they? No, don't tell me Go away. I need time to think this over." Hr otteyed the order For several days there was no coinniunleatlon lie- I tween them Thru be wrote her. re­ calling all he had naM. cloning with the «ords “I was demented There la but ooe path for me tn hollow, and only a foot and a knave would follow any other " No answer camo to thin One eveu Ing about a week later Kate Mac Doo aid. attended by half a doaeti cowboy friends and a parson, rode up to Ralph Haydeo'a ranch house All dismount ed and entered One of the cowboy» acted as spokesman: "Anything Kats MacDonald wants floes flhe'e made sp her hind to MC • iirnetl to Fnxlanfl Hint fonnil «hr «Irt the slaners waa the prwManta »•• had «-tumicd »«i m«rnr aud mors thau 100 congressmen ap thmalljr had fallen lu love wlib anotb I «ended their names. er man ahom «bv wna about tn wa< Mm Morse Is now about forty years rba returned r»nvhmat> ■«mart.al a of age. of dignified manner. well form­ long wbllr under Ihe marriage luto ed and of good carriage Her hair of which be had hem hwved Menu while Irvu gray, combed bock from a high, hla brother lingered In l«d ben It h and straight forehead, frames a face kind I flnallj died Than tbe new liH-umla*ni I ly ys< strong. Tbe Morses have two •ailed for Atuerkau to Urlnj Un. k hU son*, who are pursuing their »tudtee : WtfA. st Yale I Manufacturers of FIR, SPRUCE and H emlock LUMBER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced. Workmen and Birst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET IIS FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BIL l J HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Ì- Hardware, Tinware and China Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. I oley s Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Did You Ever Try HAKRIB’B NEW FEED AND LIVERY HARN, If not, give him a calk Everything first-class. Second Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any loss oi time, and one that is followed by no bad .'exults, use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I block South of P O. W. FAMILY G. HARRIS, Prop. It never fails and is pleasant to «ak< It is equally valuable for children. It ; famous for its cures over a large part n the civilised world. Foley’s Kidney The valued family re-, cipes for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies b’ave as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. They will cure your backache, •trengthen your kidneys, cor- rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre. Tent Bright’s Disease and Dia- batea, and restore health and Strength. Refuse substitutes. OILED CLOTHING Otir fresh, high grade drugs will help to make effec- ­ these remedies mote effec tive than ever. Right prices are also assured. will give you full value for every dollar spent and keep you dry in the wettest weather. CLOUGH Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Towgw CAKAmAt. Co.iiHrrt.0 ToaomaCAe TOWER’S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF What They Will Do for You SUITS *322 SL1CKER5*322 POMMEL SLICKERS •3 as ctrAioe FUic Co. bostoh . usa . Reliable Druggist. S- VIERECK Tillamook Bakery. OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE- KILL tm . couch Chamberlain's Cough Remedy AND CURE TME LUNGS w,th Dr. King's New Discovery During the past 8ft years no rem­ edy has proven more prompt or more effectual in its cures of SPECIALTT IN ALL KINO OF CAL«* ALL KIND OF BREAD. m a Coughs. Colds and Croup »essa« »sSwi. than Chambarlaln'a Cough Remady In many homaa tx la railed upon na im- pllcttly aa tba family phyatrtan It con- talna no opium or other narcotic, and may ba given as ooufldeutiy to a baby aato an adult. FrtcaJ&a, larva aUaSOe « WO ALL ptflOkT A «IP LUNE TROUBLES. GUARAMTEFD SATISFACTQiX ! so- i c i . od « i ^ 57. mretacH’ tln”l S-«*«“ da; .«f w«-11* rac*. I OO F Hall at * 7-W »*' FbAftg SgVgBXNCK. W.M. H. K. MOKKI.S Sfl«h