Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 28, 1910, Image 2

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gained in that way to the beet ad- j
Of course, a traveler j
a closer acquain­
The big aviation tournament o’
vine year........
75 a good many horses, but the horse Atlantic City ended with a remark­ tance with the wolf could do so by
Six months ....
50 is still in good demand. Saddle able test of tbe war value of the at once throwing out all he had
Three month«
horses are said to be bringing high aeroplane when Glenn Curtis de­ and himself along with it. A man
prices in New York, and the de-
acturally wanting the wolf at hie
(¡¿iltaniook tjrabligbf. naand for them is greater than it monstrated the accuracy of his aim door might pursue such tactics
in dropping oranges to represent
has been since the financial dis­ bombs close to a yacht used as a when chased. But so long as there
turbances of 1907.
target, while he sailed swifty out is no record of such a thing, neither
In its execution of some Amiri-
Horseback riding is a form of over the sea.
He dropped the Mr. Rockefellow nor Mr. Carnegie
can prisoners and the starvation of
exercise which is popular in all * oranges from about
____ _ a height _ of 590 need stand in fear of a motion
others the so-called Government cf
parts of the country. There is not ! feet. ' "The
trial -------
shows absolutely made by liis heirs for the appoint-
---- -------
Ni aragua has made the demand
likely to be any over-production of that the day of the battle ship for ' ment of a conservator.
for reparation a necessity, and this is
saddle horses. In fact, horses of attact on foreign cities is nearing
In fact, talk as we may about the
a question that can not be settled
all kinds represent good money to its end,” said Gen. W. A. Jones, rage for wealth, and decry as much
by an appeal to Europe.
those who have them for sale.
as we will the lust for money accu­
Since Nicaragua excuted William There is nothing much more attrac­ former head of the Army Engineer mulation, there is something much
Walker it seems to have the idea tive than a pretty horse, or a span of
1 more admirable in the Carnegie
that every American is intent on a horses attached to a handsome for hitting that swooping aeroplane | and Rockefellow than in the Pear-
filibuster and deserves death if vehicle. Despite the rapid increase from tbe deck of a battle ship, it
I son plan. There is something un-
captured in any of the groups of in automobiles, there are some would be practically impossible | canny in a man divesting himself
revolutionises that form the chief multiplied thousands of men who, except with rifle balls, and both
of all his goods and going to a
of that country. Starving and ex­ faithful to first principles, persist driver and engine could be pro- I sanitarium to die. We have pitied
ecuting prisoners is one proofs that in their loyalty to the horse.
armor or bullet-proof cloth, that the men who have forced them­
the government of Nicaragua is not
Some day persons who yearn for would absolutely protect them at selves into sanitariums through
entitled to confidence or respect. new methods of transportation will
that height. Lack of fuel would ■ undue activity of mind and body
There ought to be something said be buying aeroplanes, and the
bar the aeroplane from use for in getting more. But now we pity
against the rise of the neurotics airship makers will be in lively
as much the man who, in getting
anything but coast defense.”
who propose, in great cities, to coini>etition with the automobile
New flying records have been less. gets him to a sanitarium,
drive crowing cocks out of town manufacturers. In the meantime
What if he should change his
undsuppress whistlers in the streets. the faithful horse will be plodding made in sensational fashion by
mind? Having gone dead broke
Cn easfar away from nature as along in his old-fashioned way. both Curtiss and Brookins, the
prize by in paying the sanitarium in ad­
the neurotics would like to get us, Steam plows have driven him from former winning the
vance for the term of his life, he
our great cities would suiell of some of the big Western farms, but
would be unable to go to a hotel,
valerian and their only sound, day the onrush of agricultural pros­ day in 1:14:59, and with an avarage
such as healthy bodied and healthy
tir night, would lie the complaining perity will not for many years de­
minded men patronize, where there
voices of those who should get to a prive us of the one-horse farmer. half. Before this, Saturday, Brookin
is the noise of clinking glasses, of
The horse cau find his way in lo­ tatablished a new world’s height ice rattling in pitchers alongcorrid-
Judge Swayze of the Supreme calities where steam plows and
record by flying his Wright .mach­ ers, and of poker chips in the next
Court of Hudson County, N. J. automobiles are useless for any
ine to an altitude of 6175 feet. On room. Mr. Pearson should think
(Jersey City), in a special charge to practical purpose.
Farming on that occasion Brookins was con­ again between now and spring. A
t le grand jury, gave notice that if xoiiie of the many hillsides, for
fronted with the danger arising past grand millionaire dying in a
an attempt were made to show the instance, is ini|H>ssible without the
from the exaustion of his gosoline sanitarium may be lean enough to
Jeffries-lohnson tight pictures in sure-footed horse, or the much
supply when he had just started get through the needle’s eye easier,
Ilia jurisdiction he would ask the abused mule. Steam plows could
The man with a paid up policy has the satis­
downward, so that his engine stop­ but, from the purely human point
jury to find indictments, as he be­ make no possible headway in reg­
ped and he liad to coast the rest of of view it looks better for a man
of knowing that premiums thereafter
lieved that tile pictures "pander to ions where the furrows climb by
the way through shifting air cur­ to die with his back up than down.
the vicious anil disorderly elements the rouiid-and-round process, and
: will not pester him.
rents to the earth. It took him fifty
of society." Mayor Gaynor of New where farmer and team ha veto exer­
Hay Fever aad Asthma
six minutes to ascend and seven
York adhered to his original cise care less they literally fall off
When you have ZACHMANN install your
Bring discomfort and misery to
minutes to come down.
decision that there was no law the farm.
many people but Foley's Honey and
you can rest assured that your job is
under which he could bar the fight
Tar gives ease and comfort to the
There have been many predic­
A Human Point of View.
suffering ones. It relieves the con­
pictures in that city.
paid up when finished, and does not like any
tions in recent years of the ultimate
gestion in the head and throat and
Dr. M. K. Kassabian, known as extintion of the horse, butallthingH
Daniel K. Pearson of Chicago, is soothing and healing.
other jobs call for premiums in the shape of
one of the leading investigators
the millionaire who has announced genuine but Foley’s Honey and
constant repairs.
in the science of the Roentgen rays He will be here for a long time- in that the way to die poor is to give Tar in the yellow package.-For Sale
mid their application to surgery, the shows, at the races, on the away all your money, announces by C. I. Clough.
Remember our reputation where workman­
«lied in the Jefferson Hospital farms, in the cities—before he shall that by next spring he will have Twenty-Five Cents is the Price of
Philadelphia, from cancer con­ have been listed with the animals disposed of the last of his balance
ship is considered ZACHMANN always gets
Thi terribleitchingand smarting,
tracted in his experiments with the that were.
now on hand and will enter a sani­ incident to certain skin diseases, is
the job.
rnys. Dr. Kassabian had continued
tarium to remain there the rest of almost instantly allayed by ap­
City Men on the Farm.
liis work after he knew that the re­
his life. As he is now 90 years of plying Chamberlain’s Salve. Price
Suppose the average unemployed
25 cents. For Sale by Lamar’s Drug
sult must prove fatal to him, and
age, it is plain that he does not ex­
one of his last nets was the correc­ man.of the city did get "back tothe pect to stay long in the sanitarium, Store.
tion of the proofs of his nonu-
particularly as that announcement Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera and
niental work on "Electrical Thera­ he would need help to get back to is coupled with one that he is badly
Diarrhoea Remedy the best
and Surest.
peutics nnd Roentgen Rays.” Hie the city. The reason would l>e that afflicted with rheumatism. It is
”It affords me pleasure to state
experiments hud shown how the he would not know what to do inconceivable that a man in his
rnys hnve the |n>wer to stimulate with the land when he got there. normal mind would enter any sort that I consider the preparation
known as Chamberlain's Colic,
the white corpuscles of the blood Not too many lifelong farmersknow of invalid's retreat or resort to re­ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the
up to n certain point, niter which well what to do with the land. The main a length of time which he best and surest of good results of
continuation of the treatment might problem of the soil is not chiefly to would have reason to believe would any I have ever usedin my family,
says P. E. Herrington, of Mount
cause serious evils. He also found, get the surplus of population to it, be long.
Aerial, Ky. This is the universal
when it was too kite to save him­ but to teach those who may get to
The action of the Chicago mil­ verdict of all who UBe this remedy
self, how a doctor may protect him­ it and those who are already on it lionaire is certain to be touted,
M Its cures are so prompt and effect­
self from the evil effects of using how to use it profitably and how to previous actions of
have ual that people take pleasure in
Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicatii
the rnys.
get social pleasures out of the rural been, as putting Mr. Rockefellow recomnianding it.— For sale by
Lamar's Drug Store.
Employers of hilxir are said to life.
and Mr. Carnegie, and all of their
It is in the promotion of this professions, to shame. They will Help for
be watching with much interest the
Those Who Have
Stomach Trouble.
the be again advised that the only way
outcome of an experiment ih profit necessary
After doctoring for about twelve
sharing recently put in operation National Farm Homes Association, a rich man can make sure of dying
nt Glenn Ridge, N. J., by the Nev-
poor is to drop all his money. It and spending nearly five hundred
ins-t hurch Press. This company a, practical promise. It is not in may be denied that if a man, when dollars for medicine nnd doctor’s
has insured every one of the MO tlie comparatively small additional pursued by wolves, would drop fees, I purchased my wife one box
Special Brew
■ lien mid women employed in its increase of cultivation the associa­ in the trail everything he has at of Chamberlain's Stomach and I.iver
plant as n kind of merit system, tlio tion itself will open up which con­ once, the wolves would reach him ! Tablets, which did her so much
good that she continued to use them
size of the policy being measured stitutes this value. That value lies more quickly, after one brief stop. !___
and ___
have done her more good
_« ...
__ - I -____
------- all
- of
by the esteem in which the employe in its teaching of how to farm, how than they could after many stops I then
the medicine
is held. The insurance takes the to instill the co-operative spirit he might force them to make by ¡ FJ
ul,leL. Boyer,
^°Xer’. Folsom,
place of a bonus for extra work and niiMing individually inde|>endent feeding them on the installment Iowa. This medicine is for sale by
loyalty to the interests of the com­ m in. The movement is essentially plan. The chance of escape in such Lamar’s Drugstore. Samples Free.
pany. The employe lias the privi­ inspirational, as well as instructive. a case is to make the ballast last as
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure
lege of selecting the beneficiary Lt exemplifies the common interest long and go as far as possible in any case of kidney and bladder
and the company pays the prem­ of all the people in meeting the giving the pack frequent occasion trouble not beyond the reach ot
Soda Waters. Sipthons, Bartlett Mineral Water.
iums. If nn employe quits the ser­ problem of supplying food to meet to stop, and utilizing the time medicine. No medicine can do more
For Sale by C. I. Clough.
vice for many reasons he gets the the demand.
If only one group of scientifically
policy as it stands and may keep it
up or let it lapse ns suits him. suiall farms nlxiut a central com­
There is no accident provision. The. munity farm were established in
company is a union shop and pays Missouri its influence would irresist­
the highest scale.
ibly spread first to its immediate I
Th bearish talk about Amerci- neighborhood, next to its various
can securities in the Ktiropenn sections of the state. Diffuse such
press din ing the past fortnight lias "laboratories for agricultural de-
called foith numerous assertions moniatration,” as Mr. F. D. Tucker
of prosperity and its sound basis in ot St. Louis called them, through-
good crops from prominent Ameri­ outthe country generally. and indiff­
cans bunkers mid railroad men, erence or ignornnee could not pos­
such as J. J. HUI, W. C. Brown. W. sibly hold out against the material
E. Corey and others. At the same I results of the teaching. And un­
time one pessimistic note of ex­ employed land would no longer be
ceptional authority hits been sound­ useless as a means of relief to un­
ed, namely, an interview with employed people.
1 lionias B. Walker, the Minneapolis
Bowel Complaint in Children
Wo earnestly invito yon to make your SUMMER OUTING at
lumber king, reputed to be the
When six months old the little
second richest man in the country. daughter of K. N. Dewey, a well
NESKOWIN PARK, for we predict that vou will never^ have
In a press dispacli he we s quoted known merchant of Angeville, Va.,
cause to regrot that yon chose this ideal spot Of course you will
as saying that tf the tremendous had an attack of Cholera infantum.
Colic, Cholera and
drum of American cash should Chaiutierlain'»
take your annual vacation! Then, by all means, COME TO
Diarrhoea Remedy was given and
continue from Europe^ amounting effected a complete cure. Thia
to fi.WXIt.tW yearly, nothing could remedy has proven very successful
prevent a diaantrou* panic again in cases of bowel complaint in
overtaking thia country. He gave children and when given according
to tlie plain printed directions can
NESKOWIN represents much that la beautiful to the eye of the lover of
his talk a {Hilitieal tinge by saving be relied upon with perfect con­
ollie W.
that the iui|>eiiding panic would be fidence. When reduced with water
nature. The surroundings are ideal, the location the most perfect of .n.
started by Democratic success in and sweetened it is pleasant to take,
BEACH RE30RT on the whole OREGON COAST. In making the foregoing
Tillamook City, Oregon
the full elections throughout the which la of great import*nee when
a medicine must t>e given to young
assertion we know that this may be questioned, but we extend to you our tnn-
country, Itut he adds that the children. — Forealebv Lamar's Drug
tation to come, vidt and behold as wo have seen. NESKOWIN has the most
Pirate mail me map and IdrraUS
trouble could be stavmt
off if Store.
A beautiful little park -a stop's throw” from the finest
l>eo|4e would stop «|>ending money ■ Proper Treatment for Dysentery
and Diarrhoea.
ftShln« °n OTO hand: deeP
tt^ing on the
The great mortality from dysent­
k ‘«J Jhe heart of a prosperous dairy and fanning community
'•la Life Wroth Living T"
ery and diarrhoea is due to a lack of
Henty of fresh milk, cheese, vegetable« and sea food right at hand. Thia U
Mr*. Mollie McRnney, Prentiss. proper treatment at the first stages
Minn., write» th-.il she Im.l a- severe of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic,
the place that IN V1TE8 YOU COME.
cane of ktduey and bladder trouble, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
nnd that lour Isittlen of Foley's a reliable and effectual medicine,
Kidney Remedy cured her sound and when given in reasonable time
and well. She closes her letter by say­ will prevent any dangerous con- 1
ing ‘‘I heartily recommend holey’s.
__ ,_______ ____________
I sequences.
It has been __
in ____
use ....
for i
the coupon and mail TODAY—NOW.
Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of many yearn and has always met
kidney disease. It saved my life." i with unvarying aucceas. For sale by
C- I. Clough.
‘Lamar’s Drug Store.
Aeroplane Gunnery Tested.
Motors and the Horse.
The Fast Steamer
Leaves Tillamook for
Astoria and Portland,
Each Week.
Freight and Passengers.
A Paid Up Policy
Hop Gold. Beer,
Columbia Bottling Co,
Astoria, Oregon-
n_’» out