* - .y. í • '-«X taW C TILLAMOOK HEAD!IGHT¿_JÜLY 21. 19IQ. A QUICK CHANGE. MANY KINDS OF FLEAS, About 100 Diff,r,nt braci,. Ar, Known to Naturatili». ♦ I t ■j * I / I 41 I .1 » "Ray. Jen." said KalJr. llie IminHfe. (me i I the first mi I uni lists who de- I I voi«st Oieniselvt-a to waicblng flena. Willi while slilt- cotubs la her hair. **l siili sikìi mhroSi'ois-s ss were tbeu s»e Mamie has bh-aclied her liulr agalB. Ain't It terrible'*" avallatile, wns Leeuneiihis-k. n Duli'b “Yes. |s-rf«-Hy awful:" r<-pll«l Jco- man. «I mi llved et thè end of theseveu- "She asked nie If I wimld do It wrnbork dlncov* Ute levili li ceutury eml iliut n simili mite fed oli thè fica, If I Were site, mid I said 'yes.' Don’t aod li sns itila dtscovery wlikb I d •lie took |s rfectly dreadful-and It’s getting sireuked already You could «pirei Snìft’s fnmilliir liti«*; Icll In a minute It wus bleu' lu-d. the fio. naturalisti* ottserv,. » tira llsth sniallrr firs, mal on nlm prey. roots are so dark " Ano iheM- nave »mailer stili lo pii, am. ’ Sure I mill* *-d Hial!" reepondml And »*> prove«« a*l Infimium. Katie, "And. say. did you see tbe rag The fica'« |niTarile, however. to be of a dress slip had on yesierdny? Ami accurate. 1« uot suoi ber fles or It’s fit- grni'lou»: Ixioked |H*rf«’tly sveli «noiber I iism .-I. bui I h h mite drehdful. didn’t It?" i-bissisl miioiig tlie ssreoptldiie Llu "I’erferily dreadful." «-bo«1 Jennie iiaeii«. wrltlug In I7.7S. deaerila«! only ’’YVell. *he wauled a pattern, and I two s|s*eleH of fica. Tbe tirsi, wlileb gave her llie one of that dark blue silk wns thè liiimuu dea. Ile rlgbtly asineli !■ hnd three years ago." said Katie. l’ulex Irrlliiiis. Tbe second was I lie "You did*’ < big*** of ll*il eoiinlrles To Ibis, oil “Yes. I did." accollili of Ita liurrowliig bnbll. he "Ob"’ gare thè lisineof l’ulex fienetrniia. At "And ibe tint she was wearing." con tbe preseli! day alsiut -MIO dlffereut tlnued Katie, "Did you gw y«ur optics spe* le» of fica. Ini ve beeu dewrllied on that t" ami iiamed by tbe »mali band df sclen •’Yes." filli' meli « ho bave devolvi! tle-inselves “I’erferf sight, wasn’t ll?" to tlielr «Indi' Miai of Illese lane •Where did «lie gel It?" I km ’ ii dlscovered wltliln qulle rveent "Oti. down at I lieTHiHSly’a. FTielped ycars. so II la proba lite timi inniiy new her pl< k It oiil." was ’Katie’s reply. forma sud vsrletles wlll lie «tllecled "Why. why,, here come* Mamie ikiw ." aud obaervvd.-Ilnrold Bussell In lem she <‘oiiilliil*«l "Hello. Mamie, you don N’mloiinl Itevlew. dear. sww*t thing! How nke yotl look — hio darting for anvihtngf’ “Yes. indeed.” addisi JFunle. "Yon TIME do hs>k perfectly ebnrniliig. Ray. let’s all go aud get «ome seually for forging a tint stamp was death, whence, u<> doubt, llie misleru custom of th, iuuii who Knee Io church, wit > down, look« Into 111« hat-Io rend bls milker', uh me.'- London Chronicle. 1 I I 1 x'4 ■ ■ Th, Language. ... Till» I, « prtaty alata of affair», taai’t er -Tas. It ta a vary ugly «»attar, bat •omeissiy will b»v, to pay banltaoaMty tor 11 **-N,w York Journal. b • ? Z. A J PROCRASTINATION. Th, Habit of Putting Off Doing the Sariou, Things ct Lit,. Much ot the unhappiness and Iro- providence 111 life Is cmisnl by early hnhlis of procrastination-bnblta con tract«! unconsciously |».rhHpa wfleu character is In Its formative »tnge and at the very Huie wlien most attetitloii should be given to tbe imtrained utt- rure It Is so easy lo fail bit« a happy- go-lucky way of living, so easy to Jog along uneoucerti«l!y. doing tbe things which suit us best and perhajst which count tor tbe least and halving uudoue all llie acts mid unspoken nil Hie words and iinexpn*Ms»*d all the tbotiglifa ami iiiium «J all the advantages which m*e really so essriplal h> a Is-tler under staudlng of ourselves msl th, taondw- fill life la-lug lived about us! What a bright world of promise fid- tfll«*d Illis would be If rt*s|HmslblB«r could only lie made half as atlructlre as some of Hie minor dlverslmis wblili seem lo furnish so much pleasure to Ibelr piirtakers! If tbe hard places could la* made soft, tbe rocky roads smooth mid difficult undertakings easy, there would be small need for putting off from day to day the task of fulfill­ ing ally lank whatever. As II Is. with the certainly Hint happiness unalloyed la not wllbln the grasp of man and tvltli the knowledge that sorrow and trouble must come nt some time Into each of our Ilves. It s«*ems slraugv that for nil our weak human nnture we cannot learn the leaaou Hist pro- crastiuutlou teaches and betiellt there­ by Contrary Io popstar belief, banana* do not «row uu the trw as they bang tn the grueery-. big-w ith the »mull emj of the fruit pointing itpwttrd-tu all »¡»pearam ea upside down. There Is pro baldy no other fruit <>f such universal consuliipHun about wbich •» HHIe Is known to Hie average |s*rsuu as the banana. ’ Hciircety one mini In a flemhrnid hut counts-ted wWIi the Inudm-ss knows what a banana tree looka like. The fruit is never allowed to ripen on the tree, but la cut half or three quarter» "fuir’-tbat Is. half to three quarters developed, according to lip* distance It Into Is* shlp|s*d—and comes to maturity hr fe«*dliig from the stHlk. which contain« a large amount of sap' Bananas ent 1» this way attain pra*’- tlcally the same size as If allow«! to reimitn mi the tree. In which «ise ilm bunch bta-onnm too much of a bnrdeti for Its supiMjrt «nd either fiiUs <»r breaks I be tree a nd rifieus on the ground. After the cutting the plantation I* •'cleaned.' which merely consists of severing Hie standing trunks within a few feet of the ground, and a new tree comes forth from Hu* remahis of Its pred«essor. so that tlie fruit In all stages of growth Is to lrr:id and cheese and a glass ot ale. Having consumed bls. luueb. the guest sut a|>- rlgbt In bis clmlr fqr awhile, lenniog hla hutids on a heavy walklug cane and staring blankly ut rite opposite wall us If In u dream < if h sudden be gave n start. He seized the empty gLass and dashed It to the fio**r w-1 Ul­ uli Ills might, smashing It tb atoms He Hum rrfleeled for a monachi, In Id a coin *Mi the table, got up and left the luti without a word In any une. After blu depuriure another guest had the cariosity to ask the waiter wb<*tIl­ er the gentleman who had Just gone nut was not wroug Iu bls head. Quoth the waiter: ."Oh. no. sir? ' That’s nbthluk nn- usual with 'Im. sir, ’E’s broke mnyhe u 'pudred glasses since 'e’s l»*en a-com- ln' tq this 'mise, 'fc doni ,s«*m to know It when e does it. E Just- gits a-thlnkhi' mid seems to gif hungry al somethink 'e's tblnfctn' olsmt. It's the great Isrrd Mucuulay, air.“—St. James’ n Gazette. ,P- >r_ :r ' * j’Pù’l HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES I Fl R M We carry a Large Stock of XT iota Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, * r Th, Nam, Cuba. Cuba la the imine by which the la- land was or Iglnnlly kuowu tn the I.ti- ca.van Indians, who were with Colum­ Beverley minster. IM) miles uortb of bus when tie dlsi-overed It. One of Its Of Ismdon. Is the shrine of Hl John villages or i ll les wua culled by them Beverley, who died Iu the year 721. III Cubatiacau. and It Is re|s>rte»l that WIN Athelstan, king of England, gave from the similarity of sounds Colum­ several privileges to the monastery, bus. still aup|ioelug himself to lie on one ln*liig the |>rlvllege of smictuary. llie const of Asia. Iimiglned that this This whs uot merely for imiu slaying; must lie a city of Kublnl Kliim. the It was o[>eu to nil wrougdisTM except Tartar sovereign celebrated by Marco this««* who lit'd ls*en guilty of treason Pole. The survival of the original For ordinary offens»**. auch as horse name for Cuba la a remarkable Ill- An Office Buainat, Only. atoallng. cuttie stealing, being back A young muli call«l at die office of stance of persistence, as the Island has ward Iu accounts or Is-lng In receipt of aus|ievted goods, a man came Into ■ Justice of llie |s*ace and wltb some been latptiaed ami rebaptized many sanctuary about a mile from the mon hesitation made kuowu bls business, times since Its Eun>|H*nn discovery. astery or chtitvh. There us«l to be which was to tie married. The Jus­ Columbus first called It Juana In honor four crosses on tbe main roods lending tice Il-plied that he thought he could of I’rluce John, the son of Ferdinand to Beverley marking the limit of tbe perform th»* service and asked If the and Isnliella. After Fenllmind's death It was called iu Ills memory Fernan­ area In cases of manslaughter mid young uihu had tils llceuae. dina. Nubtwqnently this name was "Y«*s. sir." Hie youth replied. murder It was not aufficlent to Is- with changed to Saullago. after St. Jam«**, "Well, where Is lb«* young lady?” In one of these crosses. Before the the patron Mint of Spnln. I Still Inter "She—she's at her father',.'* fugitive could claim sanctuary lie mast It wan nameil Ave Marla. In i honor of "Well, bring her here." enter the diun b mid seat himself In "She'd rather lie married at home, the Vlrglu Mary. But none of these a atom* chair known as the ’’frhl names held, and the Indian ua me Is stool" or *’fr«Ml chair." To this place squire’’ "Ami you expect me to go there and still preserved. many lied for refuge from all i>arta of marry you?" the country. Rie, In th. Orient. ■’Yea. sir. If you pieuse." Ilice Is kept fur use In the orient In "Young man." said the Justice, "this Appropriata. The worshiper» Iu n certain chapel office of mine In like a department Ita husk. Just like bone oats or un- We sell matches here, but we tbriiHlxsl wheat. It Is called "paddy" had some trouble to keep their fines store straight a abort time ago During Hie don't deliver them al the bouse."— and Is lienten or tlirssli«) for «tally use. But pure husked rk-e Is too tWMRb and service some Commotion was caused Youth's Coui|iaulou. unattractive ks*klng for world mar- by n gentleman who accldenlally Ig beta. au If la itollslied In revolving cyl­ Cat, and D,gw nltcd a I hix of wax matches Iu Ills According to a Freucb Inveatlgator. inder, with French chalk to make It pocket mid waa trying to put them out. while Ills alarmed uetgbburs slrag domestic anlmala have a certain pretty. |marly alni aumotb. Hut this gird equally barri to help him. The siuoiiut of reaaonlug |>ower. often act roba It of Its outer layer aial moat val­ minister, being sliortsighted. «mid not upon rvflex notluua aud can »Modal, uable fissi qualities rollatici! rice Is make out the reason of Hie disturb Idea, from which they draw Infer- regarded aa potenti In Ja|siii anti Is ance. and. thinking to diplomatically euevs I Sigs, aud allll more ao cat», bv known to pn*dis-e the drrudful ephlem- cover the Incident, he IniHxvntly »aid: »aya. learn to luillal, the vol«*, and Ic disease lierlherl In Jaimnese who "Brethren, there Is a little noise go­ movement» of Htclr miiatera or mi,- live too eiclualvely on a rhs- diet and ing on (lutll It la over let u, sing tresse» He baa noticed old watebdog, eating little or no meat - Kx< hnuge 'Sometime, a Light Surprise, ' l.oa- which wbeu they liarked had peculiar Well Supphad. don Answers. Intonailoua wblcb reaenibl«*d lb, vofcaa An Inveterate wit and primMer ««k«t of Hielr mailer,. Cat, try by tb, way In which they cry lo make their mia- the captain of a era fl loaded wit It A Naw R„,on. Annette, agnl three, ba, two r,ry tresae» nnderatand exactly wbat tb,y board» bow be msuaged to art dlnuer ,u the iMtasaxe. "Why." replied it»e talkative little atotero. and aomrtlme, want •kipper, “wa always cook aboard " »he fiuda It dVBcult to make heraulf “Cook a hoard, do yuu?” rejoined the App-«>riat, btyI m . beard at tlie table Ou, day when the "That ehwutloulHt brlteve» In drean wug "Then I aea you have been well other» hud ls*en mooo|>ollzlng tbe con provided wltb |*rovis tens this trip, at vematlou longer than ah, llk«t An­ Ins the part For any recitation.’’ all ev,nt,"—Imudou Tit Hila. "How do you mean?’* nette rained her finger with a warning ’’Why. when ah, read the atory about gesture ami whlspetvd half aloud: Gatling E« m . "Everybody keep atllL My foot’« the «altera r luclslon o|irrat- land abe wore a coatum, of maroon, aaleep " - Deltneu tor. and at bar lecture on Cattle wit bar «1 on me he left a pair ot surgical acta dreaa waa trimmed wltb Irteli point" sors In my anatomy «.an I mie him for itamages? lawyer-Heller just une I * ki you see »her, noma man — Exchange •Mid him a larga bill for storage - l.lfe. declares that women ara not boo Mt T He- Well, he's right In saying no 8be Malicious. ttlercelyi-When did you erar know me Toungteigb-Hbkb te the better way to do a dishonest I blog 1 Ho (tenderly! to propose, orally or by letter’ Cynl — Whru you rvbtted ma of my pMca of eu»-By lattar, cartalnly. Thera s a mind and stole any heart, you dear ttt chance that you might forget tu mall tie thlef'-Kew York World IL—Kxcbang, An KAgl'iah Sanctuary. Í I A BANANA TREE. Thu S wm I T»ffy Th»« Cam, Attar th, Th, Fruit Cr,ws fimalr End Up and ts Ctad Roast. Cut White Unrip» < Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, / F f Agents for the Great Western Saw a jj j — I »WTit'?''*.*; .Lc’t'; J ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County I > i ’RÍ’R'Í®'® fíí ■ for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. I oley s Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. r II II p cs FARMERS T Dii" READ THE te' ) I 1 WEEKLY OREGONIAN li ) » I I' 1 Fi i I I I I I !- I I ; 4 I I I I OF PORTLAND ri< I I m I H For the general news of the World also for information about bow to obtain ‘the besf results i I I in cultivating (he soil. Stock Raisin^,FruitOrowinÿ etc. You can secure this excellent paper by tbi >1 f I ib. tit A . do b rr Subscribing for the Headlight, Both Papers for $2.25. - A i ( -*--■*■ » ■ i .. 'W i U r a. i », ■-*»*» • * K r