TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 4. 1910 •] Summons. Í y i i << a « a o I I i I I i i T T T BO1T3 Hsalth C«rtificat» F«r Hair. Will you pledge yourself not to Sifting the Moving Pictures, RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. • A ttorney - at -I j , ( Any woiiuih wnu chauge» doctor« «O IN THE CIBCUT COUKT OF THE STATE .rraiCTLV is advamck .) vote for that old exar for »peaker? . OF ORBliON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY ■ - ■ - - — vwn muons for oiak- We should not expect to keep out t,y Oy-r » 1.50 One year............................................. 1 Oh, the »capegoat! Thia little 154} Complete set of Abstract L, of the beaten track much longer. | )llCthe Tbhige Tbe woman In (bla Pacific Railway and Nav- 75 Six months......................................... i«“‘luoCu”p%ilm(r 50 puunilti of clay cannot bear many Chicago and other citiea have ea-' case wa» threateu.'d u Always there ia a new evil Bpring­ a iwtr ot »bear» »taudmg st tbe in the next Congress either in the Boi., ytriendant. In the name of the Roth phonet. "tai; if Oregon: You are hereby required When a man can take no intere»t majority or in the minority. I ing up, due to some improvement ».Ida. to appear and answer the wlsb .vou or invention in our civilization, and | “Doctor.” suitd tbe nmn. "I in anything but politic», the prud­ would rather be there in a Repub­ filed against you in the above entitled on or before August 20, ¡910, !4"‘i ent thing for him to do is to move lican minority—a real, virile Repub­ every added boon or pleasure has WOUld 'Write out » errtitt« a(* tltat 1W* cause, you fail so to apjxear und answer, plaintiff CARL HABERLACH, heir w besltliy. The lady wuiita to will apply to the court tor the rebel prayed its counterpart distress; for anto- to Ohio. lican minority—than to be one of sell It. She uays it she » bound to lose for iin the complaint, to wit. for judgment fur the apprupriatiun to plantiff’s use of Now that the American flag can an apparent majority that could ■nobilinR' there is joy-ridin« and il anyhow in this h | s - i ) of wnkues» she the following described real property situate death; the x-ray brought its dang ­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, be seen through the smoke, the not take account of stock and know is in for she might a* well gel rid of II in the County of Tillamook and b»ate of situation at Bluefield may be said from one day to the other whether ers, bolted wheaten flour they say now while It will bring a good price. A^strip of land one hundred feet in width, to be clearing lip. it was the majority or the minority. causes appendicitis, the conven­ II she waits lill It r«H» out uobodjr being fittY feet on each side, of and parallel with the center line of Pacific Railway and iences mean the peril of sewer , will buy buy II. II. Women with uice hair Navigation Company’s railway, ThePhilippine ant is tube import­ . . . But aa long as God lets me will su,,<«y- Office across the street rind norths gas; no rose without its thorn, no and not mu< h money are smart enough ed «tuked out. located and adopted through ed for the extermination of the live the muckracking periodicals the Post Otficu that part of Lot 3. Sectionj 3. Township bud without a beetle at the heart nowadays lo sell their hair as soon as North Range 10 West. Willamette Mandinn, 2 house fly. Is this to be a part of the and the independent or progressive described as follows: Beginning at the they fall III Most dealers take it amt Republicans shall not make me say of it. policy of “imperialism?" meander corner on the south bank ot The instructive moving pictures uo questions asked, but I’m too con- Nehalem Bay. in the section line on the east Q_EORGE WILLETT, There is a fine prospect for a crop that I will not be a candidate for so quickly and wonderfully devel­ K lentlous I want a doctor’» certlB- side of suid section 3, thence south on said 347.2 feet; thence b. 55 deg. 30 of insurgents in Great Britain, speaker any more than they shall oped as a means of entertainment cate every time in a case like thia. I srrdonlinc W a distance of 388 feet, the initial point of A ttorney - at -L aw . this description; thence S. 55 deg. 3UZ W. a where it is proposed to give King make me say, if I am again elected can be employed they say to up­ hope you’ll 1« obliging " distance of 426.4 feet; thence N 34 deg. 30 The doctor was uol obliging, and the W , a distance of 421.1 feet to the south George a subaistance fund of $2,- to Congress, that I will not vote set the moral foundations of the when my name is called.” When Next to Tillamook Count, uext day a uew doctor was culled in-— bank of Nehalem Bay; thence easterly up 350,000. said Nehalem Bay, following the meander­ challenged as to a decrease in the young, not to mention the standard, Philadelphia Ledger. Bank, ing» thereof to a point N. 34 deg, 30 ’ W. a Col. Bryan has just been defeated inifjortation of rubber because of of decency of the older. Scenes distance of 366 3 feet from the said initial in an attempt to control the state point; thence S. 3 4 deg. 3O X E. a distance of T illamook - O segc , the higher rubber tariff, Cannon picturing domestic and other life Wood Pulp Pspor. 366.3 feet from the said inital point, the politics of Nebraska. He could Wood pulp paper Is made from wood said right of way herein described contain­ asserted that importations of rub­ offered—in some places—of a type ing 1.03 acres more or less, said center line not wait for his regular quadrennial of people that most do not number i —poplar, spruce or piue usually — being-more ber had not decreased. particularly described as lollows: h . GOYNE, reverse at the polls. Beginning at the point of intersection ot AJA among their acquaintances, atrd the which lias teen reduced lo a tine pulp said center line with the cast line ot said Women are employed to do the veil is drawn aside from a mode of either by grtiMiiug wulle wet or Section 3. said point be’ng 14 feet south of What Is the Farm Yielding? the meander corner on the south bank of baking for the regular army, It is existence about which we are not through chemical menus The pulp Is Nehalem Bay in said section line; theuce A ttorney - at L aw . believed that the soldiers will Hght It is a fact that too many farmers especially hankering to know; more kept diluted with water while fed on southwesterly on a curve to the right, having a radius ot 6875. 5 teet the tangent better if given the kind of bread and land owners do not keep an than vaguely comes to our ken by to the tied of the paper iniublne, this to said curve at said Office : Opposite Court Hi point being 8. 57 deg. bed being a eoutlnuous baud or wide 31' V\. a distance of 384 feet; thence south­ that mother used to make. account with the farm in the way means unsought belt of tluely woveu wire, it is sup­ westerly on a curve to the right, having a T illamook , O regon , radius of 1910.08 feet, a distance of 196 Nearly all the moving picture Last year’s export of cotton from of details of what it produces or ported by rollers set close together feet, to the east line of the tract of land the United States was worth Hi­ what it costs in taxes and expenses shows are quite unexceptionable, 1 and In rapid motion, the latter to set above described. being indentical with 1219xo8 and the initial point of 000, (XX). Cotton is no longer king of all kinds. The farm should be fiarticularly in the residence sec­ the Uliers of the paper. The sheet Station this description; thence southwesterly on a T. BOALS, MJ), of American productions, tint can put into some form of account so tions; the patrons are not pleased forms almost st owe, aa soon as the curve to the right, having a radius of 1910. feet a distance of 183 feet; thence south­ that it will show whether or not it with any “stories without words’’ | water draius through the wire cloth, 08 easily rank with the grand dukes, westerly on a spiral to the right, a distance 150 feet thence 8. 74 deg. 20’ W. through Minnesota’s inheritance tax and costs more than it makes. The that are otherwise, and managers I though It is then moist and weak. of and beyond the above described tract of PHYSICIAN & SURGE other sources of special revenue system necessary to handle the naturally strive to please their: Successive rollers and vacuum boxes land. TILLAMOOK. For an assessment of the damages of press and dry out uiore moisture, big will enable the authorities to dis- fann in its record of receipts and patrons. the defendants for such appropriation and rollers heated by steam Busily render for judgment for plantitl ’ s costs and dis ­ Office' Olson Building. It is hard to tell exactly how much pence with a state tax next year. expences may be very plain, or it It perfectly dry. and then It Is run be­ bursements. This summons is published by order of the Residence : Mrs. Weiss’ house, Several other states are similarly may be more complicated. Where portrayals of crime effect the youth­ tween Bhlsulug rollers, varying ac­ Honorable George H. Burnett, Judge of the Mrs. Walker's. situated and they ought to show the form is platted and each field ful mind. In our younger days we cording lo the exact kind of paper to above entitled court, made July 2nd, 1910. The time prescribed in the said order numbered and a separate account all remember the yellow-back dime the value of the example. be made.—London Standard. for the publication of the said summons is six kept with each there is necessarily novels were accused of filling the weeks. The date of the first publication of American exports of automobiles g M. KERRON, the summons is July 7th, 1910. u doubling up of work, but even banditti and the penitentiaries with Ths Norwegian Costums. bNOW and M c C amant . have doubled within a year. Euro­ Attorneys for Plantiff. this is easy when one has account our young men, and how many of the It Is at church Ur Norway that peans may be mortgaging some of PHYSICIAN & SURGE books suited for this work and us survived that dreadful onslaught; national costume Is best seen, ill the their »pare castles to make this in­ Summons. strict attention given to the details. on our morals—for we nearly all: north the women wear short dHrk vestment, but they will get plenty C oncrete B uilding , There are farm account books read the yellow-backs—and most j gowns, with fringed bandkerchiefs IN THE CIRCUITCOUtÍT OF THE STATE of satisfaction out of the best tied becomingly over their curly fair OF OREGON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY. published arranged specially for of us have succeeded so far in es­ Tillamcok, machines. Oreg« Railway and Navi­ this form of tiookkeeping. Most caping a verdict from twelve good , hair, black ones for the matrons and Pacific gation Company, Upon liis return from Argentina, farmers take the ordinary journal men and true, and continue to hon-1 white ones for maidens. In the south Plain tifi VI Maj. Gen. Wood has spoken with or day book nnd keep only a gen­ orably support the state and ourj the old Norwegian dress la often worn. L. Vosburg’and Jenny It consists of a short dark petticoat, S. J« Vosburg R. T. M. SMITH, his wife. Maude suggestive approve! of the compul­ eral account of receipts and dis­ families. with a stripe of bright colors, a full C. Van Watersand George sory military service prevailing bursements, and at the end of the B. Van Waters, her hus ­ There is a good deal of sturny white blouse and a red bodice heavily band, George R. Vosburg in that country, although saying year or any month they can tell sense in a boy even in his earliest PHYSICIAN & SURGI embroidered, while on Sundays a quan­ and May Vosburg, bis that it will be a long time before we how their business is going as to juvenility; and where there are ex- 1 tity of silver pins and chalus are add­ wile, E Fred Vosburg and Ida Vosburg, his wife, Office over J. A. Todd & U. in America are ready for universal receipts and expenses, though ceptions, absetise of moving pic, ed; Tbe beaddress varlea according to Henry A. Vosburg and Tillamook, Ore. military service. He had already not in detail us to divisions amt tures or yellow-back novels, can't tbe occasion and the wearer's social Edith Vosburg, his wife, Defendants: urged a shorter term of enlistment. classifications of the various de­ I do much to brace his slippery feet. condition. Tbe girls wear jaunty red To George R. Vosburg, May Vosburg. E. Fred Vosburg, Ida Vosburg, Harry A. Vos­ Gen. Wood thought this would partments. Each department should I It is chiefly because pictures of caps, tbe married women a coif made burg and Edith Vosburg, Defendants: C. HAWK, In the name of the State of Oregon: You make army service more attractive, be required to return its evidence crime affords neither pleasure nor of many folds of starched white linen, ure hereby required to appear and answer mid he further advocated sending of profit or expose its record of instruction that they have no plaited over a wooden frame, and a the complaint filled against you in the above bride wears a high metal crown curi­ entitled cause, on or before August 20, 191U, more boys to West Point. loss. and if you fail so to appear and answer, special excuse for being. There i ously chased and set with jewels. plaintiff will apply to the court for the PHYSICIAN & SUB! That tbe railroads of the country It is a good plan for the farm to are enough unpleasant thing» ■ 1 1 'i relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit. for aie better otf than they were a year square up its business once a year, in the world, without artificially judgment for the appropriation to plaintiff’s Pascal’s Early Observation. use of the following described real property ago is proved by their own reports tuke an inventory and learn just adding to them. Blaise Pascal, who wrote a remark­ situate in the County of Tillamook and BAY CITY, OREGON for 11)01) abstracts of which are now how the farm stands to profit or able treatise on tbe laws of sound, *tate of Oregon: A strip of land 100 feet in width being 50 before the Commerce Commission loss. -Twentieth Century Farmer. feet on each side of and parr«llel with the The Independent Chnrch vs. The was constantly observing tbe familiar center of the Pacific Railwaj- and Navi­ occurrences about him even as a boy. gation line mid from which the commission has R. BEALS, Company's railway as the same is Liquor Question. When be waa only tea years old be surveyed, staked out, located and adopted formulated its reports covering that A Funny Proposition. through that part of Lot Three (3) Section sat at tbe dlnuer table one day strik­ year. The commission finds that Three (3? Township Two (2) North Range The Independent Church is colu­ Man comes into this world with­ posed Ten (10) West of the Willamette Meridian, of men who assume tile re- ing bla plate with bls knife and then described REAL ESTATE, while receipts have increased more as follows: listening to tbe sound. Beginning at the meander corner in the than $14,(XX),(XX). the expenses dur- out his Consent and leaves it against sponsibility of self control, and self “What are you doing with that plate. South bank of the Nehalem Bay in the East his will. During his stuy on earth preservution, that are capable of F inancial A gi ing the same period decreased $70,- line of said Section Three (3), thence South his time is sjient in one continuous discretion, hence it is left to each Blaise?" asked bls sister. on said Section line 347.2 feet; thence South (XX),(XX). The saving was not effected “See.” be replied. "When I •trike 55 deg, 30’ West, a distance of 247.5 feet to Tillamook, Oregon. round of contraries and misunder­ individual to decide what he shall eat or drink. A man within him- the plate with my knife It rings. the Southeast corner of the tract of land by reducing the uumtier of em­ standings by the balance of our self. herein described; thence South 55 deg. 30’ ployes nor by a reduction in wages, Harkr West, a distance of 140.5 feet; thence North species. The law is well intended to pro- R. A. D. PERBW 34 deg. 30’ West, a distance of 366 feet to for both were increased. The result Again be called forth tbe eound. the South bank of Nehalem Bay. thence in his infancy he is an angel; in tect those who are devoid of con- "When I grasp It with my band so,' Easterly up said South bank of Nehalem is attributed to lictter management science, who — who are at the mercy of his boyhood he is a devil; in his others, 1 Bay, following the meranderings thereof to a us to economy and efficiency nnd helpless, without self-re- be continued, “tbe sound cesses, 1 post set for the Northwest corner of the RESIDENT DENIM manhood he is everything from a straint. ' The local ___ option ,___ _____ law as wonder why It is.” tract of land deeded by the Wheeler Lumber the increasing volume of business. Company to Cora E. Wheeler; thence South lizard up; in his duties he is a fool; it ia, is a confounded farce. It drives 34 deg. 30* East, a distance of 349.8 feet Office in Sturgeon’s BuiMwt The Bureau of Labor at Washing­ if he raises a family he is a chump; legitimate men out of business only To Avoid Telling Secret*. to the beginning. Said right of way herein ton has just published the main if he raises a small check he is a to foster a horde of criminals. described containing .32 acres. Said center All Work Guaranteed. A New York theatrical manager waa line being more particularly described as The contemptable way of hiring points of the investigation conduct­ thief, and then law raises the devil a lot of scape goats to incriminate advising a friend to be eaatloue to an follows: Beginning at a point of intersection of TILLAMOOK. ed by the Statistical Office of Ger­ with him; if he is a ]>oor man, he is i men, would put Judas to shame, undertaking be bad I d view. said center line with the East line of said many, concerning the coat of living a |HM>r manager and has no sense; and is enough to condemn the "You can't take too many precau- Section Three (3) said point being 14 feet of the meander corner in said Section for families ot wage earners in if he is rich he is dishonest, but whole affair. tfona.” be asserted. “’An ounce of South line on the South bank of Nehalem Bay, and J~~)R. P. J. SHARP, The question is does a man exer­ prevention.’ aa tbe copybook used to being idéntica, with Station 1224x88 of that country. The riqsirt deals with considered smart, if he is in polities cise his own good judgment. To •aid Company*« railway survey numbers; the expences of 852 families during lie is a grafter and a crook; if he is my mind there are these things •ay. 'Is better than seven pounds of thence Southwesterly on ajeurve to the right, RESIDENT DE.ITIS1 the year 11X17. all but five of which out of politics you can't please him to consider, 1st what to drink; 2nd allopathic, homeopathic or hydropathic having a radius of 6875.5.5 feet the course of the tangent to said curve being South 57 had incomes of not over 5(XX) marks as he is an utidesirabe citizen; if what it costa, and 3rd who you are cure.' One of tbe moot contented meo deg 31’ West, a distance of 384 feet. thence 1 ever knew was tbe moot cautious. southwesterly on a curve to the right hav­ Office across tbe street ($111X0. They averaged 4.05 persons he goes to church he is a hypocrite; drinking with. a radius of ¡91U.Oft feet a distance of I.iquid bottled with an expensive Be was deaf and dumb, and be never 5 ing 4 feet to a point in the East line of the Court House. to a family. The average annual if he stays away from church he label does not signify that it is fit went to bed without putting on boxing tract above described said point being income waa $.521.72, mid the average is a sinner and dammed; if lie to drink. The power of taste isunre- glove».” identical with Station 1 220x50 of said Rail­ Dr. Wise’s office- way Company’s survey numbers and the expenditure wa« $¿>31.70, the average donates to foreign missions tie I liable, the only way is to be positive "Boxing gloves? What fort’ initial point of this description; thence con­ of how it was produced and who tinuing Southwesterly on a curve to the deficit amounting to $O.t)K of the does it for show; if he doesn’t “So that be wouldn't talk In his right having a radius of 1910.08 feet, a has had the care. Adulteration 8ABCHET, income 82.4 per cent was from the he is stingy. distance of 142 feet to a point in the West ia a great source of revenue in the sleep.” line of above described tract said point L . The Fashionable! principal earnings of the husband. W hen he first comes into the liquor trade. What it coats. It ia being identical with Station 1219x08 of said company's railway survey numbers. Oeld Filled. 2.7 percent from the earnings of the world everybody wants to kiss him well known how much spirits a For an assessment of the damages of the bushel of corn or rye will make, or it hat does "gold Ailed” mean? Prob­ defendants for such appropriation and wife mid 1.7 from those of the child- l>efore he goes out they all waut how much beer is made from malt judgment for plaintifTs costs and dis­ Cleaning, Pressing and ren. Of the expenses $242 was ft r to kick him. If he dies young there and hops, or wine from a ton of ably moot people who buy gold filled for bursements. This summons is published bv order of ing a Specialty' food mill drink. $tKY.50 (or rent mid was a great future before him; if grapes, and what it costs forcooper- watches fancy that they are mysteri­ ously Impregnated with gold. The th Honorable George H. Burnett. Judge of maintenance of dwelling, $12.1X1 for he lives to a ripe old age he is I age. etc. The price in Tillamook i» th * above entitled court, made July 2nd term Is misleading. Gold filling coo- 1910. The time prescribed in the said order clothing mietng very much better off. and the aame with the Agency in income devoted to intellectual and alarmed about her went for a ia man who uses stimulants. TILLAMOOK recreative purposes and less to food. phyaican but failed to find one. so COUNTY Men who use their own senses For their pianos. 25 year guarantee, J^/JRS. ALICIA Pß Notwithstanding his physical came back by Klder Bros. A Carter's differ from men who look to other« and warranted to withstand any »tore and Mr. Klder recommended collapse on account of the terrific Chamberlain’« Colic. Cholera and for restraint, who would be totaly climate. unfit for the Independent Church heat during a speech at Winfield, Diarrhoea remedy. I procured a The production and care of liquor» GRADUATE NUI Composite Bell Metal ___ Frame. Kan . on the loth. Speaker Cannon bottle of it. went home aa quickly would lie well within the jurisdic­ Strings. 7X» Octaves. Price. $35iioi). Piano on exhibition continued his invasion of Kansas aa ponaible and gave the baby a tion ot a church that ia composed MRS. PAGE’S H' doae of the remedy. It relieved of the right kind of men. 1st we MISS FLORENCE EVENS. witli|fierce volleys of invective aimed her in fifteen minute» and «oon make wine» and liquor» that are at the insurgent or proa resat ve cured her entirely.” For aale by pure, 2nd we could have them at Gua Kunze House. TILLAMOOK. ranks. At the Burlingame on M ob Lamar's drug store. actual co»t. and 3rd the aswxriation 2nd Ave. K. W. I. Garrett’s day Cannon said: "1 am speaker, Fever. would be elevating to the man Phone. H'hi’ia, that live« the man. and on March 4 next 1 will have andall _______ J C. Govg. take Kolev ’ s Honey and Tar. It From Sick ties® To "Kxcell n> been speaker for eight year«, a bridle quickly relieves the diatomfort and H-alth" longer continuous term than any «uttering and the annoying aymp- To keep vour health sound; to lit Cha *- Lyon ' Pr « r '». INSURANCE. man ever served as apeaker since tome disappear It soothes and avoid the ilia of advancing year«, *U. I found in your Folev Kidney the foundation of the government. heal« the inflamed air passages of to conserve your physical torvea Fillo a prompt ami »peedv cure for MARINE. ACCW • . . Somebody has got to l>e the the head, throat and bronchial tor a ripe and healthful old age, ’Y •nd k,dn«y trouble which tubes. It contains no opiates and ({«•rd vour kidneys by taking BONDS, Etc bothered me for many months. I •’■•P*lC