'N TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 21, 1910. I)AITWAV<5 UNITED PLANS COMPLETED. tract of land at Glencoe, which it is now platting and will shortly put on the market this new town-1 One year............................................. 1.60 75 Six months......................................... site. It will also place on sale a 50 Three months..................................... j large number of small tracts, five and 10 acres, adjoining the new town. Undoubtedlythe present move­ ^ílíainook |jeablígbt ment to cut up the large farms holdings into small tracts*suitable for fruit and market gardens will Young America is no longer Portland to Tillamook in two continue, and as Glencoe will have satisfied with a toy balh.on. He hours or less is the promise given, more than 100 square miles of as must have either an automobile or in a statement to The Oregonian, good fanning territory tributary an aeroplane. by John F. Stevens, president of to it aa there are in Oregon, as well | Aeroplanes for war are not a new the United Railways. In a com­ as sereval billions of feet of first. idea. The motherly hen lias con­ prehensive outline of the plane for class timber, it is not hard to be- ; tended with them eve.' since hawks the construction of the United lieve that a few years will see a ! acquired a taste for young i oultry. Railways' line to Tillamook and of town of several thousand people, | Champion Johnson not only the development of the country in where now is a single country j knocked Jeffries out, I ut I e has Western Oregon, President Stevens store. With frequent high-class aroused a sentiment that will go yesterday told of plans for divert­ electric service, such as is now far towards putting an end to prize ing the heavy freight traffic of the given on the lines of the Oregon fighting in the United states. Btreets of Portland by the expedient Electric Railway, the Glencoe co­ of building a connecting line be­ untry, only 23 miles from the enter A runaway couple in Illinois tween the United Railways and of Portland, will become a very im­ hired an “elderly appearing man” Caucasians and Civilization. the Forest Grove division of the portant and valuable feeder to the to swear that tile school girl was Discussion in the London news­ Oregon Electric at a point near city. his daughter and that he gave his papers of the fight at Reno shows i Orence and about three miles west consent. Here is a rew line of “The through service to Tilla­ industry opening to anybody will­ that intelligent opinion abroad is of the Cornelius tunnel. mook will for a while at least, be Over this line, according to Pres- in line with such opinion in this , ing to take it. handled by steam, with oil-burning ident Stevens, all traffic to and from country as to a danger involved engines, but the short local and Plane for a commercial airship in the outcome. The London the Willamette Valley, not terminat- interurban-service will be by high­ on an elaborate scale, and known Times, conservative and restrained, i’lg or originating in Portland, will grade electric installation. as a gyroplane, capable of carry­ but always with an opinion to ex­ be hendled overthe United Railways ing 100 passengers at a speed ot “The interests owning the Oregon press in all important matters, says and interchanged in North Port­ 100 miles an hour in all weatherB, Electric Railway expect by the del- road, Bank land with the North it hopes that the victory of the were revealed by the incorporation The idea is to keep Front street opement of its present line, and by black man over the white will not of the Universal Aerial Navigation clear of all other eave purely local the construction of many miles of Company at St. Louis. The ma­ lead to race conflict and it sounds new line, to delope a very large traffic. a wise and generous note of warn ­ chine is said to be the invention of President Stevens points out the traffic in the Willamette Valley, ing to the weaker race in this J. W. Orman, who lias one large advantages of the quick service and necessarily the market for the machine in process of construction. country, to which, we believe its to the beach which will result from products of this valley will be leaders can be trusted to hearken, It is a combination of the gyros­ the completion of the Portland- largely in the East. It is realized in telling them that any exhibition cope and the helicopter. of boastful pride, arrogance or as­ Tillamook line, and tells of the that it will become an impracticab­ That the Alsop process of bleach­ sumption widespread enough to great development which is expected ility to handle the heavy freight ing flour is a violation of the na­ lead in a general reprisal, would along the line. He said he was un­ business through the streets of tional pure food law, which pro­ be most unfortunate for them and aware of any attempt being made Portland. Consequently a line con­ hibits every form of adulteration, their future. by the Oregon Electric to secure necting the Forest Grove division is the gist of the verdict rendered It would be a gastly commentary a Eugene franchise, but said the of the Oregon Electric from a point by the federal jury at Kansas City upon this age if, in dealing with road would inevitably enter the near Orenco with the line of the in the test case based on a ship the great problem we are trying to Willamette Valley town and it United Railways at a point some merit of the ordinary white flour solve here in just and humane depended on the people of the town three miles west of the Cornelius from the Lexington Mill and Eleva­ wuyB, the clock could be set back just when this should be. tunnel will be built, and all traffic tor Company of Lexington, Neb., by the hands of two sluggers, Following is the statement made to and from the Willamette Valley to a grocer of Castle, Mo. The fighting for a purse hung up by by President Stevens yesterday: not terminating or originating in government charged adulteration sports and promoters seeking to “Since the management of the Portland will be handled by the because in the bleuching process ni- enrich themselves out of the pro­ United Railways Company lias way of Garden Home and the new tries and nitrite-reacting material ceeds. If all the earnest thinking been in the present hands its ! connection, thence over the United are used. The defendents were also of earnest men, the toil and patience affairs have been gone thor­ Railways through Cornelius tunnel, found guilty of misbranding, in of all who have sought to reconcile oughly into and plans for future . to be interchanged with lhe North having labeled the shipment as hostile elements; the work of the development have been formulated ! Bank road in North Portland, thus fancy patent flour. Judge McPher­ giants who have, with one hand, in a general way. The company keeping Front street entirely clear son ruled that it was not necessary tried to lift a fallen race, and, with has completed the final location of a" except purely local traffic, to allow that a poison was used the other, tried to save the other its proposed line through to Tilla­ Interurban Lines only Planned. in the process, but only that a race from falling, could be lost with mook Bay, and has secured the “The United Railways as well as “poisonous ingredient” was intro­ the money that was lost on a beaten greater part of the right of way and the Oregon Electric Company, will duced, the word being used in its prize fighter, then, indeed, the necessary terminal grounds at the keep entirely out of city passenger qualitative and not its quantitative question would come out of Nevada bay. transportation and will ofierate sense. again as it came before: “1s civil­ Road Will Be High Grade. only interurban and through lines. A movement whs started the day ization a failure, and is the Cauca­ “The line, when constructed on They expect to become great factors It would be the present location and plans, will in the devlopment of Western Ore­ lifter the fight in serval cities, not­ sian played out?” ably in Boston, Baltimore, Wash­ answered now, as it was answered be a very high-grade piece of rail­ gon and of Portland. The necessity ington and Cincinnati, to prevent then. It would be again demon­ road with unusually easy curvature for easy physical connection be­ the public exhibition of the moving strated that the Caucasian is not and long tangents, considering the tween the two lines and facilities pictures of the Reno encounter. played out, although, in the dem­ character of the country traversed. for delivering and taking on pass­ From its headquarters in Boston onstration, now as then, it would It will be entirely practicable to engers in the center of the retail the United Society of Cliistian En­ have to be demonstrated that his cover the 70 odd miles from Port­ section of the city is perfectly ap­ deavor ordered its branches thro- civilization endures partly because land to the bay in two hours or parent. In fact, it will be impossible ughtout the country and foreign it is the highest virility of any civ­ less. In fact, it is expected that to give the service which must be lands to begin a campaign against ilization ever known. express trains can handle people to given without such facilities. the pictures. Its secretary, William A “nice war” might last for a and from the beaches to Portland “The Mount Cal very line of the Shaw, sent to every state governor day and perhaps a night longer. station in two hours. What this company is now under construc­ a petition asking that they lie bar­ But it would tie followed by greater would mean to the people of Port­ tion, and it will be completed and red from the state. Chief of Police tragedies of the weaker race. Those land it is easy to see. It would put into operation without unnec­ Sylvester of Washington, I). as who. with an open mind, have seen mean that a full day could be spent essary delay, and the plan and president of the International As- a lately servile people growing in at the seashore and not on the method of such operation will be socation of Police Chiefs, is help­ literacy, in property, in religious train. It would mean that a Port­ announced at the proper time. ing the movement, as the associa­ and social activities, and who have land business man could have his “The company desires to be tion is on record as opposing all rested under the assurance that a Summer home at the beach and understood as intending to live up such picture shows on the ground maintenance of such progress keep in full touch with his business to its obligations and believes the that they tend to increase crime. must in time solve what many claim affairs. public will agree with it, that since The race riots already reported to lie an insoluble problem, would “The work of construction will 'the change in ownership, it has hive ad ted m ich strength to this then see a “going back” greater necessarily be very heavy, owing given every evidence that no other campaign, as it is learned that the than any ae-n at Reno. In the to the high standard adopted for the Portland enterprise, which it really pictures will cause more outbreaks return of ol I persecutions growing new line. There will be a number is has done more to merit the con­ of racial unimosities. out of the inflamed passions which of tunnels, the longest being about fidence and support of the citizens One of the most amusing features long survive the asking and answ­ one and one-quarter miles in length. than the United Railways Com- of tile affair which drew to Reno ering of the question whether the The road, after passing through psny." _________________ Iff.UN “sports” and sidetracked Caucasian is played out, a people Cornelius Gap by a 4000-foot tunnel weighty news of the state and which now offers much of hope and now under construction, strikes Oregon State Fair. business was the certainty of the promise for its future would find directly across the upper Tualatin Former State Fairs of Oregon famous special writers, authors and itself snuffed out as a candle, The Valley, through Cedar Canyon and have become famous throughout s|sirling gentry, nn evinced in their wick and tallow would remain, bul over to Upper Gales Creek, thence the country as among the leaders dispatches on the eve of the battle. the growing light would be extin­ through the crest of the Coast of annual state exhibitons of stock For instance, Alfred Henry Lewis guished. All of this ia ao clearly Range and down the pictureqiie and agricultural products, but the wrote: "It will lie as though one to be seen by men of light and Wilson River to the shores of Till­ Oregon State Fair fo be held in were armed with a sword of steel I •ailing, such as Booker Washing- amook Bay. Every mile of it will Salem this year, September 12 to 17, against the other's sword of lead. ton and some others of hia race, afford a scenic ride of rare beauty. inclusive, promises to eclipse all Jeffries, by the sheerest dint of flat, while the London Tinies has “Built with generous standards former successes in this state and temper and trenchant bitterness spoken the thought of many of of roadbed, laid with 10-potmd rail, pass into history as one of the best should split his foe wide open like us over here, we who are to face fully tie-plated, heavily ballasted, if not the beet, state fairs in n miickerat,” Said Corbett, the the situation, and lie called to deal and provided with modern signals America. ex-chum pion and trainer of the with it should it ever arise, have and every device necessary to in­ The endeavors of the board of laiiler maker: “It will l>e Jeff in a less occasion for dreud than those sure the safety, comfort, and speed directors and secretary to embody in walk." Fitzsimmons: “Jeffries well wishers of the weaker race who of travelers, thia line will represent' the grounds everything possible for For we know its the expenditure of several millions! will lift the nigger once and John­ live abroad. the edification of the stock raiser, son will turn white. Why, Jeff can strength as well as its weakness, of dollars, but which, intheopinion | agriculturist and department for kill him.” The only notable excep­ and we know that its lietter and of its owners, will be justified by’l______________________ v the women, not alone the t carnival tion to the chorus of Jeffries' root j more prevailing counsels are not the great undeveloped resources of features and horse races, ■ re"beLZ- era was Mike Murphy, the famous those of madness. Fools it has the country to be opened up and ing fruit inasmuch as entry lists in as have we. the certain future growth University of Pennsylvania coach, with it always, inj. every department are rapidly filling amwxh and <_ who finally picked Johnson us the But because, being the weaker, porta nee of Portland. up and future prospects are that winner, having found evidence it cannot afford to give its fools the Tunnel Ready Next March. the 1910 show will contain more that leffnes had developed fat con­ rope aa we give ours, without let- “The company has placed orders than ever before. ting them hang themselves, we cealed under hie muscular outfit. i i for the electrical machinery, in­ About thia time in every even trust it to save itself and such rights Proper Treatment for Dysentery cluding substations, necessary to, number year the Democratic party and opportunities as it now enjoys equip the line for 30 miles, or to] and Diarrhoea. sweeps the country. In July. IW0R. ■ nd such aa a continuing develop the west side of the Tualatin Vnlley1 The great mortality from dysent­ inent will give ,1 it by plain recogni- ery and diarrhoea is dnetoa lack of they carried the _____ House of Rrprea and thia section the road will be proper treatment at the first sta; had _____ himself elect-|,*"n that, in «pile entatives. Hryan __ .___ _ ., __ Co cd in July, tuv. or said he had. And 0 •'K*'* *n « gambling camp, completed and put into operation of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remed edy is hie campaign managers concedes! ’■■Ivilisatfoii is not a failure nor in during the present year The tunnel a reliable and effectual medic. that tie wim^-orrvct. An interview , *'ir played out. Globe through Cornelius Gap will prob­ and when given in reasonable s time time ably to be completed next March, will prevent any dangerous » con- con J of this c heart u I sort has just been Democrat. aa free but aa the company has built and sequences. It has been in use for I given out 1$ New York by a Dem Twenty Five Cents is the Price of has in operation a temporary line many years and has always met ocratic leader He says the Repub­ Peace over the tunnel, it will not be with unvarying aucceaa. For sale bv I licans are split into fractions; that’ The terrible itching and smarting, necessary to complete the latter Ijimar’s Drug Store. the Democrats are harmoninna. incident to certain skin diseases is before cqreration can tie begun. |____ ,_________ Foley s Kidnev Remedv will cure 9 that they will carry the House of almost instantly allayed bv an-1 ___ _ ‘ ‘ The Ruth Trust Company, which l,nv case of kidney and bladder J •ny plying Chamberlain's Salve ’ Price Representatives in November, and cents. For Sale bv by ' I a mar’s Drug *• «"»"cd by parties friendly to the * trouble not beyond the reach of " make a gain of five or siz senators. 35 cents ___ medicine. No medicine can do more X railway company, owns • ‘ . «»rre For Sale by C. I. Clough. .W RATRS OF SUBSCRIPTION .•TBICTLT IN ADVANCE.) that in the House of the coming Congress the Democrats will pass a tariff bill which will reduce the duties to a revenue basis; that they will cut down appropriations to the wants of the goverment economi­ cally administered, and that they will restore the merchant flag to the seas, but not by subsidy. And, incidentally, he declares that the tariff will I m * the paramount issue in the campaign, and that the Dem­ ocratic purty will win on it. It may be well to say at the outset that the man who give out this interview is one of the men who, aa a mem­ ber of the Notification Committee, informed Parker in midsummer ol IMM that he was to be elected that year by one of the biggest ma­ jorités which any candidate for the presidency bad received in a generation. Steamer Line to Tillamook Will Handle Traffic in Two Hours Run. I “ Sue H. Elmore H (CAPT P. SCHRADER) < MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH (CAP. T. LATHAM). Tillamook & Portland Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch St. Wharf. Portland. That’s All 9 9 HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Thea We Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO, Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALtUEN. Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. » Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. EYES AND TEETH. You spend from $5.GO to $20.00 per year oil and think nothing of it. Which would you prefer to loose ; your teeth YOUR EYES or YOUR TEETH? Your eyes can be looked after from fl.00 to about $8.00. and this will be the total expense for about 3 to 5 years, and often a great deal longer. Remember you can get NEW TEETH, but not NEW ®YES. What VALUE do you place on YOUR EYES ? What per cent of insurance would you pay to keep them as good as at present ? Make yourself a ’Xmas, present of. a pair of glasses? All work guaranteed to be satisfactory in every respect $ » * $ Mh Dr. Henry E. Morris. C. S. Atkinson. MOWERS McCormick and RAKES, Osborne Tidders, STUDEBAKER, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, GRAIN WHITE RIVER FLOUR. Maker cn the Market. Th« Beat Bread C, S. ATKINSON, Both Phones, A K. C A. CASE. 1 j MWM! f Tillamook Ir ron Works > PtnnSTOR _ • . A General Machinists & Blacksmiths t — WA ■ ■ M 1 . — I * Boiler W«rk, Logger'll Work sad Heavy Forgintr. Fi«e Machine Work a Npecialty. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. <4