TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, ’ JULY 28. 1910 haul load« of any weight over it, Price* of Salmon. INVITING FOREST | and there is no need for having it FIRES From the Bay City News. there. The proper place for the road Carelessness Along the Tillamook So much has been heard lately I through the old Snyder home- Road That May Spell Disaster. of the high prices likely to be paid stead, where all of the steep pitches OREGON I'illamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy. and deep sand could be avoided and at a very small cost when com­ pared to the other roads in this district. It would mean much for the district which is now in a mea­ sure deprived of a good road. 1 he advantage of having direct con­ nection with the seashore by means of a good roail is not to be passed by without giving some attention to the f»ct that it means much to the summer visitor who wishes to enjoy his outing to advantage. The needed change in this road can be brought atiout by the united effort of the people interested in making the change as the results will fully justify the amount of money required to do the work when considered as a business proposition. — Nehalem Enterprise. P.iRTl.ANIi, July 19.— (To the Ed­ for salmon on this bay this season, itor.) The Oregonian publishes an that we have investigated all account of the great loss of life these reports and now hand them and property in the states of Wash­ to our readers. This will be inter­ ington and fdaho by forest fires, esting reading for the fisherman and in nearly all cases caused by residing on this bay as well as at Manufacturers of Nehalem and Nestucca, which rivers the careless work of man. are in our county, and on which Our State of Oregon, so far this season, has escaped any dangerous rivers the same prices should rule. For the past twenty-five year« or expensive forest fires, but the country is very dry, and we are Samuel Elmore has been packing having our usual northwest winds. qalmon at Garibaldi and the same If every precaution is not used man has packed eleven years at Oregon will suffer from man’scare- Nehalem and five years at Nes- tucca. The prices paid for fish on lessness. The writer has just returned from these streams have been regularly, Tillamook over the Wilson River 2c. per pound for cold storage road. Along that road in the tim­ salmon, 12}«c. apiece for silversides, ber belt, the timber owners have and 3c. apiece for chums, with free tive men acting as fire wardens boat rent at Tillamook Bay and whose duties are to carefully watch Nehalem, and at Nestucca the men for tire, and should fire break out furnished their own boats, Up to Teachers’ Examinations. at any point, to get men quickly as two years ago there was free Blue- possible, and subdue it, thus pro­ stone and Tanbark to the fisher- N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That tecting the timber. The expense man, but this was cut out. the County Superintendent of Tilla­ Fishing generally commenced on of this is borne by the timbei mook County will hold the regular owners alone; they get no help Tillamook Bay about the first of examination for state and county September, at Nehalem about the from county, state or Government. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. paper« at the court house in Tilla­ On the s m ■ io.id Tillamook County tenth anil at Nestucca about the mook City as follows: New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and lias a crew of men repairing and same date. F or S tate P apers . This year a new company, tlie building roads. They are cutting Commencing Wednesday, August First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. logs and brush and pilling up Oregon Fisheries Co. are building 10, 1910, at 9 o’clock a m., and con­ a cannery at Bay City, and the great windrows of inflammable ---- f US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. tinuing until Saturday, August material along the county wagon Union Fishermen’s Co-operative 13, 1910, at 4 o ’ clock p. rn. road, a main thoroughfare between Packing Co. of Astoria, are building Wednesday —Penmanship, His­ Forest Grove and Tillamook City. at Nehalem. The Fisheries Com­ tory, Spelling, Physical Geography, The stub of a cigar or cigarette pany have named their prices for Reading and Psychology. thoughtlessly thrown by a pasr- the season as follows: Cold stor­ Thursday—Written Arithmetic, miglit age Chinooks, 3c. per pound. Chi­ enger on the stage Theory of Teaching, Grammar, nooks under 20 lb. for canning pur ­ cause a fire whose damage no one Bookkeeping, Physics arid Civil could guess. Tillamook County poses 2c. per pound, silversides Government. has one of the largest and finest 15c. apiece and 5c. apiece for chums, Friday - Physiology, Geography, bodies of timber that the sun shines with free boat rent and free Composition, Algebra, English on, a body of timber that draws the bluestone. On Nehalem we ttnder- Literature and Shool Law. stand the new cannery there ha« attention of the greatest fianciers of Saturday—Botany, Plain Geom­ the country. They realize the great offered the fishermen practically etry and General History. future value of tliiH immence tract the same prices. These prices are F or C ounty P apers . of virgin forest and are trying to larger than have ever been paid on Commencing Wednesday, August this or any other coast river and protect it from fire. 10, 1910, at 9 o’clock a.m. and con­ i the fisherman have naturally flocked The Hill and tlie Harriman inter­ tinuing until Friday, August 12, ests have heard of this great timbi r to the two new canneries. With re­ 1910, at 4 o’clock p.m. belt and want the carrying of it gard to the Elmore canneries, it Wednesday—Pennmanship, His to the cosuming market anil are has been difficult to learn what tory, Orthography, Reading and rushing railroads into it as faut they would pay. Rumors were that Physical Geography. a< men can do the work, blit they pay seven cents per pound for Thursday—Written Arithmetic, However, the people of Tillamook who will cold storage salmon. Theory of Teaching, Grammar and reap the largest benefit from the one of our men here received a Physiology. timber do not seem to realize that letter a few days ago from the El­ Friday—Geography, School Law, they have any intesest in the tim- more Company, signed by Mr. T. Civil Government and English H. Hnradon, the late Mr. Elmore ’ s her. They do not make any effort Literature. to save it, but, on the contrary, are son-in-law which explains itself. rl Tillamook, Ore,, July 26, 1910. increasing the fire liuzarl. as fast The following is the letter: LLBtiaw U W. S. B uei ., Astoria, Oregon, July 9, 1910. and as much as they can. County Supt. Mr. Tom Johnson, Hobsonville, The State of Oregon has a fire Ore. law. There is a penalty for setting L?.'. Dear Sir,—tWe beg to acknowledge The Wife of the Farmer. out fires during the dry season, but receipt of your letter of April 14th, r— there is no way to «top the cutting asking for a boat and fishing gear According to a St. f.ouis news- and piling of brush along the pub­ for the coming season. t paper, one of the officials of the It is impossible for us to say just lic highway, where in a few hours at present to whom we shall let ■ Farmers’ Convention there express- of liot sun and wind it gets dry HR out our boats and gear on account : ed the opinion that farmers’ powder and will burn just a* of opfMisition canneries and inter­ daughters should not be edcuated quickly. Cannot something be ests on the bay, but can assure you . too highly,particulary in literature, in case of any vacancy among our done to prevent this work? old fishermen, we will endeaver to , art, music and those things which The writer personally spoke to take care of you in good shape. make for intellectual enjoyment the man in charge of the work and We would suggest in the meantime and refinement, but that they cautioned him against the danger you do not tie up with any other should be edcuated in agriculture concern as we undoubtedly will of tire. His reply was, "Oh if any­ meet any prices that are quoted and domestic science. lHe declared one is menu enough to set the tim- thia year and possibly can do that a large majority of the farmers her on fire they will go out in the better. The cannery will run the of the South have an income of but and set it." He could not see same aa usual, if anything, more $600 a year, and an educated girl energetically than before. where there was any hazard in the makes a poor wife for such u man. Yours truly. for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregi work lie was doing. The writer FFH E state of S. E lmore . But why educate a girl at all in Foley’s Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substi does not lxdieve there is anyone Note the words possibly better. agriculture and domestic science to mean enough maliciously to «et This looks as though he meant -he become the wife of a man who is so Sold by Chas. I. Clough. the timber on fire. It is making could pay more, or would pay- ignorant, shiftless and unscientific the fire trap or the inflammable more, for what reason of course we as to make a farm produce so little heap, and the careless or thought­ do not know, but the Elmore fisher­ pront in a year ? She would be en­ Did You Ever Try less one who does the damage. men will certainly have a right to tirely out of his class if she knew HARRIS’S NEW FEED AND I’. 8. B ri mby . expect more than the fi«hermen anything at all of the science of of the .«ear to have LIVERY BARN, your teeth out and * employed by the Oregon Fisheries agriculture. As for domestic plate and bridgo Air sickness is being treated by Co. at Bay City or the Co-o|>erative science, she would only annoy him work done. For out- If not, give him a call. of-town patrons we the physicians, but the real aviators fishermen at Nehalem. finish plate and There ia with it. bridae work in one malady calls in the undertakers. Second day if nwesssrj. one thing sure and that is that So long as men are content to Everything first-class. PIICE8: • Molar Crowns $5.00 By carring water on both shoul­ the Elmore Company will never remain in ignorance of scientific The valued family block South of P.O. 22kBridf.Tmk3.50 ders Col. Roosevelt will at least win obtain fish on this coast, at least in agri culture or are too shiftless to cipes for cough at,d ' 6Wd FilHnr, 1.00 the favor of the prohibitionists. Tillamook Bay. Nehalem River and apply '*s principles, if known, and cure, liniments, tonic» Enamel Fill.««-« 1.00 g arris New Yoik is never modest in its Nestucca Bay. at the prices they are content to get out of their land * other remedies l|avt diamond weddings, but allows the have paid during the past quarter only a quarter of what it should ■ careful attention of a century. produce they will demand wives second trial after divorce to pass the most intricate p« Prices Paid by Oregon Fisheries j willing to live the lives that must off ns n quiet affair. M. W. A. WUf. tions. Co. at Bay City. j be lived as their helpmates. - , n iue uuaana a rwnaa »«« t mcthods Dynamite may tie an effective Falnicta Extraction Frve when plate« or bridge work Cold Storage Chinooks, 3c. per lb. la ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot get better But the farmers of the South-and weapon in dealing with an indus­ Canning Our fresh, high t < •• Jc. ’’•I“.1.*** w’’r^*?.'*hor«, no matter how mw.-h yon pay. 'everywhere else must get out of All work fully guaranteed for fifteen years. trial strike, but the innocent by­ drugs will help to (Under 30 lb.) 1 • i the $600 class, and the only way to stander prefers arbitration. these remedies more Silversides......................... 15c. each, If the railroads ure congested Chums ............................... 5c. euch, get out of it is to educate them­ INCORPORATED tive than ever. with freight at this time in the year, Free tioat rent, free tan. free blue- selves out. Education would not For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish only give them tlie knowledge by Bvtiifi«». T*irg » Ftren»so.c«rcoF whut will be the situation when the stone. Right prices a* OUlea Bawa ■ A. M. «• >r. M. teaa'i, iul S which they could rise to a higher Liver and Habitual Constipation. big crops begin to move. assured. income-earning power. but it would Nehalem Wants Auto Road. It cures by aiding all of the During men arc numerous enough make them ashamed to do so. in aviation experiments. The ini digestive organs—gently stimu» As a matter of experiment the Perhaps the strongest factor in poitanl part at present is to in Portland Autor.ioble Club express pulling them up will be their own lates the liver and regulates the crease the safety of the machines. ed a desire to have Mr. C. H. wives, or those who might tie their bowels—the only way that Wheeler try the road to the beach Reliable Dttigtf* wives if they fitted themselves to chronic constipation can be Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure over the Saiul Hille to ascertain if During the ps.t 35 years no rem- deserve them. . ny case of kidnev and bladder cured. Especially recommended edy baa proven more prompt or trouble not beyond the resell of it is a practical route for auto­ It may be temporarily embarrass­ more effectual In lta cures of women and children. medicine. No medicinecan do more. mobiles. Tins could be made a ing for the farmers* daughters to for For Sale by C. I. Clough. strong feature in coming to Ne­ Clears blotched complexions. lie educated and make it difficult halem from Portland in an auto­ for the man willing to live in the PlMsant ta take. Refuse substitutes. than Chamberlain'« Cough Remedy iD TIIK CRKKD mobile for an outing. old rut of ignorance and shiftless Sold by Chas. I. Clough. many bomee it is relied upon as Im­ hf thr Church of Chri«t 1« Christ the Lt wan tried but thev failed to make plicitly aa the family physician It con­ tame mb tof IVter eiprv*»c*«j awning |n Vara amt dUcn«« I It ia fully apiMtrent to anyone o serious in their consequences, '»red. fwealed bv and if unchecked so often fatal that N«. 5*. in.'««»* Und that need» an rvviaion who ia familiar with the situation i any remedy offered for their cure fBCaær» « ä S jä . Maaen—Matt ivi 19-gB that the road is not a practical one I must be above. suspicion Maur^>iOam to 11 Mi a m. Foley at th« | to serve the needs of the people in Kidney Pills contain no harmful ALL ptROAT lili tunc mounts, thia cxuuiuunity in general. It ia i drugs, «nil have successfully stood OUARAMTIID SATISFACTORY |aluioal impossible for thciu lol a long and thorough test. For Sale OB BOMBT BXFVKD b S. by C. 1. Clough. FIR, SPRUCE and H em loc k L U M B E R KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most famous Cheese. LET HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES i b3 •0 We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Saw. ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. w. . H , Prop Foley’s Orino NOW W TIME : I" : FAMILY RECIPES ; Wise Dental Co. Painless Dentists Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Coughs, Colds and Croup CLOUGH, s. VIERECK. Tillamook B0 KILL COUCH King’s New Discovery (. hurch of Christ. TOGGERY !