Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 21, 1910, Image 6

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    * /
ir... .. «„r
for should a fire start from tl e
brush the county would be some-
»hat to blaze should any damage
Which of the two
build to Bayocean and Netarts first ? ' occur.
It seems thatGeo. F. Zimmerman,
The Golden Gate lias a new cap­ who endeavored to cut a big swarth
tain and a new crew.
Pertiaps in this city some few years ago when
the vessel will not get stuck quite became to th is city as the minister of
as often now.
1 the Christian Church, has almndon-
Sorry, Bro. Effenberger, that you . ed Ilia wife and family, who are liv-
could not represent ycur end i.f ' ing in a tent. We understand that
the county at the big Republican i the officials are endeavoring to lo­
cate him. We have our opinion of a
meeting in Portland today.
man and what should be done to
The automobile craze has struck him who marries a woman, and
Tillamookers awfully bad. Well, after raising a family, abandons
why shouldn’t this neck of the them to rustle for themselves.
wood enjoy some of the luxuries may not be a very charitable thing
of life as well as other parts.
to recommend, but there are a great
mapy man who would have no ob­
We want to inform the Hearald’s jection to string up such brutes. Here
grouty, anti-assembly, anti-Rcpub-
we have a man who came here ex­
lican editor that tl e I-. e ublicans pounding the precepts of the Naza-
are having one of the I iggest get rene and denouncing the vice of the
together meetings ever belli in Ore­
city in vehement terms from the j>ul-
Bully for the Republican
pit of the Christian Church. A large
number of persons watched Zim­
Isn’t thia funny kind of logic. merman fall from grace, not only-
The attorneys can get together bringing disgrace on himself, but
and nominate a ticket, and that brought religion into disrepute as
is considered al light, tint when the well. The lirute has gone off some­
Republican party get together anil where to rustle a living for himself,
nominate a ticket, why, that’s all but as far aa Zimmerman appears
to care his wife and children can
It is the privilege of every voter be destitute and starve. We feel
to belong to whatever party they like saying a good many uncharit­
desire, but it is poor business able and un-Christian things when
when a person claims to tie a we run across such men as Zimmer­
Republican, registers ns a Repub­ man, but we will desist, with the
lican an I t len votes for Democratic hope that the good people of Tilla­
policies anilDemocratic candidates. mook will care for the wife and the
children of this ex-preacher, who
So the Democratic agitators could could not serve God and mammon
not prevent Republicans getting to­ at the same time. We have seen a
gether for the purpose of running large number of persons come to
their own affairs, for the Republi­ this county who have fizzled out in
cans are holding a big rally in Port­ a short time, for that class of indi­
land today, which is evident that a viduals soon show their true char­
Democratic tail cannot wag the Re­ acters. and, like, Zimmerman’s,
publican dog any longer.
they turn out pretty black.
Editorial Snap Shots
» 'X
■ ’’-1
We understand that
the com-
mittee appointed to revitte the city
charter is open to receive any aug-
gestions from the citizens.
II -adligllt would
wuy of a starter, that the committee
give the commission system of run­
ning municipal corporationscareful
• ■
Tillamook Comity would have had
a big boom this year had the P. R.
A N. Co.’s railroad been completed.
T.iere is not much doubt that by
early spring next year the road will
be in shape for travel. And with
the United Railways building into
Tillamook this county is booked
for a double boom next yeur.
. .
Gee !
The announcement that
Tillsiuookers will Is* able to reach
Portland in two hours is enough to
in ike them shout with joy. The
experience of riding on the hurri­
cane deck of a Cayuse crossing the
Count range in winter or hitting the
high places while feeding the fish
crossing the bar will be things
of the i>ast.
’ft ;
I ■
The anti-assembly, anti-Republi
can newspapers, like the Herald of
thia city,
naturally feel awfully
grouty and sore because the Re­
publican party of Oregon is going
to run ita own affairs without being
dictated to by a lot of sorehead poli­
ticians. If Bro. Trombly will scratch
his aore spot and get a Democratic
mule to assist him, we will gamble
that he will feel better.
■ >
■ A-*
% • <
Six liven were lost in the district
around Spokane by forest tires. It
would lie n most serious calamity
to Tillamook County should forest
tires get started here, for thia line
been an unusually dry spring. It
behooves everybody who can to
prevent forest tires at thin seusoii
of the year, for once it gets started,
no one can tell where it will end
or who it will burn out or kill.
One drawback to Bayocean is the
lack of a wagon or railroad to tluit
seaside resort, which will always tie
a detriment to it until one or the
otlier in secured. A road from this
city and extended along the south
shore of Tillumook buy was taken
up some time ago by the business
men of thin city, but the matter w an
allowed to drop. In all probability
one of the railroads will lie wanting
to build to Bayocean in the future,
but there should be a wagon road
1* . »
"We are all acquainted with the
The timber owners on the Wilson
fact that two attemiita to get the
river have went a complaint to the I ! precinct
committeemen to act on the
County Court la-cause Road Super asaemblv t>r<>|>oaition it wax given ■
viaor Hichey, after cutting the brush up as a bail job, and in fact at the 1
on that road, is leaving it on the ' last meeting called by CountvCom-1-
mute«-man F. C. Baker only six'i
stdes of the ma«t, thus jeopardizing committeemen
' w.ere present' and
the timber should it ha|>|>en to lie they decided to let the
L. j axaemblv |
act on tire at thia dry season o( the l'lHn »lone,
»However, the state i
year. The complaint is a just one, «committee lias i*nt it up to Mr
for there is no sense in helping to Baker to rustle 12 delegates some 1
how, front somewhere, with the re- '
create a condition of affairs which suit that the mu«l Bader has deliver i
would start a great forest tire. All ed the goods."—Tillamook Herald.
will admit that it is a menace to the' W hat a terribly bad. wicked man i
timber to allow a lot ot dry brush to I Baker must be. to be sure, but he ia I
remain on the aideaof a public road. not nearly aa bud as the j«erson who i
Noone is desirous of weeing their put»liahed such falsehoods and <
ow.i ppaparty )*Q|»ardiie«l t>ecau • tominv-mt as ie contained in the i
of the ne/esaarv rorethought on the I atiove. In the firat place. "County <
part of road auftervisora, and we are Committeeman F. C. Baker" did not ,
of thsofunion that the County Court I and had no authority to call the pre- a
should l«M>ae no time in taking heed cinct committeeinert together. The «
to tbe Umber owners' com|daint. I Repubhcan County C«iuimittee was j ‘
A ''M
One hears all manner of sugges­
tions and complaint« about road
building and waste of money in.road
building and reconstructing roads
in Tillamook County. It is not in
the spiritof fault findingor to whine
over spilt milk that we again refer
to this important matter which
concerns the whole county and the
pockets of the taxpayers. No one
will deny that the county is not get­
ting the permanent roads for the
large amount of money that is ex­
pended, and it often happens that
the Count/Court is unjustly criti­
cised, when, infact.it should be the
unsatisfactory system of road build­
ing that should be brought into the
limelight. The present system was
all well and goo<l when the county
was in its infancy and the settlers
needed a little road work every year
to help them out while they cleared
up land. That condition of affairs
does not exist today, only to a small
extent, yet for all that it is a well
known fact that a great many settlers
have done comparatively little work
mid have idled away considerable
time while employed on rond work.
Most people would think the Head­
light man was crazy and would meet
with failure if he undertook to ex­
pend $1IM),(X)O in building a railroad,
a steamlMHit, u building, or a fac­
tory, and had no practical, experi­
enced person to direct and oversee
it. That is jxnicticaliy what Tilla­
mook County has been doing with
road building, and it is a wonder to
us that we have as good roads ax we
have and that they did not cost more
with no practical head, plans or
system to manage and direct it. Ax
no private individual or corporation
wopld expend $1H>,(XD annually with
such a slip-shot system to work by,
«♦e do not see why the county should,
unless it is to give a few political
pets a life-long job fixing and re-
tixing roads, and to be re-fixed a
good many tunes more if they are
not properly fixed and established
by a practical road builder. We have*
repeatedly referred to thia matter
with the hope of getting people to
see the practical, business-like me­
thod» that shouhi be used in road
building. We want to see good roads
and, like a great many otlier people '
we want to see better roads for the '
large niixKinl of money expended '
upon, but we do not exjiect to see '
this until there ia a practical head
to plan out and oversee the road
U-gether by Attorney H. T.
Bott», chairman of the county com­
mittee. Owing to so few being pre­
sent at the first meeting another
meeting was called. On the last date
there were about ten committeemen
in the city, and those from the south
end met at ten o’clock, while those
from the north part of the county,
being under the imprevBion that
the meeting was called for one
o’clock, did not attend. The com­
mitteemen who met in the morning
finding so few present, took no ac­
tion one way or the other in regard
an assembly, hence it is a falsehood
to say that the committee "decided
to let the assembly plan alone.”
The County Chairman not deeming
it necessary to call another meeting,
as several members said they would
not attend, no further action was
taken. Then the Republican State
Committee, desirous of seeing Tilla­
mook County represented at the
Republican State Assembly in Port­
land today, appealed to the editor,
who is State Committeeman for Till­
amook County, to have representa­
tive Republicans chosen as dele­
gates. The editor did this, but not
in the manner that the grouty, anti­
assembly, anti-Republican editor of
the Herald is endeavoring tohmpresA
upon the jieople. The editor of the
Headlight took the position, as all
loyal Republicanswill coincide, that
Tillamook County should be repre­
sented at the Republican State As­
sembly. And it is. And the "routy
editor of the Herald,¡why, ht’s kick­
ing like the rest of the Democratic
mules. Hee—haw, Bro. !
Following ie a liet of books added
to the public library:
The Cattle Baron’a
A Leaven of Love.
Biography of a Boy. i
Bacon. J- D.
Bronte, C.
The Professor.
Bos her.
Bower. H. M. Chips of the Fly- I
ing U.
Silver Horde.
The Barrier Harbour.
Barbour, R. H. A Captain Chub.
Four in Camp.
The Christian.
Caine, Hlffl
Crawford, M —
The >
Connor. Ralph The Foreigner,
comfort. W. T. R?utledgeRid*A>one I
Chamberlain. The Coast of Chance.
The Younger Set.
Churchill, w. Cor’Ston.
Mr. Crowe’s Career.
King Spruce.
Dickinson, H. Sir Guy and Lady
TheHound of Basker­
The Heart of Desire.
Dejeans, E.
The Confessions of
Opium Eater.
Origin of Species.
Davie. R. H. Soldiers of Fortum.
Dorothy South.
Garrison's Finish.
Elsie Diasmore._
Elsie’s Girlhood.
» »
f f
I >
Grandmother Elsie.
Handbook of Alaska.
Daddy Jake.
Bella Donna.
Hichens, R.
Open Country.
Hewlett, M.
Isham, F. S. The Strollers.
Black Friday.
» »
The Lady of the
The Delafield Affair.
The Lion and the
Klein, Chas.
Kramer, H. M, [. Hearts and the Cross
Notice is hereby given, that the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, will receive bids for the
construction of a bridge across tbe
North Fork of Nehalem River, at
what is known as the Zweifel place,
according to plans and specifica-
tions on file at the office of 1 the
County. Clerk.
A certifie'1 check eoual to 5 r»er
ce t if the a nount of the bid n u t
acc-.mpany each bill as a guarantee
that the bidder will execute a bond
for the comjiletion of the contract
if awarded the same.
All bids must be filed in the
office of the County Clerk of Tilla­
mook County, Oregon, on or before
9 o’clock a. tn., Wednesday, the
3r l day of August, 1910.
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the Court.
J. C. H olden ,
County Clerk.
The Remedy That Does.
"Dr. King’s New Discovery is the
remedy that does the healing, oth­
ers promise but fail to perform,”
says Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn
Centre, Pa. "It is curing me qf
throat and lung trouble of long
standing, that other treatments re­
lieved only temporarily. New Dis­
covery is doing me so much good
that I feel confident its continued
use for a reasonable length of time
will restore me to perfect health.’,’
This renowned remedy is sold at
Chan. I. Clough’s drug »tore. 50c.
and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
When the Trout Begin to Run.
Mamma says that pa’s a puzzle-r
Says she can’t quite make him out.
Ain’t «to corking up his muzzle
When he’s talkin’ ’bout the trout.
He's a Usher, is my dadoy!
Guess he's something like his son.
For he jess goes all to jrieces
When the trout begin to run.
’Fore I wake he's tip and fixin’
All his tackle, bait and lunch.
An' the way he tries to hurry
Seems as though he had a hunch.
Then he gets a flask o’ snake-cure,
"For the rattlers"—just like fun —
Mamma says that dad is crazy
When the trout begin to run.
Onct my rlaJdy took me with him.
But he made me keep so still.
That was worse 'n some old funeral
'N I almost had a chill.
Guess the snakes they must a bit
Though I didn't see a one—
For lie emptied the whole bottle
When the trout begin to run.
Never makes a bit o’ difference
If he brings home fish or not;
Daddy always tells my mamma
'Bout the whoppers that he caught
But the day that I was with him.
Seems he didn’t catch a one.
Daddy tells some funny stories
When the trout began to run.
Of the Church of Christ !• Christ, the
same ns that of Peter expressed in the
■ood confession. • Thou nrt the Christ,
the Son of the living Got?*
Human creeds differ and cannot aU be
They are uned * to better under­
stand ami eiplaln the Bible, but since
they differ in vital points, it is neces­
sary to
first know and understand
the Bibte before accepting any one of
them, and after undeestandlng
knowing the Bible
the man
creed, even the right is useless and If
wrong, then vastly more than useless.
Come to the Bible School next Lord's
Day morning
to learn and discuss
more of the living creed, revealed by
God. that needs no revision.
l.e.wn—Matt »v(. 13-3»
Hour—10 a m. to 11:30 x.m
Church of Christ.
SstUing Thsir Nickn>mM>
“A trsveler trmw 1.1«,
Plug man ih» «»ilei «t.i> i,.,IUM. JB]
ois» eaiied min x Uv<*r|«iiditia-*
III» city sshvnntu “| <-oiu,ik-|
nini. Imi in» man wla> «m» „..uJTNI
t»>»d tl.» m*«iii <1«.-i:ii». ti,a.
111» propei nume ha peopi»
in |.|ier|xu4
"lie ixiiiiiwi mn ttiai || i»,,«]
List of New Book«.
dry called
Mark Twain M»da a Clean Br»a»t of
it to His Readers.
Mark Twain took the edllorlal chair
on the Buffalo Express In August.
Itk». and ibis 1» the ixirngrupii In
which be made the readers acquainted
with his new reiqxtnxlbility :
••I only wish to assure parties hav­
ing a friendly interest In the pros|>erily
of this Journal that I am not going &>
hurt the jxiper deliberately ami In'»*“
llouallv al auy time. I am not going
to Introdwe any atarillng reform or
in auy way attempt to make tmuble.
I am «Imply going to do my plain, un­
pretending duty-when I i< HIII,yJ t get
out of It. I I shall
------ work diligently and
..... i sud
boueatly and faithfully at all “ times
utxm nil occasions-when privation and
—. In
shall <<>in|*l ■ •«« — -•-■ 80
contine myself
writing I I-
to tbe truth, except when It is ntteutl
ed with Inionvenletxe. I «hall wltb-
erluglv rebuke all fornix of crime and
miM-ouduct. excejit when committed by
tbe party Inltalilting my own vest. I
shall not make any use of slung or
vulgarity u|xm any occasion or lu any
circumxtames and shall never use
profanity ex< ept lu discussing house
rent ami taxes. Indeed. H|xm second
thought. I will not even then, for It 1»
inelegant, uu-Christian ami degrading
I shall not often meddle with isflltics.
because we have a fsilltlcal editor who
is already excellent and only needs a
term In the fienlteutlary to be perfect.
I «ball m-t write any poetry unless I
conceive a spite against tbe subscrib­
designine III» llthnlilliiiiix i>| it|| ,’Ai
by eiiplioimuix iiuiuex
u yT'j
Grim Music.
“On one nccaxIoH. ’ wild « I'—fr
aclor. “I decided to take a buux a
I be «uburlis nod after a gmi«| Own
bunting about round one that
niy purse. Indeed. Il was so elra>
slvely cheap ilmt I was on the | h >I m d
signing tbe lease at once, n hen It «J
cornd to me that I bad better ugj
another look at It by gaslight. Tug
night I wax'making a secund m«t /
lns|ieetloii and weut Imo the dlnig
rimni It was a balmy summer nigtx,
and ns I threw open the wind»« |
lieard a peculiar tupping sound.
"Knix’k, knok. kuuek.
"I pricked up uiy emu tn list«».
There was »Hence for a moment, id
then the noise continued I lurried II
the caretaker and txughlngly said:
•• See here, my friend. I know iff-
this bouse Is cheap Tbere'9 a gta
ot< the j>remlsea.'
“'Oh. m>. sir.' he answered by tri,
of reassuring me. “Tltafs only th
noise from the cottin factory harrat
the way. sir. 1 bey bofteu worksite!
idgllts.' ”
He did not sign tbe lease.
Diffsrsncs B«tw»»n • Sanitarium and
a Sanatorium.
The words "sauitarium" and "sana-
torluai" are |a»pularly understexsi to
have the same meaning and are gen­
erally used Interchangeably when des­
ignating or describing pluces of ref­
uge for sl< k js-ople. but there Is. In
fact, quite a distinction between the
! meaning of the two words,
lu answer
Nancy Stair.
Lane Elinor
to a eorres|s>ndeut ou this subject the
London, Jack The People of the Literary Digest says:
"The distinction between these words
Mart in Eden.
Iles In the fact that they are derived
Diana Dethroned.
Letts, W. M.
from two different Latin roots. •San­
Brewster’s Millions. atorium' Is derived from the late Latin
sanatorlus. meaning health giving. The
The Butterfly Man.
Beverley of Grau- term relates s|s*clally to 'an institution
for treatment of disease or care of In­
Nedra M.
valids. especially an establishment em
Martin, H. R. The Crossways.
ploying uatural tbera|«*utle agents or
Morgan, W, D. '. It Can Never Hap­ conditions peculiar to the locality or
pen Again.
Green some s|iecitlc treatment or treating
particular diseases.' On the other
hand, 'sanitarium' Is derived from the
Dorothy Vernon.
Major. Chas.
The Forest Hearth. Latin sanltas. from sauus. meaning
the whole or sound. •Sanitarium' relates
McGrath, H.
more specifically to "a place where the
Puppet Crowned.
» »
hygienic conditions are preservative of
health us distinguished from one
where therapeutic ugencles are em­
The Manon the Box. ployed' Hence It Is the province of
a 'sanitarium' to preserve health, that
The Wolfe.
of a sanatorium’ Io restore It. Care
The Octopus.
The Port of Missing should be exercised in combining tbe
profier vowels lu these two words In
Lost Cabin order to indicate correctly tbe deriva­
Oppenheim,E-P- Ths Missioners.
Porter, A. G. S. Freckles.
Phillips, D. G. The Deluge.
The Cost.
My Lady of theSouth
Parrish, R.
Patterson, Jos. t. A Little Brother of
the Rich.
The Three Brothers.
Spinster Book.
The Circular Stair­
Lavender and Old
Reed Myrtle.
Scott, Sir W. Ivanhoe.
» »
Lay of the Last
The Song of Songs.
Whispering Smith.
Down South.
Thurston, K. C. The Masuerader.
The Gambler.
The Circle.
• »
Tracy’, Louis A Pillar of Light.
The Magic Forest.
White, S. E.
Lady Betty Across
the Water.
The Oar of Destiny.
White',’ S. w.
The Blazed Trail.
The Westerners.
The Claim Jumper.
Rebecca of Sunny
Brook Farm.
r and Sue.
Wason.Robt. A. Happy Hawkins.
Wright. HR Calling
The Shepherd of the
Up From Slavery.
Wister, Owen. Lin McLean.
The Spenders.
Webster. H. K. The Banker and the
Set in Silver.
Winfield. A.
T he Rover Boys on
the Plains.
The Rover Boys
on the Farm.
Rover Boys
on Land A Sea.
The Story Hour.
Wade. Nary H. Our Little Hawai­
ian Cousins
Betty Wales. Sen­
Betty W ales A Co.
Putnam Hall Ce
Pirgin. Chas. The Letter H.
la«ini«>iier. t’srixiiiii. Clil«’ii^,HIII
obvtoux limi li woiild ih * «litti. iiii idJj
au.vtblng else, bui huw aiHIIU
Ibnl do noi iittiliHl» so rendUy wun™^
•un' or •Ite?’
“Tboxe are thè «nlhit-x n)Ilw
niouly used io designine n h ,., ii (
live». Take Cork. A man
umy be a «orker. Imi timi Unewa'lil
|ily to s «buie 1-11.1 tuli <>| i»,,*
ueither does Corkile uor Curkmi
•The» there ls Meuqihls. W|>z(
you cali s mnn frinii Memphiz, uJ
bow, or trom Amsterdam, or l»ii|im.#l
Bruges, or Baili? By ih» nllH, jJ
nave xtiidled out thè proper
llonx for Ititixbiuinlx ot xll clip,
sili be api to strlke sotiit-ihlu« iig
suiinds fuiiuler than LlverpuiUhix«,
Washlngion l'ust.
Caught th« Jury.
"Oratory lx. Indeed, a lost art." all
a Clevelimd man the other day. "I
I us«*«I io go down io the court» Jut h
tieiu the lurid speeches. Nothing doltf
In that line any more. The lawyrrtit
not lalk about flowers, rainbow» id
suu I h ' siiih uuy more.
"Tlieie wits a lawyer lit CleveUM
years ng«»--Hill Kobinson was bls nine
| - w hose intilrexses to a Jury always it-
traeted a crowd. I will forever rvit»»
liter one of hi» sentences. The mao M
, wits lighting In the gull ha<1 a repoti-
, tlon ns sonietiilng ot a miser.
| " ‘Who is this nuiu. who is bet th»
der«-d Robinson. 'Vou know and I
know that be bolls his potatoes Io »fl­
ows' tears.'
“This phrase caught the Jury, ui
Itubtiixoo won bls case, but oue donit
hear any such oratory' as that oon
Teaching ths Cutpursas.
Stow In bis account of London be­ days.'*
tween 1500 and 1.190 depicts au imi
The Barebona Family.
kept by it kind of Fagin of the time of
The celebrated name ot Prnlte Od
Queen Eliza l>eth: “One IVottou kept
liarebone was borne by a iiteiiikffd]
an alehouse • « • near Billlugsgate.
Cromwell parliament called toflftl
and in the same house lie procured ail
er after the dissolution ot the toff
the cutpursex about the city to repair.
inirllament in 19.13. The royall«t* ct»
There was a school set up to learu
ed the assembly ••llarebones ISflk |
young boys to cut pursex. Two de­
At the time when G« m I
vices were hung up. The one was a uienl.”
Monk was In London Baretsme henJd I
pocket, the other was a purse. Tbe tin* trtob tbnt presented a petttio» ■*]
pocket had In It certain counters and’ parliament against the remll <f|
was hung about with hawk's bells,
Charles II. Of the Barebone
and over tbe top did bang a little scar­
there were three brothers. e«dt °G
ing bell. The purse had silver In It.
whom bad a sentence for a na«**
And be that could take out a counter Praise God Barelstne. Christ«* |
without aur uolse wax allowed to la* Into the-worid-to-save Rarehort» *■]
a public foyster. And he that could
If Christ-had not-died • tboit had«tl»*
take a piece of silver out of tjte purse
damned Barebone.
without noise of auy of the la*llx was
adjudged a judk-lal uypiler. ageordlng
Poison In Young Rsttl«»nskss
to their terms of art. A fo.vster was n
Otiser» iitions ou lire rattltsM^
pickpocket; a nypper was a plckpurse «how that the polsou glands hero*
or cutpurae."
funet tonally active as soon «» *
Trick» Any Husband Can Learn.
To tell yellow from green in match­
ing silk. To wash the dishes without
breaking more than two.
To keep'
quiet wheu he's spokeu to. To face
the cook wheu she's angry, To find
out what alls tbe gas range. To stand
In line an hour for two trading xt»nq>s.
To set up bls wife's brother in busi­
ness. To get up winter nights to In­
vestigate “robbers.” To smile when
bls old sweet hearts' ph-tnrvw are
burned up To prefer balms at home
to billiards at tire club. To drop Iris I
old friends Irecuuse they are “vnlgar ” .
To give up coffee because It disagrees
with bls wife.—Puck
snakes begin to shift for ’
wtil« h must be very soon aft*
Experiment» ou tbe young on**
days after birth proved tbe pre*»*
of venom In small quantities,
meats mads three mouths aftsr M*
showed that considerable veltoff
secreted, as a pigeon Innoculstei *
thia time died lu two hour«
usual symptoms of chronic poison!*»
The Value of Door«.
Wlien s man 1« crosa there Isn’t
thing In the world more iiggrav*»'
than a house with ail the coaa»**>
doors down or one that It*»
that close nolxelexslj
A man *** i
stain a door. He gets more
vt xlxuimlng a door. In iilxophi«’0-1
any one omlri get out of n liri«*
Is bls protest against everything **^1
world that Is wrong, ami it
I he isn't much older than 'hr
.that beats Us need on tbe floor.-*
son < ■ lobe.
Th« Old Man’» Schedule.
When they nxked tbe Btllrllle young­
ster what tbe "old man" wxa doing
now be replied:
"Well. Wheu be ain't talkin' bln bend
off 'bout breakfast bein' late he’« a
raisin' Caln with tbe hired bands, an'
when he ain't a doin' of them things
Hard «n Him.
he's a-dlggln' fer bait au' flsbln' In
"Hello. Ned. old Istff! " ¡«tlsx
the river an' a-doln' of nutbin' per- tot mu»ey?“ ' "*
tickler.”-Atlanta Constitution.
I “No"
“Wbat are vou makltig so
Kntirely Different.
I over^ Yoo've liceo fnmlng
“IPe all very well before a glrTe lettevi fur two te «ira “
married for her to get s (tower In her | "l'tp trylog to wrhe •»««'»*
hair.” remarked rhe observer of events «sklng far iisxiey.'*
There have been a young cow. and things, "but IPs an entirely differ­
with two calves, in the road for ent matter If. after «be a married, «be
The Usual Quantitv
Train I’assenger ilo l",rl*<’^Kj
nearly a week with out water only get» her hair tn flour."
wh-hting «blski-Moch dW* *" T:
when some one would turn them in
purler? tSwier— It«mt W» ‘«mts
for water. I turned them into my
«ah.-Host*si fraamrHft.
place last evening, where they can
get plenty of water and feed. Owner
Natura knows «" p"«««r I"
call for at once and pay charges.
and ««»»• tw~ tier r»rw ««• •••
' irgfl Donaldson. Fairview.
* - UvrtlM *