• t ¥ J- TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 11, 1910 Summons. T BCHTS H Httla fellow who knew no i»ihi-r per • A tto » nky - at -L aw ants than tbe plumber mid his wife. IN THB CIRCUT COURT OF THK iTATB They hud kept llie ■ liild's baby OF OKBGON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY Complete set of Abstract Books elolbes. with Ibe pm>er pinned tulbein. Pacific Railway and Nav- The clutbea 1 did uot consider likely iuution Company, in office. Taxes paid for non Plaintiff to be of uiui-b value, but llie paper. If It whs lu llie molher’s hand writ Ing. Willie G. Du Rois and Residents. i which was probable, inlghl Is- id great John B. Du Boi», ber nuaband, lui|s>rlaii<-e. I allowed Hardy llie |ut D> iendnnta: Office opposite Post Office. A Story Illustrative of the Value ________ aud Jobs *B. Du per I had found lu ibe Isutie lie sug To Willie G. ____ Du _____ Boia name of the Both phones. ¿Defendant« :------- --- : In the ___________ of an Advertisement. pesled that I go to Gullford mid make Btri«, •late of Oregon: You arc hereby required tbe search, but I Insisted ou bls going to appear and answer the complaint tiled against againat you vi in the above entitled with me. offering lo |,ay bis ex|s-iises cause August ^U, IB1O, and if cauae on or before befo By HAROLD OTtS. you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff CARL HABERLACH, He ao-efiled my pro|>oslilou. mid we [Copyright. IWlu, by American Pre«« Asso­ will ill apply to the court for lhe relief prayed set off together, leaving Ibe child with for ciation j r in the complaint, to wit. for for^judgment judgment pprouriation to plantitTs _ use of for the appropriation bls f oki er mother. C hi I m I uk I d uijr pleasure I m » h 1 off thv nng dcacribed the following described real property situate ATTORN E Y- AT-L A W, We arrived at Gullford In the after an(j State state of of soiiNt of New Jersey. I warn one day in the County of - Tillamook and drifting with M’Nrrcly enough breexe uoou und. taking a cab. mid ibe driver Oregon. A strip of land one hundred feet in width, JJeuteclicr to till my wil I m when off lbe port bow to tuke us to llie Carr place. Il was being titty feet on each side of and parallel I kii w h bottle iadiblng up and down well known In tbe town, and we had with the center line of Pacific Railway and Office across the street and north Iron Navigation Company’s railway, as survey In the water. When I mine near It I no difficulty In fludlug It. It wan—or. ed, staked out. located and adopted through tbe Bost Office. that part of Lot 3. Section 3, Township 2 rather, hart been — a tine bouse. sur- notirwl that the o|»eiiIng wax covered North. Range 10 West. Aillamette Maridian. wltb gome ku I m N uu «*« of u bright red rounded b.v Dirge grounds, But It hml described as follows: Beginning at the corner on the south bank of EORGE WILLETT, color. Steering the boat «<• that I not lieen is'i'upied for some years nnd ineauder Nehalem Bay. in the section line on the east would | mimk near It. I reached for It was lo a dilapidated condition, Tbe side of said section 3; thence south on said bouse wns «hut up. nod I her»- was no section line 347.2 feet; thence S. 55 deg. 3OZ and brought II aboard. W. a distance of 388 fret, the initial point of A ttorney - at -L aw . So miiny iMiitleM <*oiitalulng niewngea <•« retaker. We left I ho cat» at tbe this description; thence S. 55 deg. 3O/ W. a distance of 426 4 feet; thence N 34 deg. 30' to I bp summer bona«, gale and walked are thrown overboard by persofia at W., a distance of 421.1 feet to the south Next to Tillamook County Kca who have nothing belter io do It wax. raiber. an IniioHed coll age bank of Nehalem Bay; thence easterly up Nehalem Bay, following the meander­ that I would not time taken inucli In­ Having examined the floor and deter- said Bank, ing« thereof to a point N. 34 deg. 30’ W. a lerewt Ln ililx one timi It not been vH re­ milled wlmt tools were un'CHaary. distance of 366 3 feet from the said initial thence S. 34 deg. 30* E. a distance of O regon . T illamook fully xeah’d with rod win. Crider the Hardy went for them, and wbeu be point; 366.3 feet from the said inital point, the wnx a cork had tn-eii driven Into the returned we pried up several hoards said right of way herein described contain­ I.O3 acres more or less, said center line I MiiuiMlied tbe gluxa and rook In tbe corner designa ted. We found a ing iHM*k being-more particularly described as follows: p H. GOYNE, out a pa tier. Uufuldiug II. I found a lacquered glove box. in wtilcb were Beginning at the point of intersection ot several pu|>ers. One waa addressed In said center line with the east line of said Section 3. said point being 14 feet south of “My I lari I ng K oii " aud signed “Your the meander corner on the south bank of A ttorney - at L aw . unbuppy mother. Julia Carr Garrett.” Nehalem Bay in said section line; thence southwesterly on a curve to the right, Tbe substance of ibe |in|ier wax this: having a radius of 6875. 5 feet the tangent Office : Opposite Court House, Myron Blake Carr at tbe time of to said curve at said point being 8. 57 deg. 31' W. a distance of 384 feet; thence south­ tbe opening of Ibe narrative was a westerly on :a curve to the right, having a T illamook , O regon . widower with an only child. Julia. radius of 1910.08 feet, a distance of 196 feet, to the east line of the tract of land Wbeu she was seventeen years old above described, being indentical with she attended a tinlsblng school, near Station 1219xo8 and the initial point of this description; thence southwesterly on a T. BO ALS, M.D., wblcb was a man's college. One of curve to the right, having a radius of 1910. feet a distance of 183 feet; thence south­ tbe students of tbe college. Hector 08 westerly on a spiral to the right, a distance Garrett, met her. Tbe two were pleas- of 150 feet, thence 8. 74 deg. 20* W. through PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, and beyond the above described tract of ed with each other, and Ibero were land. frequent meetings. One afteruoou they TILLAMOOK. For an assessment of the damages of the defendants for such appropriation and met clandestinely for a ride. During for judgment for plantifl’s costs and dis­ Office- Olson Building. tbe drive Hector dared tbe girl to go bursements. This summons is published by order of the Residence : Mrs. Weiss’ house, west of wltb him to a minister and be married Honorable George H. Burnett, Judge of the Mrs. Walker's. Yielding to an Impulse of a bigb above entitled court, made July 2nd, 1910. time prescribed in the said order strung uuture. she assented. She was The for the publication of the said summons is six no sooner married than, realizing wbal weeks. The date of the first publication of g M. KERRON, 1910. she bad done, sbe was tilled wltb re­ the summons is July S 7th, now and M c C amant . gret. She dared not tell her father. Attorneys for Plantiff. Had 8be done so this story would not PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Summons. bare been written. When abe met C oncrete B uilding . tier biisbnud again be suggested that IN TIIE CIRCUITCUU 1?T OF THK STATE they wait till nfter be bad beeu grad OF OREGON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY Tillamcok, Oregon. unted. when they would both acknowl­ Pacific Railway and Navi- Kation Company, edge tbe marriage. Thus two months Plain till passed. Commencement arrived, and vs I. Vosbur» and Jenny they weut home, both keeplug tbelr S. J. Vosburg R. I. M. SMITH, his wife. Maude secret. C. Van Watersand CeorKc B. Van Water*, her hus­ One day news came to Julia tbal band, George K. Vo.burg PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, ber husband had beeu thrown from a and May Voabnrg, bls H Fred Vosburg and horse and killed. Tbla deprived ber wile, Ida Voaburg. his wife, Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. of ber husband's guidance, und alie llenry A. Vosburg and wife. Tillamook, Ore. WK FOONb A LACQUKIlKD ULOVk BOX. was obllgixj to make her own decl Edith Vosburg, hla Defendants: sinus. She acted as any yniitiK girl To George R. Vosburg, May Vosburg. E. check for 11.000 signed by Myrou IL Fred Vosburg, Ida Vosburg. Harry A. Vos­ Curr. payable to lienrer Tbe follow­ might have done who was afraid of burg and Edith Vosburg. Defendants: C. HAWK, her father. She continued to keep her In the name uf the State of Oregon: You ing words were on (lie pu|ier: hereby required to appear and answer secret. Learning that abe wiw to tie- are Find Hector Carr Garrett. Tell him to the complaint filled ugainat you In tbe above come a mother, sbe secured perinlsulou entitled cause, on or before August 20, 1V1O, look undei floor H. K. corner ot the lum- if you fail so to appear and answer, mer house ot Curr place, at Uutltord, Fa., from blm lo go away for a time, os­ and |»luintiff will apply to the court for the PHYSICIAN A SURGEON and ho Will find trnpurtarit papers. CtweX relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit for tensibly ou a visit to a friend, Whore lueloaed lo cover expenses. for the appropriation to plaintiff's she went the paper did uot state. but judgment use of the following described real property There ivus more than this on tbe It told bow a uegro womau had left situate in the County of Tillamook and BAY CITY, OREGON. pu|ier, Including the dnie uuil the uume State of Oregon: tbe child, a boy. wltb tbe name bls A atrip of land lOOfeet In width being SO of II ship I hut wits uot ex|>e< ted to mother had given blm pinned to bls feet on each side of and parrallel with the surihe a storm. The data Indicated center line of lhe Pacific Railway and Navi­ elotblug. at n foundlings' home. gation Company's railway as the same Is that the bottlv hud been floating twen­ R. BEALS, surveyed, staked out, located and adopted Julia Garrett returned to ber father, ty mouths. through that part of Lot Three (3) Section who was still Ignorant of ber marriage Three (3; Township Two (2) North Range I am rich and lazy, with no object TcnilO) West of the Willamette Meridian, In life. Here was u problem for me or the birth of ber child. Tbe burden described as follows: REAL ESTATE, Beginning at the meander corner In the to work out. and I hulled It with pleas­ she bore broke down ber health, and South bank of the Nehalem Bay in the East her father resolved to take her wltb F inancial A gent ure. As aoou us I returned from my line of said Section Three (3). thence South him ou a trip around the world. Tbe on said Section line 347.2 feet, thence South summer outing I dejiualted llie check young widow's health was not Improv­ 3.1 deg, 30' West, a distance of 247.3 feel to Tillamook, Oregon. til uiy bunk mid was afterward u<>ll- the Southeast corner of the tract of land Ucd that It hml been paid. I took It ed by tbe Journey. She contluued to herein described, thence South 35 deg 30* West, a distance of 140.5 feet; thence North lose ground, aud when on tbe other for grunted that Myron Curr did not 34 deg. 30' West, a distance of 366 feet to J~^R. A. D. PERKINS, know where one could find Hector side of the globe sbe died. Before her the South bank of Nehaiem Bay. thence Easterly up said South bank of Nehalem deuth she must have told her father Carrell, mid Ibis accounted for the Bay, following the meranderings thereofto a set for the Northwest corner of the liberal allowance nimle for the search. of ber marriage. tjiHt there bad been poet tract of land deeded by the Wheeler Lumber RESIDENT DENTIST. 1 thought out n system of ndvertluliig au heir born to bls property and that Company to Cora E. Wheeler; thence South deg 30' East, a distance of 340.K feet that would cover the whole United sbe bad hidden tbe paper. This biding .14 Office in Sturgeon's Building. to the beginning. Said right of way herein States und employed an agent In each of the document took place before she described coutaTning .32 acres. Said center went abroad. line tiring more particularly described as All Work Guaranteed. anil every alate to make a a|sx'lal hum 1 com (aired ibe hamlwrltlug with follows: within the stale's limits. Beginning at a point of Intersection of TILLAMOOK. OREGON. sold center line with the Bast line of ssid I went m.vaelf to Gullford. Pa. The that which bad been attached to tbe Section Three |3) said point being 14 feet Information I gained there wim foundling's clothes. They were Iden South of the meander corner In said Section on tlie South bank of Nehalem Bay, and Myrou It. Carr, a wealthy mail. ileal. Both «ere written lu s peculiar line J- SHARP, fashion, all Ibe letters belug made being identica. with Station 1224XS8 of beeu at sen nearly two years la* said Company's railway survey numbers, wltb sharp uugles. thence Southwesterly on a^curve to the right, mid the veaael III which he find a radius of «873.35 feet the course of Tbe other papers lu tbe box were s having RESIDENT DENTIST, milled hail neier lieeii heard from, lie the tangent to said curve being South 37 31' West, a distance of 3X4 feet; thence left uo wife. He liml had but uue certifieste of marriage lietweeu llw. deg Southwesterly on a curve to the right hav ­ < hlid. a daughter, who bail diet) She tor Garrett mid Julia Carr; also a csr- ing a radius of 1010.08 feet, a distance of Office across the street frotr th* feel to a point in the East line of the bad lieen traveling wph tier father at tIUeate uf the birth of tbelr son llec 54 Court House. tract above described, said point being llie time of Iler dviiih. No will be tor. signed by tbe phyak-iau lu attend Identical with Station 1220x30 of sgld Rail­ a nee. way Company's survey numbers and the Dr. Wise’s office. queiilhluu Myron Carr's property bad point of this description; thence con­ I tokl Hardy that there was ample initial been found. Koine Indirect lielra hud tinuing Southweeterlv on a curve to the having a radius of 1B10.08 feet, a pill III claims, but tbe ratal« waa atilt evidence to |iluce hla foster son In tbe • right istance of 142 feet to a point in the Seat 8ARCHET, In the poeaeiodou of tile Inlierhmice ixisaeaalon of such property as had line of above described tract aaM point being Identical with Station 1210x0«of said beeu left by tbe shipwrecked Myron •- . The Fashionable Tailor. court. company's railway survey numbers. For au assessment of the damages of the II muurred to me lo lake up ihv flixir Carr. There could not likely be a will defendants for such appropriation, and unless Carr had mailed one from a In llie auiuuur bouse and get llie |ai tor Judgment for plaintiff's costs and dis­ Cleaning, Pressing and Repair |H*ra referred to. but If Myrou Carr foreign port before «tartlng on hla last bursements. Thia summons Is published by order of had III I eudisl au< b a course be would water Journey. But aluce tbe buy was the ing a Specialty. Honorable George H. Burnett. Judge of have written It on lila nuxmage. I re the only child of Carr's only child be the above entitled court, made July 2nd. 1010 The time prescribed In tbe said order solved rather to use every effort to would Inherit tbe property aa the only for the publication of the said summons Is Store in Heins Photographic Und Hix tor Gnrrelt Ibnl be lu'glil direct heir. six weeks. The date of the first publication of the summons is July 7th. 1010, Not wishing to act alone In a matter make lhe xeiinli hliiiselt. .Meanwhile Gallery. Sxow and McCsMXRT. In which I hml uo legal right tn act at I felt taiuud lo keep the secret. Attorneys for Plaintiff. I spent llie thouamid dollars found In all. I persuaded Hardy to go wltb me L and O fficb B vnimbm Fhoae A. loov the bottle mid a iliousand more with to deposit the papers we bad found a S pecialty . out avail. Meanwhile I became no ill with the proper officer of tbe Inher­ ÇAOWING 4 COWINC tereuieil lu ilie i-aae ibai whenever al itance court, and I hired an attorney a strange loan or city I fell Into the to attend to tbe minor Interests. Tbs LAWYERS. halill of looking lulu the dins tor.v of property waa about $21)0.000. The tbe place nltli a view lu Hndlug my judge after bearing my story offered R oom 3M W oscbstbs B oil MS v Taiao »an o*a S ts sars man. I looked through hundreds of to appoint either uie or the chlld a fos­ « Boost Next to the C g. Land O*n that which gave me an ob From SickneM To "Excellent the big colleges of the country Health. ” no personal benefit to him I was de jact of tnteraot and turned tbe life of So save Mrs. Chan. Lyon, Peoria. The obscure poet of the highway lighted with my flud just aa a aclenttet ' a foundling from tbe career of a 111.: ”1 kmnd in yoor Foley Kidney commnsioner will eventually la delighted with a dtecovery on which plumber to that of a clergyman All come a vary important one. he has l.mg been working I at ones tbla happenexl years ago, and Hector I ilia a prompt and speedv cure tor bnckache and kidney trouble which Hu korv timber is reported to be took a train for tbe town tn Maryland Garrett Is now an honor to his catting bothered mr for munr months. I where lhe plumber lived and waa tak enjoying excellent health Will the conservationists permit Verily, grant te tbe power of tbe “T eu to lila bouse Thera I saw a l>rtgbi which I owe to Foley KtdnevPiUa." MESSAGE. Sue H. Elmore (CAPT P. SCHRADER) MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH (CAP. T. LATHAM). Tillamook & Portland. Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch St. Wharf, Portland. < < W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ADLiEN* Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. » Comfortable Beds and Accommodate EYES AND TEETH. You spend from $5.60 to $20.00 per year on and think nothing of it. Which would you prefer to loose : your teeth YOUR EYES or YOUR TEETH ? Your eyes can be looked after from $1.00 to about $8.00. and this will be the total expense for about 3to 5 years, and often a great deal longer. Remember you ou can get NEW TEETH, but not NEW EYES- What VALUE do you place on YOUJ EYES? What per cent of insurance would you pay to keep them as good as at present ? Make yourself a ’Xmas, present of a pair of glasses? All work guaranteed to be satisfactory in every respect Dr. Henry E. Morris C. S. Atkinson. McCormick MOWERS and RAKES, Osborne Tidders. STUDEBAKER, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, GRAIN WHITE RIVER FLOUR. Th« Best Bread Maker cn the Mark*1, j The P. A. Starck Piano Co > All.” HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. J2) r - p - ••ch a serious lose .. th„ o( hickory nuts and hickory handles ? That’s C, S. ATKINSON, Both Phones, ; PWOFXlBTOa Tillamook Iron Wor 1 General Machinists & Blacksmi Beiler Work, Logger's Work aid Hearj Fine Machine Work a Specialty« TILLAMOOK OREGON, wr v***