♦ Vffl. XXIII. No. 7. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY ai, 1910. >1.00 per year. — TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Ice cream at T he six. Miss Jennie Wooley came in from Portland last week on a vacation and to visit her parents. Dr. Morris, eye specialist. Frank Rhodes returned on Fri­ ¡Ice Cream Cones at T he S pa . . day with liis bride, having been iCows for sale, apply to A. G. married recently at Salem. Sals. The next time you send away for ‘HE S pa for the beet lee Cream in something get a Money Order from the Tillamook County bank. * I city. Get your doors and windows from tor sale, typewriter, cheap.—D. the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. Shrode. * Iilker wanted. Apply at the I lead* You save money by doing so. For rent, one lied room or three ht office. V. W. Conder and family are in house keeping rooms. Apply to Mrs. ^Stella Bennett, Tillamook, Ore. * ni Corvallis. John W. Baker and wife, Johu O. 1. H. Malaney, of Pacific City, Baker and J. Pratt, of Portland, a in on Tuesday. were in the city on Wednsday. lies Monroe is visiting her sister, Rev. S. G. Finney will preach h E. T. Haltoin. | both morning and evening at the W. Ruhl, of the Spokane Presbyterian Church on Sunday. iiew, ia ia the eity. Sheriff Crenshaw has sold his or cement by the sack or the automobile to W. J. Stevens and « ret see D. L. Shrode. left on Wednesday to buy another. hiogles, the best kind, at the For sale, Registered Holstein Cows »«nook Lumber Mfg. Co. and Bulls cheap for cash or approv­ ttorney E. B. Tongue? of Hills- ed note. — Fryar 4 Co., Sumner, o, ie in the city on business. Wash. • . H. Haradon, of Astoria, came When you want your wood sawed »n the Eltnore on Wednesday. by the gasoline wood saw, call W. Conover left for Portland up L. C. Wiiks on the Mutual Tel­ Sunday for a visit to that city. ephone. . • lose wanting fresh fruit/ can- Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Whitten, Gena and nuts, give Joe Therdich a Whitten, Merrit Whitten, aud Mr, and Mrs. U. S. Bryant are in from ie gasoline schooner Oshkosh Portland. hed hia city Wednesday with Rev. A. B. Calder will preach ,ht. at Bay City next Sunday at 11 a. in. G. Freeman and family are and 8 p. m, and at the Miami school roin Corvallis for about two at 2.30 p. m. is. T. E. Hamilton, R. F. Marquis E. Buchanan has sold his and B. O. Snuffer, 'formerly of this t business to W. Heater and city, came in from Portland on Wednesday. arge. : ’ ite TaxCommissioner J. B. Eaton" * Representative A. G. Beale is ,ying Assessor Hare an official representing Tillamook County al week. the Republican assembly in Port­ f heat Price paid for Hides, Furs land today. Sheep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Patzlaf left last >k. Ore. • week on a business trip to Seattle i Price and wife and son Clif- and Mrs. Patzlaf will go East with were up from Hebo Saturday her mother. iuuday. Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle, ire are 1728 persons of school $1.85 and $2.75. An almost new n the county, 912 being boys drop head sewing machine cheap. — D. L. S hrode . • 16 girls. Mrs. Henry Fawk and Miss Elene your way to the theatre try lich’s pop corn and peanuts, Fawk returned to Salem on Tues­ day, Mrs. James Walton accom­ be beat. panying them. sale number one bottom land The steamer Golden Gate has a le Wilson river. Inquire of Freeman. ♦ new captain and crew. She was en doors can be obtained unable to cross in yesterday owing I to the thick fog. e Tillamook Lumber Mfg. | -i Marriage licenses were issued to this city. Edmund Lee Lyster and Birdie itein Bull calves for an reasonable. W m . H artill , Belle Coulson, an. Wagnon, jr., representing itual Fire Company, was in y this week. jura, cheapest and best paper r in town. Leave orders at t Smith Co. • brand process barley, $1.25 and $31.00 g ton.—W m . C ur - • le Grain Man. If you want barley, oats, wheat, cracked corn, shorts, middlings, bran, etc.,-go to A. F1NLEY 4 Co., Old Post Office building. Haying needs. Hay forks, single and double harpoon forks, pulleys and blocks, hay ropes and machine foils.—K ing 4 S mith C o . Snow Drift flour, $6.25 a bbl. and $1.60 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.50 a sack.— W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. tditor is having a búngalo I at Goldenvale, on an acre orth of town. . ZaekmSnn is putting in a ne north of the city as far as •hty Slough. The ladies belonging to the Shak- speare Club, with a num tier of in­ vited guests, had a picnic to Gari­ baldi beach on Friday last. J. W. Eldridge is in on business and pleasure visiting hie brother rfbd Bister. He is in the marble and Gladden’s wife and family me in next week to make granite mounment business. me in this city. James Williams has a new auto Gladd who has been visit- and George Williams has sent for uncles here, left on Ttles- ohe, which is a good indication that hie home in Wisconsin, on the dairymen of Tillamook County of the illness of his father are going to enjoy some of the lux­ uries of life. lher there. these Cheques when you Travel £ ft 16* , * TILLAMOOK COUNTY’S HOME OF VALUES ARE YOU GOING THE BEACH ? If so you will need a Bathing Suit to make your outfit complete. We have a big variety of these beach necessities also bathing Caps, Shoes and Hosiery Prices on bath ing suits are from ¿2.50 to ¿6.50 Suit For Campers we are prepared to supply blankets, comforters, towels, tenting, oilcloth, outing clothing and shoes of all descriptions and at the lowest possible Prices. Cheap Prices on Men’s Fine Clothing. Bargains in Ladies’ Waists. An opportunity to get one of our $15, $16.50, $17.00 and $18.50 hand Tailored Suits at a big saving. Clearance Sale Price, Suit $9.85 A lot of fine Embroideries, Lawn and Percale Waists, values to $2.50- Clearance Price, each $1.19 Ladies’ Tub Suits. Bargains in Underwear. About 25 handsome linen Jacket Suits. Regular values to $12.50. Clearance Sale Price, Suit $4.95 Men's Derby Ribbed Underwear, a Regular 50 cent value. - - - Clearance Sale Price, Garment 19c. Men’s Merino Underwear, a Regular 75 cent value. - - - Clearance Sale Price, Garment 39c. Men’s All Wool Underwear, in natural grey, lightweight, medium or heavy. Regular values to $2.00 a garment. Clearance Sale Price, each 98c. Ladies’ Patent Leather Shoes. A line of the elegant Lounsbury Dress Shoes, value $6.00 a Pair, also a lot of Peter’s high grade shoes, values to $4.00. Clearance Sale Price $3.19 WHEN A man, with a small family, wants a permanent position on a ranch, or will rent a small dairy.— B. H. Dunlap, Jefferson, Ore. Attorney J. L. Conley is in from Portland in the interest of the United Railways closing up the rights of way for that railroi d Born on Friday, to the wife of Dolph Tinnerstett a son. Good, there is yet some hope for Carl joinging the baby buggy brigade, Everything you want in the way of eatables at the new grocery. Everything new and fresh.—A. FIN­ LEY A Co., Old Post Office build­ ing. Long 4 Co. will give you com­ plete prices on your house pattern, including doors, windows and shin­ gles, either delivered or at their mills. * Attorney anil Mrs. Lee M. Travin and family and Dr. and Mrs. York of Eugene, will come in on Saturday on a visit to the editor’s family. For sale, a Mare Colt, foalded May 20. 1910, sired by an imfxirted German coach, Price $25.00 if sold See E. F. R ogers , by August let. V.S., Tillamook, Ore. r Attorney H. T. Botts left for Port- land on Wednesday on businens and will be one of the Tillamook, delegates at the big Republican meeting in Portland today. The Tillamook Ice and Cold Store­ age Co. ahipjied some fine Chinook Salmon on the last trip of the Golden Gate and there will be an­ other shipment this week. YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD., IT’S SO E. T. Coulson and family moved to Dallas last week where they will reside the coining winter. It is six­ teen years since they moved to Beaver. Mr. Coulson has gone into the teaming business. Wm. High and wife are in from McMinnville on a visit Mr. High has been having trouble with hi« eyes owing to an accident in which some lye got into them, and it will be sometime before they are better. Editor Turner, of the Pacific Out­ look, was in the city on Saturday with a smile a yard long on his countenance, which, somehow would not wear off, as long an he was in town and felling good ami cheerful. The lieautiful weather continues in this county, anil this enublcd the dairymen to cure and house their hay in good shape. Notwithstand­ ing there was less rainfall the past few months, there is a good crop of hay put away for winter feed. Next Monday evening the Tilla inook Com merical Club will hold its regular monthly meeting, when it is h< p_* a large attendance of members will be present, asneveral matters of interest to the club and city will come up for consideration. have in preparation the well known play, “In Missouri” for Friday and Saturday, July 29 30. The story of the play is simple, plaincountry folks. The action takes place in Bowling Green, Pike Co., Mo. The daughter of a blacksmith, returning from the seminary where she hail lieen educated, cannot longer lieur the plain folks at home, The sher- iff, who paid for the ac hooting, finds in jtlie man who robbed the Express Co. the man she loves, a polished city chap, A big reward The is offered for his capture. sheriff knew the man, but he al­ lows him to go, because the Kiri loves him. "In Missouri” was played in Portland last full and people are talking about it yet. Are you going to use that same hay carrier that gave you so much trouble, or are you going to get a new one? We have the ones that you do not have to talk to. They are simple in construction and liuve few parts, doing away witli the breakage that is so common with carriers.—K ing 4 S mith C o . City Council Meeting. The regular meeting of the city council win held on Monthly even David Imlah has Imuglit J. W. ing, when Mayor1 Thus. Coates and O'Neal’ h place north of town, pay­ Councilmen Brodhead, Laughlin, ing $tM>> an acre for it, which is one Wilt, Harrison and Zachmann were of the best garden spots to raise present. garden truck and small berriea iu. • , Meyor Coates announced that he the county. Mr Wiley paid $150 per had iiczived $100 from an anony­ acres a few years for this land, who mous donor, $50 to lie used in the later sold it to Mr. O’Neal for $.'lice. Frank Elliott submitted an ordi­ painting, Mr. King can give voti some |*ointers as to what Io use. nance to |>ermit him to < onatruct a There ia a certain kind of paint for wharf on lloquarton Slough, which every purpose. He can tell you wan passed Io ita second rending. A resolution was submitted and what kind to use on your job. Sher­ win Williams Paints are guaran­ passed authorizing the mayor to teed. K ing a S mith C o ., agent« ap|M>mt a committee of three Io for Tillamook. * E. C. Apperson and family, F. E. Rogers and family, Mias Sadie Gardner, W. T. May and family, and Jack Roeco, of McMinnville, were in the city on Wednesday. Editor Miller and wife.Jof HayJCtty News, were in Tillamook’s greatest metropolis on Saturday, hut he did not give the Headlight man a fraternal call as did Bro. Turner. Fishing tackle that is right in quality and price. Nicest assort­ ment of flies that ever came over. We can give you a tip on what kind of a fly the fish are taking. —K ixg 4 S mith C o . * A six passenger Thomas flyer automobile will leave thia city on For your next Sunday’s «have, Sunday for Eugene or other Wiliam Iry one of our scythes and Sa, ths. ette Valley points. Those wanting They work very easy on grass The passage in the auto apply at the ■ythes have a perfect temper ■ nd Headlight office. the snath« have a hang that will The Sue H Elinor* came in on please you. Hone them with one have of our scytho stones and then you Wednesday, and woukl reached her dock in thia city at ran quit chopping thr grass off. midnight, but owing to the thick K ing A S mith C ol fog abe will not reach thia city I Thr Private Secretary** until noon today. witnesard by two good houars Fri­ Matt Wetxer met with a serious day and Saturday, and judging accident on Sunday by being cut in from the hearty laughter, the play th* atomach by a hay fork falling waa thoroughly enjoyed by thoar { about A> feet. Dr. Honia «»• im- who saw M. Too much praise can­ mdiately seat for and attended to not be given thr young people tor the man a injuries. He ia doing the manner in which they played well considering the serious nature their parts, everyoos of which waa first class. We are informed they of the accident revise the city charter, the mayor also to setvejon the committee with a like number to be np|>ointed by the Tillamook Commercial Club. The mayor appointed Councilmen Har­ rison, Brodhead and I.auglilir, and President Holmes, of the Com­ mercial Club, uppointvd J allies Walton, B. C. Lamb and Frank Severance. Attorney Willett, in behalf of the Merchants’ Protective Association, complained to the council of large ox of < liamla-rlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablet«, which did her ho much good that she continued to iieelhetri and they have done her more good then all of the medicine I bought liefore.—Samuel Hoyer, F o I mhii , Iowa. Thia medicine is for sale by faimar's Drugstore. Samples Fret . Help YOU SIMO NOHEY BY __ «•—— • 11 ■ -*— ñi Mr 11 i r i " Then try one of our BANK MONEY ORDERS. They are clieapri then eilhi r npreas or post office orders ar* earner to obtain, are good anywhere, and qu'ckly made good if lost w AeWr— < TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. i !| Rosenbery Bros - *t par throughout the World. Accepted •f tickets, hotel service end other trev«l nx- Ssdf-identifyinF. Safer then money i twice os *• The best form of travelers' credit. We will to explain the s end supply these ch AGENTS FOR PURE WHITE AND EVERETT FLOUR Best on the Market STAPLE k FANCY GROCERIES. We carry a Full Line of Feeds Grass Seed a Specialty. GIVE US A TRIAL