Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 04, 1910, Image 3

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■noceupied. Marie Durthy had re-
spunded to the call of Ibe stage.
With some 11X11«* tuuuey saved from
Charley No Shirt la tbe name of tbe
Miss Sadi« Anwrlcau. president of
her allowance and lu «uiupusy with chief of the Walla Walla Indiana la lb« New York Council of Jewish Wo- 1
tbe chorus girt .Marie was taking ber tbe Umatilla reservation.
men. spoke al the Jewish International
lowing That Love For the Stage first i*eep at tbiuga lu Gotham loog be­
A. A. Aall for nmuy yearn held tbe coufereuc« recently held Io IsHalnu
fore Mlsa Henley was aware of her
Is Inherited.
diatlncliou of havlug hl« uante appear
Miss Eva Canfield is mid to ta* the
drat In tbe St. louis directory, but UiH only ferry woo is n in tbe north went ecu
~l'ui going to take you tu ItoHIna."
year be slips to seveulb place,
state«. A lleetun* to iqs-rafe a toll
exclaimed tbe chorus girl tbe iiu.nimg
The chief Juath-e of tbe supreme ferry on Balnmu river has t>evii grant­
after the two arrived in New York.
opyrighl. 1910. Dy American Pre«* Asso­
ciation, j
“Lie bus a keeu eye for taient as well Miirt of South Africa. Sir John Henry ed to ber.
After forty year» on Broadway. A|> I
Miss Constance eyed ber niece so­ as form, aud be vsu. If you make a bit de I llllera. baa beeo made a ba run by
rely. ber usually calm face drawn with him. place you lu bis *puujr* bal­ King George, tbe Bret exervlse of tbe pie Kate, wbo bas eol«l fruit on the
royal prerogative lu adding tu tbe pavement outside or Kt I' mu I h .-hur< li
stern, unapproving lines
“Never let llebenrHiilH start tomorrow at tbe peerage.
siiwe tbe days alien Hartium's mu
rollon tbe subject again." abe fin- Rotterdam. you know.“
John Haya, twenty-aix yearn old. seum was one of New York's land
Rollins, bullet master of nutlonal
jed decisively.
"The stage! Tbe
prominence. welcomed Mabel eutuusl- trlwi to euliat In tbe United Staten na­ mark» just across tbe way. tut- leoiue
ry Idea!". Tbe three ringlets bung- astlcally. She waa to bave a speaking ry at KvauHVtlle. lud. but larged one a bride
X primly from eacb side of tbe bigb part ibis season In “The Mermaid." a pound of the necessary weight. He
Edith Allen Bek her. granddaughter
ow boblaxi In grotesque emphasis
rival production, but Kolllus was went outakie. drank a gallon of water, nine genenitliNis removed from the
Little Marie Durthy's pretty cheeks above petty jealousies, He listened to returued to tbe recruitlug ntatluu aud Purltmi maiden I'rtscills. has liee«
»ddened Indignantly. “You are Just tbe girl's plea tor her friend, all Ibe was accepted
married at the age <>r twemy-cmhi to
Iturally prejudiced." sbe asserted while playing analytic eyes upon tbe
I'aulban. the French aviator, pro- Jubn Van Beal, a well known lt-istoi>
Mulsiitly. "There Is positively uo use newcomer UDder other conditions it oouucea bls uauie as If It were writ­ lawyer, who la approaching his sixty
I trying to reusou with you. for I would have been etnbarrassiug to the ten "I'uuyau" aud not "1‘aulan" Tbe eighth birthday and lived n few d<s>r>
>n't sup|K>se you were ever at an op­ girl.
name of auotber magnate of tbe fly­ away from tbe residence of tlie brtoe
's or mush-al comedy In all your life."
“We bave over 100 girls In tbe ing world. Arehdeacou. offer» «till
Mrs. Sol Smith tlie actrexa. who at
Tbe face of Miss Constance, plain in ’Nymph and the Naiad.’" volunteered greater difficulties to the French eighty years Is still actively engagett
l Puritan contour, flushed botly. Rollins, his lean face a light, "aud. by longue, and It la aald to be rare to find In ber profession und who reeeuil,
‘list Is my business!” sbe snapped. Jove, every one of them can sing two Frencbtneu In a company pro­ celebrated the forty eighth anniver­
In tbe other baud. I am your guard
I’ll give you a tryout on tbe piano. If nouncing It tbe same way.
sary of her find appear:!u<e <>t> tbe
ti aud responsible for your future, yon don't make good It’s Dix to you
Captain Cameron MeRne Winslow, stage, said tbe other day. "I d.ti n<*t
•t uie bear uo more of tbla fool lab in our gentle merry merry, nltboiigh I bow federal suiwrvlsor of New York begin my stage career In un early
Isb to tiecome an actress—a canta don’t mind doing Mabel a favor pro­ harbor, as l.letiteuniit Winslow In INUS youth, as aome aup|Hise. but took up
vided It doesn’t pull down the stand­ led tbe little party of volunteers that tbe work wh>*u. at tlie Age of thirty
•You place me In school with spec lai ard of the show."
undertook to cut tbe Cuban cable« off two. I «as left a widow with sit < hll
isicnl Instructor».’’ answered tbegirl,
Marie, a It bough a bit frightened, had Cienfuegoa. that tbe S|*anlsb force« on dreu. tar wtaise aup|>ort I was rei*p<>U
nd now tbat I bave developed a voice a truly clever voice nud one trained Ibe Inland might have no means of
nt don't intend tbat I shall use it. beyond those of tbe usual aspirants communication with tbe borne country
» you think tbat I want to live on Sbe “made good."
By many critics and some historian«
Fly Catches.
ur charity forever? When mother
As tbe girl, flushed with pleasure, tbls act baa been called the bravest
rd sbe left me in your care, but she turned to go a souud came to ber that of tbe Spanish war.
Catcher McLean of the Cincinnati
mid never bave done tbls could sbe Beemed to freeze the red blood In ber
Reds «ays tbat tbe neo pitebei pur
ve seen her way clear to have done
Current Comment.
heart. Sbe stood in a strained atti­
chased frwi Cbleagu. Kill Burns, lias
metblng else with me.”
tude listening. Rollins glanced at ber
tbe best slow ball tbut be ever saw a
"1 tell you again, young lady, tbat curiously.
Soon It may be necessary to give the left bander display
am benrtily sick of tbls foolish talk,
“Are you such an admirer of genius."
Fred Tenney’s contract with the
id if I bear more of It I'll take you
be scoffed, “tbat tbe mere voice of diction over aeroplanes—Atlanta Con­ Lowell club of tbe New Euglaud
ray from bere and place you in a
CoDDle Durant can turn you into a stitution.
leugue la as a player only, and II is
white statue?”
Every little while some rich Ameri­ stipulated tbat hr will be released ut
■I don’t enre,” snapped tbe girl, re-
“Connie Durant!" gasped tbe girl. can coming borne from Eun>pe gets the eud of |be season
lllcusly sullen. “I'd as soon be In a
“Who is sbe?"
through tbe custom bouse nt New York
Outfielder Ihtvy Jones nf the Detroit
nveut as anywhere else If I can't go
"Sbe baa uever heard of Connie Du­ without a squabble or a scandal.—Chi­
tbe stage.”
Tigers is surely bavlug tils third I eu ne
'You shall never bave my consent to rant!" came from tbe ballet master in cago Record Herald.
of life, lie never played Ilei 1er bull
There are -IOU.OOU members of build­ and la getting on tlie bases otteuer
mine an actress." came empbatical- more than simulated borror. "Lord,
frorn Miss Coustance, “nor shall I
than any other niau lu tbe game.
years? Miss Durant la tbe bright aud vania alone, representing that uumber
Jake Dniihert of Brooklyn la tbe
IHirtlculnr star of tbe ’Nymph and tbe of borne builders. Wbat do tbe cliff
classiest young first ItsHemau who lias
Naiad' and probably tbe bigbest sal­ dwellers of New York think of that?—
broken Into ibe leugue since the advent
aried artiste on tbe American stage. Fbiludelpbla Inquirer
of Dick ilobtltxel
He la very quick.
Sbe comes of a family of actors. Her
A Chicago judge proposes an a cure Is a wonderful handler ot tbniwn balls
mother, grandmother aud great-grund- for the automobile evil that soloists be
motber were all od tbe boards, and the comiHtlled to give bond for tbe pay­ and a duugeroiia left buuded balsinuu.
sprightly antics of tbe vivacious Cou- ment of damages to persons or ibelr
nie are household topics. Still you beira. Tbe old difficulty of first catch­
The Aeroplane.
ask. 'Who is Connie Durant?* For ing your automoblllst would spoil this
Jopan b. carrying on luqsirtant ex­
sbnnte. girl!”
recipe, as It has others tor catching
The terrorizing voice grew In volume and cooking this Beet bar«—IM. Louis periments lu avlutluu. but observe»
«rear secrecy on the xulijecr.
as Its owner came nearer. Of whom G lobe- Democrat.
did It remind Marie? Of whom but—
The AuHtrallan minister of defense
bus offered *25,000 fur tlie Invention
The Royal Box.
of ao efficient aeroplane by au Auxlra
Tbe girl turned quickly and glanced
Into the horrified eyes of ber aunt.
Tbe late King Edward VII. was tbe
Due of tbe most Ingenious French
Miss Constance eyed ber niece se­ first ruler of Ibe new dynasty, tbe
aviator» la trying out a combined dlr I
verely. But wbat a changed Miss Con­ house of Saxe-Coburg.
stance! Tbe prim, old fashloued curls,
There exists In Germany a superatl gible balloon and awoplaue. a cigar
colled ropes of hair and tortoise shell tloo that tbe empire will be over­ aba|>ed gas bag helping lu raise and
back comb were goue. and lu ibelr thrown wbeu tbe emperor baa seven support the tuu< blue.
place rested a low. modish wave. Tbe sons. William II. has six.
A writer In the London Graphic fi«
ancient dress always worn by tbe aunt
King George was tbe twelfth bolder urea out that It coutu about *5.000 I h *
while visiting tbe school—tbat bideoua of tbe title of Duke of York and tbe fore I be ordinary Individual can at­
furbelowed mouatrotdly. tbe shame of eighteenth bolder of tbe English title tempt to fly. ibis autu Including ti or
ber relative and tbe delight of tbe of Prince of Wales since Its creation In only tbe aeroplane Itself. but a «belter
for tbe flying machine, tool« needed for
other scholars—bad given way to s 1301.
tbe cvuntleau repair«, etc.
delightful creation whispering of tbe
King Albert, tbe new monarch of
gay city across seas. A slim baud,
Belgium, devotes two hours every day
with tapering, well manicured fingers, to Ibe study of mechanical engineer­
Short Stories.
rested lightly on tbe arm of a tall cav­
ing, He drive« blu own Automobile.
alier. wbo was now gazing at bls
About one-fourth of the men In the
und. wbat Is more, he can repair It
beautiful companion curiously.
navy at the present tim« bar« re-en
when anything gets out of order.
Miss Conatance. metamorphosed into
this dazzliug vision all of twenty
Tbe flrst Ice skating rlnk ever titilli
years younger tbat: tbe sallow faced
lo Mexico 1« expected to Ite In full
aunt Marie bad knowu. continued to
There are 90.000 mile« of railway* io swing by Aug. 1. It la In tbe City of
sure at her frightened niece with
le here to see you again tills term great round eyes of amazement. Tbe tbe Brltisb empire.
It is estimai ed tbat thè total circula-
In crowing tbla continent a railway
I will speud your vacation, a» nsu- voice of the wouiau bad told tbe secret
of all tbe uewsiMipera lu tbe wurld
rlgbt bere. Primvllle. as I bave of her Identity. But for this tbe run­
a vertical distance of more than two Is copie«— enough |M|a*rs
I you. Is a quiet, sedate little vll- away would uot bave known her.
to cover IO.4QV aquare inlle» ut aurfnee
"Why tbat | hhh *. Connie?" asked tbe miles.
You would acaudalize It—dis
Tbe largeet college fraterulty lo Ibi»
Tbe Great Western. tbe largeet rail­
amused companion of tbe actress.
ce me."
Don’t worry," came from Marie. "I "Have you fouud lu tbe young lady an way ayatem in England, operate« with country la fls* Pili Delta Tbeta. wlth
embryo genius?” He turned amusedly nil lie leasi*d line« over 3.000 mllee and tbe Delta Ki|,« K|«<iloo a clone aec-
I rattier—much rather—stay here."
ood. Beta Tbeta PI la f iilrd The tue ui
'rout earliest lufancy tbe diminutive to tbe girl. "You're in luck, kid.” be baa '¿.590 locomotive«.
Tbe Prussian «tale railways have bersbip of eacb la abont 17XXJO.
rle bad lougevl for a foutllght ca- ventured, with a laugh. "The great
r. Sbe could still remetnlier ber Connie baa looked upon you with posi­ built a bug» tank Into which a car
le mother's look of borrur whenever tive Interest, aud you may expect to may be run and sealed foe complete
Town Topics.
> bad broached tbe subject and tbe take wonderful strides along histrionic dlxlnfecttoc, both lualde and out.
furmallu gas.
rs lu ber eyes as sbe had insisted paths from now on."
Baltimore esn endure cobblestone
“No comedy. Thomson." suapjied tbe
it her dsugbter put sway all Ideas
paving for years to route. but let us
one Indicated as tbe "great Connie."
the stage.
hope It won’t tie naceasary.-Baltimore
hit Marie's ambition bad been "As usual, you are rather of ao ass."
America u.
"Granted, gracious lady.” came from
ire tlie maternal command. At the
No spit-no consumption.
Tbe New York sou's byeons bare not
th of ber mother- sbe bad uever ra­ tbe mummer. He swuug bls hat lu a
When you must drink, drink Adam'k laughed for two years You get awful­
ti la*red her father—sbe bad slyly In- grandiloquent bow. "Graoted. Think ale.
ly blase If you lire lu New York that
uited to tbe iiiaideu aunt who bad you. fair mistress, tbat I would be a
Bummer— tbe Mme to abun meats and long.—Cleveland leader.
e out of the east that her path tn good comedian were It not so?*’
take to vegetables.
Good water has driven typhoid fever
Tbe woman ignored him.
was predestined. It was enough.
An uncongenial occupation warps tbe oot of tbe city. Il cost money. but tlie
“Marie." «be said briefly, "there are
■ Constance, terribly shocked, bad
result was worth tbe ei|>mi»e. Him-
body aud wither» tbe soul
once placed her in a boarding explanations to be made. I want you
To relieve worry end sleepleesnuaa llarty Io time, by hearty cu-uperatlon
to come with me."
m >I. She bad been there ever since.
of all tbe force«, tutierculooia may be
It was then that tbe boarding bouse take a batb-hot followed by cold.
begau tu believe tbat abe would
Dirty milk la belter food for bacteria drives out.—Columbus Dispatch.
subject to the stern rules of the tu­ miss recovered her voice. "Right.dear
■untie.*'sbe said sweetly. “I think that than It for babies.—Dr. W. A. Evans,
Chicago’s Uealtb Commissioner.
German Gleanings.
aly In tbe long vacation did ibe there are explanations to be made ”
Over luncheon lu an expensive res­
ipllne relax, and It was during tbe
imer before, when tbe Argus eyes taurant stories were exchanged.
Tales of Cities.
"Your mother.“ began tbe actress,
tbe principal were tolerant, that
"le bad met ooe to fan the sleeping gazing across tbe table sud Into tbe
Tbe city of Detroit now manufac
rk of ber dearest wish to a greedy admiring eyes of tbe girl, "was an ture« more automobil«« than any otbae
artiste—a tbestrkal star-before »he city la tbe world
married your father Our family bare
Manhattan Island baa three resse
always beeo of tbe stage, but It was voire, two tn Central park and ooe at
ber ambltiou to bare you grow up Jus«
High Bridge
ilka ordinary girts and away from tbe
Salem. O. baa a big sign at tbs depot
tel ling tbs traveler tbat It ta tbe borne
•*Sbe mad« me promise to keep my
of various Important industries, all of
Mentlty from you until yon were safe­
which are Bated on tbe board
ly married and anchored In some good
man's borne. Therefore I adopted tbe
Science Siftings.
English Etchings.
old maid aunt role and placed you In
• boarding ecbooi. Your future has
ieen a problem tbat baa driven me al­
most crazy
Hereditary Inflneoce»
however, bare made my w<sd to your
mother a futile promise Our family
are fate marked to be of tbe stage
It Is folly to flrtt sgalnsf W.
"Tou may aerejit a I**'» In the
chorus If you Wish
I will arrange
your prngreua ns your aptitude dic­
tate«.“ Tbe woman flnlsbed aod Innt
rd wearily about her
“The blond
taint." sbe ala
sflly tn flgbt B?
Sue H. Elmore”
Tillamook & Portland.
Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday
Couch St. "Wharf. Portland
< <
That’s All.”
You Use Them.
We Sell Them.
Next Door to Tillamook Comity Batik.
The Best Hotel.
J. P. ALtLiEN, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A First Class Table.
Comfortable Reds and Accommodation
You spend from $5.«> to ♦Jl.tltl per year on yotit teeth
and think nothing of it.
Which would you prefer to I oohc :
Your eyes can be looked after from f 1.00 to h I mui I $8.00.
and this will be the total expensi* for about 3 to
5 years, and often a great deal longer.
Remember you can get NEW TEETH, Imt not NEW
5^5®- What VALUE do you place on YOUR
EYES ? What per cent of In«urancc would you
pay to keep them us grosl as at present ?
Make yourself a ’Xmas, present of u pair of glasses ?
All work guaranteed to be satisfactory in every respect.
Dr. Henry E. Morris.
C. S. Atkinson.
Osborne Tidders,
The Best Bread
Maker cn the Market
Both Phones,
Tillamook Iron Works
General Machinists & Blacksmiths
Boiler Work,
Work and Henry Forging
Fine Na< lilne Work a Nprrinlty,