■K Ï ' r**:' L - ' - k J .-..■íd.C'jíí **' •* TLLA mo OK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 4. 1910. ■] *- i M > ( A New Method of Rescue I IN THE WORLD OF SPORT By ROCKFORD KING ■ Copyright, 1910, by A mort can P i « m AMoohalon Bush, Who Is Playing Sensa­ tionally For Detroit. I « • « % 4 “Neskowin” V, y THE OLD SALEM CAMP GROUND People wondered why I took such In lerest' In seroplaoea. why I contin­ ually practiced at driving them, why u f J studied different makes. Then, when I had takeu a flight Into a distant a land, no oue knew where, and after o my return all my Interest tn air navi­ gation had vanished, they wondered Í still more. 1 have beeo a great traveler, though f I am not yet thirty years old Some 1 i years ago while lu Rmuda I made ilie ■ aera and "Once a woman is married to a j Shortstop Oweu Bush of Detroit Is Salve to be the proper thing to use ou court gala occasions. She gave me man, that man always has some . unmlsiakHble signs ihat In me she had the M-muitloD of the American league for sore feet, as well ns for henliiq burns, sores, cuts, and all innnnei claim upon her, even if she has a found wlnil I hud found In her Bui lids Henson. His fielding mid timely of abrasions,” writes Mr. W. Stone, when I came to tell her my story her butt lug are helping the Tiger» to wiu of East Poland, Maine. It is tin divorce. When a woman is married »he never can be absolutely free whole manner changed. many guinea. Ilush is only twenty-one proper tiling too for piles. Try it! "No. no. no!" she moaned. "I have year» of age mid Is the smartest mau Sold umler guarantee at drug stori again. Courts can separate them, | 25c. For Sale by—Chas. I. Clough. but in the sight of a law higher permitted myself to sink Into a dream on the Tigers. In 1907 he was secured You have awakened me. I have dom­ They Have A Definite Purpose. than man-made law, in the opinion from I lie South Bend (Iml.i I emu by very wrong, ilo away from uie. For Folejr Kidney Pills give quick >f all well-meaning persons, the ' Detroit. In I'. iok be helped Indianap ­ get me.” relief in cases of kidney and blad­ husband still has a claim on the What there was between her and un­ olis to win the pennant, and that fall der ailments. Mrs. Rose Glaser, woman who was once his wife." I that led her to talk tbits 1 could not he Joined Detroit III time Io enable Terre Haute, Ind., teds the result Judge Ralph Latshaw of the in her case. “ Af:-r suffering fo> and llie Tigers to win lhe championship I left II ush I h iuduce her to tell, Ills work in twenty guinea was a big many years from a serious case oi Kansas City Criminal Court so de­ tried to forget her. I continued III) tnivela, but the Interest for me bad factor hi Detroit's »uceeas Hint year. kidney trouble and spending mud clared recently when he reversed a | gone out of the curiosities of travel. In IlMHi Bush played In 157 champion­ money for so called cures, I found decision of the Municipal Court Foley Kidney Pills the only medi­ Tile pyramids. . llie Coliseum. the ship games n nd hud a Held Ing average cine that gave me a permanent which held Dr. Milo E. Hartman . works of art that hud before fuselnat- of .1)25. Ills record showed 308 put- cure. I am again able to be up ami guilty of an attack on his former ed me, were now unable to move me. oma, 507 assists and 71 errors, an aver­ tend to my work. I shall never wife. Hartman had been fined tfatui One day I took up a newspaper and age of a trifle more than six cbauces hesitate to recommend them." Foi in the Municipal Court on a charge sale by C. I. Clough. saw by telegraph from Russia thnl a tier game. of having accosted his wife in a conspiracy against the life of the czar Intense Colicky Pains Relieved. dry goods store. When Mrs. Hart- ' had been discovered and that I tie Pacer Dan Patch Retired. “For some years I suffered from man had finished her testimony the daughter of a prominent general had Dan I‘st ch baa been permanently re­ intense colicky pains which would court told the defence there was no | liwii linpllinied Something mid me tired from the racing and speed exhi­ come on at times and from which necessity for them to introduce any | that she was Sophia I returned to I couid find no relief. ” says I. S. bition stage. M. W. Savage, bls owner. 8t. Petersburg to learn thnl my niitlel Mason, of Beaver Dam, Ky. evidence. patlou waa correct. The girl I loved Is authority for the statement that “Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and “Hartman had a right to comt 1 Dijn Patch will never ngain I m * askeil had already been sent to Siberia. Now Diarrhoea Remedy was recom­ up and speak to his former wife I to' start lu attempts to loner the mended to me by a friend. After 1 understiHsI her action toward me and even take her by the arm,” he I felt that a greal work had sprung world a records. He Biiys that till» taking a few doses of the remedy up before iih -—lhe work of liberating greatest of all horses has done Ills I was entirely relieved. That was said. “As long as he did not abuse Sophia. A famous traveler was In St share of work and that bls life from four years ago anil there has been her or swear at her he committed no return of the symtoms since that Petersburg al the time and was about this lime on will be spent lu enjoying time.” This remedy is for sale no offense. He had a perfect right to start, with the permission of the a well enrued rest. In watching other by Lamar’s drug store. to regard himself as a privileged FOR RATES-ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. Russian government, to write up the harness Itorsea airuggle to lower his person in his dealings with the coudltlon of Sllierlau exiles. I suc­ record and lu peria-tuatlug bls great- Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and woman who had once been his wife. ceeded In Inducing him to appoint me iiiias through his get. While the cham­ Diarrhoea Remedy Never Known I don’t see how any court ever im-1 to rail. bls secretary, or aiuauuenals. In this pion will not be called upon to uiuke “I have used Chamberlain’s way I would lie able to locale the girl any of the mighty efforts that have Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ posed a fine of $5(X) on a man for] --- s. I hud made up my mind lo free, tin made him famous, he will still do edy since it waa first introduced to spending to a woman who had ! arrlvlug lu the prison region I learned some traveling and during the suhimer the public in 1872, ami have never once been his wife.” Í! thnl Sophia's father bud been euabled mom lie and fall will be an attraction found one instance where a cure She Likes Good Things. to secure for her simply exile, not Im­ at a large number of fairs all over the was not speedily effected by its use. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of Went I have been a commercial traveler prisonment. Shu was llvlug hi a hut CliJted States. for eighteen years, and never start Franklin, Maine, says: "Hike good close by n prison. Escape for her was out on a trip without this, my things and have adopted Dr. King’s as Impossible aa If she bad been w ith Bia Baraball War Brewing. faifthful friend,” says H. S. Nickola, New Life l’itls as our family laxi- lo atone walls. But her position waa A cording to a rumor, a big baseball of Oakland, Ind. Ter. For sale tive medicine, because they are encourageiueut for me. whose life good and do their work without war la brewing In-tween the National by Lamar’s drug store. work was to take her out of Sllierla. lhe man with a paid up policy has the satis­ making a fuss about it.” These and American league», and It la »» lied Why James Lee Got Well. I saw her. talked with her mid told painless puritiers sold at drug store tiled to break at the end of the preeent faction of knowing that premiums thereafter her that during the same month (Au- Everybody in Zanesville, O., 25c. For Sale by Chas. I. Clough. gusti the following year to ex fleet me neaaou. It Is said the National will knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route will not pester him. with minus by which lo give her her break away from the American next 8. She writes: "My husband. Janies Acute Or Chronic- Which ? fall and. Instend of the two working Lee. hrrnly believes lie owes his life freedom No matter if your kidney trouble When you have BACHMANN install your : to the use of Dr. King’s New Dis­ Thai autuuiu and winter I wns In tmrmony, there will be keeu com­ is acute or chronic Foley's Kidney ! covery. Hie lungs were so severely Remedy will reach your case. Mr. ' petition between tbem. known lo be one of the principal devo­ Plumbing you can rest assured that your job is u If this should come to |nss It might affected that consumption seemed Claude Brown, Reynoldsville. III., 1 tees to the navigation of the air. I inevitable, when a friend recom ­ paid up when finished, and does not Like any he suffered many I tried every klud of semplane that bad furnl’h lietter and cheaper baaelmll. mended New Discovery. We tried it writes that bevu Jnveutvd. I made long Hights I>ur It would not last and eventually and its use has restored him to per­ months with kidney complaint other jobs call for premiums in the shape of $< both by day aud by night. I flew to would prove laid for the game Wars fect health.” Dr. King's New Dis­ which baffled all treatment. At last ! he tried Foley’s Kidney Remedy of such a nature Invariably fall, constant repairs. (i and covery is the King of throat and the Laud of the Midnight Hun In the and a few large bottles effected a I dead of wlutcr. that I might become some master band gathers lu •11 the lung remedies. For coughs and complete cure. He says, "it has I colds it has no equal. The first dose used to dying lu lhe cold I tried for ptvflta. Remember our reputation where workman- > gives relief. Try it ! Sold under liern of inestimable value to me.” I ou firlxva. entered no contests. I work­ —C. I. Clough. guarantee at drug store. 2Dc. and ship is considered BACHMANN always gets ) National Athletic Meat. ed with one iiuriMHW- In view. That $1 H>. Trial bottle free. For Sale by In preparing for the A. A. 0. na- Chas. I. Clough. waa to make a flight to Ruralu. swoop the job. / down by the hut In whlcli lived my t Iona I athletic championships, which if you e What is the Beat fbrTndigeBtion ? will be held in New Orleans thia year, love and bear her sway to freedom. Mt. A. Robinson of Di*utnutiin, NEVER WORN sf/. I pass over the details of study by a quarter mile elnder track Is la-lug - Ontario, has been troubled for years OH«»» which I found a machine esfieclally constructed which Is expected to be ( with indigestion, and recommends adapted for my purpose. I transport­ I be equal of any In the country. It Is | Chamberlains Stomach und Liver ed It by sen to Sweden From tilers l-eliig modeled after those at the I Tablets us “the best medicine I V to ray destination waa not far. but I Jamestown and 8t. Louts expositions. , ever used.” If troubled with indi- ; \ you've yet must make the Journey at one flight It will have 220 yards straight away : geation or constipation give them a to learn the bodily They are certain to prove with uue supply of fuel. One morning tor btirdlea and the furlong dash. The I comfort it gives in I ruse to a height of 500 feet and Inner Held has football, gridiron and tienenciul. They are easy to take I the wettest weather drove my machine east want. I pur- basket ball courts aud several Jumplug and pleasant in effect. Price 25 eta. Samples free at luiin.ir's drug store. |HM«-|y kept at a considerable height aud vaultlug pits. till I stood directly over the aophyar- ' Excellent Health Advice. A EXPORT BEER, L-•'*' ,)av'«en. of No. 379 fast that I might attract the least pos Harner Michigan's Track Captain. elide atteotkm From where I was Joe Horner of Grand Hapkla la cap- t.diord Ave., Sun Jose, Cal., says: KAISER BLUME. Pic worth , t Electric Butera us a poised was a slanting course down to talu of the Michigan track team for the hut I ho|>ed that she mlgbt be next aeaatm. although be cannot lie genernl family remedy, for head­ Unsurpassed. Non-lntoxicatin outside, but she was not I descended rakl to have lieen elected to the piace. ache. biliousness and torpor of the to her door All was silent. I was Horner and Italpb Craig of Detroit liver und bowels is so pronounced that I am prompted to auv a wont malt tea h I h >«H lo leave the machine to euter were cooi'edvd to be the meu betweeu tn its favor, lor Hie benefit of those the hut when I raw her face at the whom lay the honor of the captaincy. st-eking relief from such attlicfiona. STAR BREWERY window, and In another moment she The men were ao popular that the I heiv is more health for the diges­ was »tiling lieslde me on the machine others on the track team refused to tive organs in a bottle of Electric I had provided for starting by tilling rote and left It to Craig and Horner Hitters than in any other remedy I Sold under guarantee at my machine with apparatus especially to deckle who waa to be captain. They know cl. store. ®c. For Sale bv attained to the purpose, and. though '••ft It to the loan of a coin, and Hor­ drug Special Bre I hwH. 1 t lotijifh. keepers were |y thia time running ner won. When yoa want a quick cure whhou’ lie la the tnlervollaglata ■ny kwe ol rtme. and one that ia followed tow ant ua from every direction, we champion shot (Hitter, GrannlateJ Sote Byes Cured BOTTLEI» BY THE j r««e ats>ve them and the shots they . "For. 1 V’,v -vertn» • »uffcrei! by no bad .eeulta, uac sear np In time to rare oureslres I from a l ad case of granulated sore Changing Turn« Sematimra Helps. After a ride high In lhe sir we ceme Every time a veteran player changm eyes. suvsNarlin Bovtl of Henrietta. gentle down In Sweden nearly fronsa. From from one tram to suother a club has to Ky. "In Fcbmarv, lutt, ilu-ee we traveled southward, not stop­ adopt an entirely new net of sígnala. man asked me to try Chamberlain's Salve. I bought one liov and used ping illl we reached Marseilles, where Tim Mtirnane says that the continual about two thirde of it und my eves h never tails and is pleasant to take we took a steamer •witching of playera from one team to itave nut given me nnv t-v-uble It to equally valuable for children. It We are now both In America and are another baa been an educaUuti all since. Thissulveb) L.uui.. '* Jr.u famoua for its curve over a large pert