TL.LAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ih Angelo. Jackson .. Radicar... line vein................................................ 75 W. Linkhart Rix months............................................ 50 K. H. Gerry and team............... Three months....................................... Frank Thompson mut te«m.. — Lightsinger and team .... Fred Hastings............................... R. Roberson................................... T. H. Pitts....................................... I-ester Pitts ................................... Gordon Pitts ............................. .... COUNTY BUSINESS. Joe Vanhove .................................. J. West .............................................. Bridge Contractor is Tardy-- A. Palmer........................................ Fred Miller..................................... Large Amount of Money is George Miller............................... Expended on Road Work. Oren White...................................... W. Brobst and team............ .. The Board of County Commis­ Andrew Davidson....................... sioners, including County Judge H. August Davidson and team., F. Goodspeed and Commissioners Jasper Alley, gravel................... C. L. Alley and team................. Geo. W. Bodyfelt and H. V. Alley, Work in R. D. No. 2. transacted the following businers Frank Hobson............................... last week : Gus Gheen................... .................... Claim of F. D. Turck for $100 for Cecill Kyle........................................ Ray Vincent................................... damages was continued. Claims of judges and clerks of Harry Reeher ............................... Reuben Frost ............................. special election at Bay City were Roy Hurnworth ............................ continued. Fred Hickey................................... Surveyor’s report for Blanchard Dan Conner ................................... E. Curtiss ........................................ road was continued. Geo. Maginnis............................... In the matter of the construction Cris Kolnon..................................... of the Zweifel bridge at Nehalem, E. Clapshaw................................... the bid of W. D. Wood was accepted, Bill Kappel ...................................... the amount being $1,025 for bridge John O’Brien ............................... Jim Ross .......................................... and $3.(X) per lineal foot for ap­ J. Murray......................................... proaches. John Hickey, team..................... In the matter of the contract with Mrs. Mabie Smith ....................... the Columbia Bridge Co. for the Sam Smith........................................ Jim Reeher and team ............. construction of a bridge across Mr. Martin, team......................... Trask river, it appearing to the S. Bart>er.......................................... court that the company is in default Andy Hayden ............................... in the construction of the bridge, it C. Stoker and team................... Amuel Hellenbuck ................... was ordered that the County Clerk Geo. Hobson................................... notify the National Security Co. of John Gallagher............................. Amos Vaughn and team .... the default. In the matter of changing the A. Schweiger ............................... Ben Johnson .................................. voting place in Barnegat precinct, Sam Johnson................................... it was ordered that it be changed Mark Hobson .... ..................... to the Administration building at Deck Johnson and team......... Nels Anderson............................... Bayocean. John Crouiloff............................... In the matter of a county road in E. Crouiloff...................................... district No. 2, on tlie petition of S. Frank Crane and team ........... Barber and others, it was ordered Harry Crane and team ........... Herb Thompson and team .. that O. H. Schrader, O. A. Lominen Bob Kennedy ............................... mid Fred Zaddach be appointed a Pete Cassidy .................................. board of road viewers to meet on Wm. Hoskins, team................... Aug. 22, at the residence of W. H. Blake Thompson ....................... Frank Hobson............................... Hoskins. Dan Riley.......................................... J. M. Baker, work on roads . 86.80 Moses Gillam................................ Ira Diamond, lumber............... 2.68 Work in R. D. No. X J. M. Potter, wood for rock crusher ......................................... 32.00 Fred C. Skomp............................. Emil Wooley, work on road.. 52.50 G. W. Stubblefield ..................... John Cook ....................................... Wood A Stillwell, Netarts road................................... . 372.00 Wm. Jolly............................. King X Smith, powder 12.50 F. F. Snyder................................... A. H Averill Mach. Co., inch. 14.00 N. \. Dye........ !................................. .. ................................ W. C. Thun, road work.......... 66.51 S. Davis All De Lillies.................................. l.eacli A Stillwell, blushing F. Snyder ........................................ right of way....................... 21D.00 Paul Hansen. .................................. Wood A Stillwell, work on Netarts road....................... S3.115 M. Leach und team................... Tohl A Anderson, meh . 162. 90 D. Billings and team ............... Wm. Thun, lumber........... 2.1(1 Ben Pierce and team ............... L. H. Kinnainan und team . . Wesley Rush, board and lodgings....................................... 1X25 E. Glad................................................ I). W. Gilbert A Son, meh..,. 18.75 John Brant, gruvel..................... King A Smith, inch................... 82(0 C. W. Hogan, gravel................. John Weiss, road plank.......... 37.12 W. W. Harrison,gravel............. King A Smith, inch................... 10.65 Work in R. D. No. 4. Nehalem Saw Mill, lumber .. 16.02 Albert Miles.................................... W. A. Williams, nidi.............. 2.50 Bill Smith.......................................... Tillumook Lumber Mfg. Co., I. . Ekloff............................................ lumber........................................... 73.52 Ike Wells............................................ Rosenberg Bros., meh.......... 298,57 Frank Fitspatrick, team and Long A Co., lumber................... 15.42 hauling ......................................... James Christensen, piling...... 262.50 Z. Wells and team....................... Beall A Co., nidi ....................... 10ft (D II. B. Johnson............................... D. W. Gilbert A Son, inch. .. 6.05 Joe Blazer and team................... M. F. Leach, meh....................... 2.50 M. Dean and team ................... Rosenberg Bros., inch............ 40.12 Iry Dean ...... . ........................... J. C. Gove, gravel....................... 251150 H. Edger............................................ Neskowin Co., work on road. 27.72 John Hartwell....................... ... Alex. McNair Co., inch.......... 33.05 Bill Court.......................................... W. D. Wood, constructing Albert Dean and team............... side (rustle on Neearney George Heilmeyer....................... road ................................................ (H 00 J. R. Ctistelein................. ........... I. . I.. Stillwell, inch ................... 3.75 I. . Goldsworthy............................ L. Hiner, repairs....................... 2d) Riley Simmons and team .... Connie Dye, team....................... 4.50 J. Merrill............................................ G. P. Wilt, county poor.......... 5.06 Ike Steinnon.................................... Rosenberg Bros. inch.......... lid) John Blum....................................... Glass A Pcudhoiiime Co., meh. 98.50 C. F. Berger and team............... J. K. Reedy, county V.S..... 33.33 Ross Johnson.................................. Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co............... 17.77 Herman Schappi and team... 11. Crenshaw, salary ............... 133.33 P. Marlof and teum..................... John Aschini, salary................. 50.00 Dave Kerr and team................... J. H. Johiisoii, salary............... 50.00 M. Porter............................................ A. M. iliire, salary..................... iiiftoo Jim Christinsen, wood............... W. S. Buel, salary....................... 8X33 Guy Vaiighu, hauling............... J. C. Holden, salary................... 1X133 B. K. Turuer................................. K. Mills, salary............................. 50. d) A. Blum and team ...................... Pearl I’helps, salary................... mino C. Desmond............ ......................... Howard Drew, salary ............ 50.00 W. E. Anderson and team.... Will. I). Bislyfelt, salary .... moo B. W. Turner and team... W. H. Hoskins, supervisor . . 51.00 C. E. Pierson........................... A. Arntill, supervisor............... 24.«) Karl Pierson ......................... John Hickey, supervisor........ 78.00 William Turner..................... K. K. Cross A Son, building If. W. Turner........................... two bridges in Ncstueca 1495.00 Earl Pierson and team Fred Zuddach, supervisor.... 21, ft) George Dnrr and team ... A. M. Austin, Netarts road . 1ft ft) W. H. Darr und team.... T. H. Goyne, defending Fred Blum................................ Kverett Jeffery........................... 1ft ID i Work in R. D. No € Sam Blaser, witness................... Z20 II. A. Chopard, witness........... tk®| Dan O’Conner....................... Bushong A Co., inch.............. 25.1D I Tom Pearson........................... H. B. Jolinson, supervisor... 79.81»! 1- K. Barclay ....................... W. S. Randull, sujiervisor tn uu Herb Hayrer. ....................... F. J. Ayer, supervisor............... 101. ft); Chua Coffman......................... J. C. Holden, incidentals .... ZOO I Harvey Lee................................ R. Frost .................................... IL Crenshaw, arrest of Dan Gilliert and conveyance .. Zi. 73 Mrs. Oscar Smith____ _____ H. 11. Leach and team........ W. D. Body felt, Imard of prisoners ................................... *173 Harry Leach............................ Headlight, printing .................. itti»! I- I- Stillsrell........................... W. II. Leach ............................ H. Crenshaw, cash i>aieiiaes Ted Lyater e nd team............... analysing, etc., $5o 787.® John Heilmeyer and team. . W. S. Cone, damages in re Lee Lyater .................................. moving gravel........ .......... Ik.30 A. Wriest......................................... Geti. W. Ikslyfelt. salary ZVlD B. It Dtmham................... .... H V. Aliev, salary .... 36.40 G. M. Hrilmever......................... W. D. Gladwell, lumlier idttD 1 T. Davis. .................................. Work in R. IX N Katum ....................... .17.30 Wilber Booth Fred Suyder ................. ............ zarnel^..., RAT”« SUBSCRIPTION. (SVaMiTLY IM ADVANCE.) (Tbr íilLtntoch Ijriiblígbt, ilu>| w 26.25 22.50 47.50 I *50 25.00 112.50 1 21.00 [ 2X50 42.®! 38.75 5250 33. d) 18.75 52.50 10.00 35.00 35.00 32.50 35 00 55.00 75.(0 41.20 ¿5.00 6.00 36.00 17. ft) 38.00 45.00 26. d) 26.00 33.00 33.00 29.40 35.00 38.00 23.00 24.00 14.00 I. 3.00 14.1« 52'00 40.00 a co 15. co 62.75 20.00 21.25 12.50 15.00 60.d) 60.00 12.50 II. 25 43.75 27.50 55.00 57.50 43.75 57.50 50.00 20.00 15.00 28.75 73 d) 30.00 17.50 11.25 15.00 23 75 85.00 AUGUST 11. 1910 “Neskowin” THE OLD SALEM CAMP GROUND We earnestly invite you to make your SUMMER OUTING at NESKOWIN PARK, for we predict that you will never have cause to regret that you chose this ideal spot. Of course you tvi.l tako your annual vacation! Then, by all weans, COME IO NESKOWIN AND ENJOY LIFE. M NESKOWIN represents much that is beautiful to the eye of the lover of nature. The surroundings are ideal, the iocatiou the most perfect ul any BEACH RESORT on the whole OREGON COAST. In making the foregoing assertion we know that this may be questioned, but we extend to you our iu\i tation to come, vieit and behold as wc have seen. NESKOWIN has the most promising future. A beautiful little park “a stone’s throw” from the finest stretch of beach anywhere. Trout fishing on one hand; deep sea fishing on the other. Located in the heart of a prosperous dairy and fanning community. Plenty of fresh milk, cheese, vegetables and sea food right at hand. This is the place that INVITES YOU COME. If you want to visit NESKOWIN—if you want any information, cut out the coupon and mail TODAY—NOW. R ollie W. W atson Tillamook City, Oregon. Plcaee mail mo map and literature tj NESKOWIN. Name Poetoflce State. Klick has a membership of some­ Cholera Infantum Cared. C. Hoheit......................................... 30.00 Will Lead to Sticces. C. Ryan............................... 51.00 thing more than 5(D, practically all “ Something like two'yearai Let the Republicans of Oregon R. Huston..................................... 58.25 of them stanch Democrats, born my baby, which was then ¡,h understand that there is a straight- Trank Simeral................. .’......... 76.50 a year old, was taken striw Fritz Drebert........................... 17.50 out Republican press association south of the Mason and Dixon line. ill with cholera infantum, vomrt Ben Mills...................... ...’.......... 7.50 in this state, separate and distinct The membership futhermore ex­ and purging profusely,” writetj. The tends to every part of the state. Arthur Davidson....................... 6.00 from the press association. Demsey of Dempsey, Ala. “I i J. Huston............................. ........... 2G.50 Republican party and the Repub­ The Democrat» selected will in what I could to relieve her but i R. Welsh........................................... 12.50 lican press should stand shoulder to her no good, and I eing very m Arnel Wooley.................... . 12.50 shoulder in the coming campaign. few instance get out petitions. It is alarmed about her went far J. Johnson and team.............. .30.00 They need e ich other in the great intended that their names shall be physican but failed to find our. A. Foland and team................ 30.00 work that is before them.—Eugene written in at the primaries by Dem­ came back by Elder Bros. ACaitt C. Creecy .... ;............................. .30.00 Register. store and Mr. Elder recotnme« H. Smith and team................... With a united Republican press ocratic voters. Fifty thousand cir­ Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera i 30.00 culars will be scattered through the -U. S. Edwards and team.... 10.50 the success of the party thia fall is Diarrhoea remedy. I procuni 2.25 59.00 J. S. Davis ...................... • assured. No other single fuctor will state instructing voters in that bottle of it, went home as quid W. J. ,Toh 1 ........................ ■ ............ 7.50 24.75 as possible and gave the bate task. 5.00 contribute so surely to the election 5.75 Peter Newberg ........................... dose of the remedy. It relir of the entire ticket from top to bot ­ W ork in R. D. N o . 6. 56.25 VESSEL TIED UP BY ACTION her in fifteen minutes and a 35.(0 Grant Dawson............... ,............ cured her entirely.” For sale 8.00 tom, and it is a matter for congrat­ OF OFFICER. .32.50 T. R. Wilson................................. 11.50 ulation that the boys have gotten Lamar’s drug store. 1.25 Frank Wilson ............................. 1 ft) together. The timeworn adage that Master of Newport Says He Will 7.5O; A. Imlah.......................................... 25.00 Acute Or Chronic—Which! File Charge Against Officer. 30.(0 James Imlah ............................... 12.50 “A house divided against itself No matter if your kidney trr 11.25 A. Aratili and team................. 20.00 cannot stand" is as true in politics is acute or chronic Foley’s Ki 3.00 H. Foster........................................ From the Astorian. 26.25 as in any other endeavor, and the Remedy will reach your cae. 89.00 E. Gilette....................................... ............................... 11175 Captain E. IX Parsons, master of Claude Brown. Reynoldsville, 97.50 P. Fryce............. ............................. 30. d) Republican party owes its past the steamer Newport, plying be ­ writes that he suffered i 57.00 Lloyd Miller................................... 7.50 humiliating condition in Oregon to kidney vom[ 21.50 Delmer Stiehler............................. 11.25 the internal dissensions which have tween Portland, Coquille River months with 2.40 John Weiss...................................... 15.00 points and Coos Bay, says he in­ which baffled all treatment. A been aided and abetted by its he tried Foley’s Kidney Rd 12.00 Clyde Lane....................................... 22.30 tends to file charges before United and a few large bottles effett enemies. —Albany Citizen. 10.80 James Bodyfelt....................... . 3.00 States Inspectors Edwards and complete cure. Jle says, “It- What we can’t for the life of us F. S. Foster...................................... 0.96 been of inestimable value to* 50.00 T. R. Wilson................................... ,55.25 understand is why any Republican Fuller today against H. Volbusch. 43.75 Frank Wilson................................. 25 00 should be found shinnying with second officer of the vessel for tend­ —C. I. Clough. 1X75 Grant Dawson............................... 15.00 the Democrats? A Democrat is a ering his resignation and leaving They Have A Definite Purp* 1.00 10.25 Harry Beckwith............................. good scrapper. He is always right the craft without giving due notice. Foley Kidney Pills (five (jj L ittle N estucca R oad . 43.95 Geo. Baxter..................................... 25.00 there, trying his best to lick the Action will be brought under a relief in cases of kidney ami 41.06 P. Gynn.............................................. 52.00 Republican party. That’s politics- section of the revised statutes of der ailments. Mrs. Rose Gh 13ft 00 J. Heater............................................ But why any man the United States, which makes it Terre Haute, Ind., tells then 7 50 and it’s fair. in her case. “After suffering 97. OP J. W. Kramien.............................. 7.50 calling himself a Republican an offence for a licensed officer to many years from a serious c* 60.50 L S. Myers....................................... 44.50 25.00 IX O. Mvers..................................... 17.25 shouid be found lending his in­ leave his position without giving kidney’trouble and upending i money for so called cure», I > 5.01) Krnest Petee................................... 44.50 fluence to movements which tend due and adequate notice. 44.15 Harry Petee..................................... 40.75 only to weaken and disrupt the Re- It appears that Volhusch quit his Foley Kidney Pills the only i cine that gave me a pemu 46.00 Steck Norwest................................. .36.25 publican party, by making it easier poet yesterday to accept a similar cure. I am again able to be up 73.50 Jack I .a bon tee............................... 27.75 3X00 Paul Holmes............................ .30.75 for Democrats to get into office, is berth on the steamer Golden Gate, tend to my work. I stall J 31.® Wm. Hartless................................. .38.75 beyond our comprehension.—Polk which rune between Portland and hesitate to recommend them 40.90 Martin Hartleys............................. 36.00 County Observer. Tillamook. Because of hie action. sale by C. I. Clough. 38.50 David Smith................................... 29. (X) Captain Pareons states the New­ What is the Best for Indig« 15.00 King A Smith, powder .......... 36.25 | Democratic Ticket Named In port had to be tied up, as the 10. ft) Mr. A. Robinson of bn“1 CORONEK’S iNQt’EST ON GEO. B en - 9.25 Assembly. United States inspecters will not Ontario, has been troubled for NET 21100 Governor—Jefferson Myres, Mult­ permit her to go to sea without a with indigestion, and recowr 1.00 12.® C. K. Reynolds............................. Chamberlain’s Stomach and full complement of officers and 1.00 nomah. 15.00 Geo. P. Wilt................................... Tablets as “tile best medr- 1.00 22.® C. Randal............................... Secretary of State—C. P. Strain, seamen. No one in Portland could ever used.” If troubled Wittig 1.00 Umatilla. 9.® J. J. Powell................................... be found to fill the vacancy and the geetion or constipation giw“ 1.00 5.(1) C. B. Wiley...................................... State Treasurer—T. A. Rinehart, captain save it is difficult to tell trial. They are certain to M. C. Trowbridge....................... 1.(0 Union. beneficial. They are easy • Zft) U’’- I*- T. Boals". . 1.50 how long the steamer will be forced 4 v Dr. T. R. Monk........... I and pleasant in effect. Price Attorney-General—A. E. Reaines, 1.50 to remain idle. With the hope of Samples free at Iaiinar'adr*i I William Powell........... 1.50 Jackson. 71. d) 1.50 Superintendent of Public Instruc­ filling the vacancy he has sent to 15.(0 George Gaston............ Excellent Health AJdX Seattle for a second officer and if 4.(0 tion—J. B. Horner, Benton. 42.50 Harold Manwarning 1.50 10.(0 Inez Bozorth................. Mrs. M. M. Davison, of * State Printer-James Godfrey, successful the Newport may be in 8.40 Marion. 23.(5 Dr. Hawk, coroner... Gifford Ave., San Jose, CaLJ shape to sail tomorrow. “The worth of Electric Bw" 10.(0 C oroner ’ s I nqi kst on E. K W ebb Railroad Commissioner-at-large_ “If this matter should be allowed 4.75 Dr. Hawk, coroner.......... general family , Oswald West to go unnoticed,” jsays Captain ache, biliousness and torpor 25.(0 I. R. Thompson.............. Representative, in Congress, first Parsons, 3ft® Eugene Atkinson............ “by no action being liver and bowels is so pro»« district—S. M. Garland, of Linn, or 22.® Geo, W. Galloway........ taken against the offenders, com­ that I am prompted to say L. M. Travis, of Lane. 15.00 Joe Osborn........... in its favor, for the benefit 12-30 Kd Hayes............... ?eCreSentati're' in second distric merce would be tied up every little seeking relief from S,1C while. Other steamers are likely There is more health for 0* W. J. Galloway. J- N. Teal or Dr. Harry Lane. W. J Myers Justices Supreme Court—W T to lie delayed for the same reason five organs in a bottle or 11.73 t ft® Harry Broxrn... of Union. “nd W. R. King^ unless a stop is put to the practice Bitters than in any oUM* W ________ ® of making no complaints against know cf.” Sold under gw? 11® Olie B. Redburg ......... 1.75 of Baker. drug store. 20c. ” ........ 1.75 18.00 K. M. Brown.... Apprehensive lest the Democratic the licensed officers for quitting Chas. I. Clough. ........ ....... 1.75 18 00 Oscar Splaid____ ........ .......2.30 party fall into the clutches of Sena­ without giving a moment’s notice. 18.00 Inez Bozorth........ 7.25 C oroner ’ s I nquest on U nknown tor Bourne and his troupe of politi­ It would result in a most serious Chamberlain’s Colic, 0*8 11 44 M an . cal acrobats, the Kentucky Klick, injury to the commerce of the port.” Diarrhoea Remedy 43.00 I net Bozorth....................... 2.00 an organization of strict party men During the marine engineers’ “I have used Ch*** 3ft 00 Coroner Hawk................... 12.® strike at Portland in 1894, several Colic, Cholera and I ’is««*" 1X00 C. D. Grout......................... met in assembly in Portland on 2.00 26.00 IX Thompson..................... 1.75 Saturday, took the reins in hand of the licensed officers who went edy since it was first intro™ C. Emerson ....................... ZOO and put out a state ticket. out in sympathy with the strikers the public in 1872. and ta" one instance wl»J ¿00 11.25 W. Redburg....................... This summary action was the were tried on charges of leaving found was not speedily effected b 40.00 Geo. O. Vaughn ............. 1.® result of failure on the part of the tbeir positkma without giving a I have been a commern** 47.0C- John Bjonklund.............. 1.® Democratic Central Committee to full notice, resulting in the suspen­ for eighteen years, and ri 17.® Lloyd Angell................... i.go take any action looking to the sion of their licenses. Since then out on a trip withooc flu® Oscar Johnson ............................. 1'53 49 ?5 Rudolph Buruiaster >............. ■election of candidates. The central there have been no complaints filed aifthful friend." saysH. »• ot Oakland. Ind. Ter. Ter- 4.® C ost B ills in BtxjTLEo cases . committee took the stand that it with the inspectors against anyone by Lamar’s drug store. 6.25 E. “ W Stanley, “ “ Hadlev cases 21 40 would savor too much of regular acused of a similar offense. 27. OU E. W Stanley. Gilbert case.. aso Why James Lee Get ** 11® K W Stanley. Laughlin case icao Republicianiam to hold an assem­ 27.0) K. w Stanley, Johnson case She Like. Good Thing* 7 30 bly. Member» of the Klick decided Everybody in z 11.00 K. w Stanley, Stephens case of West knows Mrs. Marv that it savored too much of Bourne v*rt, Ch3*-. . | .1«) E. w. Stanley. ____________________ Buffiti case to show such shyness. »The Detno- Frankh*. Maine, says "1 like good 8. Site writes: ".'li ssl^s. — a case -,___ ........ 85.40 K. Stanley,¡Clement things and have adopted Dr King». l^ee, firmly believer he 48.25 !*nT ocsex _h** “ ‘“n “e*** o«» for ?*'* ’* a’ our family laxi- to the use of Dr King* ------------ 1------ 1 —j . ------ 3» 25 For Quick Retief Froan Hay Fever. ' U. - ‘* °®c** Inasmuch ttve medicine, because they are covery. Hie lungs «ere«' 62.00' ’ ------- 8® j central committee probably will good and do their work without affected that consutnf^J 19.73 Asthma and summer bronchitis, Si on lake Folev'a Honey and Tar. It not call a similar meeting the ticket making a fuss about it.” These inevitable, when a f°* £-,nLT£iriKer!More mended New Di-- o' ®® quickly relieves the discomfort and and its use has restore«"5 MW suffering and the annexing avmiv W1U be allowed to .land unopposed 25,. For >»ie by cgaK J Clough. feet health." Dr K,nu •' 1(4(10 .................................... 32. ,r°U,r sound; to dtaapnear It soothes and by an concerted force. H covery is the Kin«: ™ svo.d the ili. of advancing vearJc heal» the inflamed ■ -----—- x» V the head, —¿i. throat at»d bronchial going to stop Jo conserve your physical 1 forms colds it has no equa'- IJ“L. >Z® tubes ................. It contains ... , no opiates and , now The assembly, which __ . . . -------w»»l ’or’ Dpe and healthful old give* r lief. To d > J* A* i? I ”>» harmful '* drugs i kvruse sub- .u Refuse held in the Chamber of Commerce kidneys ________________ „ . , . ktdnev. b- by taking f uaranUe at ding ***‘[af «ilutes.—For «mie by C. I. Clough. merrtv — « beginmag . . _ Tbe ’ £ roleUe Kidney Remedy f •««■rely marked .> the ¿VlougtT* Reme<,J For aale by I Oft Trial bottle tn* • Cha«. I. Clough. i