-V TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 21, 1910. i The Fast Steamer I M Notice. « ! ■ •* r ■ ■ * ■ » I I * I ■ ■ ■ Leaves Tillamook for ■ ■ Astoria and Portland, I J GATE GOLDEN 9 8 Ì Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will receive Bids for driv­ ing seventy five piling, capping and planking the same, at what is known as the Erickson place on Wilson River. County to furnish all material, and said work to be done under the supervision of the Road Supervisor of said district. All bids to l>e filed with the County Clerk on or beiore the 3rd day of August, Wil). Court reserv­ ing the right to reject any and ali bids. By order of the County Court. J. C. H olden . County Clerk. 8 ■ ■ *» THURSDAY of Each Week 8 Freight and Passengers « 8 8 Ü I ■ ■ I N * i I i 8 i ■ FOR RATES—ADDRESS J. R. .GLADDEN, Agent. Then. Then. Just Exactly Right, “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills __ __ for _______ several t_____ years, t and “■ • ” • says Mr. find them just right, A. A. Fenton, of Harrisville,'N. . Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least discomfort. Best remedy for constipation, billiousness and ma­ laria. 25c. at Chas. I. Clough’s drug store. llÀQï A Paid Up Policy. CO., The Chargea Against Mr Hofer. N otice is H ereby G iven , — That if the following County War­ rants, as follows: No. Series. Name. Date. Amount. 4874. F. -—-Gardner. July 2, 1902 . 65 5302. F Frank HaleyNov. 5, 19U2. .75. 6457. E. —Wheeler. Nov. 5, 1902 1.00 are not presented for payment within sixty days from the first day of July, 1910, they will be cancelled, and payment thereof will be re­ fused. By order of the County Court. J. C. H olden , County Clerk. It Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachers is ex perience. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: ‘•I find Electric Bitters does all that’s claimed for it. For Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles it can’t be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine.” Mr. Harden is right; it’s the best of all also tor weakness, lame ZZ->N medicines back, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee at Chas. !• Clough's drug store. 50c. The man with a paid up policy has the satis- : faction of knowing that premiums thereafter I will not pester him. / k. When you have ZACHMANN install your Plumbing you can rest assured that your job is paid up when finished, and does not like any other jobs cal' for premiums in the shape of constant repairs. E, n Remember our reputation where workman­ ship is considered ZACHMANN always gets the job. latititi. A Few Short Weeks Mr. J. S. Bartell, Edwardsville/ 111., writes: "A few months ago my kidneys become congested. I had severe backache and pain across the kidneys and hips. Foley Kidney Pills promptly cured my backache and corrected the action of my kidneys. This was brought about after my using them lor only a few short weekB and 1 can cheerfully recommend them.”—For sale by C. I. Clough. Ö, eth Did You Ever Try HARRIS’S 00. ito NEW LIVERY FEED AND CLEANING & PRESSING neatly done If not, give him a call. W JR OU Kidney Pills Have Cured Me.” The above is a quotation from u letter written by H. M. Winkler, Evansville, Ind. “I contracted a severe case of kidney trouble. My back gave out and pained me. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition; was bothered with dizzy spells, my head would swim and specks float before my eyes. I took Foley Kidney Pills regularly and am now perfectly well and feel like a new man. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me.” For sale byC. I. Clough. _ . 4 “ Foley’a BARN, Everything first-class. Second at the block South of P.O. W. Ct. G. TOGGERY I HARRIS, Prop. KILL»» couch CURB ™ LUNGS Á’ mo For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish Liver and Habitual Constipation. It cures by aiding al I of the [digestive organs—gently stimu­ lates the liver and regulates the Ibowels—the only way that chronic constipation can be [cured. Especially recommended [for women and children. [Clears blotched complexions. id “Is Life Wroth Living ?” Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss. Miss., writes that she had a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley’s Kidney Remedy cured her sound and well. She closes her letter by say­ ing: "1 1 eartily recommend holey s Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. It saved my life.” C. I. Clough. with Dr. King’s New Discovery uflSs. fORCSffir8 AMD ALL JHNOAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. I ! Pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Chas. Clough. I The valued family re- Ì ci_.es for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as I The P. A. Starck careful attention here as I the most intricate prescrip­ Piano Co. I tions. Has established a |xrmancn Lgency in Our fresh, high grade i TILLAMOOK COUNTY make drugs will help to s, s. VIERECK, FAMILY RECIPES Tillamook Bakery. OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOCKS. I. » for their pianos. 25 year guarantee, ind warranted to withstaud any limate. Composite Bell Metal Frame,- rhree Strings, 7H Octaves. Price, 350.00. Piano on exhibition. MISS FLORENCE EVENS. Agent. Jus Kunw House, 2nd Ave. E. W. J. Garrett’s Phone. ! effec- these remedies more tive than ever. Right prices I assured. 1 I are also SPECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES 5 9 •I t . 1.1 f. CLOUGH. Reliable Druggist. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy f 5 Darin« th« past » y««rsno rem­ edy bee proven more prompt or more effectuel Is its cures of Coughs. Colds and Croup then CbamberUUns Cough Nemody la many homes It la relied npoa aa Hn- pltctUy aa the tbmUy physsetaa K con- may ba given aa ooeddaatty to a baby a«loan adult. Price Me; largo sc*» «Or 9 f ALL KIND OF BREAD s.w «.•4 I 1ATW» P ortland , July 15.—(To the Editor.)— In the Portland Journal of last evening there apireara a sync pais of an alleged editorial in the Salem Journal in which Mr, Hofer "demands" that Mr. Moores produce the letter of prominent citizen of Salem,” preferring charges against him, and the name of the writer who filyd them. Mr. Hofer is famous for his me­ thods of indirection, for "striking an attitude," aud for making mock herioc demands in double-leaded editorials for the Capital Journal. His assumption of ignorance as to the writer and as to the contents of the letter referred to is pureaffecta- tion; he knows that a direct und a polite request would secure the letter as well as a “demand,” but it would not be so dramatic. He was mistaken in supposing a copy of the letter was not ac­ cessible. As may be supposed, our personal relations are not friendly, but I t>ear him no malice, and will not intentionally do him an injustice. For nearly 20 years the coluins of his paper have reeked with |>ersonal abuse of al­ most every man who has ever taken part in the public affairs of Marion County or of the State of Oregon. It seems iui|M>ssible for him to dis­ cuss any public question without impugning the motives orquestion- ing the honor of those who differ with him. In bis latest effusion he kindly refers to me as “one who stands for the sacred rights of predatory- political methods.” Such h man, especially when posing aa a leader, and conducting a campaign for the Governorship of the state, can­ not hope to escape an inquiry as to his own |>ereonal and political methods. Such inquiry fairly pro­ secuted, is entirely legitimate. We assume that Mr. Hofer concedes this much and that he deeires the letter referred to published so that he may openly meet the chargee and completely (Jissipate every doubt aa to his own purity of character. Here is the letter: October, 27, 19U9.—Hon. Fred W. Carpenter, Washington D.C. Dear Sir : It is generally under­ stood by public men in this state that Senator Bourne is to present to President Taft the name of E. Holer, a local editor of thia city, for a Federal position, presumably Collector of Customs for tlie Port of Portland, Oregon. As protest in the name of com­ mon decency does not appeal fav­ orably to Senator Botsrne, I protest through you to the President again­ st this proposed ap|Klfntrnent. As to my moral ana financial res­ ponsibility, I refer you to Hon. Francis J. Heney, SSn Francisco, Cal.; Hon. W. B. Gilbert. U. S. Circut Judge, Portland. Or., and Hon. William H. Hunt, U. S. Dis­ trict Judge, Helena, Mont. Mr. Hofer has, for 'more than 15 years, published a small daily paper in thia citv, sometimes in the interest of the Republican party, at other times in the interest of the People’s party the Free Silver Republican party and an independ­ ent. Shortly after he commenced the paper, it became noised about that his paper could be pnrchaned to advocate or condemn any person or measure, for money. At this time, and for many years last past, his general representation has been, and is now, that of grafter. I can furnish you a list of the leading men of the city, including lawyers, doctors, clergymen, mer­ chants and judges upon the bench, ali of whom will say that Hofer's reputation for being a grafter is not disputable. It is accepted here as a fact all persons know, as the recurrence of the season, the rise and fall of the tides, and the phases of tlie moon. It may be a good thing for Sen­ ator Bourne to pay political debts by making such apfiointments, but it appears to me this Administra­ tion cannot knowingly be a party to this proposed debasement of the public service. Alter having ad­ vised you of this Condition, the Administration cannot eaca|>e re- aiKinsibility without investigating the charges I make. This letter is not private and it may be shown to Mr. Hofer, Io Senator Bourne, or given to the I am financially reaponsf- am prepared to substanti­ ate these charges l/efore sny official who may care to investigate them on tiehalf of the Government sod before any jury of my fellow citiz­ ens. Very truly jours. L. H. M c M ahan . In writing thia letter, Mr. Mc­ Mahan has assumed the grave resjioneibility of being required, by eveiy consideration of fairness, to sustain beyond question all of hie charges, and in "demanding" its publication Mr. Hofer is placed under like reapotsaibility of refuting every charge. One or the other of these gentlemen should lie blotted out of Oregon politics. The grafter and Ibe coiner of false charges are in the enme category It is not a mere personal controversy. There is a higher and grader question of decent political methods involved. C hamlm H M oobm . Hay Fever aad Asthma Bring dia/omlort and misery to many f>e«q>le but Foley’s Honey and Me. &7. on Ihml Satur­ Tar gives eaer and comfort to the suffering ones It relieves the con day rd rack mm.th in geetion in the head and throat and is soothing and healing. None genuine tail Foley’s Honey end IOOF. HaM st 7 M p n> Tar in the yellow package. -For Sole by C. L Clough. F bark A kvibsvi *. W.M. H. E M orris , Sac. § MASONIC 1.0 DOE i The Independent Church, or The He's A Ranter. Church of ¡.he New Covenent. The one newspaper in Oregon which will contribute most largely Jeremiah 31: 31 : “ Behold, the to defeat the republican party in days come, saitli the Lord, that I the coming political contest in this will make a new covenant with the slate is the Capital Journal, edited house of Israel amt with the house by Mr. Hofer, who is offering his of Judah.” name for nomination for govervor I I There are three propositions of to the malcontents of the party. I the new (covenant. 1st, I will put Fortunately, there are two redem- my law in their inward parts, and ing features to the situation; one will write it in their hearts; and I being the constipated circulation of will lie their God, and they shall be his paper and the other the posi­ my people. 2nd. Ami they shall tive assurance of the party thia fall. teach no more, every man. Ilia Col. Hofer to the contrary, notwith­ neighbor, and every man liis standing. He is doing everything brother, saying, know the Lord, for in his power to damage the party they shall all know me, from the everything except adding readers least of them unto to gre itcet of to his paper. It goes without saying them. 3rd. I will forgive their that lie is not adding many readers iniquity, and will remember their through the influence of his rant­ sin no more. ing« which are becoming almost a The kingdom of God is within nightly- nightmare to him. With you. an audience Mr. Hofer and his set The new covenant came into contribute to democratic victory as vogue on the day of Pentec* at, sure as anything. when God was revealed in spirit. If there is a yellow, streak in a "Know ye not that your body is the newspaper it’s bound to show up temple of the Holy Ghost.” The old covenant was without, it sooner or later. Independence | was a mutter of appearance and Enterprise. ■ forms. The new is within, as in- A Retort. ' visible as the wind. The new E ditor of T illamook H eadlight . I covenant is contrasted with tl e old, and it all depends whether a Some one sent me a copy of yours man decides to worship God under of the 7th, containing Justice Effen- the old or the new. berger’a long-worded effusion about The old covenant called for the his court proceedings, The time prayer of Daniel. The new for the checks issued by time keepers nt prayer of the closet. The old for the different camps are iioii-traiia- the Priesthood, who iidmoi i died ferable. but when the same are and persuaded men to fear God, ti e indorsed by J. W. Sweeney Con • new for the convictions within. «traction Co., by the Paymaster, The old claimed ail that was they are negotiable as bank checks. visible. Everything had to pay the The business men of Nehalem, tithe and perform the offering. The including Justice Effenberger have new is without obligation. purchased the indorsed negotiable We either accept or turn down a time checks and collected the same proposition. The Independent through their bank, hs they would Church is for approval or to be bank checks. Now, the old Jus­ tice should have told your renders coiideuied. Every man is bound by wluit lie “the truth, the whole truth, mid uecepts or rejects. One Ilian invests nothing but the truth,” He knows, and attains wealth, another looses for he has done it all of his life. what he has. Under tile old He issued a warrant for my ar­ covenant a man looked for restraint rest, accusing me of “the crime and compulsion, he was a mutter of issuing non-tranalerable time of influence. If the influence waa checks.” He did so on his own wan motion, no complaint being sworn good he was alright, but if it bad he wus lost. t i. The Justics is as capable to run Every man who belongs to the his court as the proverbial jack Independent Church is accountable rabbit. The old Justioe don't know when for his own recognizance for what­ the civil lAw or criminal should be ever he does or does not do regard­ invoked. He will learn some kind less of Priest or Potentate. He is of a lesson in the near future. Our bound only to his convictions headquarters are on the Salmon­ within, which is bound only l>y the berry, where all discharged or self­ unlimited circumference of liberty. J. C. G ove . discharged employees come to have their time checks indorsed and pass on with their negotiable paper, cash the same and spend their money in Washington County. For a year the Justice and boot­ leggers have thrived—one by the court route, the others by the bottle route. But now, like Cardinal Woolsey: Farewell. A long farewell to our scrapping and bootlegging business. Trusting that your intelligent readers will pardon this effusion, since the subject matter isn't worth it. I am truly, E. A.M illew , Paymaster for Sweeney Con­ struction Co. Why Newspapers Fail. Ninety-five per cent of the men starting newspapers fail. Sometimes the paper dies when the publisher becomes bankrupt, sometimes it passes through n series of owners, nearly all of whom lose their investment, until the time, the field and the right man come together. There are more buriirieMM fouir in the printing and pubiiMhiiiK game than in almost tiny occupa­ tion. The revenue to support a publi­ cation can lie figured per capita of imputation. If the available revenue ¡ h - concentrated into one channel, the output is a lietter pro­ duct than if scattered into several. One institution that pays its bill is tietter for the community than sev­ eral that don't. The reS|M>naihle man who under­ stands the newsps|>er business will not risk his capital, time and energy in a new venture unless the | h >|> ii lation, present and prospective, Jus­ tifies it. Even then it is a matter of years, usually, Ix-fore the venture is a money maker. The irresponsible, with shoe­ string capital, having little to lose, is willing to gamble. lie may I h - ■ born rain bow chaser, or lie may expect to "sting” someone, Meri ford Mail Tribune. Bowel Complaint in Children When six months old the little daughter of E. N. Ih-wey, a well known jnerchant of Angeville, Va., had an attack of ( holers inluntuii: Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was given ami effected a complete cure. Thia remedy has proven very successful in cases of trowel complaint in children and when given accordinu to the plain printed dire, lions can be relied ti|«»n with perfect con fidence When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take, which la of great importance when a medicine must Ire given to yorng children.—For sal« l>> Lamar's Drug More. » I z An English woman offers $250,000 to establish an aerial passenger line between London and Paris. One of the Strong points of aviation is tluit to many are willing to spend money- on it in the experimental stage. An Indiana woman claims to be a sister Of Prof. Irl Hicks, and that he was lost when young and never recovered. Anybody who thinks Prof. Hicks is ever lost should try to lose him. The Indiana wotnutl is mistaken. Rev. Dr. John D. Long, formerly secretary of the Christian Socialist Fellowship, who was put out of the Presbyterian church in Brooklyn for his socialist mtivitives, has now withdrawn from the Socialist party of which lie became a mem­ ber. Dr. Ismg said lie did not ap­ prove lhe tuctics of the New Yolk Socialists, but that he would go on preaching the socialism of the gold­ en rule, and to do that he thought he was better off not connected with any political party. Ilia church continue« as an indpendent organ­ isation. Forty-two thousand cuses of fresh eggs which reached South Water Street, Chicago, were bought up and placed in cold storage by the combine, «liicli is forcing upon the retail trade, and thus upon lhe pub­ lic, Its old eggs, placed in cold storage lust year, or inuytie two years ago. In New York, ‘where eggs were (X) cents a dozen last winter, it w.i» discovered that one warehouse id tliemeut trust in Jersey City heli which they must pay for the old ones, is it not high time tlivt the people do a little regulating of the trusts?—Commercial Poultry. Mayor Braud Whitlock in an article for th* World, <1I sciimm «- m the problem of graft in our cities, and tern ties lhe following conclusion; "The only way to eliminate graft is to eliminate the lather of graft, which is privilege. And privilege in i»s most obvious form is tlie franchise buying, public-service corporations of lhe large city. These immense monopolies* with monstrous fortunes lanind to them must la- removed before graft t an altogether |M-sr. These stii|»en dous temptation must tie