Itcablioht. I** Vel. XXIII. No. 8. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY HARVEST SALE Of Sun Bonnets. HARVEST SALE Of Ladies’ Shopping Bags. Ladies’, Misses’ and Childrens Suiibonnets, made of Ginghams', Chambrays and Percales. Regu­ lar 25 and 3oc. value. Sale Price, ea 19c. HARVEST SALE Of Fancy Belt Buckles. A lot of fine Black and Tan Morocco Shopping Bags. Regular values up to $3.00 each. A Big assortment of handsome jeweled Belt Buckles, all late novelties. Regular values to $2.48 each. Sale Price, each 29c. Sale Price, ea. 98c. Harvest Sale Of Cotton Wash Goods. Batistes, Organdies Lawns, etc., Imported Scotch Zephyrs - Indian Head Linens - - Cotton Diagonals - - Fine Grade of Lawns - Soisettes, all colors - - Imitation Shantungs - - Silk Dot Cotton Novelties - 25c. value,yd. 10c. 50c. »» yd. 17c. 45c. » ♦ yd. 17c. 35c. * » vd. 17c. 45c. » » yd. 17c. 45c. 7 ♦ yd. 25c. 45c. » > yd. 25c. 60c. * » yd. 37c. 28. 1910 fi.oo per year HARVEST SALE Of Stock and Veil Pins. HARVEST SALE Of Pillow Cords. A great big lot of these dainty. Jeweled Pius, also a lot of collar Pins. Regular values to 75c. each. Sale Price, ea. 19c. Your choice of this tine assort­ ment of handsome Silk Mercerized Pillow Cords. Regular value 88c. each. Sale Price, ea. 63c. 4tahôHïs Harvest Sale Of Laces and Embroideries. Laces and Insertions, 10 cent value, yard Elyra Wash Laces, 20 cent value, yard Embroideries and Insertion, 15c. value, yard Wider Embdy’s & Insertions, 20c. value, yd. Band Embroideries values to $2.00, yard Waist fronts anti all overs, values to $2.25, yd. Corset Cover Embdy, 75 cent values, yard fc. 10c. 6c. 9c. 19c. 67c. 33c. FIRST ANNUAL HARVEST SALE HARVEST SALE Of Ladies’ Collars. Embroidered Tabs and Turnovers, 15c. values, ea. 5c. Embroidered Tabs and Turnovers, 25c. values, ea. 9c. Embroidered Tabs, Regu­ lar 50 cent values, each 19c. collars, Ladies’ Fancy values to 75 cents, each 29c. Cellars, Ladies’ Fancy values to $1.25, eath 39c. 1-2 This is the first big annual Harvest Sale ever given in Tillamook County, and it will be made a regular Yearly event by this big <3 Store. It is a season of the year when stocks must be cut down to the smallest possible minimum and sold regardless of cost and values of merchandise in order to do this. See the values we quote here and remember that these are only a few of the great store­ full of Bargains. HARVEST SALE 1-2 LADIES’ TAILORED SUITS JUST ONE-HALF PRICE. HARVEST SALE Of Men’s Neckwear. Men's ready made Bow ies, - - Each 5c. Men’s Club Bow Ties, 25c. value, - - Each 19c. Men’s Bat Wing Bow Ties, Regular 50c. value, each 25c. Men’s 50 cent four-in-hands, Each 35c. Men’s 75c. and $1.00 four-in- hands, - - - Each 45c. $9.85 HARVEST SALE $9.85 Men’s Hand Tailored Clothing. This will be the last call, fellows to participate in our Suit Bargain Feast, Ladies, these suits are the very latest designs from the most exclusive Don't fail to get in on it as the saving of money is a real genuine induce- Ladies’ Garment manufacturers in the United States, and they must be merit to all of you. We are offering every suit in the House (with the ex­ closed out during this great Harvest Sale at just exactly one ception of blues and blacks). Suits that we sold for $16.50, EVERY MILE POST $17.00 and $18.50 at a price that in some cases is actually below half Price. ON ALL THE $20.00 Suits, $10.00. $22.50 Suits, $11 25. $25.00 Suits, $12.50. the cost of materials. COUNTY ’S ROADS $30.00 Suits, $15.00. $35.00 Suits, $17.50. $50.00Suits, $25.00. Don’t wait, but come at once, as the price will soon create LEADS YOU TO • Don’t Miss this Sale. havoc with the stock. ...... Suits $9.85 HALTOM’S. HARVEST SALE HARVEST SALE OF OF Genuine Imported English Chinaware Men’s & Boy’s Shoes. This is a sale that all good Housdkeepers should be sure and take advantage of. It is a sale during which the China closet can be replenished at a great saving of money. Men’s Tan “ Florshiem” Oxford’s Ties and Shoes, Regular *5.00, *6.00 and $7.00 value. - - Pair $4.45 A quantity of High Grade “ Peter’s Oxford's for men, Regular values to *4.00. Now Pair $2.95 Boy’s Tan and Oxblood Oxford’s Regular *3.00 values. Now per Pair - $1.95 Boy’s Shoes, Heavy Black and Oxford’s, values to $2 25. Sale Price, Pair $1.19 English Plain Ware. Golden Arrow Ware. 4 inch Platea, cut from 50c. Set of (J to 39c. 5 inch Plates, cut from (JOc. Set of 6 to 49c. 6 inch Plates. cut from 75c. Set of 6 to 59c. 69c. ,, ,, 7 inch Platea, cut from 85c. 79c. ,, 8 inch Platea, cut from M6c. ,, 63c. ,, Tea Cups, cut from 80c. ,, 83c. Coffee'Cupa, cut from $1.00 ., ft 69c Cou|>e Soups, cut from «5c. ,, 27c. 4 inch Fruita, cut from 35c. „ „ 4 inch Piute* cut from HUc.Set of <> to 63c. 5 inch Plates, cut from UKc. » • 79c. ft 0 inch Plates, cut from $1.15 »» t t 89c. 7 inch Plates, cut from $1.40 ft $1.10 ft 8 inch Plates, cut from $1.(15 tt $1.29 ft Tea Clips, cut from $1.45 ft $1.19 ft Coffee Cups, cut from $1.80 t • $1 49 Coupe Soups, cut from $1.45 $1.19 ttle - -_ Now 15c. ’’Eastman’s” Talcum Pow­ der, Regular 25c. bottle« Now 15c. ’’ William’s” Talcum Pow-' der, Regular 25c. value. Now 15c. HARVEST SALE Comforters & Blankets Of LACE Curtains HARVEST SALE OF Full size 11-4 Cotton Blan­ kets, fine grade, regular *1.50 value. Now per pair, $1.39 Full Sized Whit j tilled Comforters, yarn tied, regu­ lar $1.50 values. Now $1.39 Full size pure white Cotton tilled comforters, regular ♦ I 75 values. Sale Price, $1.49 Pure White Cotton tilled Comforters, $2 50 values. Now $1.98 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yds long, Regular $1.35 values Sale price, pair $1.10 Embroidered Net Notting­ ham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, Regular $2.25 values. Sale price*, pair $1.89 Nottingham Lace Cottage Cur­ tains, 2% yds. long, Regular $1-00 value. Sale price, pair 83c. I