TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 11. 1910 Editorial Snap Shots To give some idea of good and bad roads, take a trip to Netarts on the short road. But what a blessing it will be when that road is all made 1 ike the first few miles. untenable ground when he makes “HOME RULE”FARCE I i on the assertion that local option ia a IN TILLAMOOK CITY. farce. Let us call his attention to Whan th« Br«th IF A BANK DRAFT IS LOST MONEY IS NOT. When I'm pruyin ioud T* Melt an rvlier Don't mink the DrotSerin c> AtmT-T* the character and standing of some I'm wantin' ih«i i„,i.,rM, of the persons arrested for bootleg- |oiie used if we make some pertinent remarks In conclusion, we want to say this, Tillamook County and he has a few on free demonstration trial. “Anti what do yon get, w mid point to the deplorable condi ­ in trying to pass this bill, also in if Tillamook City cannot control soft “kind remarks” to make about the ' Call in and see th? New Singer (56. man?" said the father to a rosyi endeavoring tudisguise the identity tions which have existed, 11s well as drink places it will never be able to need of good roads missionary | B urdett S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. ed little fellow. of tile liquor interest by assuming show where and upon whom the re­ Whalem's Jewelry Store. "Oh. I dets readln’. spellii control saloons. We hope before a work in that region. At the same sponsibility rests, we do so in the the sheep’s clothing and calling it I spankin’.”—Harper's Weekly. time his trials were rewarded by great while to see the business men the Greuter Oregon Home Rule As­ Interest of the city, not curing one bringing back as a trophy of the Madriz declares that Americans iota who we please or who we may taken more interest in city affairs, ■ How It Began. sociation. trip one of the finest deer that has are in no danger in Nicaragua. I for they must all admit that the offend. And to the Lord old Noah said, been bagged by a local Nimrod The reason why they are safe can What with the Bourne political "The water now testea very tad. Now as to the Greater Oregon saloon keepers, the bootleggers and machine endeavoring to dominate Home Rule Association. Who does the lawless element have helped to since the season opened. It was a be seen at Bluefields in the shape Beenuso there have been dmwnetl All beasts and mankind In their* the Republican party; the Démocra­ it consist of and wliat is its object ? give Tillamook City a tough name. magnificent buck and probably the of American gunboats and marines, And therefore. Lord. I even thin« I 1 should prefer some other drink.' ties endeavoring localise a factional It has the ear marks of the Whole­ So now is as favorable time as any for finest one brought out of the wilds Postal banks have been estab-! -Near fort' fight in the Republican party over sale and Retuil Liquor Association, the mayor and city council to put this year. lished in some leading countries holding an assembly; the Prohibi­ posing as a wolf in sheep's cloth­ home rule into effect and close up Shanks started out on the trip for half a century. The idea that Something Pretty. tion party trying to force prohibi­ ing, intent on partly killing the the blind pig joints, the same as equipped with all the paraphernalia they are untested should give no "We women propose to eat» tion on the State before if is read} locul 1 p ion law by riming a bill other towns have been forced to do. of a Glidden cup race. He expected , anxietv in the United States, bank. What shall we call It? for it; the liquor interests, posing which is to give incorporated cities not close their eyes to the very things trouble and ao he took along four “Call It the Shoe and Leather, Forty people in Joplin have been as the Greuter Oregon Home Rule control of the liquor question. Any­ which have and which will continue inner tubes, several sleeves to lace a good solid name.“ i poisoned by eating ice cream sold Association, intent on partly kill­ one can see that this is a move on to give Tillamook City a bad repu- over "The ¡den! Now. we might 1 bad “blow-outs,” several miles by what a cautious press calls “a the Ice Cream and Soda W ing the local option law mid obtain­ the part of the liquor interests to tation, even should the county go of 1 tire tape and other repair truck. certain dairy.” A dairy of that kind ing control of cities, so that they can deceive the voters by calling it the wet again. Also he carried with him tents, however, seems to be to uncertain. Louisville Courier-Journal. control the liquorquestion, in shout­ Greater Oregon Home Rule Asso­ guns, fishing tackle and a complete Said the EyswitM* Notice. ing for “Rome Rule" ; the U’Ren ciation, and in its campaign it is camping outfit. "Oh. murder! populist machine seeking to destroy procuring letters from those who Oh. mother! He found the roads “horrible,” The President of the Rebekah Two girls with big hats representative govern ment mid pass are opposed to the local option luw Tried tn kiss— Assembly will meet with Tillamook thank you, for a considerable por­ I Then try one of our BANK MONEY fool laws ; mid a lot more fool bills an 1 publishing them, which, Each other!” of Rebekah Lodge Wednesday night, tion of the way. He went to Mc­ to fool “the people,” it is no won course, gives but one side. -Chics«» 1 ORDERS. They are cheaper than either Minnville, thence to Sheridan and Aug 17th. Members requested to der, then that “the people” are be­ express or post office orders, are easier to Now as to MayorCoates’ letter. to Grand Ronde, Hebo and Blaine. Reportonal. attend. ginning to see what u big humbug obtain, are good anywhere, and quickly Why and for what reason did the A side trip to Tillamook was taken M abie L indsey , N. G. “ I am dissatisfied wltbyowi the initiative and referendum law is people of Tillamook vote on three made good if lost or destroyed. of my discovery," declared th Ruby Morris, Secty. and at times it was only his fine and what it is responsible for. occasions to keep the county dry ? skill as a driver that saved his neck TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. tist. “1 told you that It would possible to exaggerate tb* Is* on the hazardous mountain roads. Notice. It is with regret that we have to Simply because business men and Cholera Infantum Cured. of this discovery." “While the roads are in deplor­ record the death of Harvey W. Scott, a large number of the city officials Notice is hereby given, that the ''Something like two Tyeans ago “Well." said the report«. 1 editor of the Oregonian, if any one did not have the moral courage to County Court of Tillamook County, able shape for miles at a stretch,” my baby, which was then about was entitled to the honor of being control the saloons, consequently Oregon, will receive bids for clear­ he said, “we had no bad accidents, a year old, was taken seriously try.”—Louisville Courler-J«w«i the "Grand Old Man of Oregon," it the s.iloon element controlled the ing right-of-way on what is known just a little tire trouble now and ill with cholera infantum, vometing The Need of Brotherly L" as the Wm. Squires road, said was llpirvey W. Scott, for no one city, and as a result, no matter right-of-way to lie cleared at a the», but we need to pull hard and and purging profusely,” writesj. K Like others. I have had to«* Demsey of Dempsey, Ala. “I did tn tight and ticklish placw hue done more to boost and I hmuii whether under licensed saloons, the width of thirty feet, commencing long for improved roads especially what 1 could to relieve her but did And prayed some friend Oregon for a number of years and lawless people brought the city into at the initial point of the said -sur­ as we have an inexhaustible supply her no good, and lieing very much hand — and running to Tillamook of construction material right un­ alarmed about her went for a was who instrumental in bring thou- bad odor, and, probably, not until vey. Say. deuces full of acaa river, and forty ieet for the re­ Indians«* the business men band themselves physican but failed to find one, so der our noses. «undo oleettlera into the state and 11 mainder of said road, according to came back by Elder Bros. ¿Carter’« large amount of capital for indust­ together and elect a mayor and city the survey. “We caught so many fish in the store and Mr. Ehler recomniendeil H«r Way. Also for making a fill of about Big Neatucca that we got tired of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and rial purposes. He win Oregon's council with the back bone and de- “If yon would wear bnttoo 1«M feet between the initial point ierminution to grapple with the sit ­ Diarrhoea remedy. I procured a suggested her father, "they * biggest booster and biggest si rap­ and the river, said fill to be twelve pulling them out and it was my bottle of it, went home as quickly per, when it culms to lighting for uation will a change for the better feet in width, und one foot higff. good luck to bag as pretty a buck possible and gave the baby a come untied." the State’s interest and industrial take place in this |>oorly governed All bids to be filed with the as you ever saw. Got him just about as "1 know it." replied »bt dose of the remedy. It relieved development. lie was ii peer in the city and farcical manner in which County Clerk on or before Septem­ the crack of dawn last Wednesday her in fifteen minutes and soon they did not come umled 1 *• ber 7th, 1»HK newspuper 1 world — fearless and ■■loons and blind big joints have her entirely.” For sale by ask a person whom I hare 1»1 The Court reserving the right to morning. We got up about 4:30, cured Lamar's drug store. outspoken -making the Oregonian been allowed to run. tie them.”—Houston Pod. reject any and all bids. By order having seen signs of deer for two We waut to say right here that of the County Court. one of the greatest and most in- or three days previously and we Why James Lee Got Well. Timid. J. C. H olden . tluential newspapers in the United conditions are far lietter inTillamook Everybody in Zanesville, O., __________ County Clerk. had the hunch that we could spot known Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route Said the gtrl who went out States. Mr. Scott made many City under local option than when To take a abort «troll In tb* F some of the deer on the runway J. She writes: “My husband, James “I'm as seared »• <*■ enemies, but he was head »ml sho­ the town was "wide ojien,” and we down toward the river where the Lee, firmly believes be owes his life Wood For Sale or that big dogwoeuw» want to recall Mayor Coate« back to ulder« above those who ussuiled game goes for water. There were to the use of Dr. King’s New Dis­ 1 hope It's not going 1» M .. him— politically and otherwise. We the time when people with money For sale, 101) cords of wood, For plenty of hunters with doge up in covery His lungs were so severely were railroaded into the saloons and have always thought that the State further particnlars apply at the the mountains and we figured that affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recom­ legislature imide n mistake when made drunk and then fleeced at the County Clerk's office. Nat III Enough to Be J they would scare the deer down mended New Discovery We tried it “He's Dot very seaskk." th -y failed to honor Mr. Scott by gambling tables, to the disgusting along the slopes. The hunch was and its use has restored him to ...... ..„c restoreu mm per­ "No?" electing him United States Senator. scenes which uaed to take place at feet health. health.” Dr. King's New Dia- a good one. for about 5 o’clock we fect U. B Church Notea. just left him la "Na I ___ covery is the t be King of throat and If any man waa ever entitled to that the White Corner when the loggers spotted s big beauty less than 150 lung For coughs and ■nd be answered politely < .J r remedies. «5’* work in the interest of the State gers who were fleecetl out of their A group of seventeen young peo- was about to poke his nose into the «si. ragr*-' For 1 svow of Oregon, many will rrgrit that hard earned wages in a few honrs , ple gathered at the parsonage Wed­ water. I fired for his heart but aim­ l’tn having quite as «0* • ’ thin honor waa not conferred upon to the system of aqhsin keeiMTH nesday evening, enjoying a brief ed a little high and broke his back Hight now (laying the city marshal for protec - -Kansas CW him. •ocial time and special music fur- instead. He dropped in his tracks.” tiou, to women with families going mahed by Mr and Mr* Masters, of ; "How much did he weigh. Char- Both the express companies and post office to the saloons for their huabanda Foley Kidney Pills. rrooi- Proof- Portland. They organized under the MsF ’ one of the boys ask him. “How did you know (Mt ■re trying to handle a line of business Tonic in quality anil action, and M>na, and to a great many Adult Bible Study movement, with ' Didn ’ t have any scales, but I quick in results. For backache, other disgusting events in thia city. lagnate was so HIT’ — •Meh legitimately belongs to the hank, “I saw It denied la tbf “ heittlache. diizinras, nervouenuaa Nothing like that have taken place following officers President Han« should judge about two ton by the god which the bank can take care of at leas urinary irregularities and rheuma Hansen. Vice Pres Clyde Kinna ! time we got him back to camp.” “'k 1 scat than they can. Do you know that we in this city under local opium, and tiaiu. — For sale bjrC. I. Clough. Fred Larson, also of the Fred A man. Secretary Mias Barbara furnish you a BANK MONEY as the conditioua were an deplorable Hathaway. Treasurer Harold Glad­ Jacoba (otnpany. accompained She LUxes Good Things tinder licensed saloons, the Mayor ORDER that is better in every way than Shanks on the trip. Mrs. Cha«. K. Smith, of West must admit that it was a farce to run den. that furnished by either ezpreas company Franklin. Maine, M.va. “I like good or post office, that may be procured quickly thing« and have adopted Dr. King's a city in that manner, just as much Champ Clark gives a long list o e A army engineers has ■nd without red tape, and that ■ cheaper New Life Pills as our family laxi- as it is ■ farce today to allow con- tive medicine, because they are victed gamblers snd bootleggers to the great things the Democratic been named to raise the Maine A «n every amount over $5.00 ? Next time party will do if restored to power deputation of this kind almost in. good anti do lheir work without run soft and pool joint«. making a luaa about it." Theae Mr Clark has an imagination so variably accomplishes what it un- you want to send money away, come to ua Ih il is a fair way to look at it puinlras iiuritiera Mild at drug etc powerful that he makes the mi Hen dertnkes, from a Panama Canal •»d buy a BANK MONEY ORDER. Y