Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 28, 1910, Image 3

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Long 4 Co. will give you com­
plete prices on your house pattern,
including doors, windows and shin*
glee, either delivered or at their
Of the wage-earner and
well as the larger
the well-to-do,
Everything you want in the way
eatables at the new grocery.
Everything new and fresh.—A. F in ­
ley 4 Co., Old Post Office build­
householder of
E. M. Spaulding and F. B. Lawton,
forms and of the University of Oregon, are
visiting the city for a short time on
of interest along educa­
tional lines.
We are gratified to see matters
depositor. and are
Our constant aim to keep an up to
date stock and treat the public
right, is why our business has in­
help and creased with leaps and bounds.—
K ing 4 S mith .
glad to
encourage all who earnestly desire to
Time Deposits
better their financial condition.
into tlie
growth will surprise you.
I’ass liook and checks free.
bank every’
week and its
Plasker Bros, will do'your plumb­
ing in first class style. Let us figure
on your work. Will guarantee our
work, having just employed an ex­
perienced plumber.
J. W. Maddux, of Tillamook coun­
ty, ia in Coos county looking after
Open an account with us to-day. dairy property upon which to locate
a colony of person* from Tillamook.
—Monmouth Herald.
Railroad Officials Visit Tillamook. promptly. The hall will be decorat­
Next Friday the officials of the
Southern Pacific Railway and the
Pacific Railway and Navigation
Company will make an important
visit to the city. The party will in­
clude Mr. J. P. O’Brien. Vice presi­
dent of the O. R. 4 N; Mr. L. R.
Fields, General superintendent of
the Southern Pacific; Mr. K E.
Lytle, president of the P. R. A. N.
Co; Mr. C. E. Lytle, general super­
intendant and Chief Engineer Geo.
L. Davis, of the P. R. A N. Co. They
left Portland on Wednesday to go
over tbe entire road from Hillsboro
to Tillamook City and will atnve
here on Friday. Mayor Thos. Coates
and tbe City Council, and Presi­
dent Holmes and Executive Board
of the Commercial Club will meet
the distinguished visitors ut the
north end of the county and will
accompany them to the city on the
railroad. They will be enterained at
a banquet given by the Tillamook
Commerical Club. The visit is an
important one as far as this county
is concerned, for it is probable that
it will be decided when trains will
be run between thia city and Ne­
halem, the building of the depot
and the spur in the city, the estab­
lishment of their freight rates, etc.,
will be considered
and decided
As the banquet to the railroad
official has been postponed until
Friday, it will not interfere with
the lady’s evening at the Commer­
cial Club this (Thursday) evening.
TILLAMOOK CITY, OR_E. - - s U p Ì p V1$ÌQ n 1
----------- —-—I.
H. T. Hazard and E. A. Struuse,
Auto Party from Eugene Meet
partners under the firm name of
With Numerous Mishaps.
Star brand process barley, $1.25 Hazard 4 Strause, v*. Henry F. Fra­
ser ia a suit filed in the county court
Attorney lee M. Travis and fam­
a sack and $31.00 a ton.—W m . CUR­
to recover the mini of$88.77 from the ily and Dr. and Mrs. York, of Eu­
Ice cream at T he S pa .
TIS, The Grain Man.
gene, came in on Tuesday on a
Dr. Morris, eye specialist.
The next time you send away for
visit to the editor’s family, and met
Ice Cream Cones at T hb 'S pa .
something get a Money Order from
Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a.m.; with several mishaps on the road
Cows for sale, apply to A. G. the Tillamook County bank.
preaching, 11 a.m. and 8 p.n>. with their auto, and instead of get-
A man, wifh a small family,
Morning theme, "The Brotherhood ing here in one day it took them 3H
T he S pa for the best Ice Cream in wants a permanent position on a of the Kingdom of God." Rev. B. days to make the trip. l.sst year
ranch, or will rent a small dairy.— E. Emerick, pastor.
the city.
when Mr. and Mrs. Travis came in
Dick Price is visiting his brother B. H. Dunlap, Jefferson, Ore.
J. Kerr, an ezperienced plumber, on a visit their auto turned over in
Get your doors and windows from of Portland, has been engaged by the south part of the county and they
at Hebo.
Fox plain sewing, see Mrs. Stella the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. Plasker Bros., of this city, to assist came near meeting with a serious
You save money by doing so.
• them in their business, as they have accident. Dr. York thinks Lee is
For rent, one bed room or three a large amount of business on hand the biggest Jonah to travel with
For sale, typewriter, cheap.—D.
in an automobile.
This is the
house keeping rooms. Apply to Mrs. at Bayocean Park.
L. Shrode.
Dr.’s diary of hi* first trip into
Stella Bennett. Tillamook, Ore.
Milker wanted. Apply at the Head­
! monthly
Albert Mason is back from Cali­ statements sent you by King 4 Tillamook, the county famous for
light office.
fornia and is looking and feeling Smith. It is their custom to send its splendid cheese, and splendid
If you dou’t see it, inquire for
well. He will probably send for his them out each month. 1 It shows cool climate at this season of the
it, at K in «.4 S mith ’ s .
you how your account stands, You
For cement by the sack or the
Ready to start on trip
f. ’_ —Friday, 4
The semi-annual examination for will soon learn to appreciate it, nó p.tn., but delayed tiecause
because of re-
barrel see D. L. Shrode.
teachers’ certificate will take place matter how small the account
pairs to car acd finally left Eugene
Shingle*, the best kind, at the in this city from the 10th to the 13th
The Percheron stallion Ville wiH Saturday morning at 5 a.m.
Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co.
Spring broke at Grimes* farm, 16
of August.
make the season of 1910 in Tillamook miles from Eugene at 7 a.m.
A marriage license was issued to
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McNair re­ County. Ville is tbe Largest and
Chaffeur returned to Eugene with
H. Thiessen and Nellie Case.
turned to the city on Saturday after ' best proportioned stallion in the another car and obtained another
while Mr. Travis and I
Carl Patzlaf returned from a busi­ several weeks visit with relatives in county,and took two prizes at Wash­
pitched horse shoes.
ness trip to Seattle on Saturday.
ington County Fairs. While in Tilla­
Left Grimes’ farm at 4 o. m.
Tire exploded in hot dust going
Dr. Boals will build a new resi­
Coal delivered, $10.0tt Shingle, mook City will be at Easter’s barn.
into Albany at 5 p.m.
dence near Mayor Coates’ home.
$1.85 and $2.75.
An almost new L. E. Sanders, owner.
Tire repaired at 6 |xrr.
25 ton of Grain Hay for sale. Ap­ drop head sewing machine cheap.^to ■ The steamer Sue H. Elmore came
Inner tube broke at 7:30 p. m.
in on Wednesday with a full cargo
ply to M. Melchior, Tillamook, Ore.* D. L. S hrode .
Sent to Independance for another
car and arrived there at 11 p.m.
F. C. Witten and family, of Port­
H. T. Bohlman and wife and and the following passengers :
Chaffeur repaired our “Thomas
Mr. and Mrs.
land, were in the city on Tuesday. Miss B. C. Bohlman and Clifford Mr.
Flyer*’car and he arrived at Inde­
Hannen, A. Jackobson, ). S. Smith, pendance 3 a.m. Sunday, with
Attorney H. T. Botts returned to Bittlestin of Portland, were in the
A. D. Baker, A. Larsen, C. V. Lit­ another flat tire.
the city on Saturday from Portland. city on Monday.
Sunday, 9:30 a.m.—Chaffeur left
tler, Dr. C. H. Cuahic, Geo. Phelps,
Frank Kerreman, after an absence
for Portland for another supply
Mrs. James Thompson and son
Randolph Baker, W. Williams, Mrs. of inner tubes.
were down from Nehalem Tuesday. of several years from the county, Claud Thayer, U. S. Curhey and
Monaay morning—No cheffeur on
Inez Paul and Reuben Price were was in this week shaking hands ten men to work on the railroad.
hand, so abandoned the flyer.
with old friends.
Monday, 2:30 p.m., left Independ­
up from Hebo the first of the week.
The Pacific Telephone4 Telegaph ance by train for Sheridan and
Rev. S. G. Finney will preach at
Those wanting fresh fruit, can­
Company is making preparations arrived at Sheridan at 7 p.m.
the Presbyterian Church in Bay City
dies and nuts, give Joe Therdich a
I.eft Sheridan, Tuesday at 8 a.m.
to improve their lines within a ra­
next Sunday morning and in this
dius of five miles of Tillamook City, on the auto atage line and arrived
city in the evening.
at Tillamook, 1:30 p.m.
and to establish anezchange at Bay
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowe were in
Time from Eugene to Tillamook
City. W. K. Merritt, special agent ; 3*4 «lays. Distance 142 miles. Aver­
the city the first of the week from
D. J. Butcher, contract agent; W. R. age distance |>er day, 42 4-7 miles.
ty this summer on account of the Logus. traffic agent ; and H. A.
Although the trip from Eugene
Highest Price paid for Hides, Furs
road improvements.
Morris, district plant chief, are in to Sheridan was a long a tedious
and Sheep Pelt*. N. Melchior, Till­
If you want -barley, oats, wheat, the city for the purpose of carrying affair, it was quite different from
amook, Ore.
cracked corn, shorts, middlings, out the improvements.
that city to Tillamook City, for the
On your way to the theatre try
bran, etc., go to A. F inlay 4 Co.,
auto hit the road in some places at
Therdich’s pop corn and peanuts. Old Post Office building.
divorce suit filed in the circuit court- a gait of a mile a minute, convinc-
Can't be beat.
Snow Drift flour, $6.25 a bbl. and These parties were married in Man­ i ng the visitors from the classic city
For *ale number one Irnttom land
$1.00 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.75 celona, Mich., on the 24th July, 1896. of Eugene that Tillainookera go the
[on the Wilson river. Inquire of
Dr. York
a bbl. And $1.50
a sack.—WM. They moved to Bay City in October, limit in speeding autos.
L, G. Freeman.
C urtis , The Grain Man.
1908, and the cause upon which the has had enough to dd with Thomas
Screen doors can be obtained
"flyers,” and the next trip he makes
The Golden Gate, which came in plaintiff seeks a divorce ia that de­
to Tillamook he wants a real flying
at the Tillamook Lumber Mfg.
on Wednesday, ran aground com­
lo, in thia city.
machine, but even then it would not
ing up that day and will not be inhuman manner and heaped upofl
Don’t forget that you can get able to get off until this evening.
her personal indignities, rendering tie safe to have Lee along, for he
her life burdensome, and thia con­ would hoodoo it, the same as he did
tents and camping supplies al
Rev. A. B. Calder will preach at
tinued without interruption till last the last two trips into Tillamook, also
K ing 4 S mith ’ s .
Union Peak next Sunday at 11 a.m.,
Bryan’s chances of election when
U. S.
Bryant and wife and Nehalem at 2:30 p. m. and at the April, when the defendant became
he went to Nebraska with the com­
nlighter, of Portland, were in the Union hall, lower town, at 8 p. m.
accused her falsely of paying more mittee to notify that gentleman that
ity on Tuesday.
Bert King has bought an interest attention to other men than to him, be had been nominated on the Dem­
Mr. and Mr*. Holmes, of Salem,are in the King 4 Smith Co. hardware
and would become sulky and refuse ocratic ticket for president.
in on a visit to their son, Attorney store, and after closing up hi* affairs
to speak to her ; also that the defen­
Webster Holmes.
at .Medford will return to the city.
The Pythian District Convention.
dant failed, refused and neglected
Ice cream and ice cream sodas,
E. T. Haltom left on Sunday on a to earn a livelihood for the plaintiff.
When the Knight of Pythiua meet
ce cream cones and solt drinks at
business trip to Spokane, and Mias No children have been born to the for their dietrict convention in thia
herdich 4 Co’s.
Wittemore accompanied him to as­ couple.
city, on Saturday, August 6th, there
H. Sours, cheapest and best paper sist in buyings new stock of goods
will be a gathering of some of the
Notice to the Public
anger in town.
Leave orders at
foremost Knights in
the state,
Born, on the 18th July, at Castle
ing 4 Smith Co.
Rock, Wash., to the wife of James
I have sold my interest in the amoog the visitors being Grand
By far the largest and. the most Du *ham, a son. Mrs. Ducham was
Hardware business of the King Chancellor Yoran end other of the
omplete stock of paint* and oils formerly Minnie Sargeant, of this
and Smith Co, to my son, Bert. grand lodge officers, as well as a
t K ing 4 S mith ' s .
Tbe new firm will pay all bills and great many Knighta who will he
collect all accounts of tbeCompany. apending summer outings in Tilla­
In retiring from the Company, 1 mook at the time. The Nehalem
wiah to thank the public for tbe Lodge, well noted for their loyal
splendid patronage given us in the fraternal spirit, will be well rep­
past, and believe the new firm will resented and the local Knighta are
fully merit the confidence you have preparing tn put on their best ap­
pearance. The convention will con
shown in the old.
vene in tbe afternoon, probably in
1 am, respectfully yours,
the Commercial Club rooms, and
W C. K ino .
hold session in both afternoon snd
Perhap* the motion picture prob­ evening and after the evening ses­
sion. which will adjourn at (pm,
lem could be solved by showing
a esmi-public ball will be given, to
Johnson's proceedings io tbe ring
which the admission will be by
with his antagonist left out That
ticket. Tbe number of people. not
was about the way it happened
members of the order, who can bf
Dr. Stiles has. in his resentment invited must necessarily be limited
of the fun polked at the hookworm
and Mr. T B Handley, Chairman
cult. called Americans "tbe ■■-
of tbe ReceptionCommittee, requests
healthiest people in the world.'*
that all who desire ii< keta to the
Where »re your figures. do« tor ?
ball leave their names with him
Rosenberg Bros
Best on the Market.
ed, refreshments will be served and
an extra large orchestra engaged.
Deputy Grand Chancelion James
Walton, Jr., has opened registry
books for the use of visiting
Knights who wish to qualify for
admission to the convention and
cordially invites all visiting mem­
bers of the order who desire to lie
present to leave their names with
Missouri," nt
On Friday and Saturday evenings
at the opera house the Dramatic
Club will present “In Missouri,”
under the personal direction of B.
J. McCowell. This will be the best
play tlie Club has offered so fur.
The caste will be a surprise,and the
manner in which the members
handle the different characters will
be a pleusure. The action takes you
back through old familiar places
“In Missouri," such as Bowling
Charles Jcnesboro,
and many
others. It will cull to mind the
happy days of your youth. It shows
politics as they were, and now as they
are. Note the confidence of the
Missouri Democratic party, anil the
struggle uf a poor blacksmith to
win a position in politics that his
daughter may have a standing in
society. This play was one of the
biggest successes played in Portia nd
by the Baker Stock Co. hint fall. It
may never be played again. See it
while you cun. Tlieie will certainly
be a big turn out, judging from the
many inquires for seats. The seat
*ale is now open ut Lamar’s. Usual
Auto Speeding in the City.
E ditor H e . uiugiit , Tillamook.
Sir, 1 was greatly amused the
other day on reading in a Tillamook
paper that the autos ran through
the business streets of the town at
the rate of 20 miles un hour. Why,
niun alive, if any man should at-
tempt to run four miles an hour he
would break every spring in his
auto. Such crossings ! Why they
would be a disgrace to any town,
even Tillamook.
Yea, 1 even any
Tillamook, for any town that is so
lacking in sanitary laws that they
let all sorts of dirty refuse rot in the
gutters of the streets, especially the
business section, cannot be expect­
ed to have much of any thing, even
crossings. But until the crossings
are fixed properly don't worry over
the autos speeding on your streets.
It would be an impossibility.
Boulder Creek.
Wavs of the Alligator.
lute one alTeruooii. alien 111« lagoon
was agluw with the wmidertui wpi**r
bur*, of « I’npiiMii sunset, some one
politi **l mu to me a king dark streak
us, v Ins swiftly »cnwi llie waler JiS> or
Stai yard* away, and In the sitvnk |n*t
Ibe allgluewt *|v< k of black, Il was mu
alligator at last!
“Now you see why you can’t itn
awloiuiing In tlie lagwin.” I was mid.
“They are worse than sharks. They
dou't allow nielliseli ea ami give ymi
a chance. They just come down un-
derueatb yuu and pull you dowu. and
that's all you or any one ei*e kuowa
about IL They don't eal you nt once,
only hold you under file water until
you lire drowned ur half pillimi to
pieces and then store you away some­
where under a bank or lu a hole till
you are 'high' enough to be savory —
Just as you would do with a phennant.
you know
He's a knowing beggar,
the alligator
The shark isn't In II
with lilui for hrnlna and sat vy.”—Wide
World Mnguzlue.
Ths Spider.
Of all the solitary tnaeets I have
ever nvu the spider Is the uxist saga-
clou*, mid II* acHmi* to one who linn
attentively I’onslilend them seem al-
iiiom I to evel belief.
Tbs spider Is
formed liv nature for h state of war.
not only u|«>o other InseelH. but upon
Ila lellouH.
For i I i I h slate naiurs
seems to bare formed It with singular
Ila bead mid tireasl are i
covered with a strong uatural coat of
mull, which Is lm|n-uetruble tu tbe at­
tack* of every other tusret. and Its
lower purls are enveloped In a soft,
pliant skin which eludes the sting even
or a wu*p. Its logs lire terminated by
struug claws u»t unlike those of a lob­
ster. und their vast length, likespeura,
serves to k<-ep every assailant at a
safe distance. Not wurxe furul*bed
lor observation ttinu for attack or de­
fense. It lias several eyes, large and
transparent. covered with a tiorny suo-
simice. which however, does not im­
pede Its vlslou — tkotsmau.
Not What They Seamed.
A niarqul* who was II, residence tor
a few days m * I’urlsliiti hotel dlscov*
ereil Hint her |,enrl necklace, worth
fl.’i.nOti, bad dlMiipiauired from her
room SUMpli-lou fell on a inewMenger
Imy. who admitted hia guilt, but de­
clared that Hie necklace hud been
takeu froth him by tils mother. The
lumber corrolairated her sou's elate-
uietit, elpreiudug aatotilabmeul tbat ao
niueli trouble should be made about
"u trashy little trinket,” which, she
rriilalned. touked ao cheap and tawdry
that she bad given It to tier daugbter-
In law. 'I'hla young woman. In her
teeiia. displayed an equal contempt for
the "lilts of tlihiga” Hlie told the po­
lice Hint alls had given the necklace
to her little girl to wear, but "lie had
removed h I mui I half lliv bends, All tbe
mlnnlng pearls were found In h bos
auioug bulimia mid hooka and eyas
A Gleam of Hope.
They were evidently from tbe coun­
try mid find WHiidered Into tbe first
plucs of smmiemeut they found. A
IH-rfiiruiauce of ''Itk-bnrd III.” was In
progress, and after buying tickets
they went aqtieuking down Ills aisle,
led by ilia usher, to seats well toward
tbe front.
They watched lhe stage at first with
bu|>e nf some excitement, but with
steadily decreasing Interest. At last
the young woman toucbwl Ibe young
"Iit'i go out. Jim.” she said,
more hit cresting out Io tlie street.
"Let's bold ou a minute longer,
turned tier escort "It coni consider­
able tn get In. mid. twaldes, that eluwn
lias Jimi called for a boss I shouldu t
wonder If the show s really going lo
begin now, Kinuia "— Youth's Couipao-
Haying ia nearly over in our
neighborhood, with fine wcutlier
for it all the way through.
Numbers of fishermen can be
seen along our streams moat any
day now, and plenty of autos are
spinning about
Revs. Carrington and Preston are
holding a revivial meeting in a
tabernacle at the Gladwill bridge.
Next Sunday they purpose holding
a union S. S with Boulder Blaine,
and Brown S. Schools, and preach­
ing in the forenoon and evening.
Kvery one is cordiully invited
Bring your dinner und stay all ilay.
You will find the time well spent. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mills went to tbe
Valley laBt week after their house
When Cricket Was a Crime.
hold goods
Under h alnlute of Edward II Eng­
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jenson and land's great uutlonal past lai*. cricket,
part of their family went to Hebo was declared n crime, owing io the
last Saturday.
game haring lavóme ao popular that
It Interfered with archery, Hie then
Odd Fellows Take Notice.
■port of king* The law was rigorous­
ly enforced, slid every |vraon convict­
G. M. Tim* F kbiu will ni.ikr
ed of playing Ibe game was lined till
an official visit to TillamookJI-odgr, and tort lu prtauii l<e*ldea II was uot
No. 94, I.O.O.F., on Tuesday even­ until tbe for mat loll of the fnmous
ing, August Z Your presence ia llambledou Cricket club lu 1749 tbat
req uested.
Ibe atatule wua repealed -Dundee Ad­
8. A. B rodhead , Secy.
The Retort Direol.
"Hee here." <-rle<l the artist who bad
come to contpiiiln alutul the materials
be had Imus In. "I ■ an I linnslue au/-
tblus worwu than your imlnta.**
"That's strange." replied ibe dealer.
“Iton't yuu ever mw your lumglnattoo
uu yuur panning ?**—Cat bulle Htaudard
and Times.
Pshawed the Leader.
Mestar-Who can lall me whal use­
ful article we yet from the whale?
Juhuule - Wbulvbone.
Now. what little tmy of siri Snows
wtoat we get (rum the scali Tummy
Hee I lug wei — Muntoli Mrape.
"W bit’s s' fur hurry, Mauilyt It's
no It» o'clock y st"
"Well, yr •ee. Ah'« rbansMt ma
todgln'a. an Abo, uo vera umh or-
quaint' wf th' new eialrvaaa.'*- L»O-
a mean, nasty doo Ryota rider.
A Morning Reminder.
Yoa awake with
nouth, which renunJn
Fresi, atod.
or stomach is m a bad
"Poor thins* I’M stir lake het tosa
It should also rami -d
toand'e death mm h to heart7"
ing so good
“Why, •II**«
«Hb grh-f!
omach as Mb* r»»’i M ■ etKlI • turpi IW
hand Liver