Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 18, 1910, Image 1

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If a Bank Draft is Lost
Money is Not
A bank draft need not be sent by registered
mail so far as safety is concerned.
The person
to whom a draft is made payable must eudorse
it before it can be cashed.
lf a draft purchased of us should miscarry or
lie stolen, notify us fliWF'W? will trace it up or
issue a duplicate without any “ red tape.”
oest V
T illamook county bâ O»
Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle,
$1.85 and $2.75. An almost new
drop head sewing machine cheap.—
D. L. S hrode .
The Si e H. Elmore left on Fr • pany ia reaching out for busines. ’
day with tlie ioliowing passengers: and a* it expects to see a large num­
Alfred Osberg, Miss Myrtle Downs, ber of acre tracts built u|ron north
G. Renberg, Wm. Buckle and wife, of this city aud on the Bay City road
G. Brent, Mrs. Merrill and ami, in the near future, they feel justified
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Claud Thayer in making the extension to Bay
Ernest Therdich left today to I City as soon as possible, and pro­
attend a college in California. He bably to Nehalem later. This will
will take a four years course. give a number of residents modern
Ernest is a bright boy and very convenience*, and shows that the
popular with the young people electric light company has a grer’i
here. His friends all join in wish­ deal of confidence in the growth ai <1
ing him success.
development of Tillamook county.
No mi tier what you have that
The opening of the Oregon State
needs painting, you cannot afford to Fair, September 12, 1910, will usher
leave it go when you can get a in what promises to be the greatest,
guaranteed Ready Mixed Paint for from every standpoint, agricultural
$1.56 per gallon or «lets, a quart. and livestock exhibition ever held
Special prices on Paint. Sea our in the state. As entries for the
window. K ing ; A S mith C o .
different exhibits are under way
Rev. S. G. Finney will preach at Secretary Frank Meredith is now
the Presbyterian Church 011 Sunday turning hia attention to hia ground
morning, and in the evening there working forces and liuving the ex-
will be a united temperance meet­ halls, stock barns, race-horse sta­
ing in that church. The subject of bles and grounds put in holiday
Mr. Finney’s sermon in the morn­ attire for ttie reception of the visit­
ors September 12 to 17 inclusive.
ing is “Andrew, the soul winner."
New decorations are being placed
Your Carriages, Wagons and
in the exhibit bulls, painters are
Farm Implements will last longer
Spreading fresh paint and the en­
and look bettor if given a coat of
tire grounds are being cleaned up
paint before setting away for the
so the visitor enn enter every nook
winter. Good quality Ready Mixed
and corner and find that hie coin­
Buggy Paint 28cts. pint and f5ctB.
ing lias been prepared for.
quart. See our window for Puint.
F. H. Graves, representing the
K ing a S mith C o .
Oregonian, was in the county in the
The United Railways Company
interest of the annual edition of that
has brought suit against William
newspaper, which next year will be
B. Smith, being a suit to condemn a
of unusual interest on account of
right of wav for the plaintiff’s rail­
the 50th anniversary of the installa­
way through the defendant’s prop­
tion oi the Daily Oregonian. It will
erty in thia county, the company
be in all respects a notable number,
having failed to agree upon a
covering the historical, industrial,
price to be paid Smith.
political and social sense, all the
The Sue II. Elmore came in on varied interests of Oregon. The
with the following annual editor of the Oregonian has
passengers: Helma Johnson, Maude done wonders to boost and boom
Griffin, Carrie Fredrickson, P. M. the state, and the edition next year
Strand, P. M. Straub, Mrs. C. F. will be an elaborate affair in that
McDemaid, Mrs. Chas. Morgan, respect, numerous copies of which
Chas. Morgan,Irene Morgan, Walter will be sent all over theUnited States
Morgan, L. Diercks, Mrs. A. P. to help bring more settlers into
Becker, A. P Becker, C. Paulus, Oregon,
B. V. Schofield, J. H. West, C. I. needed. It ie to be ho|>ed that the
Linzay, Rose Haas, Mr. and Mrs. commercial bodies in this county
will take a lively interest in thia ed-
The Tillamook Public and High ition, for we consider it will do
Schools will begin on Monday, Sep­ more for Tillamook, and at lesa
tember 12. The factulty will consist expense, than any other advertising
of Prof. L. L. Baker, of Roseburg, proposition that may be under con­
Principal; F. A. Scofield and Ralph sideration.
ream at T he S pa .
[orris, eye specialist
Team Cones at T he S pa . .
For sale, household furniture,
i for sale, apply to A. G. including a piano, by private sale.
Call at Mrs. Catterlin’s, east of the
I S pa for the beat Ice Cream in Catholic church.
The schooner Oshkosh came in
on Saturday with a full load,
mie, typewriter, cheap. —D.
which included a large quality of
shingles and lath.
sr wanted. Apply at theHead-
Snow Drift flour, $6.25 a bbl. and
$1.60 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.75
ies wanted at the Tillamook a bbl. and $1.50 a sack.—W m .
’ Bank.
C urtis , The Grain Man.
o John Sheets for your Crout
If you want barley, oats, wheat,
■h Barrels.
cracked corn, shorts, middlings,
F. S. Whitehouse A Son for bran, etc., go to A. F inley A Co.,
isurance, etc.
Old Post Office building.
I news is unusually scarce
Hereafter get your cones at The
It few weeks.
Spa. We make our own cones and
pement by the sack or the guarantee them to contain abso­
lee D. L. Shrode.
* lutely no poisonous colorings.
I on Monday, to the wife
Two arrests have been made cf
outside parties |>eddling without
es Williams, a son.
Moore, high school; Mrs. E. G. Ford,
I Shaw and wife, of Portland, licenses, one being representatives
eighth grade; Mrs. Ed. Leitch, sixth
of the Home Comfort Range Co.
j the city on Monday.
and seventh grades; Miss Carrie
|les, the best kind, at the
Several dozen Pint cans of Ready Hathaway, fourth and fifth grades;
bok Lumber Mfg. Co.
• Mixed Paint for lOcts. per can. All Mrs. Hans Hansen, second and
ers are etill going to Happy colors. See our window for special third grades ; Miss Esther Fisher,
prices on paint. K ing A S mith C o .*
nd other beach reeorte.
on Monday, at Beaver, to ' Everything you want in the way
All of the applicants who took
of Fred Nickola, a eon.
of eatables at the new grocery. the teachers examination for county
Schlegel and wife, of Port- Everything new and fresh.—A. F in ­ papers last week received certifi-
ley A Co. Old Post Office build- cants, vixj:
ere in the city on Monday.
1st grade—Miss Leola
Dunham and Mrs. Laura Leach.
S. Moore and wife, of Port- ing.
Prof. W. R. Rutherford and wife 2nd grade—Miss Hattie Tobi, Miss
■re in the city on Monday.
leave today for McMinnville, Bessie Bays, Miss Grace Ellis, Miss
S your property and avoid
h F. S. Whitehouse A Son. . where be will take up his duties as Emma Ridgeway and William Rid­
Superintendent of the schools of geway.
3rd grade—Miss Bernice
triage license was issued to
that city.
Johnson, Miss Elisa Dawson, and
son and Josephine Bartrow.
Mrs. Andy Nolan, who has been Mrs. D. Goldsworthy. Those who
Suffer with the heat when in on a visit, will leave for her home took the examination for state pa-
| get ice at ike. per pound at
in Portland on Friday, and her pers were*: Mis» Verna Lester,
sister, Mrs. B. C. Lamb, will ac­ Mias Emma Swenson, Miss Vieva
it Price paid for Hides, Furs company her.
Walker, Mrs. Ed. Leach and F. A.
ep Pelt*. N. Melchior, Till-
Plasker Bros, will do your plumb­
The ministers of the Protestant
ing in firstcluis style. Let us figure
' sale at The Spa, in any on your work. Will guarantee our Churches of this city organised on
' from 10 pound* up at H
work, having just employed an ex- Monday, forming a ministerial as­
sociation, with Rev. B. E. Emerick,
perienced plum tier.
i doors can be obtained^.
of the U.B. church, president ; and
At a meeting of the members of
Rev. S. G. Finney, of the Presby-'
Tillamook Lumber Mfg.
the Presbyterian Church on Sun­
terian church, secretary and trea­
►in city.
day evening, it was decided to ask
I ts , cheapest and best paper Rev. S. G. Finney to become the surer. After the organization of the
association the temperance ques­
h town.
Leave orders at permanent pastor of that church.
tion was discussed st length and
(kiiith Co.
If your floors need repainting, steps were tsken toward the Argan-
L E. Ferrin and Miss Grace
give them a coat of Ready Mixed ¡ration of the temperance fcrees.
| of Forest Grove. Jwere in
Floor Paint. Special price of 33cta. The ministers aim to work together
bn Monday.
quart and $1.30 s gallon. See our for the improvement of loca) condi­
fund process barley, $1.25 Paint Window. K ing A S mith C o . * tions and the best interest« of the
Bd $31.00 a ton.—W m . C vh -
The association will meet
Lost, a bundle of Paper Stencils, city.
Grain Man
between Tillamook and Hemlock, regularly on Monday mornings at
■is and wife andC. E. Lytle on July 27th, marked “J. A. Nord­ 10 o’clock every two weeks.
hghter. of Hillsboro, were strom.” Finder will leave the same
On account of the long spell of
hr on Wednesday.
at thia office and receive suitable dry weather. F. S. Whitehouse has
■Kt time you send away for reward.
been unable to get several rafts of
bg get a Money Order from
logs from Sutton creek, and in con­
J. Kerr, an experienced plumber,
■nook County bank.
sequence the Tillamook Luml>er
of Portland, has been engaged by
Manufacturing Co’s, »aw mill in
■r doors and windows from
Plasker Bro«., of this city, to assist
Bmook Lumber Mfg. Co. them in their business, as they have this City will doM down for two
ft money by doing so.
weeks as soon as present orders are
a large amount of business on band
filled. The mill has been running
I making our own conea at Bayocean Park.
steady since it wsa started, making
koid trouble with the State
A small shower of rain the first of considerable of s pay roll in y>is
jpect«.—The Spa.
the week broke an uouaually long city, as well as bringing other busi­
Ktavta Nolan.who has been spell of dry weather for Tillamook, ness here
As all the buaine*s
I near Salem for the lust but it did not last very long, fur it ‘ men are benefited in some way «
L ia visiting relatives here. soon blew over, with hardly enough other by the saw mill <oxn|>any. the
I < losing down of the mill will be
rain to do any good
■liott waa arrested for fi»h-
Don't delay that paintittg job. I frit also in a businesa Way. for rt
■f the fishing bounds, and
' will mean several thousand dollars
■ffuihy. was fined $c0 and The extremely low prices that we
are making on paint will move it lees put into circulation every
fast Lome in an secure the amount
The Tillamook Electric Light . nd
you will need before it ie all gone.
Kura a S mith C ol
• Fuel Co. •• making arrangement*
I to extend it* luxe to Bay City *«•«-<«
, Congressman W. C. Hawley will
' u it can otitain franchrees from the
pay Tillamook County a visit next
county court and Boy City, which
month, to confer nitb the commer­
Will also girr electric light service
cial holies as to hart air improve­
to anyone deair-ng H between the
ments aud to more fully acquaint
two U jwss The ekectric light com-
himself with lite local conditions.
Entertainment at The
of Christ.
#1.50 per year,
Union Temperance Meeting.
A Union meeting of the various
churches of the city will be held
in the Presbyterian Church next
Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. The
meeting promises to be one of i
special interest to all.
A committee has been appointed |
to arrange for the music.
singing will be a prominent feature
of the evening. A large chorus|
composed of the various choirs off |
the city will lead in the singing of |
popular hymns.
have been secured. Both the ladies'
and gent's, quartets will sing spec­
ial hymns and songs that will be
appropriate to the occasion,
sure and hear the singing.
The speaker of the evening will
be Rev. W. V. Phelps, of Gaston,
Ore. Rev. Phel|Mi is an experienced
temperance worker and will doubt­
less give us something worth while.
The local ministers will also tie
heard from.
The subject of prohibition is one
of interest to the people of Tilla­
mook. Come out and listen to the
fair presenting of a living subject.
Don’t mis* the meeting Suuilay
evening. Come early.
Thursday morning, after a linger­
ing and suffering sickness, Mr.
Laurin A. Hoyt passed away at his
home on Sandlake. The deceased
was 78 years old and was born in
Conneticut in 1832. lie cume a foot
across the plains to Oregon in 1852.
At Nebraska, in 1875, he was united
in marriage to Mrs. Alice Iannson,
and with liis family returned to
Oregon in 1888, and they resided in
McMinnville until June 1889, they
settled ut Sa nd hike. Deceased was
a kind husband and father, there
lieing 9 children of this union, 7
girls and 2 boys, vix,: Bert of New­
berg, Jay, Mrs. Lillie Edwards,
Mrs. Dora Carter, Minnie and Josie
of Sandlake, Mrs. Ethel Margarell
of Pacific City, Mrs. Edith Shilling­
law of Hemlock, and Mr*. Dolly
Shillinglaw, Canada. The deceased
was not a member of nny Christian
organization. He was laid to rest
in the Owens’ cemetery on Friday
afternoon at 2 p. in. He was a man
well respected anil liked by all.
A precious one from u* has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled;
God in his wisdom lias recalled,
The loin his love had given;
And though the Ixiily moulders
The soul in safe in Heaven.
The following program will be
given at the Church of Christ, Aug.
26, beginning at 8 o’clock in the
evening, by Marie Elliott Wade. Im­
personator and Reader.
R epertoire .
"The First Settler's Story,” Will
Heaton Bros. Determined to Make
Palace Restaurant a Success.
“In De Morion,” (Negro Dialect),
Paul Lawrance Dunbar.
People of Tillamook and many of
"An Easter Symbol,” (Negro Dia-
the traveling public will lie inter­
lect\ Selected.
ested to learn deflnately
"Mary and Martha,” Original.
Heaton Bros, have made a positive
"Life’s Lessons," Janies Whitcomb
statement to the effect. The Palace
I Restarant ie a permanent enter­
“Watchen the Sparkin,” Fred Em­
prise with them.
erson Brooks.
This is gratifying news, because
‘‘The Hindoo’* Paradise,” Selected.
it means the addition to Tillamook
“Ned,’’ John B. Gough.
of the right kind of people and in­
“Unrecognized,” Selected.
sures a business enterprise, much
“At Twilight,” Original.
needed here, run -.in a proper basis.
“A Father’s Lament,” Mark Twain.
In the short time the boys have
“The Goblin*,” James Whitcomb
with us, they have made
many friends and demonatrated a
"Po Little Black Sheep," Ethel
clean business ability.
Maud Colson.
The Palace Restuarant ia today a
“How Mammy Get* the Boy* to
model eating resort frequented by
Sleep,” Selected.
ladies and gentlemen where proper
‘ The Ladies' Aid,” Selected.
Admission, 25c. for adults, 15c. service is always obtainable. A
for children.
’* -
has been made possible by Heaton
Bros, thorough previous training
in high class restaurant work, both
having owned sml successfully
menta and Household Furniture, at managed a college eating club
the residence of 1». T. William*, at
in Michigan, where good service
Fairview, two miles East of Tilla­
ie indeeiiensible.
mook. on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1910,
The Palace Restaurant is a neces­
at Ten a. m.
sity Io Tillamook in its present rap
There wlil lie .old Six Cow* and idly advancing stage of growth.
One Heifer.
The Heaton Bros are desirable citis-
Two Work Horae*.
ene. It tiehooves Tillamookers to
Two Two-Year-Old Marea I ma ted) give every encouragement to these
about 1000 lbs.
determined young men who have
Two Yearling Colts.
made so valiant and successful
One Colt.
an effort to give the city a creditable
One Farm Wagon.
eating place.
One Light Wagon.
One Buggy,
Binger Sewing Machines.
Harness, Tools, Ac.
One Solid Oak Bedroom Set,
Now ia your opport unity Io
One Solid Oak Roll Top Desk.
' s machine that will Isat you a lilr
One Solid Oak Book Case,
time, on easy monthly. |»iyiiien<*
W Foot Dining Table.
you will scarcely misa and
Kot king Chair*.
I no interest
Six Hard Wood Dining Chairs,
Cook Move and Kitchen Form ' 1 personally guarantee every m«
• chine and will keep H
M Ml
ia repair
rrpaii free
of charge.
Your aid machine will be taken
o part payment
Mac bine* delivered ai your home,
on free liemonstrntWMi trial.
For m J*. HO < «da of wood For
Call in and ace the New Binger 0A
further pafttrnlars apply at the BrniiBTT S hipman . THIanumk. Ore.
Wbxleai l Jewelry Moie.
County Clerk’s other
Both the express companies and post office
are trying to handle a line of buaineea
which legitimately belongs to the bank,
pnd which the bank can take care of at less
coot than they can. Do you know that wS
.»111 furnish you a BANK MONEY
ORDER that la better in every way than
that furnished by either express company
or post office, that may be procured quickly
and without red tape, and that ia cheaper
on every amount over $5.00? Next time
you want to send money away, come to us
and buy a BANK MONEY ORDER. You
will never again employ any other method,
For Quick Relief From Hay Fever.
Asthma ami summer bronchitis,
take Foley's Honey anil Tur. It
quickly relieves the discomfort uml
suffering anil the annoying symp­
toms disappear.
It soothes mid
heals the inflamed air pustuiges of
tlie head, throut and bronchial
tubes. It contains no opiates and
no harmful drugs.
Refuse sub-
situte«.—For sale by C, I. Clough.
Intense Colicky Pains Relieved
"For some years I suffered from
intense colicky pains which would
come on nt times and from which
I could find no relief.” says 1. S.
Mason, of Beaver
“Chamberlain* n Colic, Cholera anil
Dianlioea Remedy was recom­
mended to me by a friend. After
taking a few doses of the remedy
I was entirely relieved. That was
four years ago and there has been
no return of the symtom* since that
time.” This remedy is for sale
bv Lminir’s drug store.
She Likes Good Things.
Mrs. Chas. K. Smith, of West
Franklin, Maine, says: "I like good
tiling* and have adopted Dr. King’*
New I.ife Pills us our family laxi-
tive medicine, because they are
good and do tlieir work without
making a fusa about it." These
painless purifiers sold at drug store
25c. For Sale by Chas. I. Clough.
What ia the Beat for Indigestion?
Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin,
Ontario, has been troubled for years
with Indigestion, and recoinnietida
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets ns "the best medicine I
ever used.” If troubled with indi­
gestion or constipation give them a
trial. They are certain to prove
beneficial. They are easy to take
and pleasunt in effect. Price 25 eta.
Samples free at Lamar’s drug store.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Dianlioea Remedy Never Known
to Fail.
“I have used
Colic, Cholera unit Diarrhoea Rem­
edy since it was first introduced to
the public in 1872, unit have «ever
found one instance where a cure
was not speedily effected by its use.
I have been a commercial traveler
for eighteen years, and never start
out On a trip without this, iny
aifthful friend, says H. 8. Nickola,
of Oakland. Ind. Ter. For sale
by Lamar’s drug store.
Cholera Infantum Cured.
"Something like Iwolyeura ago
itiy liaby, which was then about
a year old, was taken seriously
ill with cholera infantum, vomi ting
and purging profusely," wrilrsj. F.
Demsey of Dempsey, Ala. “I did
what I could to relieve her but did
her no good, and living very much
ulnrmeil about her went for n
pliy«icun but iiiileil to find one, so
cume lan k by Elder Uro*. A Carter’a
store and Mr. Ehler recommended
Chamlierlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea remedy. I procured u
bottle of it, went home a* quickly
a* possible anil gave the baby a
done of the remedy.
It relieved
her in fifteen minute* and soon
cured her entirely." For sale l>y
Lamar’s drtig store.
For fioreJFeet.
”1 llave found Bui kirn'« Arnica
Salve to I m - the proiier thing to une
for sore feet, s* well ns for healing
burn*, «orca, cuts, unii all manner
of abrasions,’’ write* Mr. W. Stone,
of East Poland, Maine. It is the
proper thing too for piles. Try it!
Sold under guarantee nt drug store
25c. For Sale by Chas. I. Clough.
Acute Or Chnnic
Which ?
No matter if your kidney trouble
ia acute or chronic. Foley's Kidney
Remedy will resell your case. Mr.
Clsude Brown, Reynoldsville, 111.,
writes that be suffered many
months with kidney complaint
which liuffied all treatment At last
he tried Foley’s Kidney Remedy
and a few largr Ixittlrs ertecti-d u
complete cure. He says, "It has
been <>f ¡neslimsble*value to mt.”
—C. I Clough.
Huth. Phone«.