Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 18, 1910, Image 3

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By CARL SCHOFIELD. Washington Cer-
Joint H. Adrianiix. a lawyer of Illis
city, tiax a new plan for iui-reaxina
tile revenues of the district by thou
»anils of dollars annually. It will Is*
enilaalletl lu a bill to be introduced
yi an early dale.
.Vr. Adrlaaux' plan consists largely
III ellndnatlug (lie prexeui uoutaxnlile
list of pro|H*rtlex held mid used by fur-
elgn legal¡ ouk . clMrilable mid educa­
tional liistliutlviis uud religious organi­
Reciprocal to Legations.
The bill will provide that no real
pro|aTty used by foreign embassies or
le-a lions should lie exempt front taxa-
liuu. uh is u<>w the case, All such
profierty should be taxed Similar to
i .ci vale pni|s*rty. except where the
pro|a*rty Is owned by the government
u<iug I lie same mid is not rented from
individual*. It would nuike the law
r<*< iprocirl. providing that where realty
owned In foreign countries mid used
by Ilie I'nlted Simes for legmlon pur­
poses Is not taxed then the property
nl those i-oiiiiirtiM knalHl In Washing­
ton would lie also exempt.
Exemption List High.
I’roui a i e ort made to tike senate
in I'.sH liv lite assessor of Ila* District
the profierty exempt fr.nu taxation.
Iiastd U| hiii its assessed taxable valua­
tion. exceeds $IX,lNRt.llUO. Tn tile lega­
tions then* was accredited more than
$¿90.000: religious institutions, $d.-hi.r>.-
*_o>>: eharlUible institutions. $2. l.’tll.rCtX:
vdui'ittkuiul. $4.071.3411. These were the
values and holdings six years ago.
Siuce then these holdings mid vulues
have lieen largely Increased.
Clerks Got Moro Pey.
I’roluihly Ckl.lNKl |MMtottli-e clerk- ntrl
letter carriers receiving $1,090 ' uud
$1.100 a year retqiwtlvely lietHtflted
by Hie <>| h - i - iii I oii of the law provid­
ing for their inlvmicenivnt to$1.100null
$1.2110 respectively the 1st of July.
Although the appropriation for the
piir|xise lx stiId to la* smaller than here­
tofore mid the rules for determining
the selection of thorn* ent It led to promo­
tion more rigid, Ila* |iost master general
announced that there ht sufliclent motl­
ey to provide for the propiotloti ot
probably .’it i.tMtO clerks mid carriers who
may Is* found entitled thereto. But,
few. if i ny. promotions will he made
Is'ynnd I hose to $1.200. It Is said.
Quanah Parker, Comanche Chief.
Quanah I'nrker. chief ot the <’c
manclieH. wla. recently ilslled thia < ¡J .-
as lln* guest of Representative Sjrnc
Ferris of Oklahoma, made Ilia cifrili ■
cviith visit to the home of the great
while father. On previous orciixlonx
he has been the hearer of lui'Stiilgcx
from Ills |H*opie lit Oklahoma Io Presi­
dents Cleveland, McKinley, R oimt -
Veit anti J uft.
Qiiaiinh lx iiii Interesting character,
tilled with iidinirmiou for the “van­
ishing race." albeit he Is tin* non of
Cynthia Anu I'nrker. n while woman
who was captured by the Indians In
Trills wbeu she was twe years old.
Nile lived with them lirtll she was
eighteen, when she was recaptiired by
n company tinder command of Captain
Jt'W». They took her home, but she
run away nt the first <>p|xujtunl‘y, pe
Ing lft<k to the Indiana, where she
married <uie of the tribe.
When Colonel Itisiseielb in company
with Indlmi ConimlKHlou_-r Valentine,
made n hunting trip th» .ugh the Bally
Kmte bi* wan hands >tr ely entertained
iii^lie home of Chirr Qnnnab. , wlai
constituted hlniHelt the cohiuel'M »pe-
cial protector and 1» sly gun rd.
The Chief * Mission.
Qunnnli'j uitoHlcu to tin* capital till!«
time wan fur three things—he wtdnied
to lay In'fnro the president mid Imlimi
coniniissloner renmiii» why tile t'o-
mau< Inn should obtain more usS'ey
from the aale of tbelr lauds: he also
naked that the 1 lid bins I h * allowed to
use a certain herb called "peyote.’’
which the ItWinn ng**utK in Okl.-iiauna
have forhaltlen th« trltie to iim * ini heir
cercmotiieH lu case of xk-kness. Qua­
nah maintains that the lierb Is ls*m*tl-
cl.-tl. while the agents Inxlxt that It la
Third and not least liiqiortant nt
Quanah's errands wax to hear Repre-
xeittalire Ntet ens of Texas Introdm-e a.
bid nppn>|irimlng $l.UV to ronaive th«*
l»Hliex of tin* i-ldcFa mother and sinter*
from Texas to a little burial gnauxt
near Quanah's home on the Indlmt
reservation in Oklahoma atW to erect
a monument there to Cynthia Aon
Chief Quanah lx euthusisxtk* over
the bill peixling liefore congreSx pro-
vldlng for a memorial to the American
Indian to la* erected In New V irk har­
Fort Rile*/ Cavalry School.
The war deinrt meiit has went on>'r<
to commanding »flieerx of cavalry reg-
inientx to exerebw greater care In the*
Heleithm of iiw-tulx-rx of tlw regiments
tn take a courae of Instructkai at tlv
moiiiited «ervk-e acbonl nt Fort Riley.
Kan. Every effort ba« lieen mad« kv
recent years to bare an adrmwext
rmirae hi equitation eetsbllxbed at
that Institution. It lx not cotwh^ml
that the Instruction there need any
longer be nWImentnry nr foe the bene
fit of Iwglnuer« la horsemanship It ha
• leslred to fttru out grsduatro who will
Hide to return to their mrtwnt«
and act aw Instructors tn the regitaet»
tsl rwing srbooto To that eot» » to
•toaigued to «end to the Fort Rltey
a* boot only the beet ridero It» the regi-
naema It la hoped by the military aw-
I teal I lea m improre the xywfem «4?
h rwuMnsIdp In the arm*. It to ems-
»Wered that with the vwtrtn at ab-
•amiug better b.*roea which pre»*,!»
by rlrine of the nraay ram* si nt drt<4*
• hero may ea«lly I* an Improve« eat
In ludliary riding.
For the Golf Girt
Nothing could be more comfortable
and at the same time attractive for uu
outing suit than this dress of white
abruuk lluen. trimmed with dark blue
galatea and white braid. The upper
part of the blouse and the top of the
stYeves are cut lu oue. while the skirt
has the upper part lu four pieces.
AUGUST 18. 1910
Conned Music for Cows.
Several Michigan farmers have
found a new and profitable use for
I phonographs. The canned music
He Milked the Critter.
machines are placed in the cattle
Senator Holes Peurose. at a dinner at barns and ragtime selections, brass
the Philadelphia club, said or a move- bund music and grand opera ren­
tuent that he opposed:
“It promises Incredible things. In dered for the benefit of the cows
fact It makes me tbluk of Jack Trav­ while they are being milked. This
ers of Pike cuuuty. Jack Is an old is said tocausethein to “givedown”
man now. He remembers the time their milk with surprising results
wbeu bears were as pleutlfnl mi the in the way of increased output.
barren tuouutalus as rattlers still are Some of the agriculturists and
Ouce. when 1 was flshiug at porter's dairymen who have been trying the
lake. I asked him If be had ever had plan declared to-day'that cows are
any remarkable adreutures with bears. good judges of music and that they
" ‘Well. no. senator.* said the old uian
as be filled his pipe with cut plug immediately recognixe the voices of
■I can’t say as I ever had much to Cat uso and other great artists, ex­
do with the beam bervulHHits. Wuust pressing their appreciation by an
In my aparklu' days, me tai' a bear got increased flow of milk. Those who
have tieen trying out the venture
together—’twa'n't nothin’, though
“’ll all come about over old Sukey, will not tell what singers the cows
our cow. She had a had hahlt of stay listened to when they gave the
least milk.
For Quick Relief From Hay Fever.
Asthma and summer bronchitis,
take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It
quickly relieves the discomfort and
suffering and the annoying symp­
toms disappear.
It soothes and
heals the inflamed air passages of
the head, throat and bronchial
tubes. It contains oo opiates and
no harmful drugs. Refuse snb-
situtes.—For sale by C. I. Clough.
Intense Colicky Pains Relieved.
“For same years I suffered from
intense colicky pains which would
come on at times and from which
I could find no relief.” ' say» I. S.
Mason, of Beaver
“Chamberlain'e Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy was recom­
mended to me by a friend. After
taking a few doses of the remedy
I was entirely relieved. That was
four years ago and there has been
no return of the symtouis since that
time.” This remedy is for sale
by Lamar’» drug store.
shaped attractively, and finished down
the front with pearl buttons. This
would make an excellent separate skirt
for general summer wear. To make
will require:
10 yard* shrunk linen. 36 Inches, al lie *1.10
1 yard galatea. 3 incties, st lac
5 yards braid at 5c....................... .
Findings and buttons...................
. I2.0S
Warm Wsathsr Sleeve*.
Undoubtedly the abort sleeves are
here, and It is delightful to lie aide to
couple comfort with the uew style.
ill blouses the sleeves come Just be­
low the elbow aud are edged with a
turned back cuff or a plaited frill of
net or sheer linen.
A latitude that should Hp|ieal to ev­
ery woman Is allowed lu the matter of
fulluess. The kimono sleeve, gathered
Into a straight band, with no fitltuess
at the shoulder, vies with the slightly
full pattern with Its gathers nt the
armbole. Then again there Is a chxtely
fitting French tuouarcby model that
many are using.
"It Is so much easier to wash one’s
foreiuuus than to discard a blouse aft­
er a single wearing." said a woman
the other day. The qtiestlou of clean­
liness Is decidedly a point lu favor of
the short sleeves.
A Butterfly Cloak.
Au exceptionally full, graceful and.
what Is welcome to the home dress­
maker. easily deslgued eveulug cloak
is of silk, which In Ita HUpple fold,«
over the shoulders resembles tbe
wings of a butterfly.
When the arms are belt! straight out
frqtu the sides the mantle shows up
IKT winged sba|ies over the arms,
while the cape-llke lower portion la
divided at the back lu wlng-like sec
tlons. Embroidery lu beads and silk is
used In Iniuieuse disks uu front, back
and sleeves.
The whole effect is of a gorgeous
butterfly which Is at rear wbeu tbe
arms aredoWD aud uttractlvely on the
wing wbeu the wearer chooses to
Porch Work.
Very pretty work to keep on hand
for summer anti to get ready for the
next gift oeeasion la the shirt waist
frill of sheer handkerchief linen aud
its buttons made to match.
The K-allo|>rd edge of a graduated
atrip for the frill Is doue lit china blue
embroidery cotton, and a set of six
buttons for the front box plait of tba
shirt waist completes the gift.
Corer button molds with cbkia blue
linen worked with white cotton. These
two mounted upon tissue paper t»fter
the frill Is pressed into pls It si sod
boxed make a most attractive little
gift and represent boors well spent.
French Dress Nstisns.
Colors play a great role la dress. an
the French wall know. Citron, like
many ackt colors, gives the ldtukiu of
slimness. Gray increases our bulk, ex­
cept a very dark mole gray. Tale blue,
chocolate brown, navy, bottle green
and black also reduce the apparent
size. When ordering a gown all these
facts have to be duly considered
A new tint called fluere de pec be to
very faahlooable, but It Is moat suited
to dark haired women—not to bloods
The very vivid crude dark blues are
most effective when used as rovers to
the new opera mantles, many of which
are now being lined with printed chif­
fon or gaze de sole
She Like» Good Things.
Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West
Franklin, Maine, says: “I like good
tilings and have adopted Dr. King's
New Life Pills as our family laxi-
tive medicine, because they are
out late nt night. Then I’d have good and do their work without
to go to the woods and fetch her borne making a fuss about it.” These
painless purifiers sold at drug store
to the milkin'.
‘“Well, one dark night when I want­ 25c. For Sale by Cha». I. Clough.
ed to go Hpurkln' Sukey was late ng'ln.
Excellent Health Advice.
nnd It certainly rlz my dander. I
Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. 379
started out after her. cussln’ a blue Gifford
Ave., San Jose, Cal., says:
streak, aud in about an hour I beerti “The worth of Electric Bitter» as a
her snortin' aud pullin’ In the thleket. general family remedy, for head
‘“I’d missed my girl by that tlnje. ache, biliousness anil torpor of the
aud I wits riled clear through. I cut liver and I miwc I x ia >o pronounced
a saplln* and went for old Sukey, It that I am prompted to sav a word
was too dark to see. but 1 knew her in its favor, for the benefit of those
relief from such afflictions.
snuffle, iiud I grubbed her by the «•ar seeking
There is more health for the diges­
and liegan to luy on with my stick tive organs in a bottle of Electric
just about proper.
Bitters than in any'other remedy I
“ ‘The old cow showed fight, Sh<* know cf.” Sold under guarantee nt
store. 20c. For Sale
wrestled me around considerable. But drug
I was mad—mad all over—and I half Clias. I. Clough.
pushed, half drug and half carried her
to the baru. aud there I tied her up
tight uud fast, and I milked her la the
Notice is
ia hereby given, that
dark. Afterward 1 weut to bed.
County Court of Tillamook Ci
" *1 certainly did have to laugh, Oregon, will receive bids for clear­
though, wbeu 1 come down the next ing right-of-way on what is known
moruln'. Gosh durued If 1 hadn’t as the Win. Squires road, Haiti
fotebed home and milked a big she right-of-way to be cleared Ht a
width of thirty feet, commencing
bear.' "—Washington Star.
at the initial point of the »aid aur
vey, and running to Tillamook
Rsjklsas Speed.
river, and forty ieet for tlie re­
Governor Hughes said at a dinner mainder of said road, accordi ng to
In Albany of a piece of legislation be the survey.
Also for making a fill of about
"They are putting thia piece of legis­ 1000 feet between the initial point
lation through with reckless speed. and the river, said fill to be twelve
in width, and one foot high.
They remind me of Peter Simpson feet
All bids to be filed with the
Peter lived on the eighth story of n County Clerk on or before Septem­
tenement. Haring arranged to move ber 7th, 1910.
to the eighth story of the tenement op­
The Court reserving the right to
posite. be decided that to carry bis reject any and nil bids. By order
belongings down the eight Hights and of the County Court.
J. C. H olden ,
tbeu up eight Hights was too slow and
County Clerk.
tedious a process for him He. by the
powers, would hurl them across.
“So that Is what be did. Prom bla
own window be hurled through the str JçjJ-RS. ALICIA PHELPS,
toward the opposite window frying
pans, stools, pictures, chairs and even
a small table.
“‘Go It. Peter the crowd shouted
from below. And tbelr delight was
boundless when Simpson threw the
cat. tied up lu a pillow case, end Mn TILLAMOOK,
Simpson caught It deftly at the win-
dow across the way.
“ ‘Go Itf they cried again
“1 understand that the baby Wil
Just being tied up In another pillow-
V. hx.x
case when a polIceman Interfered.
C l.nl-
A Paid Up Policy
The titan with a paid up policy ha» the satis­
faction <if knowing that premiums thereafter
will not pester him.
When you have ZACHMANN install your
Plumbing you can rest assured that your job is
paid tip when finished, and does not like any
other job» call for premiums in the shape of
constant repairs.
Remetnlier our reputation where workman
ship is considered ZACUMANN always gets
the job.
Unsurpassed, Non-Intoxicating
Special Brew.
Columbia Bottling Co
Astoria, Oregon
Waters. Hipthona, Bartlett
Hi» Paint ot Order.
After Senator Heyburn bad talked
himself thirsty on the agricultural bill
be called for a glass of water. “That
reminds me." Mid a gentleman la the
gallery, "of so Incident that happened
lu the New York legislature. A mem
ber had been sfieaklug on a certain bill
for more than an hour, muck to the
discomfort of his hen rem. wbro be
called for a glass of water end started
off afresh Another memtwr on the
other side of the chamber was on bls
feet U> a Jiffy and m W. Mr. Hpraker. I
rise to a point of order' Btale your
point of order.' res|»>iided the speaker
Mr Hpeaker.’ m W the obRrtlng mew
her. 'I make the point of order against
the mender from H< hotiarie < oonty
that It to 'Hit of order to attempt to
ran a windmill with water.'Wasb-
iugton Herold
Bosenberg Bros., g
5 or
Wise Dental Co.
Best on the Market
Weoarry a Full Line of Feeds.
Grass Seed a Specialty.
A Morning Reminder.
You awake with a
Prepare» young (teople for bookkeeiwr», slettog rupi ter»,
reat>onderita and general offic e work. The development «>(
Northwest will tifford openings for thousands in the next few
years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue.
W. I STALEY, Principal.
¿'aleni, Ore