Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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AUGUST 4. 1910.
earn at T he S pa .
arris, eye specialist.
*eam Con^s at T he S pa . .
for sale, apply to A. G.
ip A for the beet Ice Cream in
lain sewing, see Mrs.
r wanted. Apply at the Head­
1 don’t see it, inquire for
ing A S mith ’ s .
emeut by the sack dr the
:e D. L. Shrode.
’ glass front is being put in
; Co’S grocery store.
Catterlin has leased a farm
adon of 1,100 acres.
es, the beet kind, at the
>k Lumber Mfg. Co.
rriage license was granted
r Davis and Nancy A. Glee,
of Grain Hay for sale. Ap-
. Melchior, Tillamook, Ore.*
wanting freBh fruit, can­
nuts, give Joe Therdich a
aul, who has been visiting
ian, returned to Tillamook
at Price paid for Hides, Furs
ep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till-
ur way to the theatre try
Il’s pop corn and peanuts,
i beat
le number one bottom land
Wilson river. Inquire of
i doors can be obtained
Tillamook Lumber Mfg.
lie city.
forget that you can get
nd camping supplies at
S mith ’ s .
tarn and ice cream sodas,
n cones and soft drinks at
11 A Cq’s.
irs, cheapest and best paper
Jn towi.
Leave orderB at
Smith Co.
’ the largest and the most
e stock of paints and oil
A S mith ’ s .
rand process barley, $1.25
nd $31.00 a ton.—W m . C ur -
Grain Man.
Whitehouse A Son have
>ut Randall A Trowbridge's
:e business.
ixt time you send away for
ng get a Money Order from
imook County bank.
ur doors and windows from
la moo k Lumber Mfg. Co.
e money by doing so.
:nt, one bed room or three
eping rooms. Apply to Mrs.
mnett, Tillamook, Ore.
R. A N. Co. has taken
on Lamb's deck, the opera
id the Fearnside property.
:rman Coach Stallion will
iverdale next Tuesday and
sin there for several days.
'• G. Finney will preach
iday morning and evening
resbyteriau Church in this
ir Bros, will do your plumb-
rst class style. Let us figure
work. Will guarantee our
tving just employed an ex-
id plumber.
For sale, typewriter, cheap.—
L. Shrode.
Lost, by a young man, a brown
felt hat, near Hathaway’s, on the
10th of July.
Return to Merlin
Attorney Lee M. Travis left on
Monday for Portland on business,
having a case in the Federal Court
on Tuesday.
Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle,
$1.85 and $2.75. An almost new
drop head sewing machine cheap.—
D L. S hrode .
Mrs. Minnine York has brought
divorce proceedings in Multnomah
County ugainst her husband, L. A.
York, of Nehalem.
Rev. A. R. Griggs, who was
pastor of the Presbyterian Church
in this city some years ago, was
in on a visit this week.
If you want barley, oats, wheat,
cracked corn, shorts, middlings,
bran, etc., go to A. F inley A Co.,
Old Post Office .building.
Snow Drift flour, $6.25 a bbl. and
$1.60 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.75
a bbl. and $1.50 a sack.—W m .
C urtis , The Grain Man.
The Board of County Commis­
sioners is in session this week, and
J udge Goodapeed andCommissioner
Bodyfelt and Alley are present.
The committee appointed
revise the city charter had a meet­
ing at the Commercial Club on
Tuesday evening and organized.
Clifford Milts and Mias Myrtle
Stearns were married in this city
oh Thursday evening at the home
of Dr. Sharp by Rev. D. L. Shrode.
Long A Co. will give you com­
plete prices on your house pattern,
including doors, windows and shin­
gles, either delivered or at their
Lost, last Saturday, between Bay
City and Tillamook, a telescope
gripe, Finder please leave at this
office and receive a liberal re-
■G. H. Magary has returned to the
city from Bayocean, where he was
employed fixing tent city and doing
the some of the finished work at
that resort
George W. Phelps vs. Sretlina c
Phelps and Allen H. Wilson, is a
suit filed in the circuit court in
which the plaintiff seeks to recover
$800 on a promissory note.
Byrom Clark, formerly of Tilla-
iU.ook, who has for the last few
years been residing at McMinnville,
has returned to Tillamook and ia
working with the railroad survey.
Elder R. Y. Blalock will preach
at South Prairie school house, at
11 o’clock a.m. Sunday, also at
the Adventist Church in Tillamook
City at 2:30 o’clock p. m. of the
same day.
J. W. Bewley, of Sheridan, who
has been sick for alout a week in
tttis city, left on Tuesday, taking
out his daughter, Miss Flora Bew-
ley, Engineer G. L. Davis and J.
C. Bewley and wife.
The Golden Gate came today
with the following passengers: F.
C. Coles and R. Davis, W. Williams,
R. Parcell, J. R. Trent and wife,
D. Deffenback and wife, Chris
Nageli, Miss Hand, Mr. ani Mrs.
Holmes and daughter, J. D. Gailick,
R A. Koonce, O. Hendrickson,
Mr. V. L. Batt, Myrtle Bier, Mrs.
Plaff. Frank Piaff.
IFhy You Should Keep a Bank Account
«irbanic account sets your family a good example.
>ney carried on the person exposes you to injury at the
of the footpad and hold-up men.
>ney hidden iu the house cannot be insured against loss
. Banks carry lire and burglar insurance.
ur money in the bank keeps the mills running, employ«
and makes good and prosperous times for all.
Ithout a little money and credit at the bank you may he
lied to decline the one great opportunity of your life
ling into a profitable business of your own.
mr barfk account, however small, will be the start of a
r fund ¡which will mean peace, plenty and contentment
bank account makes you able to run your own business
I of your business running you.
teaches you the whole secret of financial success, which
pend les« than you make and save the difference.
Bank with “ THE OLD RELIABLE.”
#1.50 per year
This will be such a sale that when we get through with
it our shelves will look bare, indeed, but that is what
we want, because in a few weeks from now the Fall and
Winter Stock will come pouring in by the ton, demanding
room and care, and in order to get the room, the present
stock must move, and that very rapidly, so come now and
get the first selections, it will pay you more than well.
1-2 Price on the Balance of our Ladies’ Suits, we will give you the bene­
fit of 1-2 price to move the lot, 1-2 price. Just think of that, and then
come along. We will make it seem as though you are purchasing bar­
gains when you see the tables loaded with values, $50.00 SUTTS for $25.00;
$25.00 SUITS for $12.50; $22.00 SUITS for $11.25 ; and $20.00 SUIT'S for
$10.00; it is your chance, do not pass it by, as it comes but once in a season :
$9.85—Your choice of any MEN’S SUIT in the house values to $18.50,
go at this special sale at one CLOSING OUT PRICE.
Those of you who have to take trips to town Saturday, are cordially invited to make use
of our new galvanised iron hitching rail. This is a fine thing for those of you that are troubled
with lively animals, as the livest of them all cannot eat it or break it down, it is situated just
South of the Store
J. Kerr, an experienced plumber, I At a meeting of the 'Executive married people are much respected
June Butterfat Prices.
of Portland, has lieen engaged by Board of the Commercial Club on in thia city by a large number of Tillamook. ..................................... 40c,'.
Plasker Bros., of this city, to assist Tuesday evening, the matter of bea­ people, who wish them u long life Mn pie I-eaf..................................... 40c.1
them in their business, as they have con lights for the bay and bar of happiness.______________
Fairview......................................... 40c.‘
a large amount of business on hand came up, and Captain Grout was
8. Prairie....................................... 38.1C.
at Bayocean Park.
present with the government cliart
Clover la-af................................... 40.5e.
Abby F. Weston, was liorn on Elwood ...... ............................. 39%c,
Services at the United Brethern allowing where the lights should
Church. Sunday School at 10 a.m.; 1 be placed, ft was decided that the October 14, 181V, in Jefferson, Maine. Pleasant Valley......................... 38VM.
preaching at 11 a.m. and 8 p.in. Port of Tillamook and the Com­ Her maiden name was Johnson. East Beaver ......... ....................... 38c.
Morning theme, the Present Great mercial Club recommend this im­ She married Edward Weston in Miami
....................................... 37c.
Purpose in the Kindom of God. provements.
18311, ut Bloomfield, Maine. They
B. E. Emerick, pastor.
H umboldt B utterfat P ricks .
The stenmer Sue H. Elmore came moved to Wisconsin in July, 1857.
Creameries and condrnaariea In
There waa a meeting of the city in on Wednesday with the following where they resided until death the
council on Wednesday evening, passengers: Mr. 3. Stone and 10 of her husband in 1887. In the year Humbold* county paid the follow­
ing prices for butterfat delivered
when Home formal matters with Japs, Mrs. Collins, O. G. Gould, following she came to Tillamook, during tlie
June :
regard to the improvement of roads and wife, Paul Chamberlain and Orc. Since that time she has reaid Pioneeer, 31 cents ; Grizzly Bluff,
were attended to and the ordiance
L. J. Carlson,
G. Mrs. Joseph Severance, of North Ties, 32%; Central Al for fat in
to regulate, the storage of gasoline Winekeback,
milk and 33% for fat in cream ;
R. Yakima, Wash., and Mrs. Frank Libby, M'-Neal A Libby’s conden-
were taken up.
sary, 33H- Pacific Dairy Review.
It appears that L. E. Sanders F. Swain, F. C; Harvey, C. C. Sears,
absconded from the city last week, L. S. Wright, Mrs. Wesley, Miss she died on Monday, aged 90 years,
9 months and 17 days. The remains
and it transpired that he had forged Hayes, Mrs. A. Belford, J. Wells.
were buried ou Wednesday morn­
a note by signing his father-in-
law's name and leaving a large | tarts with the gasoline schooner ing. There were five children,
amount of debta unpaid, as well hh Henrietta No. 2 on Sunday with a Lydia F., Isaac F., Horace K., John
Four children
party from this city and the camp­ H. and Sophia R.
leaving his wife and family.
survive, Lydia F., wife of Joseph
Nicholas Job vs Claude Thayer and
Severance, of North Yakima, Wash;
wife is a suit filed in the eurcit a welcome. There was 9% feet of Isaac F. Weston, of Motley, Minne­
court in which the plaintiff asks the water on the Netarts bar when the sota; Horace E. Weston, of Tills-
court to correct a deed to a piece vessel crossed into Netarts bay. monk, Ore. ; Sophia R. Severance,
of land in this city sold by the de- After remaining at Happy Camp wife of Frank Severance, of Tilla­
fendant who has given a deed for for about an hour the party left on mook, Ore. John H. Weston was
the vessel and arrived safely with­
a different piece of land.
killed at the battle of Prairie Grove,
out any mishap.
Wm. High and family, after vis-
Ark., during the Civil war.
Mrs. Victor Bailey, whose hus­
iting his relatives in this city» left
Notice to the Public
for their home in McMinnville on band works at the saw mill, met
Sunday. Mr. High has lieen hav­ with a serious accident on Tuesday
Mild my interest in the
ing trouble with his eyes, and it 1 morning hy getting her right hand Hardware buainea» of thr King
is feared that he will loose the sight
l thereby loosing tlie thumb and two an<l Smith Co, to my son, Bert.
of one eye.
first fingers, liesides bruising up the The new firm will pay all bills and
Will Spaulding, who has been
Drs. Boats, Smith and collec t all accounts of tlie Company.
with the Portland Power A Light
In retiring from the Cotnpuny, I
Kerron attended to the injuries.
Co., of Portland, haa bought an in­
This is an unforunate accident for wish to tliank the public for the
tereat in the Tillamook Electric
splendid patronage given us in the
Mrs. Bailey, for she is the mother
Light and Fuel Company, and took
past, and believe the new firm wil
of four children.
over the entire management of the |
fully merit the confidence you have
A man by the name of Pickard shown in the old.
plant on Monday.
was working for W. A. Atterbury,
I uni, respectfully yours,
Mr. Paul Chamberlain, new»
succeeding in getting $10 from the
W. C. K ing .
editor of the Evening Telegram,
latter. The parties seems to have
came in on a visit on the Sue II.
got into a dispute over the work
Foley Kidney Pills.
Elmore, accompanied by his wife
■ nd Atterbury bad Pickard ar-
Tonic in quality ami
and sister. Win.e the latter was walk­
rested. It waa thought at first that quick in results. For l*uckache, I
ing in the city a loose lMM.nl flew
tlie man wua insane, but thia did I headache, dizziness, nervousness
urinary irregularitiea and rhruma-
up, and stepping intothe hole, she
not prove correct after an examina­ tiam. — For wale by C. I. (.’lough.
hurt her leg, and a doctor had to be
tion. Thr man agreed to return
the $10 and pay the coat and he waa
Joseph D. Lilly and Mrs. Ida M. told to get out of the county at
Quick were married at tlie bride'a once.
• _________________
home last Saturday evening by
Double Wedding this Morning
Rev. J. F. Dunlop. pastor of the M.
E. Church- They will make their
A double wadding t<sik place at
home at Galea Creek, and Mr» IJIIy four o'clock this morning at the
carries with tier the reaps«! und home of the • Rev. Il l_ Slirode.
best wishes of a large nuailer of who tied tlie nupital knots. when
Ft »W EI
four <»f our young |»eople were
nutted tn marriage
The |writes
A divorce suit
Best on the Market.
were Deputy fiber iff John A m him
ctrcnt court ia
Sonera I ask» that the marriage and Miss Nellie Whittemore and
contract with her hnsliaail. Frank Albert W.
We carry a Full Line of Feeds.
fiimeral. be dissolved. They were Jeanie Mason After tlie ceremony
married at Si. Louis. No.. Ute IMh the happy couples left lor the
Grass Seed a Specialty.
February, IWI'. ami one child waa mountains to enjoy tlieir honey­
born of the union Tbs cause of tlie moon, liut as to the l<s ation no one
complaint ia that defendant I* apfwarw to know, lor the double
came an habitual grow« drunkard I ■eliding was a surprise The young
J Rosenberg Bros..