t LLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 4. lte>10 caught it would not take more than $41.760 BOOTLEGGERS interest to see what the City Council RAILROAD OFFICIALS per mile to build the toad. They IN MUCK RAKE AGAIN. will do, as, no doubt, a number VISIT TILLAMOOK. had a large number of men at work Whipped again! How many of citizens are doing the same. and it was progressing most satis­ After ‘'Squealing” on Them­ times does it take to whip a blind Another advertising proposition Tillamook Commercial Club factory. There were 42 miles com­ selves Justice Stanley Im­ pig? pleted from the Hillsboro end and Gives a Banquet---Officials was placed before the Exexcutive poses ,3.050 in Fines. in a few weeks about 34 miles will It is too bad that a good business Board of the Commercial Club to Well Pleased with the be completed this end, leaving street like Main street should bedis- have printed a dinkey little album Improvements in City. Device For Removing Frwt about 10 miles between the two criminated against on acconnt of with several dinkey little pictures Sheriff Crenshaw created another paid Mr. contractors. Mr. Lytle the blind pig joints on that street. surprise on Thursday afternoon in and a dinkey little write up, and Last Friday Mayor Thoa. Coates the Board recommended that the and several members of the city O’Brien a compliment when he gathering into the muck rake seven Sheriff Crenshaw litis proof that County Court allow $100 to have council and President Webster stated that if it had not been for of the bootlegger* who have defied the soft drink joints have l>een sell­ some printed. The snap shot man Holmes, of Tillamook Commercial him he would not have had any the will of “the people” and the ing beer for nymph. What is the fought the proposition, for in his Club, with several members of the railroad, for he bad only a limited law of the State, as well as bringing City Council going to do about it. judgment it did not justify the Executive Board of the club, went to amount of money, but when he Tillamook City into disrepute, and Close its eyes? Board in recommending it or the Nehalem to meet and welcome the went to Mr. O’Brien it was he who more especially Main street, where county in allowing the money to railroad officials who came in on an furnished the money. Mr. Lytle the blind pig joints are quite numer­ It looks as though Sheriff Cren­ have them printed, as there is inspection of the Pacific Railway also thought that they would have ous and appear to flourish, espe­ shaw had.tliedrop on the blind pigs to make the rates on the railroad cially as the City Council took no with those commitment papers in hardly sufficient money left to get 4 Navigation Co.’s road, which is out a decent write tip of the county. being rushed to completetion after high enough to pay working ex­ action to revoke the soft drink and bis pocket. Wonder whether they We are sorry to differ with our five yeans in its construction. It penses and leave sufficient to pay pool room licenses or to have their will be good now? colleagues on the Board, but when was eight o’clock when the party the stock holders a small interest bonds forfeited after the sheriff had The seven blind pig» who squeal­ a person makes a false statement left this city on the railroad, and on the investment. In regard to rounded up the bootleggers and ed on theiriBelve« after they were that he will give the club $75 worth when they arrived at Nehalem the the United Railroads building into proved that it was the proprietors raug*ht oujon the members Lytle, of the P. R. 4. N. Co. ; and business relations with the Pacific jail sentences and sent the blind- coming famoUM. it han a B.ind I’ig of the Board who did not know his brother, Mr. C. E. Lytle, who is Railroad 4 Navigation Company piggers to the county’s pen. Owing Councilman, and the Blind Pig different. We hope the County superintendant of the line; and would tie riidal pleasant and that Councilman helping to revise the Court will turn it down and turn Engineer Geo. L. Davis, were at they would give it their support, to the defiance of the law breakers, city charter. Gee! lan’t that enough down all similur propositions as the landing on the river. The rail­ for if it had not been that work had the county officials, whose duty it is to enforce the local option law, suc­ to make a hog laugh. An Implement for removing tbs os well, from outsiders. A little over road officials made several stops on started on the railroad into Till­ ceeded in obtaining the aid of a de­ of glass fruit jars when they srktn $01 was paid to Vanciel for a bum amook when it did, in all proba ­ the journey to this ciiy, especially Why not make a popular bond tective agency that guarantees to beeu Invented by a Pennsylvanlx m loan, in denomination of $100 up for write up and $25 was paid to Editor at Lake Lytle, where the question bility there would not have been obtain evidence against bootleggers aud will be found a great conveniets Hofer for a write up in the Salem of the location of the depot was any railroad building into the that will stick. It was not many days by housewives. A strong metal bat the Port of Tillamook, so as to give the people of the county aqoppoi- Journal, which we consider is decided, and arrived at the depot county today. after two detectives arrived in the foruied luto h circle the clrcumlerwt Mr? C. E. Lytle and Engineer city that the detective agency provj of a jar top Is attached to a cm« tunity to put their money into a safe money thrown away. The snap shot grounds at noon. In the afternoon investment and become bond own­ man takes the position that there is the railroad officials went to Bay­ Davis' made a few remarks, the ed that it could make good, but the blade, which has a handle at ow« enough brains in Tillamook to get ocean Park and made an inspection latter recommending the pioneer ers ? ___ ____ funniest part of it was after the ar­ The band, which has a tree end at out a presentable edition without of that seaside resort, taking pass­ railroad into Tillamook. acts as a spring. Is fitted around fe rests had been made the detectives, $3,050 added to the county’s opening the county’s sack so that age on the Henrietta. cap of a Jar and the cutter bladeg Mr. H. T. Botts, who had a great not being known at the time, kept treasury, by the bootleggers this every Tom, Dick or Harry who hap­ setted between the cap and the r* In the evening the Tillamook deal to do with the Railroad Com­ week, after paying expenses, will pens to come into tlie county can Commercial Club tendered the dis­ mittee, and who is President of the visiting the blind pig joints and ber baud that encircles the month« heard the numerous threats that the jar to make the latter sir il^t more than pay the salaries in the get their fingers into it. tinguished visitors a banquet at the Port of Tillamook, was called upon, were made and what they were go­ The knife is theu moved around tit Sheriff’s office. Sheriff Crenshaw is Palace Restaurant, when covers as Mr. O’Brien was anxious to know ing to do to those who had “squeal­ jar till it has loosened the cap ut certainly lisiking after the county’s were laid for about 80. President something as to what was contem­ Winning Suffrage. ed,” which would make quite enter- cieutly to permit its removal. TbeM interest when he can do this in one Holmes, of the.Coinmerical Club plated in harbor improvements. eeting reading if it was published. mission of air through the path of thl Raymond Duncan, apostle of class­ presided. round up. ___ First he undertook to inform the knife is enough to accomplish tbla.ui| For some months the respectable, ic Greek dress, and a great many Mayor Coates made a few remarks railroad officials that to make the it will theu be easy to unscrew th It may be all very well for the other unexpected things, has pass­ in welcoming the visitors to Tilla­ railroad pay it would- have to run lawabiding citizens have been com­ cap. This method Is an liuprorewat small vessels to go out over the plaining about the manner in which over other methods whereby the» ed on leaving a piece of novel ad­ mook City. trains, and now that the road was burs, but it is taking too much risk the city authorities have allowed the calcltraut cap is gripped wltb an la vice for the suffragettes worthy the The first speaker was Mr.O’Brien, nearly finished to Wheeler, he to do so. One of these days a ser­ nimble fancy of Bernare Shaw. Mr. who expressed himself as well pool room joints to run and remain plemeut. which in some case« resuml thought that a train should be put ious accident will occur, with loss in the breakiug of the Jar. open after one o’clock. Dunean says of tbe militant woman pleased at meeting so many of the on between this city, and there, He of liM and those who are drowned suffragists: Those arrested were W. J. Stephens business men and the welcome that then outlined what the Port of Till­ will be culled fools for taking so Grasse Extractor. “Woman is man’s euual. Woman, had been extended to them. He said amook had planned in regard to and one of his bar tenders, Dan Gil­ many risks of accident. A grease extractor Is a very osM however, does not know what free­ that he bad come to Tillamook to bert, who is a confessed bootlegger harbor improvements, but one i , thing to keep for removing «tains to Can’t the business men see, or dom is. Those who are seeking see what Mr. Lytle was doing with difficulty that they had met with and was sentenced to a jail sentence dresses. It can be made by teiilitj equal suffrage preach and bundle won’t they see, the bud reputation the money in building the Pacific was in floating the bonds, and he at the last term of the circuit court; together In a mortar oue-fourtb poai that the bootleggers are giving themselves up in a barbarous steel Railway 4 NavigationCo.’s railroad, asked Mr. O’Brien if he could as­ Clyde Clements, who served time in each of soft soap and fuller's art Tillamook City ? In Eugene the corset and crown themselves with and after goingover the entire road, sist them in some way or other as the county jail for bootlegging, and Form the paste into cakes and let tin bootleggers are classed amongst the a big, massive, ugly hat, and beg as lie had done the past few days, he was connected with those who Thomas Buffin, the former's bar dry. When wanted for use owiM lowest clues of society and uudesir. for suffrage. Why, if they would he was satisfied that a large were buying bonds. The bond tinder; Ed. Laughlin, who is a ci y the greasy spot with water, rub It «1 able citizens, anil they are given stop wearing hats for six months, amount of money had been expend­ buyers appeared to be a little timid councilman an.f constable for the ■ be cake aud allow the latter tot! I on. Then rub the spot wltbatpojl the opportunity to leave for other they would get their suffrage and ed and that it would take consider­ of Port bonds, as it was a new thing second justice district, and his part­ equal rights because they would ner, Tom Johnson ; and Ed Had- and warm water. parts. able more before it was finished, for on the market To clean palut that Is not rartiiM i n j u re the retail hat and other it waa a most difficult country to In answer to Mr. Botts, Mr. lay, who is the most flagrant boot­ take a flannel and squeeze nearly it Colonel Dunne said at the opening trades to such an extent the men build a railroad in. As an illustra­ O'Brien stated that it was their legger in the city and who served a out of warm water and dip tn a Mt of the Tillamook Commercial Club would be glad to give them what tion of this Mr. O’Brien stated that intention to put on a train between term in the county jail. With the whitening. Apply to the paint at ft that thisjeounty was renowned for they want. Mr. Sweeney had expended about this city and Nehalem as soon as | exception of Hadley, all are con- with a little rubbing It will InsUm its cheese and its timber and a pe­ Have the women ever considered remove grease, smoke or other sii»| $60,000 in making roads for hauling the road was finished, and he ”^cted with the soft drink joints, culiar animals called a blind pig and bartering their big hats for the in supplies. He thought that the assured Mr. Botts that he would | Finding that the State had a open Wash with warm waler aud rub ah it is plain to moat everybody that ballot? We trow not, even after company would have to make the be glad to assist the Port in dis­ l and shut case against each of them, a soft cloth. It will not injure ill the blind pigs are the most undesir­ having trowed several times on the most delicate color, makes It look 1*1 rates on the railroad somewhat posing of its bonds if he would | Tillamook City’s notorious blind able, lawless and low-down citizens, subject. new aud lasts much longer that I higher than in other places on ac­ write him in regard to the matter so | piggers began to “squeal” on them­ cleaned with soap aud water. bringing Tillamook City into disre­ But we think Mr. Duncan's plan count of the large expenditure in that he could refer it to those selves as they owned up to their pute. might be worked more successfully its construction, and he asked the buying bonds. He was glad Mr. guilt, when Justice Stanley imposed Ices and Sherbets. in an entirely opposite direction. co-operation of the peoole cf Tilla­ Botts had mentioned these mat­ tines amounting to $3,050 upon the Who says it don’t pay to prosecute Lemon Sherbet. —Mix ttiree-qwrta Suppose the women set out to wear mook in making the first railroad ters because their visitj into Tilla­ following persons : the bootleggers ? The county is put of a cup of sugar with the Jukeof* bigger and bigger hats until the Ed. Hadley, on three charges, and a half lemons. When It baa rail to some expense in procuring evi­ that built into this county a success, mook was to decide aMbut putting men give in; that would be a more dence, but e. few more fines of over and he would h* ' should any mis­ on a train and the location of the was fined $500 on the first charge uutil nearly melted add slowly glorious victory and more fun; the and 30 days in jail, and on the cupfuls of milk, if you do not d three thousand dollars added to the understanding occur between the depot building. men had already begun to lose county's treasury will help some, as other two charges was fined $.'100 carefully the lemon juice will railroad and the people that they James Walton, Jr.,‘and others heart and pine away under the the milk. Pour Into freezer andfr* the taxpayers of the county have be settled without referring them to spoke, and altogether the banquet and 60 days in jail, making $800 The sherbet will be smooth, solid d, sicky shade of the merry widow hat had to gc> down deep into their jeans the Railroad Commission. He was a success. It showed the rail­ in fines and 90 days in jail. as white as milk. when the women relented. They are in the numerous attempts to enforce thought that the new railroad, with road officials that the business men Clyde Clements, $500 fine and 30 Orange Ice.—Six oranges, six lei»* too soft-hearted, these women: the the local option law. days in jail. juice and rind, three pound" of >apt merry widow should have been the exception of a few curvatures, were alive to the city’s and county’s was the equaltoany road in Oregon. growth and development, and who Dan Gilbert, $500 fine and 30 days four quarts of water. .Mix well ■ llere ia n question we want to put amplified until the men, for the Mr. O’Brien showed his interest in Juice aud sugar. I.et It stand ««• Would heartily accord the P. R. in jail. sake of a little better sunlight, up to every voter in Tillamook bay and bar improvements by ask­ 4 N. Co. their every assistance in W. J. Stephens, $300 fine and 20 Add water and mix well. Freeas would have exclaimed: “ Take any ­ county : As the city officials ing a number of questions, and as their power, and at the close of the days in jail. ladies, only ot Tillamook City fail to regulate thing you want, Lemon Custard. to the United Railways building banquet several hearty cheers were Thomae Buffin, $200 fine and 15 abolish these hats.* ’ Grate the rind of one lemon - pool and softs drink joints, or into Tillamook, he said his ex­ given for the railroad and railroad days in jail. ODe cupful of sugar aud mix revoke their licenses when they perience had taught him to offer no officials, as well as the Tillamook Ed. Laughlin, on two charges, ly with two rounded tablesi»««!*1 Singer 8ewing Machines. violate the law, wluit pros­ opposition, for the railroad that he Commercial Club. $500 fine and 40 days in jail. flour, beat the yolks of two egp * pects are their for the citv council Now is your opportunity to get represented would get its share ot Tom Johnson. $250 fineand20days mix with sugar, flour, l-tnoo jnkv* Not having seen the new quarters to regulate saloons should the coun­ a machine that will last you a life business. He stated, however, that in jail. of the Tillamook Commercial Club, , rind. After mixing these add ty go “wet ?” The answer is plain. time, on easy monthly, payments an electric line helped to build up Mayor Coatee »nd President1 The justice remitted the jail sent­ the size of a walnut (inelttdl. ’• If they won't or can't regulate soft that you will scarcely miss and a community, and would, no doubt, Holmes took the railroad officials to ences, 'avcH> and ana there mere were some eur- one cupful of milk, and stir til- ** drink joints, they won't saloons. no interest. be the means of increasing the the club and they were greatly prise that the iU8t'c had taken this of all whip the whites of the I personally guarantee | every mn- population, but it would be the surprised and well pleased with couree- However, Sheriff Crenshaw stiff and mix tn. Put In lment papers and for any custard and bake slowij*1 ing agents in the city pulling the of charge. county und carry out tlie lumber vinced them again that the busi-1 an^ ^ut^er a,teillPt at violation of to bake without wheylag It- legs of the business men thia week. Your old machiue will be taken and the dairy produce, which he ness men of Tillamook City are the local option law by these person It is certainly remarkable how as part |myment. Tomatoes Canned Whste was surprised to hear had bought alive to the improved situation they will not only have to face Select small round tomato««. • easily some of our business men Muchines delivered at your home, $550,000 into tlie county last year. incident to the building a railroad other charges but will have to serve by putting in wire basket «nd I* "bit,*' und especially those who on free demonstration trial. Mr. O’Brien expressed himself as into Tillamook, and in future proof the remitted time as well. Ing once or twice in boiling ” never advertise in the' local news- Call in and see the New Singer fllk well pleased with the spirit of pro­ of the pleasure they felt in visiting remove skins and put toman« piqiers. but they readily take up B vkiiktt S hipman . Tillamook. Ore. gress ¡that he saw in Tillamook the club room P. J. O'Bryan, E. E. Jars, add tesapoonful of »sit * t with some outsider's advertising Whalem's Jewelry Store. City aince he waa here two years Lytle. W. K. Lytle and Geo. L. Davis jar. Uli tbe jars with cold scheme. And the advertising Jars lu boiler and boll ten uiiosfd •go. signed the inctnberahip cards to schemer goes away rejoicing with reaching boiling point. To*«*** llien try one of our BANK MONE Notice to Creditore Mr. E. E. Lytle was the next become members of the club. n bunch of money jingling in his the most easily kept of all vet*** ORDER S. They are cheaper than sfflk •peaker, and he took up the matter N otici i * Kiuai Aivas —That th* jeans, Yet business men are con. under.i«aml h*> Ima by the Cuaaty Court ot the construction of the Pacific In Washington D. C., a group of express or post office orders, are easier tinu'dly advising that the borne >j| lillamoot Vounir. State ui Oregon. Uury Te Distribute Fruit Is He said evangelists and reformers have or­ »btsin. are good anywhere, and qu-’e* n" ndmlnletrator. with the will Railway A Navigation Co. news|ai|»eis advise people to pa. ■lipotnteel It fa» often disappointing anneted. «g the eilate o< Harry Wiosale made *n — A . ting a frnlt cake to And that •* tronise home industry and home Colile. Uree a ned All penna» h trias eiann» he came to Tillamook in IttB for ganized a church to be known es aaalna« »atd estate are requind lo prese a < that purpose, and he hoped, when the “Churvh of Happiness. In its TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. the fruit bas settled to the bj merchants. ______ ___ ” — (he lame to the Minimi yard a» sach ad- mlaisliator al hi» <4Ser (a Tillamooh City, he first commenced work that it l»|>era of incorporation this church To remedy this put half of tkatj Oeesoa. urllhia »1» monili» troni the date oi In tbe pan before the fruit I» Sha Likes Good Things. Any iwraun with ordinary judg­ the *r»t publicntloa hereoT, dnly yeriSed would have been completed before defines its creed as that of music regnimi br In* Mrs. E. Smith, - of - West u.- Chas. w8'- *" ------- then put tbe fruit to tbe rfM^j this, but owing to the labor trou­ • nd merriment. It declares that w— ment will admit that the City Coun­ a» Itateli ibis Augii»! *th. 1910. "T like good the batter in tbe bowl, «tir •• bles and having to go through one »he old religious c reeds were de- ' cil should close up the blind pig H T Borrr*. Elw W ■ M as Adminotralor with Ih» Sili__ anncied, of financial panic, the work was closed joints, after this another exposure Ih» mate or Harry w Ingste Cotti», signed to frighten people into the • ?*ew ï>iu" •• our family laxi- add to that In tbe pan Tb* deeeaeed xmbn i. a i hu - - ■ — _ _ __ fi * *raa .11 r-1 rf - - * . — down for 12 months. Mr. Lytle church, and goes on thus: “The tive^ medicine, because they are thus evenly distributed and round up by Sheriff Crenshaw. > •■<$ do their work without But has the City Council the moral stated that when they first figured new religion recognizes that crime “botit if.” These Potato«« au 4 Imcktxine and courage to do so? on budding the road, the estimate is hatched __________________________ where there is no mirth. Slice one quart of coM b®**" pemrr« sold at drug store Now is the time to prove Whether was $2d,tW per mile, hut owing to Deoravity flourishes in the shades —■ For Sale by C has. I. Clough. You awake with a mean, «"Arty toes Put layer of potato« «nd merriment the ¡Tillamook City is being run taste in the mouth, which reminds ‘rouble and the enhanced ¿in Ing dish, season wltb «alt wtH be the imfwrtant Eléments in Have A Definite Purpose. and grated cheese* Mate » in the interest of the bootleg you that your stomach is in a had coat of material, it waa c “-- e*. — •gam the religion of the future." The Foley Kidney Pills give quick gers or in the interest of the condition. It should also remind timatetl that it would cost $3UCUI. ifo^-^nt* *• Th- relief in cases of kidney and blad­ one pftat of milk and ooe * itizens. and law and order. you that there is nothing so good but it had since been estimated der ailments. Mrs. Roe- Glaser of flour. When this reaches Surely it ia up to Mayor Coates and f«* a disordered stomach as • hat it would cost $41. TO per mile, Terre Haute. Ind., tells the result Ing point or becomes thick ... u ,For SoT* Faet- in her case, “After suffering for the potatoes and bake for u*» • . City Attorney Holmes, as well as Chamberlam s Stomach and Liver without equipment. H- thought S-l!e .VL Buck*"’• Ar™« Jreara hom a serioua case of the rest of the Councilmen. to take Tablet*. % if the li^bor situation remained I sat- l>roper thing to „ee kidney trouble and spending much WhipFis« Cream. . for sore feet, as well as for healing some action for the better reg id a laiactory. there would be no i more w<’.OeyJ°I 80 ca,,*d cures. ! found When craam Is whipped * burns, sores, cute, end all manner Foley Kidney Pills the only medi turn ol these |>laeea. as it ia licens­ to restore natural c ondHMm. and am a. trouble in getting the road < om­ of •brsaoM. • writes Mr W Stooe. cine that gave me a tong It will granulate T* ing the soft drink and pool room pi-ted. but should there be t ino re of Bast Poland. Maine ft is the cur*. ___ — . I am -<>><> si»s to permanent oe ■ back to tbe right cooalstoocy again able to joints. We wait with some little be up and - Table«* are aeM i IIJ ibwi Price 2gJ trouble j- *°° *** p'*** TrT ,end ,o m> work. I shall never aboot ,wo tsbleepoonfnle » in — the - labor or financia I Uh d r" under n<*»r” guarantee 8,ore at ,o ... "coaiiaead them." So La___ f______________ ” ' For 1 Ptot I *orid. he «lid not know wiiether Ä:'\or