■ » » Í1 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 28. 1910. T BO'iTS Summons. A Strang« Pirate Stary. I admirers in Tillamook county, who Only on AeprovSk In (!>♦• »uiwuiM al Jania!- IN THH CIBCUT COUBT OF THK STBTB ; are well pleaned with the manner in At th« Urduesday evening service • a. lbw*# ar«r huiii # laitvrwl abip— pH* OF OUBGON FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY Is tbs t-hurcb purloin the lliluuuw 'which he is looking after tlie inter- The weather is beautiful in Tilla­ bru*n whii age aud salt water, Pacific Kailway and Na»- Choe« biaiesty for th« auhj««'l ot hl» iuation Company, mook—no sweltering days or hot 1 eat of his district and the influence and a anuiil tin ranlaier Thea# •»ti­ Plain Uff brief diecourHu In I«-»» than a quar­ > he has gained at Washington. He tights. . de# alien Hie truth of the drungvsi ter ot au hour be found time lo lam- Willie G. Du Roi« and I is interested as well in Tillamook pirate afury ever I old. lu 171MI the John E. Du Buis, her A cement side walk around the baale nearly everylaal.» wlm hud ever , county, for he is the only member j eraw of tbe .Saury brig were apimrent- I husband. '6urt house would be a good im- of the Oregon delegation who is in­ derlHlwl from IlMr uurruw |uilU. I>ut Defend nnts: be wan |Hirilcularly hard ll»*» per- ly iKHieat irudrra. but did houh * piracy To Willie G. Du Hois aud John JE- D“ >rovement. ________ telligently informed as to our needs, sou» who buy tlmiga on approval. bow an# day Bois. ^Defendants : In the name of the of Oregon: You are hereby require«! , How long would the Grange hold as he made several trips into this After tbe M>rua>u everylaidy enjoyed they found it uw-raaary to go Ini«» btule to appear and answer the complaint KlblfKIoD for aupplicH. Before doing filed against you in the above entitled together if the scheming politici­ county for the express purpose of blnixetr MH-ially Títere «vere suine cause, on or before August 20. 1010, and if ans prohibited it from holding seeing the slough, bay and bar big gm* H imw fnnii other | hi rinite*, au they naturally r#u»ov«*u<-<‘HiiwriiiK mid#. Among will apply to the court lor ihe rrhef urayca I ineetingH? 'conditions so as to be familiar with mid tlie pHri»*# with the |ai|»ers hi Nchulcm Bay, in the section line on the east read and heard about crop failures, I in his district, for he has familiar­ velvet chair». side of said section 3; thence south on said “Wluil have you done with them. aide. Theae were taken to the captain, section hue 347.2 fret; thence 8. 55 deg. 30* but they have neverexperiencedone ized himself with actual conditions W. a distunce of 388 feet, the initial point of who. aa goon as a breex# sprung up Mrs Klank?" hv »aid to the bead or in this county, nor extreme heat, and set about bringing about im­ this description; thence S. 55 deg. 30 W. a sailed Into Klbgxob harbor. f nil mi tile distance of 426.4 feet; thence N 34 deg. 30 Anyway, it would Ihe inimimtee. intense cold, blizzards or cyclones. provements. tile eren W., a distance of 421-1 feet to the south Nancy brig there and had wem "Oh.” «Hill Hile «ernnety. "they have been a mistake to have nomi­ bank of Nehalem bay; thence easterly up iU CÜHUI'* said Nehalem Bay, following the meander­ Bro. Effenberger, of the Nehalem nated anyone in Mr. Hawley’s place, back yeaierdny. The furniture store tried, runvleted and Uaugrd I ing* thereof to a point N. 34 deg. 30 w a Enterprise, is still on the fence in seeing that he is by far the best and just aem them up for Wi-dneaday night at Port Kojal. distance of 366 3 feet from the said initial New York I'reiM. point; thence S. 34 deg. 30z B. a distance of regard to the wisdom of theRepub’i- most influential member of the Ore' on approi at 366.3 feet from the said initnl point, the P.ym.nt In Kind. said right of way herein described contain­ can party holding an assembly. We gon delegation. French novelists sre uecaslonnlly ing 1.03 acres more or less, said center line A Figure Trick. would like to ask our respected Bro. being-more particularly described as follows: piud in kind instead ot cash Many ” f Gel «mie one to put down a row of Beginning at the point of intersection ot There are a number of per.,ona what would become of any political Ibe lirol kliowu I'nri» new i|.H|» rs man said center line with the east line of said Hüiiree. lo Hila Iliem ii|< and subtract wlio may not agree with the »nap party or organization if you depriv­ age to Hiipply their reiu|ers with eon Section 3. said point being 14 feet south of lüe liiial, tint»: the meander corner on the south bank ol temporary Ik-tlmi for which lite writer-* Nehalem Bay in said section line; thence ed them of holding meetings to dis­ »hot man politically, but there are a •«.214 southwesterly on a curve to the right, large number of taxpayers who do do not receive ii |>entiy For Instance, cuss and decide ti|W»n a policy ? Them» figure* HOd.il together make having a radius of 6875 5 ieet the tangent agree with uh a» to the ayntein that IB Subirm i U hm h» trulli 111# ortjnuai a novel Is intblialmd In serial form for to said curve at said point being 8. 57 deg. which the iiayineiit nt three halt pence 31' W. a distance of 384 feet; thence south­ A party of horse traders came in Hhotikl be adopted in road work. It num tier and y<»u gei «EiJbH westerly on a curve to the right, having a N oh a*k i beni tu ( tosh oui nu.r oov a line would atuouut to £N0. Tills pay­ radius of 1910.08 feet, a distance of 196 from the valley last week, and dis­ i» probably for the reason that they feet, to the east line of the tract of land ment is always made I d space, not in figure. lutai llieni up Hguin and teli posed of some of their balky horses know of many instances where tbe above described, being indentical with 1 bus. Huy, they cross money. That 1« to say. tbe new-spaper Station 1219xo8 and the initial point o! for the honest farmer’s spirited county is not getting value received you the tomi this description; thence southwesterly on a Inserts for the author, free of charge, animals, receiving good “boot.” and where a great deal of money out Ilie U. Ihe lutai iMs-omes 21. They a certain nunilier of advertisements or curve to the right, having a radius of 1910. you this, and without kaikiug at 08 feet a distance of 183 ieet; thence south­ tell Rage “runs high” among the farm­ is wasted reconstructing roads. We westerly on a spiral to the right, a distance the «lint you can say tlie value of Ihe press notices relating either to Ills own of 150 feet, thence 8. 74 deg. 20’ W. through ers and they can’t think of names repeat what we have often advocat­ ligure will« Il U hm Iweii < T oms ed «Hit. books or those of other authors. If and beyond the above described tract of bad enough to fit the horse trader». ed, and that is a practical engineer You d<> U hm trUk by SHIM met Illg the be can succeed In obtiliulug any money land. For an assessment of the damages of Bit again by patronizing unknown and road builder at the head of the total from the next unilliple ut II from Ibe loiter be Is at IllH'i-iy to do the defendants for such appropriation and . road and bridge work. That is the “Th# tot ni." nays your friend, "Is 21." so. The s|uice varies considerably in for judgment for plantiti’s costs and dis«- and unreliable persona. bursetnents. Hnap shot man’s solution lothe road Tbe tirar e* l multiple ut W allow 21 value, a "|iutT' on the front page be­ This summons is published by order of the No more frame liuiltlinga should question and a solution to obtaining I n 27. You Mubinu’l 21 frulli 21. and ing worth 20 or 30 francs a line, on Honorable George H. Burnett, Judge Of the above entitled court, made July 2nd, 1910. be erected in the business portion the best result» for the large amount ibat leMvew »I Tu y»in trieud roti tbe swoud page 10 fram-s and lu other Ihe time prescribed in the said order of the city, anil no more wood side of money expended upon them. mi y lu h dignified ione, * '1 lie ligure pirtlons of Ibe |>a|>er still less. —Lou- for the publication of the said summons is six weeks, ihe date of tbe first publication ot dou Scraps. walks should be allowed anywhere The taxpayers do not complain as y mi «*r«»KHepiril «uii reptile grain, fruit trees unit oriMinetitul B. Van Waters, her hus­ the fire fiend might get started. And it would be more economical toliave life that It lias I h - vii called "the age shrubs they Had brought with them band, George R. Vdsbuig Peter Ktuyvesuul culled his residence anti May Vosburg, bis as to cement sidewalks, nothing on one experienced engineer at the of reptile».” The bilge Iguaiaiduu» wile, E Fred Vosburg and and ground lite Huuwerie. uud the lane Ida Vosburg, his wife, stalked or lea|»Hl alaiut In llie «va Ida will improve the city and give it a head of the road work than a dozen Henry A. Vosburg and ot SiiMHex ami UunipHhlre. Ot ilieee connecting It with New Amsterdam Edith Vosburg, hia wife. cleaner appearance, as well as peo­ road supervisors with different Defendants: Igua iuh I uiis marvelouaiy complete akel- became knowu us Bottwerle tune, tbe ple taking pride in their property, methods. A large number ot per­ To George R. Vosburg, May Vosburg. B. settlement Itself taking the name of «tona are lo be Herb (mounted in ntti- Fred Vosburg, Idu Vosburg, Harry A. Vos­ than a nice cement side walk in sons can point out pieces of roads ludea of llfei In the Ituy-sl uniHeutu of Bouwerie Village. Stuyvesiint's farm burg and Edith Vosburg, Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You front of their homes. i which have cost thousands of dol­ BrUMHela— a righi III Itrtelf antlli-letil to extended from tbe Junction of w hat are are hereby required to appear and answer lars to fix and retix, and in some in­ Induce a viali to that capital. Other now Third uud Fourth avenues lo Rev. the complaint filled against you in the above One of the most difficult things stances the salary of the engineer smaller reptile» brown-d on the tollage eu teen lb street and eastward to Sec­ entitled cause, on or befor« August 20, 1910, if you fail so to appear and answer, thut the Republican party had to would have been saved for one or of the tlien exlatlng plHius and wi re ond avenue, where nt tbe corner of and plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit, for contend with in Portland last week more years had the road been pro­ purrm-d mid preyed upou by fell rep­ Teutb street tils home was located. judgment for tbe appropriation to plaintiff’s waa selecting candidates. Take for perly surveyed, established and con- tilian umiiHtera of varimi» Minds. Tbe use of the following described real property situate in the County of Tillamook and A Mysterious Race. instance that of governor. There structed in the tirst place. ThiH the aea also awnrmed wrtb reptiles (Ich- btate of Oregon: Ever since 1'lznrro's couquest of the A strip of land 1O0 feet in width being 50 were a number of gissl men, Imt taxpayers are equally conversant tliyoHattrb h » aquatic a* tbe whales feet on each side of and parmllel with the Indians there hnd lM*eu rumors lu me aud dolphins of our own day. And not all could not land the nomination. with line of the Pacific Railway and Navi­ and know what we are only were tlie earth and sens thus peo­ luierlor of South America ot the exist­ center gation Company's railway as the same is Personally the editor would have stating to be facta and which no one surveyed, staked out, located and adopted pled. but ..there were dying reptile» uf ence of a strange trilie. an Id Major I*. through that part of Lot Three (3) Section preferred Iir. Witliycome or State will attempt to deny. To avoid any different klml» and sizes, knowu aa II. Fawcett. It. A. The evidence was Three (3j Township Two (2) North Range Superintendent Ackerman, Imt as further waste of money in this re- pt erudite ty la. tiecessurily weak, yel be had met half Ten (10) West of tne Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Mr. Bowerman obtained the nomin­ a dozen nieii who swore to a gllmpne Beginning at the meander corner in the pect we want to see some improve­ South bank of the Nehalem Hay in the East ation he will hove our support. It is ment, uiid have recommend that a of white Indiana with red bulr. other A Vsry Old Rule. line of said Section Three (3), thence South the same with other nominations on practical engineer have charge of The oldest inutbeuinllc book In the slatetnenls bud tieeu made as to the on said Section line 347.2 feet: thence South deg, 30’ West, a distance of 247.5 feet to the State ticket, yet for all that it the road work, under these condi­ world I» lielleved lu be the "I'apyru» existence ot such a race with blue 55 the Southeast corner of the tract of land eyes. 1 ’ leuty of |H*ople had heard of was a representative gathering of herein thence South 55 deg. 30’ tion : All roads to be permanently Itblud" In Ibe Brinali museum, pne them, and they bud even a mune- West, a described; distance of 140.5 feet; thence North fesseli to have hern written tty Ahiues. Republicans who imide the minima- 34 deg. 30 ’ West, a distance of 366 feet to established before any money is ex­ a scribe of King ltn-a us. a bout the "Morphegon." or tails, meaning the the South bank of Nehalem Bay, thence tiona, nml we want to aay that the pended main them, the engineer to period between 2l»k> and 17UU B. C. people who bunted hy night aud bid Easterly up said South bank of’ Nehalem Headlight, ns usual, will aupport following the meranderings thereof to a plan out and furnish estimate of This "Papyrus Ithlml" wns trun»luted during the day. Even In Paraguay, he Bay, post set for the Northwest corher of the the ticket from top to bottom, and cost of road improvements for the by ElHeiilotir ot Leipzig, nud II wan was told, there was a trilie so »hy ns tract of land deerleti by the Wheeler Lumber Company to Cora E. Wheeler; thence South our advice to Republicans, who want information and guidance of the found to comnln a rut» for making a to be quite beyond communication and 34 deg. 30’ East, a distance of 349.8 feet to see u strong, united Republican another where the men talked In one to the beginning. Said right of way herein County court, should it decide to let square equal III area lo a given circle. described containing .32 acres. Said center party in Oregon, is to do the same. cer tain road work out by con­ Il waa uot pat forth a» an originili dis­ language and tbe women In utiotber.— line being more particularly described as London Mall. follows: tract. tlie engineer to take charge of covery. but aa tlie tnmncripl ot a Beginning at a point of intersection of The Republican party of Oregon the work when not let by contract, Inuits» fluu year» older siili, which said center line with the Hast line of said Section Three (3) said point being 14 feet Easy Divorce In Old Times. send» us twek lo appnixlunilely 2Ms| is getting safe and sane again in tt> see that the road crushers are South of the meander corner in said Section The code of King Kliamuiiiruhi of line on the South bank of Nehalem Bay. • and getting back to representative gov­ ! pnqierly located and plenty of ma­ B C., when Kgypmiu mamemarleian* being identical with Station 1224x88 of Assyria, whose ante Is approxlmmely ernment, for no organization can ex­ terial is kept on hand, and, when willed, or ttmugbt itiey hud solved, Company’s railway survey numbers; 221X1 It. C.. which hns lieeti dlscipheri-d said (he problem ut squarlug ibe circi». thence Southwesterly on ajeurve to the right, pect to survive if it is deprived of j possible, contract with reliable per- from a plllrir.discovered al Knsn. dents having a radius of 6875.55 feet the course of the tangent to said curve being 8 oh th 57 the right to hold meetings and run aona to furnish crushed rock, allow­ exhaustively with the subject of di­ deg. 31’ West, a distance of 384 feet; thence The Oilottante Uocioty. its own atfaira. The crazy notions ing them the use of the rock crush­ vorce. One of the most Interesting Southwesterly on a curve to the right hav­ An Interestnig uld Organisation wblcb ing a radius of 1910.uA feet a distance of which have run wild in Oregon for ers, when they are notoperated eco- c In uses Is the following: "If the wife 54 feet to a point in the Bast line of the formerly exwied In l«>mlou tlie Idiot tract above described, said point being several years have about exhausted flonucally otherwise. timte auclel.r orlgiiuiied «Ith certuiu of a man who dwells In the bouse of identical with Station 1 220x50 of said Rail­ themselves, and there ia a dia|sj«i- geiitlemen w-tio, hnvlug traveled in It- that man hue sei Iter face to go forth way Company's survey numbers and the initial point of this description; thence con­ tion on the jiart of the people to re­ Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure aly. trini tu em-ourage al Home wbat ami baa acted the fool and wasted bln tinuing Southwesterly on a curve to the turn to the safe and tried aystern of any case of kidney and bladder tbey bad eujoyed abmad. I bis society bouse and impoverished bls borne, right having a radius of 1910.08 feet, a of 142 feet to a point in the West representative government. The trouble not beyond the reach of of lovers of ehe Aue arte utsfed 130 they shall call her to account. If the distance of above described tract said point No medicine can do more. yeara Walpme dis-s ma neent Io have husband abaII aay. 'I put her away.’ be line being identical with Station 1219x08 of said foolish and*narrow A. P. A. ism swept medicine. For Sale by C. I. Clough. Sbe »ball go her company’s railway survey numbers. kioked ii|s>n ll wlth s very fuvorable shall put her away over OYegon and a great many good For an assessment of the damages of the way For her divorce be shall glre her defendants for such appropriation and eye, für he tara. '*Tbe nominiti quii lin ­ met» allied themselves toil, but who nothing." for judgment for plaintiff's costs and dis­ eatimi was tu Ilare Invìi tu Half; tbe bursements. sre ashamed of themselves today real une was behig druuk." This summons is published by order of for doing so. It was the same with the Honorable (ieorge H, Burnett. Judge of Toe Careful. above entitled court, made July 2nd, Populism and free silver. Tlie peo­ Ao old mau was bruugbt up before the 1910. The time prescribed in the said order Her Earsch«. for the publication of the said summons is • country judge. ple dropped them like so ninny hot Wbatt tbe matter with you this weeks. The date of the first publication "Jethro." said tbe judge, "you are •ix potatoes. A kit of voterw, and eape- of the summons Is July 7th, 1910, «Mrtilng. I lulls T" a«a««l Mrs. Miro S now and IV c C amant . accused of stealing General Johnson's dully Reputdicans, got Into the “Ob. lua'atu." replied tbe servant Attorneys for Plaintiff. chickens. Have you any witnesses?" wrong |>ew two years ago overstate­ girt. “ *lla the terrible rarachs l bave “No. sah." old Jeibro suswered ment No. 1, but, like moat of the this morutn'.“ I don’t “Ab. you «boa id be rarefiti. Betta. baugbtlly. "I bab uot. sah other loot isms which the |x*ople All the key Inoro lu thia bouse are very Meal chickens befo' wllDv»aea. sab “— have e«|snmed, is alumel a thing of Mlnoeapolls Journal. drafly.“— Excuange the past It ia no wonder then tlmt the |ieople arc getting tired of so Consider the Trees. OulcUmd many ialacien which are doing more Tbe trr, « are lovely In summer; so Hewitt—t'an you believe whst he harm then g«ss1. and as a result of •rv the women. Bui tmw different are says? Jewell It he eml Anastas had Has established ifrrmanen this the Republican parly decided tbe women and the tree» as lo tlwir Agency in been couteiuiHirarwH Anamas wounl chu bee! To Im sure, both are deli* hl to get back to the safe method of have fell itoni II «a* tie* easary fis him TILLAMOOK COUNTY fully clottxHl. yel. with Hie a bn ml» nt representative government, which ia to go and get a rvpiHallvu —New York For their pianos. 25 year guarantee, raiment with wblcb the trees are «ii|r one of the fundamental principles I'resa. and warranted to withstaud any plied, they require but une truuk to climate. u|>on which the Vnited Stales ia bold It all. - Kmart Sei built, and which a number n( fakirs Either Way. Composite Bell Metal Frame. Three Strings. 7V» Octaves. Price. Is your wife. Johnf" in Oregon «retrying to un ter mine. SS1R.OO. Piano on exhibition. > -fl J ’ I « i I 1 I I i The P. A. Starck Piano Co. Diarrhoea 4 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy • A ttobnby - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Bock« in office. Taxes paid for non- Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Both phones. CARL haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, £>eitt«ch«r Office across the street and north Uni the Post Office. EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook County Baule, - T illamook O regon . H, GOYNE, A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Office- Olson Building. Residence : Mrs. Wei»' house, «cat of klrs. Wulker’v. S. M KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, C oncrete B uilding . Tillatncok, Oregon. R. I. M. SMITH, Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook. Ore. 11 1 It -V7 11 BAY CITY, OREGON. le R. BEALS, t 11 REAL ESTATE, n F inancial A gent , loi be >8 iti Tillamook, Oregon R. A. D. PERKINS, bat me I rc RESIDENT DENTIST. ►iti I c Office in Sturgeon's Building. T All Work Guaranteed. il i OREGON. TILLAMOOK J~^R. P. J. SHARP, liti las Bn rn DENTIST, RESIDENT Office across the street iron1 the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. Ini id I < at >f I i tc nfi Ca: ^1^ SARCHET, A . The Fashionable Tailor. CLeasing, Pressing and Repaid iug a Specialty. Store in Heins Photograph« Gallery. Li«» Orrica Besraass a srscuL-rx. pOWJSG A phone A. 1Ò0* cow INC LAWYERS. K o OM 334 WOBCMTM BUlLOlNf, T rikd Aim oik »ranrrs. , Rofim Next to tbe U.ft. Land Offir*. PORrLAND, ORE<’ON. RS. ALICIA PHELPS, GRADUATE NURSE, MRS. > PAGE’S TILLAMOOK, HOUSE, ORB- ALL & TRO* bridge . INSURANCE. FIRE, MARTNE. ACCIDENT, BONDS, Etc T illamook , t > rb < w A I Both Phones- ♦ F3 >1 SURGEON, PHYSICIAN & . V 11 ■I HAWK, •Í —.... i PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Dt