KI tono ok Vol. XXIII. y TILLAMOOK. OREGON, AUGUST 11. 1910 #1.50 per year -r H. Sours, cheapest and best paper hanger in town. Leave orders at King A Smith Co. • By far the largest and the most complete stock Of paints and oil at K ing A S mith ’ s . BE S pa for the best Ice Cream in fcity. >r plain sewing, see Mrs. Stella jnett. >r sale, typewriter, cheap. —D. tetrode. ilker wanted. Apply at the Head- It office. erinies wanted at the Tillamook pity Bank. * d to John Sheets for your Crout Fish Barrels. • prn, on Monday, to the wife of n Morgan, a eon. you don’t see it, inquire for t K ing a S mith ’ s . xr cement by the sack or the « pel see D. L. Shrode. tingles, the best kind, at the bmook Lumber Mfg. Co. ton of Grain Hay for sale. Ap- Io M. Melchior, Tillamook, Ore.* hose wanting fresh fruit, can- and nuts, give Joe Therdich a o, on the öthinat., at Newberg, to the wife of W. W. Wiley, a by suffer with the heat when can get ice at He. per pound at Bps. P. Huston died at Beaver on feday of last week, aged 76 narriage license was issued to Newman and Elizabeth kert fhest Price paid for Hides, Furs Sheep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- ik. Ore. • for sale at The Spa, in any lity front 10 pounds up at H per pound. your way to the theatre try llich’s pop corn and peanuts. I be beat een doors can be obtained |>e Tillamook Lumber Mfg. p this city. • p’t forget that you can get , and camping supplies at I A S mith ’ s . * [cream and ice cream sodas, Kam cones and Boft drinks at licit A Co’s. i Star brand process barley, $1.25 a sack and $31.00 a ton.—W m . C ur ­ tis , The Grain Man • , The Sue H. Elmore came in on Wednesday and will reach her dock in this city this afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. M. L. York, who have been in on a visit, leave for their home at Eugene to-day. The next time you send away for something get a Money Order from the Tillamook County bank. * Get your doors and windows from the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. • You eave money by doing so. Attorney Frank Holmes and family are in on a viart to ilia bro- ther, Attorney Webster Holmes. For rent, one bed room or three housekeeping rooms. Apply to Mrs. Stella Bennett, Tillamook, Ore. * Two hundred and twenty hogs were shipped on the Golden Gate last week for the Fortland market. We are making our own cones now to avoid trouble with the State Food Inspector.—The Spa. There will be a congregational meeting at the Fresbyterian Church after the services next Sunday- evening. Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle, $1.85 and $2.75. An almost new drop head sewing machine cheap.— D. L. S hrode . • For sale, household furniture, including a piano, by private sale. Call at Mrs. Catterlin’s, east of the Catholic church. A notice is again posted in the poet office calling for bids to carry the mail six times a week from this city- to Bayocean. Frank Richardson. A. E. Clark, A. Schoff Hazrath and Dr. and Mrs. Sandford Whitney came in from Portland on Tuesday. If you want barley, oats, wheat, cracked corn, shorts, middlings, bran, etc., go to A. F inley A Co., Old Poet Office building. Snow Drift flour, $6.25 a bbl. and $1.60 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.50 a sack. —W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. Olson and Moss family are coming. THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF OVER 100 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX, FALL SUITS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY HERE. The showing consists of all the latest novelties, and staples principally in grays and browns, and in stub, stout, long stout, slender and regular models. We can truthfully say that never before have we been so well prepared to fit the hard to fit THE LAST WEEK OF OUR FIRST ANNUAL HARVEST SALE. Ladies’ and Misses Kimonas. Children’s Dresses. We have a huge quantity of Children’s and Misses Dresses, which during this last week of our Harvest Sale we will offer some unusual bargains on. These garments have all been reduced anti this is the time to buy them. Ladies’ Wash Skirts. Unusual, values in Ladies’ Wash Skirts. These garments we sold for $3.00 each. Sale Price, each $1.73 $4.45 The FLORSHEIM SHOE A Bargain Table Kull of these Garments, all dainty patterns, and they are also well made, values to $1.00. - - - Sale Price, each 4 j C. Ladies’ Long & Short Kimonas. A lot of these garments in a variety of handsome patterns, Regular values to $1.50 each. „„ Sale Price, each oJC. Ladies’ Tub Suits. About 25 of these Handsome Linens and Rep Wash Suits left, Regular values to $12.50. io Sale Price, each «pa.HO REDUCTION ON LADIES’ AND CHILDREN SWEATERS. A Bargain Price is offered on every one of these Garments that is left in Stock. Fine thing for the Beach, In Tans, any shoe in the stock that you like $5, $6 and $7.00 values, all go at one Price. d^ihom’s Don’t over look tliis. Your choice $4.4 a Mrs. Homer Manon, with her son Big dance at Happy Camp, Ne­ tarts, on Saturday evening, Aug. and daughter, who had been visit­ 13. Everybody invited. Be sure ing relatives in California for seve­ and come to Happy Camp on Satur­ ral weeks, returned on Saturday. In the case of Tillamook City vs. day. Tillamook County, on motion for Plaaker Bros, will do your plumb­ rehearing on motion to dismiss ing in firat atyie. Let tie figure appeal was denied by the supreme on your work. Wilt guarantee our court. work, having just employed an ex­ Milk tester for sale, 4 bottle perienced plumber. * size. M. Vogl, Tillamook. DANGER ! ! Always avoid Danger when you can. FACTORY ICE CREAM CONES have been declared Dangerous and Poisonous. We Manufacture our own CONES and use Nothing but the Best Flour, Sugar, Tillamook fresh water (and YOU know What the WATER is). “NUEF SED. » “THE SPA 99 4 WHERE EVERYTHING IS GOOD. 20 Per Cent OFF BABY BONNETS. Pinks, Blues and White, with dainty and .neat trimming, are offered for the last week of our Harvest Sale at just 20 per cent off of Regular Prices. Hereafter get your cones at The C. Thurlow, Dan Nicholas and A. Spu. We make our own cones and Luckata. She left this afternoon. guarantee them to contain abso­ A party of alsmt "Ml persons will lutely no poisonous colorings. leave Portland on Saturday in Rev. J. T. Abbe it, of l^trllaud, autos ami will arrive in this city will preach in the M. E. Church in the afternoon, when they will be both morning and evening next taken to Bayocean park, where they Sunday. All arc invited to hear him. will reuiuin until Monday. There will be 11 dance at the park Satur­ Bert King and family arrived day night and the music will be from Ashland, accompanied by furnished by the orchestra from Mrs. Ben Vnntriaa mother Inst week. this city. Bert has taken nn interest in the A drowning case occurred on King A Smith Co’s store. Monday afternoon in the Trask river, Rev. S. G. Finning, will preach when Oscar, the two year old son at Bay City next Sunday morning of Nels Kricbson, lost bis life while and in the Presbyterian Church in trying to walk n plank which led this city in the evening, when the to a scow from the bunk of the subject by his sermon will be “Con­ river. The body was recovered ditions of Descipleship.” soon after, but life was extinct. Oliver Davis and Nancy A. Gee Mr. and Mrs. Erickson nre new were united in marriage last Sun­ comers to Tillamook, having been day afternoon at the country home in the county about 11 month. Voters are slow in registering of W. B. Stubbs, V. E. Hoven, of this yeai, which will close the 14th of the Church of Christ, officiating. The new principal of the Tills- next month. Only 378 persons huve ■nook High School, Prof. Baker and registered, made up as follows from ; fulllily, arrived in thia city last the different precincts : Rep. Dem. Mie. l week. He came from Roaeburg and (I 7 Bay ................... .......... :« and comes highly recommended. M 3 7 Suveyora have completed a sur­ 1 tea ver . ............ _ ........... 3 vey from Sheridan along the coast, — » 1 ........... 3 Barnagut ..... and we are informed that they have 1 — 2 . found a pass st Sandlake, and Carnahan .... ........... — { will come out by way of Hemlock. Dolph ........ 18 5 Fairview ........ — • J. Kerr, an experienced plumber, Foley 4 3 — , of Portland, bus been engaged by Gribaldi............ ............ II 2 3 | Plssker Bros., of this city, to naaiat flebo ............... ............ 18 1 1 | them in their buaineaa, as they have Hoq mirimi ... .......... tfl 13 «' 1 a large amount of business on bund 1.itile Newlucca .......... 2 Fl 5 1 Nehalem ........ at Bayoceun Park. • — NetailH ............ 1 The following teacliersare attend- Saini Lake........ 4 4 -• [ mg the examination this week. South Prairie 5 4 12 3 Mra. Goldsworthy, Miss Bessie Bays, iillamook .... ............ M 18 3 « ' Hattie Tohl, lamia Dunham, Eliza Union ................ ■111 w •— i Dawson, Berenice Johnson, Grace 41 Total...... ............ 373 61 ' Ellis, and F. A. Scofield. ’ Miirrir l, on Wclnentlay al VMM Ml, The Presbyterian Church have st the home of Attorney Goy tie, in ! discontinued their Sunday School thin city, Prof, W. K Rutherford I for the month of August, owing to ■nd Mis* Ida E. Goyne, by the Nev. the pupils taking their summer's J. F. Dunlap, pastor of the M. E. , vacution, and will commence the Church. When the ceremony wan i first Sunday in September. ■ bout to lie (lerformed it was found I Preaident Bolts, of the Port of that the Prof, had overlooked taking I Tillamook, receiver! word from out a license, which had to lie de­ I Major J. J. Morrow on Wt*duesect of a large number of Edner, 8. II Ia-ach, Ida Ker-k, W. friends ami citterns.