TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 11. 1910 ‘ake The Boy To Fair. 1 the leading scientists eatimatea the Electricity Purities the Atmos­ phere. agricultural fair affords a I age of the world at from 55, (J00, (JOO ' to <0,000,000 years. le outing for the boy on the When the thunder shower has lesides. there is no member i A Banker Shows Why Ours is a rolled, rumbling and grumbling irm home or farm force who Five Billion Country. over the bills to the west, wlio has appreciative of every feature So common ia the American habit not noticed how sweet and clear est and industry that tlie I of pointing to great fortunes us evi­ the atmosphere? It is an old say­ esents. The boy is the best I dence of the country’s wealth that ing that thunder showers “clear in observation of all the , it tooolten diverts attention from the up" the air and make it cooler. gregation of humanity that real basis of our financial strength ates on the fair grounds, i—the accumulated riches of plain Ask most people and they will tell perceptive and receptive I people. It is a fortunate thing, you that it is the heavy downpour i are so much keener than therefore, that we have an occa­ of rain which has washed the dust f "the old man," the m»n sional view of this humbler aspect and impurities from the, air and i and observation, the man of the situation, the latest of which made it sweeter and better. But pendence and dignity, the is presented in a compilation pre­ the scientist will ouly smile and lose bearing seems to sug- pared by Mr. William Hanhart, sec­ mutter the single word, “ozone.” True, a heavy downpour of rain kmd of “you will have to retary of the savings Imnk section will wash the dust out of the air e” expression. of the American Baukers' Associa­ but it is the “ozone" which adds he boy to the fair; you owe tion. the crisp, bracing strength to the n. He is the best help yon Mr. Hanhart'a figures, compiled n the farm, but you don’t from the reports of the comptroller atmosphere after a violent thunder The boy on the farm, in of the currency and the Monetary shower. It is the lure of ozone ¡>ect, is like the well. "You Commission, show that the average which attracts millions from the iss the water till the well deposit in American savings banks hot, stifliug cities to the sea and r”; just so with the boy on is almost four times a» great as mountains. It is this strange qual­ l, you never miss the boy the average of Europe, Asia, Af­ ity of life-giving atmosphere which is gone. Oh, how sad this rica, Canada and Oceania, and that cleanses the blood and builds up the body, for ozone is a form of to thousand of farm homes the average deposit per capita of oxygen possessing great purifying Homes where the smiling population is six times greater and sterilising qualities especially the boy was its brightest in the United States than in the deadly to all disease germs. It is e. homes where his cheerful geographical divisions named. • lie long Hashes of lightning which uld always be heard above According to the report under disrupt the oxygen gas forming Best Saw Mill in the and clatter of farmyard consideration the total savings ozone and this natural phenomena tome where at the command bank deposits in the world are New Experienced Workmen is taken advantage of and we are estion of his superiors his $15,8811,672,014, and of this total producing ozone gas by artificial feet carried him here or $5,678,735,379 belongs to Americana. Class Lumber machines utilizing heavy dis- r every chores of errand. One American in every six has charges of electricity. IIS I Rh; R LUI M this boy, the future money in a savings bank, and the Electricity has been set to making e coming farmer of Amen- average deposit amounts to $381,21, seaside air for congested cities. I you when you go to the while in the rest of the world only Turn a switch and an ozone breeze vote the first half day on one in every eight is a depositor, is started in a crowded school, grounds to showing him and the average deiioeit is only church, office or bank, that has the iF. [F, Ff cipal and leading features $101.66. Stated in another way, vitalizing quality of the fresh air ■st; then turn him loose to American savings bank depositors of the big outdoors. t will and get acquainted have $5,000.000,001) and sense, and As a matter of fact, ozone has d. He will be more able to accumulates and men do not delay. when Professor Schoenbein about the things he saw at Basle, Switzerland, discovered • after you have returned Ideal Treatment of Animals. The European scientists have lan you had opportunity A large part of the energy of civ­ voted considerable time to m active, bright boy on the ilisation has come out of the bodies study, with a view to making it of inds is worth more from an of the great four-footed races, de­ some service to the world at large. nal point of view than a clares F. Howard Moore iu the Europe is the lead of the United 6n old men, even though Chicago Tribune. The horse, the ox, States in this respect, having a ■e been regular patrons of the mule, the elephant, the camel, number of ozone-making methods which are in extensive use in ho­ an advertising point of the reindeer, the water buffalo, the tels, theatres, churches, factories, boy is one of the greatest yak, the dog and the donkey—on offices, stores, public buildings and s the fair could acquire, the powerful and patient backs of homes. lid be a good investment these patient beings civilization has Until the last few years, however, been borne for unknown hundreds I free each year until he is American scientists, although ad­ 15 years of age. The best of years. The power and nobility mitting the great value of the man­ of the fair are those who of these races have enabled man to ufactured aa well as the natural ything and go home and carry out enterprises he never ozone, made little use of it except ut it to their neighbors, could have dreamed of undertaking Paint, Varnish, Doors, as a germicide and deodorant, it single-handed. Without horses or boys a chance by affording being especially effective for such ry opportunity for edcua- other beings able and willing .to purposes. e agricultural fair is be- wield the great implements, agri­ With the development of cheap me of the greatest sources culture, the most basic of human electrical power, however, the ling information and know- industries, would be almost impos­ ozonizer as a commercial propo­ the Great Western Saw - sible. all that pertains to the sition liecame practical fl nd Anier- In the ideal state man treats the id farm life.—Twentieth ican inventive genius was called races of lieing affiliated with him Farmer. upon to get busy and a number of not as objects of pillage, but as different varieties of idea» were Reliable Merchants County things with rights and feelings and ;e Farming a Business developed. capabilitiea of happiness and mis­ Science. Europe, with its two yenrs' start, ery like himself. He is kind to them has made great strides which out­ ment experts have been and ever mindful of how he may line the herculean task set for ng an investigation for the gladden and enrich their neces­ ozone in the United States in clean­ it years to develop a sys- sarily meager lives. ing the Augean stable» of the cities irm accounting that shall He gets real pleasure by simply of air which lias l>een breathed and e be simple and practical, seeing them happy and realizing rebreathed by a thousand persons eral in its application to that he has in some measure con- of varying degrees of health, and rsifield conditions to our tributed to that happiness, He filled with dust and filth and gases. for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. ire. provides them plenty to eat, com- The wur against tuberculosis takes ave been seeking a system fortable _____ _____ days Foley’s Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. homes, _ vacation on new and definite promise of counting founded on bus- in which to rest, opportunitie« for great progress. What has lieen Sold by Chas. I. Clough. :nce, ¡that shall enable the pleasure and pastime, an education accomplished and what tasks ozone to determine easily and and infirmaries for times of mis- has been set to cope with abroad I y the unit values in the fortune and decline. shows the scope of the field opened Did You Ever Try »reduction. It is the debit He does not drive them until by the success of the method. HARRIN’N NEW FEED AND ic ledger that has been the they are ready to drop. He does In one country in Europe last g block in all systems de­ not abuse them until they are so LIVERY BARN, year over $7,000,000 was expended farmers during the last nervous and soured that they have in ozone apparatus. In England If not, give him a call. e. The credit side is sim- [ to be muzzled to keep them from one company has lieen turning out omparison. The average biting at passers-by. He does not Second between 700 and 800 generators a Everything first-class. las permitted the cattle cut off their pretty tails nor rein up The valued family re­ month. Their catalogue is printed block South of P.O. the grain dealers and milk their heads into horrible positions cipes lor cough ami colli in eighteen different languages. es. whether acting as trusts in the interest of an illiterate vanity. cure, liiiimeuts, tonic* and Ozone is used in Paris, Berlin, St. H arris , Prop. duals,to be his bookkeepers He does not go around with a stick Petersburg, Nice, Lyons and aliout other remedies have as credit side of the ledger, or a whip with which to attack forty different cities to purify tlieir careful attention here as idn’t bother themselves them whenever he does not feel water supply, wholly or in part. the mebt intricate presetip* e debit side, and neither well or things are against him at Ozone is also used extensively in ^ bn 4««« .50 tioox. irmer himself. The middle­ home. • B«T HITHODI bleaching fabrics, such aa linens let«« or bride« wnrfc w out of the quantity of his He talks to them. He treates '•»« Remedy la in factories, apartment buildings, run over two years ago, Many homes It Io relied upon ae Im­ Another week luta brought to the general offices, homes, laundries, Sold by Ch««. I. Clough. plicitly ao the family physician II oon- not a single case of Jiu- Pennsylvania health authorities a mines, steamboats, assembly halls, 'alne no opium or other narcotic, and ue is reported officially nnml<*r of rv(«>rta of new canes of OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. may bo «Ivon ae confldsntly to a baby lodge rooms, etc. it period. In a report just infantile paralysis in several |>arts aoloan adult. Priesabo; lar«e also60» I Acting Assistant Sur- of the state. The germ of thia dis­ Col. Bryan was too late with his verae says that the work ease. according to Dr. Milla of SPECIALTY IN ALL KINO OF CAKE) •efly in the nature of a Philadelphia, is to be found in a local option scheme. Just aa he j •tic measure against rein inrer animal or vegetable form of was too early wtrh his government CLEANING a pressing WITH ALL KINO OF BREAD. During one month recently micro-organism. He finds that the ownership proposition. Dr. Cook will st least be remem [ were trapped there, thirty disease is prevalent in rural aec- using 8000 traps. Destine tioni and along water courses, and bered as the msn Who made th* neatly don« MARONI« 1.0 l>O E oison is now limited to so be thinks it may originate some pursuit of geographical knowledge No. 57. n*<-f tsrh noaiti m iee has resulted in a Vest No treatment has been devised as ■ nation for governor has lieen r* | AMD ALL jWWOAT AMO lUMg TROUBLE«. in the city’s sanitation vet. but the patient should have I OO F. Hall at 7 A0 p at. fused by John A. Und. in spite of' narj- man cannot be b'stn- complete rest and the nae of fever frequent ssuertions that th* »tale ia I O ÜA1AMTUD BATUrAOTOai a NavatAMiB. W M. 0* ffiOVBT BJCFVNDKD. aking a trivial mist, k* tn mixtures is recommended. No one on fir* with BepulJw an lueurueo« y | H. I. M ommi », he< ■ i 1 his tax schedule. wk.n has isolated the germ as >«* Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy H EMLOCK LUMBER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. KINDS OF ALL MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. 1 he Equipped Machinery, First LET RICH <) N County. and of the Best Quality. YOU BKR Bl LL. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware and China y f j 'iKf Window Oils, Sashes Agents for ALEX The Most McNAIR CO in Tillamook KIDNEY PILLS NOW W TIME ” Pills FAMILY RECIPES Wise Dental Co. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Coughs. Colds and Croup CLOUGH, s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery. New Discovery TOGGERY I • I /