I ♦ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 18. 1910 Notice. ‘DRYSv MAKE DEFiNc? Oregon State Fair. Telephone Manners. the Chinese numbered 1770, Japa- Notice is hereby given, that ti e , Some of the best horses ever .■TalCTLl IN ADVANCB.) nise 2798, English 53,498, Irish 38,- 27 Tillamook Men Deny Advertising has worked and is County Coutdy Court of Tillamook ( oiintv, 4 «Ine rear............................................ 1 382, Jews 84,200, Germans 71,380. still working wonders. Its limits seen in the west are enterel for the Oregon, will receive bids for ileui-, ■ hibition Is Failure. . ■ . ‘ ____....... ■ u Vnrtwn Six month» ....................................... Magyars 27,302, African negroes have not yet been approached. harness events of Oregon state fair ing 9 right-of-way on • what is known Three month».................................... 4900, East Indians 1782, and 61 And yet it is difficult not to have a September 12 to 17, iucluaive, and as the Wm. Squires road, said They Declare There I8 Bot to be cleared at a Pacific Islanders. Over the Cana­ feeling of skepticism concerning splendid contests may be looked right-of-way Much Drunkenness in City 8i#c for. The course has been worked width of thirty feet, commencing dian border caine 47,888 immigrant the effort of the New York Tele ­ at the initial point of the said sur- d’illumooli ïjrabligbt Saloons Were Clceed. aliens, against 29,080 departed. phone Company to instill courtesy down to a far better condition than vey, and running- to Tillamook Of those shut out 12,382 were ad- i into ___________ its subscribers by advertising. ever before and track and northwest river, and forty ieet for the re- From the Oregonian. judged as likely to become public It ig never pleasant to have our at- records will undoubtedly be made. mainder pf said road, according to Recent rains have given the corn the survey. T illamook , Or., Aug, li.--^, Lone Oak track when in condition ( charges for lack of funds and 2471 tention called to our faults, but Also for making a fill of about crop a fine lift toward the 3,000,000,- is one of the fastest race courses in | 1000 feet between the initial point appeared in your issue of AUi{ ? on account of disease. I in this case it is done in such an UOO-biisliel mark. the country, and it is here that the , and the river, said fill’to be twelve column under the headlines "Pni In Anderson County, Tex., on the impersonal way that it may perhaps most famous speed contests on the feet in width, and one foot high. bibition for Counties is a Farce^ A Massachusetts preacher expects night of July 80, about the little not prove offensive. The New York All bids to be filed with the Inasmuch as Tillamook ig cite«] Pacific coast have taken place. It is to enjoy baseball in lieaven. Will County Clerk on or before Septem­ an example of this feature, and b* town of Slocum, a mob of whites, advertisements ask: umpires succeed in pleasing every­ "Would you rush into an office here that Chehalis broke the world’s ber 7th, 1910. angered by the remark of one negro pacing record for two miles on Oct­ The Court reserving the right to officials and people implicate k body or be absent? who refused to pay a note, went or up to the door of a residence and reject any and all bids. By order t said failure, there is a widsepttJ ober 6, 1907, setting the mark at 4:- Hello! Who A rattlesnake was killed in New from house to house occupied by blurt out: ’Hello! of the County Court. feeling here that the situation wg 191-4, and the following year a new York Monday. While this remains negro families and, calling out the am I talking to?’ and then, when J. C. H olden , not fairly dealt with in the above record, for a guideless pacer, of 2:04- County Clerk. be kept you receive a reply, follow up your possible, the lid can never male members, shot them down mentioned column by Mayor Coate» 1-4 was made by Del Norte. down on that town. in cold blood until at least eighteen wild discourteous salution with: ‘I and the hightitled “Greater Oreg(, The race record for Lone Oak don ’ t want you; get out of my way; What is the Best for Indigestion? Home Rule Association.’' Thereat Col. Bryan contemplates remov* negroes had been slain. Next day I want to talk to Mr. Jones.’ track is 2:05 1-4, held by the pacer Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin, ing from Nebraska to Texas. He the negroes of the whole region Leland Onward, 2:041-1. This record Ontario, has been troubled for years we, the undersigned business mrn and Senator Bailey will get along began to arm and gather in self-de­ Would you?” We most certainly would not! was made in the Rapid Transit with indigestion, and recommends and citizens of Tillamook, retag like two brothers Cain and Abel. fense, and a sheriff’s posse went in purse of $1000 for 2:05 pacers on Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver fully request the publication < pursuit of the murderers. A com­ None of us; and for various reas­ Germany claims to be ahead of pany of troops was ordered to the ons. Aside from the danger of September 18, 190«. He was in coih- Tablets as “the beet medicine I this further word in your valtutk ever used.’’ If troubled with indi­ England with new 13.8 inch navel scene then to restore and preserve getting ourselves thrown into the petion with Mona Wilkes, 2:04 1-4. gestion or constipation give them a medium of intelligence. guns. But the United States is order. Hundreds of negroes left street for doing anything of the The track record for trotters is 2:10 trial. They’ are certain to prove Conditions are not just as ideal making 14-inch guns and is satis­ kind, it is not customary for people 1-4, made by Day Break in the Lewis beneficial. They are easy to take in Tillamook as intelligent progrei the section in fear of their lives. fied with the tests. I to act in that way. However and Clark $5000 stake on September and pleasant in effect. Price 25 eta. sive citizens could wish, nor were Samples free at Lamar’s drug store. Preliminary figures for the last they when our open saloons ww grumpy or disap­ 17,1908. The track record fortrotters, grouchy and The explorers who attempted to fiscal year, as reported by the is 2:10 1-4, held by Day Break, was operating. But it is our candid Excellent Health Advice. follow the Dr. Cook route to the Interstate Commerce Commission, pointed we may feel, it does not But equaled last year by Lady Sirius in even occur to us to act so. Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. 379 opinion that, first, there is M summit of Mount McKinley have Show that 8720 persons (including the third heat of the 2:15 trot for the Gifford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says: nearly so much drinking auddruok. come back, which is more than Dr. employes, passengers and others) with a telephone receiver at the ear “The worth of Electric Bitters as a enness, nor the drunkenness a it never seems to occur to many Farmers’ $1000 purse. Cook seems to be able to do. were killed on the railroads of this general family remedy, for head­ violent or dangerous now as whtt people to act in any other way. In ache, biliousness and torpor of the By chance, or accident, or prov. i country, and that 95,000 were in­ the first place, it is safe; and in the The Independent Church. liver and bowels is so pronounced the saloons were operating «• i lential interfeience, the Ohio Rep jured. This was 2000 fewer deaths second, it lacks that personal ...V. r . 1 Mark 13,10: "And the GoBpel that I am prompted to say a word molested. i in its favor, for the benefit of those Second, while thë firiaucpaif'itie ublicans have nominated a candi­ on the rail than during the preced­ contact which makes more or leBS must first be published among all date for govenor who is conceded ing year ami 10,000 fewer injured. for decent manners. i seeking relief from such afflictions. city are not.ïa as.rgood Bbape « nations.” There is more health for the diges­ to be satisfactory to all tactions of One passenger in 3,500,000 was Few of the facilities of modern There is but one gospel, and that tive organs in a bottle of Electric present ag they were in just print killed, ami one in 80,000 injured. the party. life are of greater convenience than is the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Bitters than in any other remedy I to the takingeffect of local dptioa. There are now 230,870 miles of rail­ the telephoee; but for all that the The Jewish synagogue was succeed-; know cf.i' Sold under guarantee at this is accounted for to a consider It is stated that the steam rail­ road in the United States, an store. 20c. For Sale by able extent by the fact that tbe dty| telephone- like other things -is not ed by the Christian church of what-' ' j roads of the United States could be increase of 320.1 miles for the year. perfect. We do not always get the ever name or order, but Christ i Cha's. I. Clough. had to repay a large sum to saloon­ duplicated for $11,030 per mile. If The capitalization totals $13,712,- keepers who had renewed then the interurban systems were in­ 000,000, with a par value of $17,500- number we ask for or we are irritat­ taught his deci pies to pray "Thy I Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and cluded this figure might be shaded 000,000. Dividends were paid to the ingly delayed in getting it. It is kingdom come. The kingdom of ( Diarrhoea licenses shortly prior to January! Remed; jmarrnoea .rxemedy Never Known not pleasant to sit with a receiver God is in advance of the church. 1904, putting the city immediately still more. to Fail. tune of $321,000,000, but only 30 per to the ear even for a few minutes. "I have used Chamberlain's in debt, and the further fact tbn There is a difference between a In the Panama Canal zone thirty­ cent of the roads paying a profit. The intermittent buzzes and rau­ man that is educated for the min­ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ last year and this, under Mr. Coals seven churches have been built edy since it was first introduced to Some good friend of Messrs. Cum­ cous rattles jar our nerves, so that istry and one who is interested in : the public in 1872, and have never administration, the city practical! since the United States took pos­ mins, Bristow, Dolliver and Mur­ when we do finally get the number the Kingdom of God. ' found one instance where a cure threw away, so far as the use of lb: session. As for schoolhouses the dock ought to take these gentlemen we are after we are in no mood for The educated man has never been ‘ was not speedily effected by its use. money by the city' was concerne! count is always satisfactory when aside and tell them that in this the amenities of telephony, im­ able to explain the Kingdom of God. ! I have been a commercial traveler $3000 of road tax money, by upset­ Uncle Sam moves in. hour of victory it might be well for portant as they unquestionably There is no enthusiasm in our theo- for eighteen years, and never start ting an arrangement with the out on a trip without this, my President Taft will make a visit them to be on the lookout for break­ are. Futhermore, when we do not logical seminaries about the King-| aifthful County Court of long standing br rioo.l,” says H. S ' friend. S. Vi<-1 Nickola, to the Panama country this fall. ers ahead. The descent to Avernus get the desired connection promptly doin of God. The young man said, of i ^Oakland, Oakland, . Ind. Ind.* Ter. Ter. For sale which one-half of the county roti The canal is the one thing con is easy, but trouble usuully strikes and properly we generally have a tax collected in the city was beinj "Suffer me first to go and bury my by Lamar’s drug store. nected with the administration that those who get there. Men who talk suspicion—born, alas! of exper­ turned over, to the City. Nofirith father,” but Christ said, “Let the Cholera Infantum Cured. the insurgents have not found fault with the airy recklessness of these ience that ¡central has not done its standing this, the public workofthe dead bury the dead,1 but go though "Something like twofyears ago with. individuals may say or do some­ whole duty in the premises. Cen­ and preach the Kingdom of God.” my baby, which was then about city has never suffered to any ser­ There are various ways of influ­ thing which will take them out of tral, like the telephone itself, is not Christ placed the preaching of the a year old, was taken seriously ious extent by reason of the iF Nor is it reasonable to Kingdom at the head of the list. It ill with cholera infantum, vometing sence of saloons. encing public opinion. In Illinois the pale of sane politics. Pretend­ perfect. Third, cash receipts in gener» the jack pot is employed. In Texas ing to be Republicans they de­ expect the subscribers to be. was the most important in his life. and purging profusely,” writesj. F. But, after all, we ought to try to The majority of hie sayings were Deinsey of Dempsey, Ala. "I dill business are much better that it is n barbeque. In Iowa it is a nounce the leaders of the Republi­ what I could to relieve her but did brass band. In Washington it is a can party and condemn the record realize that it is really a person at about the Kingdom’of God. her no good, and being very much when we bad saloons, and bette on which the party is appealing for the other end of the wire we are frog leg dinner. "As it was in the days of Noah.” alarmed about her went for a than they would now be with sod the support of the people. If they talking to not just the instrument. physican but failed to find one, so Uncle Sam has completed two are sincere in their belief that they If we do that we shall hesitate to Only Noah and his family under­ came back by Elder Bros. A Carter’s saloons. Fourth, Mayor Coates says di leviathan battle ships, the North are right and that the great major­ indulge in forms of speech that we stood, though he had preached store and Mr. Elder recommended local officers have honestly d® about a century. MCn are born in ­ Chamberlain ’ s Colic, Cholera and Dakota and Deluware, and others ity of the party which elected them, never use when speaking to people to the Kingdom, so they naturally Diarrhoea remedy. I procured a their best to enforce the law.” Th» lire under construction, With their and to which they still say that face to face. bottle of it, went home as quickly comprehend. The responsibility of as possible and gave the baby a we believe true of some of the lock speed of over twenty knots they they Itelong, is wrong, they can preaching and publishing the mid much to naval power in this not be blamed rejoicing over their dose of the remedy. It relieved officers, notably the Sheriff. 8* For Sore Feet. Kingdom of God rests with men her in fifteen minutes and soon our records show that, instead us in other respects. "I have found Bucklen’s Arnica triumph. Their triumph was not Salve to be the proper thing _ to use who are interested in and believe cured her entirely.”^For sale by some of our local utficiale to" quite as sweeping as they predicted At the unveiling of the Pilgrim in its possibilities. One man pract­ Lamar’s drug store. for sore feet, as us well as for healing 1 done their best to violate the I* Fathers^ Monument one of the fea­ it would be, but it was sufficient to burns, sores, cuts, and all manner i ices what he preaches is worth more themselves, and have had to pl® tures was n review of a great squad­ show that, on the face of the fig­ of abrasions,” writes Mr. W. Stone, than a hundred professionals who Why James Lee Got Well. guilty and pay’ fines for such r» i have no responsibility. of East Poland, Maine. It is the ures, they are masters of the situa ­ ron of modern battle ships, and the Everybody in Zanesville, O., lations. Everybody knows that th G ove . proper thing too for piles. Try it! ! knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route occasion generally was entitled to tion iu their respective states, for bold Sold under guarantee at drug store I She writes: "My husband, James honest enforcement of the law!» be culled tlie topflower of the the moment, at least. But let them 23c. For Sale by -Chas. I. Clough. They Have A Definite Purpose. i 8. Ied outside of the breast­ is acute or chronic Foley’s Kidney Terre Haute, Ind., tells the result inevitable, when a friend recom­ The four places licensed bv ® Americans should blame their rev­ works and never were able to get Remedy will reach your case. Mr. in her case. "After suffering for mended New Discovery. We tried it Mayor and Council to sell * Claude Brown, Reynoldsville, Ill., many years from a serious case of and its use has restored him to per­ drinks have been compelled • olutionary spirit upon the people back. writes that he suffered many kidney trouble and sjvending much fect health.” Dr. King’s New Dis­ of the United States. The gold months with kidney complaint money for so called cures, I found covery is the King of throat and plead guilty to repeated offeo® Foley Kidney Pills. medal just voted to Mr. Carnegie which baffled all treatment At lust Foley Kidney Fills the only medi­ lung remedies. For cougl The city has meted no pu» coughs and Tonic in quality and action, he tried Foley’s Kidney Remedy cine that gave me a permanent colds it has no equal. The fir rst dose ment to them, not even revoca by the Pan-American Congress is quick in results. For backache, and a few large bottles effected a cure. I am again able to be up and gives relief. Try it ! Sold under of license. No one seemstoi one proof of the endeavors in this h.’adache, dizziness, nervousness country to promote peaceful con urinary irregularities and rheuma­ complete cure. He says, "It has tend to my work. I shall never ruarantee at drug store. ! 20c. and more delight in the fact that been of inestimable value to me.” hesitate to recommend them.” 1.90.- Trial bottle free. For Sale by ilitions in Latin-America. tism.—-For sale by C. 1. Clough. —C. I. Clough. sale by C. I. Clough. law is violated, nor to be more | Chas. I. Clough. sonally grieved when suchriob The New York City commissioner are arrainged than our honoi of weights and measures has de­ Mayor himself. Conditions are cided that hereafter eggs soil bread enough, but they are made ser must be sold bv weight under an o dmunce requiring provisions to ly worse by the very encourage and participation of some vf tie so sold. He finds that Eastern officials, and every standardM markets are supplied generally with ness this fact merits publics the smaller sizes of eggs because since attention has been calle» nt Chicago dealers insist on buying eggs by weight. the situation. H. T. B otta One of the latest of the big trade A lva Fixunr. combinations backed by J. P. Mor M. W. H arms * gun is the Single Service Package RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. Neskowin THE OLD SALEM CAMP GROUND Corporation of America, which is organized in New York with a cap­ ital of $2.500; OOllL and ot which Char­ les A. Henderson of Chicago is president. Thia corporation is to buy or control nil the vnluablc pat­ ents on machines for making recep­ tacles out of |Hiper and other sub­ stances, said machines to lx leased on royalty ami never sold. Some idea of the magnitude of the pro­ posed business may be gathered from the fact that fourteen concerns in thia countty use 3H5.ta»i,it*i of these containers, and the corpor­ ation is to charge the users $1 roy­ alty on every 1(0) of the containers made. E rvin H aw ** A lexani > e *M c V' F. E. N orto R G H. W ard , We earnestly invite you to mako your SUMMER OUTING at NESKOWIN PARK, for wo predict that you will never hate cause to regrat that you chose this ideal spot. Of course you will take your annual vacation! Then, by all means, COME TO NESKOWIN AND ENJOY LIFE. Commissioner General Keen of the Federal immigration Bureau on Monday gave out the final figures concerning the number and char­ acter of immigrants during the last fiscal year. The grand total of arrivals for that period was 1,011.5X1 There was fa-sides these I.W.437 nonimmigrant alliens ad­ mitted, while 24,2X1 immigrants were debarred for various reasons under the lav. Italy waa the country sending lie re the largest number ot immigrants, or 222. LVt. » while Poland is second with l*,M4 I NESKOWIN represents much that is beautiful to the eye of the lover of nature. The «nrroundinjB are ideal, the location the most perfect of any BEACH BESORT on the whole OREGON COAST. In making the foregoing assertion we know that this may I m » queatfoued, but we extend to yon our invi­ tation to coms, visit am! behold uh wo have seen. NESKOWIN has the most promising future. A beautiful little park ‘*u stone’s throw” from the finest •trot oh of beach an ye here. Trout fishiag an one band; deep Bra fishing on the other. Locat 'd in the heart of a prosperous dairy and farming community. Plenty of fresh milk, cheese, ve^eteblea and sea food right at hand. This is the place that INVITES YOU COME. If you went to visit NESKOWIN—If you want uny informât joq , out out the coupon aud mail TODAY—NOW. R olli e W. W atson . TilLuiook City, Oregon. ritaxt wail «;c tiu/> and literature of KESKO ITLV. T. H. GoYlOk J. C. BEWLlf. I. M. S mith , H. A KlNXA»* P. B. Et CAA G. B. I A.MB, C. S. AtKL'«90* A. W. A tt «B*I A. T. W hit «, J. A. D aws OX S, McCARG» G. M imsox . E dgar M im «* A. M. H'R* W. S. BfBk A. G. B bai * T. R. B kai A R obert J- •*’* W B At rW"** J onas O l M* | Granulated Sore Eves Statt "For twenty wears 1 from a laid case of gram eyes,”aaysMartin tx>yd ••’’y- Ky. "In Fet ruary. man sake I me to try 4 Salve. I bought •« e about two-thirds ot it an«iw have not given ” e,‘,”L’i since.” ThissaKe by !»■* store