TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 28. 1910 THUSIASTIC MEETING OF REPUBLICANS. No one man can be entrusted with State Ticket Indorsed by Repub- ships and for a just and economical the liberties of a great |>eople. lican State Assembly i expenditure of public moneys. “In making our nominations and Representative in Congress, First 1 We are °l‘l>“sed to the pending ;form Adopted and Candi­ adopting our platform, in determ­ District —W. C. Hawlev, of Salem. b*U Providing for the election of ining upon the methods we will Representative in Congress, Se d‘?,<‘»r“tea to National conventions dates Nominated. follow, we are only to consult Re- cond District—W. R. Ellis, of Pend oi ,he Xvpubhc and Democratic was a large and representative I publicans; it is only important to leton. ! parties at the expense of the tax- [ payers. These delegates are uot lering of R< p 0 lica is who at- know what Republicans have to Governor—Jay Bowerman, of |ee culled U|H>n to pay ¡>sed to the assembly, it proved Republicans shall make a blunder. of Portland. their railroad fare, hotel bills und ¡tat success, for it brought the They are deeply distressed lest we Superintendent of Public Instruc­ other expenses on these trips. krs together, all working for the make some mistake that shall lead tion—L. R. Aiderman, of Eugene. We favor an appropriation by ourselves into defeat. I know they ¡ess of the Republican party, State Printer—William J. Clarke, Cougress placing the Indian war (CAP. T< LATHAM). veterans of the Pacific Northwest bring the hour or more required are sincere in this concern. I know of Gervais. they are wrought up to a high Beet the three committees, rep- Attorney-General—J. N. Hart, of on un equality with the veterans ot the Civil War in the matter of pen­ stative Republicans from var- pitch lest we make thia fatal error. Baker City. |parts of the state were called Not until warfare is a peaceful pro­ Justices Supreme Court (six-year sions. We favor only such conservation pie platform to address the cedure, when commanders shall term) -F. A. Moore, of Columbia ^nbly. Paily principles were counsel together as to how each (present incumbent). George 11. of the public resources as will best develop and settle the country. Led and stirring appeals were may reap a victory, will one polit­ Burnett, of Marion. B for 1 arty loyalty. The list ical party take advice from another Administration Is Indorsed. Justices Supreme Court (fotir- ■«alters included Charles W. party as to its methods or proced­ years term—Wallace McCamant, of We unqualifiedly indorse the ure. ” bn, Wallace McCamant. George Multnomah; Thomas A. McBride, Administration of President Taft Party Is Reunited. Mapleton, Judge R. R. Butler, of Clackamas (present incumbent). and point with bride to the fulfill a. Coners, Walter L. Tooze, In closing. Senator Fulton paid a Railroad Commissioner (at large ) nieiit by the National Republican |ge M. Brown, Theodore Cam­ touching tribute to the late Judge —Frank J. Miller, of Linn. party of the pledges contained in George H. Williams. “Let the land D. Solis Cohen. State Engineer—John H. Lewis, its last platform. We point with < < titer L Tooze was first called heathen rage,” said he, “and let of Multnomah (present incumbent). pride to the history of the Republi­ nd he spoke in rousing fash- (he insurgent surge, if he will; Commissioner of Labor Statistics- can party and to the capacity of the Lf the purpose of the assembly the Republican party in Oregon, O. P. Hoff, of Multnomah (present party, so often demonstrated, to the evidences at hand of the reunited and reinvigorated, shall, incumbent). solve public questions and to leg­ Ited Republican party. He as in the past, march on to vic­ Delegations composing the second islate and administer the Govern­ led for harmony and urged tory. ” Judical District, made up of the ment in the interest of (lie whole D. Solis Cohen, of Multnomah counties of Yamhill, Polk, Marion, people. We affirm our continued ■11 stand together in working be best interests of the Repub- County, followed Senator Fulton Linn and Tillamook, engaged in loyalty to the principles and polic­ on the stand. Mr. Cohen spoke one of the hottest contests of the ies of the party, and we mutually I cause. place McCamant spoke in an in a stirring way on the assembly assembly in naming two candi­ pledge ourselves to the effort nec­ bent strain. He urged that the and the impetus it leads the Repub­ dates for Judges for the primaries. essary to strengthen the party jpbly name a Republican of lican party in the march towards Percy R. Kelly, of Albany, und I. organization and to put into office I party principles for every new success. H. Van Winkle, of I.inn, received men who are loyal to its principles. I from Governor down to State R. R. Butler, of Gilliam County, the indorsement They barely est of all Th* Bast Bread Mak si' on the Market, access is sure to follow their greeting» to President Taft. The izens of a free Government we en medicine« also for weakness. lame back, and all run down condition». aid crown them, and that following telegram was drafted and joy the constitutional right aa Best too for chill« und malaria. Bae are going to have—vic dispached to Mr. Taft’s Summer members of the Republican |mrty Sold under guarantee at Cha». I ’ |HB ■the Republican party. It home at Beverly, Mass: to assemble for the purpose of Clough’» drug store. .*ï)c.| ■mvictiori that the represen- “Hon. William H. Taft. Beverly. adopting a platform, considering A Few Short Week» Knciple observed througli- Mass. “The Republicans of Oregon the fitness of candidates, making Mr. J. S. Bartell, Edwardsville, mv H. M " Winkler, 111. and express the condolence of , accord, and believe it should be letter Bent by political parties, or Evansville. Ina. “I contracted a the assembly upon hi» ill-health. J supported and obeyed. General Machinists ic Blacksmiths "y B ** governed by men of together with sincere beat wishes * We favor the creation of the office severe esse of kidney tronble igthand El ■* and selfah purposes, for hi» early recovery and appre of Lieutenant-Governor of the state, back gave